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1Here's an index of tropes that deal with good people being what is [[HiddenDepths totally not expected of them]], or at least not the typical behavior you'd expect of your average good guy. Expect a lot of MoralGuardians [[HeroWithBadPublicity to complain]] about their morality.
3Compare HiddenEvil and ReformedButNotTamed, the latter of which overlaps a lot with this. Contrast IndexWithAHeartOfGold, which is like this index, but seen from a different perspective.
6* On Actions And Results
7** CruelToBeKind: Are some acts of cruelty done for the good of the people involved?
8** KnightTemplar: They really believe they're in the right, and they may even look like it. They're also quite wrong.
9** NecessarilyEvil: How could an evil deed result in a greater good?
10** ShootTheDog: Good guys doing morally grey actions because they have to be done.
11** ToughLove: Sometimes, to make your loved ones better people, you gotta treat 'em harshly.
12** WellIntentionedExtremist: Otherwise good guys who resort to extreme methods to achieve their good goals.
13* On Criminals
14** LoveableRogue: Why does everyone see that sneaky felon as a hero?
15** NeighbourhoodFriendlyGangsters: Why are gangsters seen as heroic?
16* On Darkness and Beings Thereof
17** AscendedDemon: How could a demonic being be accepted into the circle of the holy?
18** BenevolentMonsters: Would you believe that these potentially dangerous monsters wouldn't hurt a fly?
19** DarkIsNotEvil: Usually, goodness is aligned with {{light|IsGood}}. Not with this character.
20*** TheSacredDarkness: Is darkness actually a force for good?
21** FriendlyGhost: Depictions of ghosts being friendly and/or jovial instead of frightening.
22** FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire: Vampires usually prey on people's blood, so how can they be anything but evil?
23** SheepInWolfsClothing: Can a good guy stay a good guy even if they turn into a monster?
24** TokenHeroicOrc: Can a supposedly AlwaysChaoticEvil being really be fighting for the side of good?
25* On Heroes
26** AntiHero: How can they be good if they lack the usual qualities of a hero?
27** TheAntiNihilist: It doesn't matter if the world is meaningless or not. ''Give'' it meaning.
28** ByronicHero: Heroes should be humble and content, not selfish and brooding.
29** ClassicalAntiHero: Shouldn’t heroes be [[IdealHero morally perfect]] instead of having gigantic flaws?
30** DesignatedHero: Is this character ''really'' good?
31** HeroAntagonist: Isn't the antagonist expected to be the bad guy?
32** HeroWithAnFInGood: Shouldn't being a good guy be easy?
33** KnightInSourArmor: Heroes aren't supposed to be jaded.
34** MrViceGuy: Aren't good guys supposed to be squeaky-clean and flawless in personality?
35** NominalHero: How are they considered good if they don't have the right motivations?
36** PragmaticHero: Good guys who won't hesitate to resort to doing dirty jobs if it can help their good goal.
37** PunchClockHero: Being good is only a job for them.
38** SociopathicHero: Why is a [[TheSociopath sociopath]] on the side of good?
39** TerrorHero: Isn't preying upon people's fears supposed to be a bad guy trait?
40** UnscrupulousHero: These heroes are morally questionable, and are only "good" compared to the bad guys they fight.
41** VillainKiller: Should a hero have the blood of so many villains on their hands?
42* On Honesty
43** BewareTheHonestOnes: Honest people are harder to predict than dishonest people.
44** BrutalHonesty: Since telling the truth is seen as a good thing, why does it have to be cruel and unpleasant?
45* On Intelligence
46** BrainsEvilBrawnGood: Are good people really supposed to solve problems by hitting things to be heroic?
47** GoodCannotComprehendEvil: Aren't good people supposed to have knowledge of how evil works?
48** GoodIsDumb: Good people are supposed to be wise.
49* On Law
50** ChaoticGood: Aren't good guys supposed to follow the rules?
51** ScrewTheRulesImDoingWhatsRight: (Usually) good guys who go against the rules in order to reach a good goal.
52* On Mannerisms
53** BewareTheNiceOnes: Nice guys don't usually lose their temper.
54** DeathbringerTheAdorable: How could a harmless creature have a threatening name?
55** CrazyCatLady: She's very loving towards her pets. Why couldn't she be the same to people?
56** GoodIsNotNice: Good guys aren't supposed to be {{Jerkass}}es.
57*** PoliteVillainsRudeHeroes: Not only that, the villain manages to be a nicer guy than the hero.
58** JerkWithAHeartOfGold: They're a jerk ''and'' a {{nice guy}}. Really?
59** LoonWithAHeartOfGold: Can a loon be really a good guy?
60** NaughtyIsGood: Aren't good kids supposed to be nice and well-behaved?
61** TheSnarkKnight: Good guys should just try to live to their standards instead of belittling themselves or other people over it.
62** SociallyAwkwardHero: These heroes are more afraid of social situations than of actual dangers to life and limb.
63* On Mercy
64** CruelMercy: Letting someone off the hook so they can suffer an even worse punishment.
65** PayEvilUntoEvil: Doing bad things to bad people makes you good.
66* On Moral Principles
67** BeingGoodSucks: Usually, doing good things is [[GoodFeelsGood beneficial]].
68** GoodFlawsBadFlaws: A good guy should be [[IncorruptiblePurePureness morally spotless]], right?
69** GoodNeedsEvil: Good guys are supposed to hate evil. Why would they need it?
70** GoodIsBoring: Aren't good guys supposed to be cool?
71** GoodSmokingEvilSmoking: Smoking is usually considered immoral.
72** HeroWithBadPublicity: Why aren't these good guys beloved and respected?
73** ProtagonistCenteredMorality: How can this character remain good for doing the same things bad guys do?
74** RightlySelfRighteous: Even if he's morally in the right, does he have to boast about it?
75** SmitingEvilFeelsGood: Being bloodthirsty is only good when you do it to the bad guys. Right?
76* On Physical Appearance
77** CreepyGood: There's something about the good guy that's...[[NightmareFuel unnerving]].
78** FaceOfAThug: The character has an intimidating face, even though he/she is actually anything but.
79** HorrifyingHero: The main hero is creepy looking.
80** UglyHeroGoodLookingVillain: EvilMakesYouUgly doesn't apply to this trope.
81* On Powers
82** BadPowersGoodPeople: Aren't heroes supposed to have good-natured powers?
83** DestructiveSaviour: Saving the day by causing a lot of destruction.
84* On Prejudice
85** NobleBigot: Good guys aren't supposed to act like bigots.
86*** NobleBigotWithABadge: Neither should cops.
87** PoliticallyIncorrectHero: This hero has screwed up beliefs.
88* On Redemption
89** ForgivenButNotForgotten: Okay, you've forgiven this bad guy. Why are you still bitter on him?
90** ReformedButNotTamed: Okay, this bad guy has turned to the good side. Why is he still violent and bloodthirsty?
91** ReformedButRejected: Your attempt to join the good guys gets turned down.
92*** HeelFaceDoorSlam: That guy was about to turn good. Why did they kill him?
93* On Religion
94** AntiAntichrist: This evil apocalypse bringer is our hero?
95** DarkShepherd: Should this person inspire us to be good instead of {{scar|e Em Straight}}ing us?
96** HolyIsNotSafe: Aren't holy things supposed to be helpful instead of dangerous?
97** NunTooHoly: Aren't nuns supposed to be virtuous?
98*** NaughtyNuns: Aren't nuns supposed to be chaste?
99** OmniscientMoralityLicense: How can a [[GodOfGood good divine being]] get the freedom of being a complete [[JerkassGods tool]]?
100** SatanIsGood: {{Satan}} isn't the ultimate evil after all?
101** SecularHero: Aren't good people expected to be religious?
102** ScaryAmoralReligion: How can a religion like that be considered good?
103* On Settings
104** BewareTheSuperman: Being around a superhero should be safe, right?
105** BlackAndGrayMorality: Those bitter, bloodthirsty heroes are fighting for us?
106** GoodVersusGood: Wait a minute, why are heroes fighting each other?
107* On Sexuality
108** EthicalSlut: Aren't good people sexually pure?
109*** ChivalrousPervert and HandsomeLech: These ''deviants'' are our heroes?
110*** GoodBadGirl and HookerWithAHeartOfGold: These ''whores'' are our heroines?
111** GoodAdulteryBadAdultery: When did adultery became a good thing?
112** HeroicSeductress: Why is someone this open about their sexuality a good guy?
113* On Teammates
114** AloofAlly: Good guys should be more open towards their teammates.
115** TheFriendNobodyLikes: There must be a good reason why their "friends" don't like him.
116** FriendlyRivalry: They’re friendly with each other, so why are they rivals?
117** HeadbuttingHeroes: Aren't good guys supposed to get along with each other?
118** HeroHarassesHelpers: Aren't good guys supposed to accept help without condition?
119** PsychoSupporter: Is it okay that a mentally-ill person supports the good guys? Just imagine the things they would do...
120** RagtagBunchOfMisfits: Good guys who individually seem out-there and don't look like they fit each other.
121** SarcasticDevotee: A good teammate shouldn't mock and belittle their teammates.
122** SourSupporter: A good teammate should've believed in the team's ability to survive and succeed.
123** TokenEvilTeammate: Why is a clearly bad guy accepted on the good guy's side?
124*** BoxedCrook: Is it because the heroes blackmailed/bribed him?
125** TokenGoodTeammate: Why is a good guy on the side of villains?
126** VitriolicBestBuds: Why would the good guys play pranks with and insult each other?
127* On Violence
128** ExaltedTorturer: How is torturing others considered good?
129** GoodIsNotSoft: Aren't good guys supposed to solve conflicts with peace and mercy?
130** GuiltFreeExterminationWar: Killing millions of people is presented as good?
131** HitmanWithAHeart: How could someone so kind take a job of killing?
132** TechnicalPacifist: Aren’t pacifists supposed to ''avoid'' hurting people instead of hurting them ''less''?
133** WarCrimeSubvertsHeroism: How is someone who commits a war crime a good guy?
