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1An index of tropes dealing with any part of the mouth.
3Sub Index of FaceOfTheIndex.
5!!Mouth Tropes:
9+ KissingTropes
10+ SmileTropes
11+ TeethTropes
14+ BreathingIndex
15+ FoodTropes
17* AardvarkTrunks: An anteater, aardvark, or other ant-eating mammal has a flexible snout like the trunk of an elephant.
18* AbnormalDentalGrowth: A character's teeth grows faster than naturally possible.
19* AttackTheMouth: Hurting or killing somebody by attacking the target's mouth.
20* BattyLipBurbling: People who are crazy or confused bat their lips with their fingers.
21* BellyMouth: A mouth on someone's belly.
22* BloodFromTheMouth: Bleeding out of or around the mouth.
23* BoundAndGagged: A character is tied up and their mouth is gagged so they can't speak.
24* CaveMouth: When a cave's entrance looks like -- or ''is'' -- a literal mouth.
25* CheekyMouth: You're looking at somebody from the side but his mouth is on his cheek.
26* CheshireCatGrin: A wide, mischievous smile.
27* ClamshellsAsMouths: Anthropomorphic bivalves depicted with their shells as mouths, usually with a tongue inside.
28* CuteCreatureCreepyMouth: An otherwise cute entity has a disturbing mouth.
29* DroolDeluge: Excessive drooling big enough to fill a swimming pool.
30* DroolHello: The first hint you get of a monster's presence is when its drool drips on you from above.
31* EatTheCamera: The lens zooms into someone's open mouth.
32* ExpressiveUvula: A character's uvula has a face on it.
33* FilmingForEasyDub: It's easy to add dialogue when you don't see the speaker's lips.
34* FlowerMouth: A monster mouth that resembles a blooming flower.
35* GagLips: A character with oversized lips.
36* GhostlyGape: Supernatural creatures with staring wide eyes, mouths wide open and eyes and mouths dark.
37* GlasgowGrin: Somebody's forced into being a PerpetualSmiler even when not happy.
38* HandGagging: Somebody puts their hand over someone else's mouth to silence him.
39* HandyMouth: Using your mouth in place of your hands.
40* JaggedMouth: A monster whose mouth is a zigzag line.
41* {{Jawbreaker}}: Getting your jaws ripped off.
42* JawDrop: A surprised character's bottom jaw drops.
43* LampreyMouth: Circular, jawless mouths ringed with pointy teeth.
44* LipLosses: A character suffers damage to their lips - sometimes to the point of losing them altogether.
45* LookingAMiffedAnimalInTheMouth: When a character is involved-with or irritates a predatory or big-mouthed animal, they may not be aware of the real danger until they see inside the mouth of the animal.
46* MonstrousMandibles: The use of mandibles in a jaw system.
47* MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: Monsters with a lot of teeth.
48* MotorMouth: Someone speaks an awful lot and/or very fast.
49* MouthCam: A shot that looks like it was taken from inside a mouth.
50* MouthFlaps: The way an animated character's mouth moves in correspondence to what they say.
51* MouthFullOfSmokes: Why smoke just one cigarette at a time when you can put a whole bunch in your mouth at once?
52* {{Mouthscreen}}: The mouth is the only thing onscreen.
53* MouthStitchedShut: Brute-force means are used to seal a person's lips.
54* MouthTapedShut: Shutting someone up by taping their mouth shut.
55* MouthyBird: A bird's beak is designed to look more like a mouth.
56* NestedMouths: Someone has a creature in their mouth.
57* NoMouth: Somebody with no visible mouth.
58* PalatePropping: Jamming someone or something's mouth open with an object.
59* PelicanPackagePouch: Pelicans who carry animals and things in their beaks.
60* {{Phlegmings}}: Drool between someone's teeth is scary.
61* ProtectionInMouth: Holding someone smaller in your mouth for their sake.
62* TombstoneTeeth: A character has unnervingly large, rectangular teeth.
63* TooManyMouths: A creature with extra mouths.
64* ThroatLight: Glowing mouths!
65* UvulaEscapeRoute: When a character grabs onto a uvula or uses it as a punching bag to avoid being swallowed.
66* VacuumMouth: Somebody can inhale large objects with their mouth.
67* VaginaDentata: A mouth where no mouth should ''ever'' be located.
68* VolumetricMouth: Someone shouts so loud their mouth takes up most of their face.
69* WipeThatSmileOffYourFace: Somebody's mouth is removed.
71!!Tongue Tropes
72* LecherousLicking
73* LickingTheBlade
74* ManiacTongue: Mean or weird people with their tongues hanging out.
75* MultipurposeTongue: Some people can use their tongues for more things than just moving food around inside the mouth.
76* OverlyLongTongue: Somebody's tongue is really long.
77* TongueOnTheFlagpole: Licking a frozen pole and causing your tongue to get stuck.
78* TongueOutInsult: Sticking out your tongue to insult someone.
79* TongueSuicide: Someone deliberately hurts their own tongue to commit suicide.
80* TongueTrauma: Someone's tongue hurts.
