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7-> ''"We've GOT to have... MONEYYY."''
8-->-- '''Lickboot''', ''WesternAnimation/TomAndJerryTheMovie''
10Tropes about wealth, currency, commerce, and economics in general.
12!!Tropes about money:
17+ AdvertisingTropes: Tropes about advertising and marketing; raising awareness of a product or service for sale.
18+ BargainTropes: Tropes about making business deals and transactions.
19+ CapitalismIsBad: Tropes pertaining to the corrupt and negative aspects of capitalistic economics.
20+ ACharitableIndex: Tropes about charities and donations.
21+ ClassRelationsIndex: Tropes about the social relationship between different groups with varying income levels (the poor, the wealthy, and those in the middle).
22+ TheCon: Tropes about various forms of fraud and scams used by criminals to illegally acquire money.
23+ CurrencyTropes: Tropes about coins, paper money, and other items used to facilitate trade.
24+ GamblingTropes: Tropes about risking money for the chance of getting more money.
25+ TheGildedIndex: Tropes about gold.
26+ HollywoodEconomics: Tropes related to [[ArtisticLicenseEconomics unrealistic depictions of economic systems in fiction]].
27+ IndebtedIndex: Tropes about debt, monetary or not.
28+ LuxuryTropes: Tropes about nice, expensive goods you can get with just enough wealth.
29+ OccupationTropes: Tropes about jobs and professions, which are necessary for anyone to earn money.
30+ PovertyTropes: Tropes about people and places struggling with a severe lack of wealth.
31+ RichPeople: Tropes about people who possess a far greater amount of wealth than the average person.
32+ TreasureTropes: Tropes about hoarding caches of wealth.
33+ TropesForSale: Tropes about shops, merchants, and the products they sell.
36[[folder:Money in general]]
37* ThirtyDayFreeTrial: You get to try it out (or try out the premium version) for a fixed amount of time free, but after that, you have to pay.
38* FourOneNineScam
39* ActionInsuranceGag
40* AdaptationalWealth
41* AffluentAscetic
42* AllJewsAreCheapskates: The stereotype that Jewish people are both greedy and stingy to the point that they don't like spending too much money.
43* AllThatGlitters
44* TheAlmightyDollar
45* AndNinetyNineCents: For various reasons, prices that end on a single penny before the next full unit are abundant, and thus .99 of your currency of choice is often appended to the end of unusual prices for comedic effect.
46* ArbitrarilyLargeBankAccount: A character who has unlimited money.
47* ArtisticLicenseEconomics: [[HollywoodEconomics Unrealistic depictions of economic systems in fiction]].
48* {{Auction}}
49* BankruptcyBarrel: When the character is wearing a barrel to show that they are poor.
50* BankToaster
51* BarefootPoverty: A character is barefoot to show that they are poor.
52* BegoneBribe: Someone offers to pay off an annoying person with money to leave them alone.
53* BigFancyHouse
54* BottleEpisode: An episode saves budget money by limiting the number of characters, backgrounds, etc. that can be used.
55* BrandNamesAreBetter
56* BribeBackfire: Someone gets into even more trouble after offering bribes in an attempt to get out of trouble in the first place.
57* BribingTheHomeless: Someone pays a homeless person, usually with cash, to do something for them.
58* BriefcaseFullOfMoney
59* BrokeEpisode: An episode of the show where the characters run out of money and have to find a way to make ends meet.
60* BudgetBustingElement: Spending a lot of money on a relatively small aspect of a show.
61* BulkBuyOnly
62* BuyOrGetLost: If you don't plan to ''use'' money you have, don't bother.
63* CashLure
64* CharityWorkplaceCalendar
65* CheapGoldCoins: While in reality, gold coins were extremely special (and still are as collectibles), being used almost exclusively for larger transactions (silver and copper coins forming the bulk of the cash in circulation), this isn't the case in fiction, where it seems just about anyone can get their hands on a hefty money sack full of the stuff!
66* CityOfGold: According to legends, this town is fabulously wealthy.
67* ClamshellCurrency
68* CoinOnAStringTrick: Someone ties a coin on a string so they can use the string to pull the coin out of a vending machine or arcade machine at the last minute in order to activate the machine without having to let go of their coin.
69* CoinsForTheDead
70* ColdCash
71* ComicallySmallBribe: Someone attempts to bribe another person with an absurdly small amount of money.
72* ComicallySmallDemand
73* CompanyCreditCardAbuse: Using a company credit card or expense account on purchases not for business.
74* CompoundInterestTimeTravelGambit
75* ConspicuousConsumption: A character shows off their wealth by constantly spending their money on expensive stuff.
76* CorporateDragon
77* CorporateWarfare: When regular nonviolent competition between rival big businesses isn't enough, they decide to take up arms and go to literal war with each other.
78* CounterfeitCash
79* CrackIsCheaper: It can be expensive as hell to buy everything having to do with your interest that you desire.
80* CreditCardPlot: A character is introduced to the world of credit through the foolhardy action of giving them a credit card to do with as they please, and HilarityEnsues.
81* CreditChip
82* CurrencyConspiracy: Where common bills and coins hold proof of TheConspiracy... allegedly.
83* CurrencyCuisine: Literally eating or drinking money in some fashion.
84* CutLexLuthorACheck: The villain commits crimes even though their powers and/or equipment could easily be used to get money the legal way.
85* CuttingCorners
86* DeathByMaterialism: When someone's greed and lust for wealth leads to their fatal downfall.
87* DisneyOwnsThisTrope
88* DivorceAssetsConflict
89* DoYouWantToHaggle
90* DowryDilemma
91* DungeonBasedEconomy
92* EasyComeEasyGo
93* EatTheRich
94* EleventyZillion: Made-up numbers are often used to describe net worths and other money-related amounts.
95* EnergyEconomy
96* EnjoKosai (Paid Dating)
97* EveryManHasHisPrice
98* EvilDebtCollector
99* FakeCharity
100* Fiction500: A character manages to be wealthier than is possible in real life.
101* FictionalCurrency
102* FinancialAbuse
103* AFoolAndHisNewMoneyAreSoonParted: A character becomes rich but ends up losing their newfound fortune.
104* ForeignMoneyIsProofOfGuilt
105* ForensicAccounting
106* ForgotToPayTheBill
107* FriendshipBribe: A character pays or bribes others to be their friends.
108* FriendsRentControl: A character lives in a residence whose monthly expenses should be way out of their income level.
109* GetRichQuickScheme
110* GiantNoveltyCheck
111* GoldDigger: Marrying a rich person just so you can have access to their wealth.
112* GoldFever
113* GoldSilverCopperStandard: A (usually) decimalized fictional currency with denominations directly connected to the metal they're made from.
114* GoodCapitalismEvilCapitalism
115* GoodFortuneFromGod
116* {{Greed}}: An obsessive desire to gain more money.
117* GreedMakesYouDumb: When greed makes people do stupid things.
118* GreedyJew: The antisemitic stereotype that Jews love money to ruthless extremes.
119* GrowsOnTrees
120* HatesRichPeople: Hating on wealthy folks for hoarding lots of money.
121* HearMeTheMoney: It's possible to discern how much money you've got in your hand, or what it's made from, simply by listening to the noise it makes.
122* HeroInsurance
123* HeroismIncentive
124* HeroismWontPayTheBills
125* HitThemInThePocketbook: Defeating a wealthy BigBad by making them poor.
126* HoardingTheProfits
127* HookerWithAHeartOfGold
128* HospitalityForHeroes: Heroes are allowed to get stuff for free.
129* HospitalParadiso
130* IDontPayYouToThink
131* IfIWereARichMan
132* ImpoverishedPatrician: A ruler or aristocrat is poor.
133* ImprobableFoodBudget
134* InfiniteSupplies
135* InflationNegation
136* InsistsOnPaying
137* InterclassFriendship
138* IntimidatingRevenueService: The IRS will take away all your possessions if you don't pay your taxes.
139* InvoluntaryCharityDonation
140* IWasYoungAndNeededTheMoney: It’s revealed that an artist once took an embarrassing OldShame gig for the cash.
141* JingleTheCoins: The presence of money is confirmed by the rattling of coins.
142* KillTheCreditor
143* KillThePoor: The poor are killed in an attempt to eliminate poverty.
144* LandPoor
145* LintValue
146* LiteralMoneyMetaphor
147* LivingCurrency
148* LoanShark
149* LonelyRichKid: A rich kid with no friends.
150* LovesOnlyGold
151* LowerClassLout
152* AMacGuffinFullOfMoney
153* MagicalCounterfeiting: Making fake money with magic.
154* MajorityShareDictator
155* {{Mammon}}: A demon associated with greed and wealth.
156* MealTicket
157* MilkingTheMonster: The monster's presence is tolerated because it generates a profit for the locals.
158* MillionairePlayboy
159* MiserAdvisor
160* MissingStepsPlan
161* MockMillionaire: Someone pretends to be wealthy.
162* MoneyDearBoy: Getting a good paycheck makes up for having to take a crummy job.
163* MoneyDumb: Someone is incapable of managing their own money.
164* MoneyFetish: Someone has a ridiculous obsession with money, to the point of desiring money more for its own sake rather than what can be bought with it.
165* MoneyIsNotPower: There are some circumstances where it's impossible to bribe your way out of facing the consequences of your actions.
166* MoneyForNothing: It's easy to ''get'' money, but spending it is another story.
167* MoneyMauling: Money as an ImprovisedWeapon.
168* MoneySlap
169* MoneySong: A song about money.
170* MoneyToBurn
171* MoneyToThrowAway
172* MonsterOrganTrafficking: A fictional creature produces something of high value that a character seeks to harvest and profit off of.
173* MorallyBankruptBanker
174* MsRedInk
175* NaziGold
176* NeverLendToAFriend
177* NeverWinTheLottery
178* NewTechIsNotCheap
179* NobilityMarriesMoney
180* NoBudget
181* NonIdleRich
182* NoPaperFuture
183* NotWithThemForTheMoney: A person falls in love with a rich person, but genuinely likes the person and isn't just interested in them for their cash.
184* NouveauRiche
185* OfferVoidInNebraska
186* OffscreenVillainDarkMatter: The bad guys are somehow able to afford expensive equipment and gadgets in spite of never being seen committing successful robberies.
187* OldMoney
188* OneHourWorkWeek
189* OnlyCaresAboutInheritance: A character cares more about inheritance money than someone's death.
190* OnlyElectricSheepAreCheap: The artificial product costs less money than the real thing.
191* OnlyInItForTheMoney: A person is only interested in doing something because they'll get paid for it.
192* OnlyShopInTown
193* OnOneCondition
194* OnTheMoney
195* OpportunisticVendors: When something dramatic happens in public, vendors selling merchandise appear out of nowhere to take advantage of the sudden crowd.
196* OrganizationWithUnlimitedFunding
197* OverlyGenerousFool: A character is too generous with their money.
198* ParentalSavingsSplurge
199* PauperPatches
200* PayingInCoins
201* PayingForTheActionScene
202* PaymentPlanPitch
203* PeaceAndLoveIncorporated
204* PennyAmongDiamonds: A commoner or less well-off character enters the world of the rich, but without acquiring vast sums of money themselves.
205* PennyPinchingCrab
206* PerpetualPoverty
207* PiggyBank
208* {{Plunder}}
209* PooledFunds
210* PostScarcityEconomy
211* PotteryBarnPoor
212* ProBonoBarter
213* ProgressiveJackpot
214* RagsToRiches: A poor person becomes wealthy.
215* RareMoney: A coin or banknote which isn't counterfeit, but so seldom seen it instantly catches the attention of others.
216* RefiningResources
217* RetailTherapy
218* RichBitch: A wealthy person who isn't very nice.
219* RichGenius
220* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: A rich person lacks common sense because of their sheltered and pampered lifestyle.
221* RichKidTurnedSocialActivist: An idealistic person from a wealthy family who is down with the downtrodden and assist the poor personally. They might want to change the unjust system that makes people poor in the first place.
222* RichSuitorPoorSuitor: A woman is courted by two men and has to choose between them; one is poor and one who is rich.
223* RichesToRags: A wealthy person becomes poor.
224* RidiculousExchangeRates
225* RidiculousFutureInflation: Items will become way more expensive than they are now in the future.
226* RidiculousRepossession: When banks repossess a character's belongings, they go way beyond legal or moral limits for the sake of RuleOfDrama or RuleOfFunny.
227* RoyaltiesHeir
228* ScoldedForNotBuying
229* ScrewTheMoneyIHaveRules: Someone demonstrates their moral/professional integrity by refusing to accept any bribe from unscrupulous folks.
230* ScrewTheMoneyThisIsPersonal: Someone refuses to be bought off because they'd rather get their revenge.
231* ScrewTheRulesIHaveMoney: A (rich) person resorts to bribery in order to [[KarmaHoudini avoid facing repercussions for their misdeeds]].
232* SecretlyWealthy: A person is actually rich but keeps their opulence a secret.
233* SelfMadeMan: A person who started out poor became rich through a lifetime of hard work.
234* SellWhatYouLove: A character sells a beloved item for money.
235* ShockinglyExpensiveBill: Someone has to pay a bill that is ridiculously steep.
236* SilentOffer
237* SillyWill
238* SilverSpoonTroublemaker: The mischievous and rebellious offspring of a wealthy public figure who usually thinks they can get away with anything.
239* SimpleYetOpulent
240* SlobsVersusSnobs
241* SlummingIt: A rich person pretends to be poor because they want to know how things are for the less fortunate.
242* {{Socialite}}: An unemployed person with a wealthy spouse.
243* SolidGoldPoop
244* SpoiledSweet: A wealthy and spoiled person who is very nice.
245* StageMoney
246* StockMoneyBag: Money is frequently stored in bags with dollar signs on them.
247* StudentDebtPlot: A person is struggling to pay for college, whether at the time or after the fact.
248* SuspiciousSpending
249* TheSwearJar: Putting money in a jar every time you swear to try and break the habit of using profanity.
250* SwissBankAccount: An unsavory character hides money in an offshore bank account.
251* TastyGold: Gold's properties, in particular it being a soft metal, means a character might test its authenticity by biting it.
252* TaxmanTakesTheWinnings
253* ThiefBag
254* TimeTravelForFunAndProfit
255* {{Tontine}}: A group make the deal that a collection of valuables they've discovered will go to the last surviving member.
256* TrappedByGamblingDebts
257* TrashyTouristTrap: Roadside attractions meant to provide cheap, yet overpriced attractions and even cheaper, overpriced garbage in their gift shop.
258* TreasureRoom
259* TwoHeadedCoin
260* UnableToSupportAWife
261* UnclePennybags: A wealthy person who uses their wealth to help out the poor and/or give those less wealthy than them a good time.
262* UndisclosedFunds: It isn't specified exactly how much money a person pays or has to pay.
263* UnexpectedInheritance
264* UpperClassTwit
265* WalletMoths: Moths fly out of wallets or pockets to indicate lack of money.
266* WarForFunAndProfit
267* WealthsInAName: A rich person has a name appropriate to their status, often being a play on a word having to do with money or wealth.
268* WealthyEverAfter: The ending has the protagonist become rich.
269* WealthyPhilanthropist
270* WeWillSpendCreditsInTheFuture
271* WeirdCurrency: Instead of dollar bills and coins, services and products are paid for using unorthodox items.
272* WhammyBid: A suddenly high bid for an item.
273* WillTalkForAPrice
274* WorkOffTheDebt: A character who can't pay ends up working for the company until they've earned the money they need to pay.
275* WorthlessCurrency
276* WorthlessTreasureTwist
277* WorthlessYellowRocks: A culture sees money, jewels and the like as not being valuable.
278* YouGetWhatYouPayFor
279* YoungEntrepreneur
280* ZillionDollarBill
283[[folder:Money in video games]]
284!!!'''Fictional money in video games'''
285* AdamSmithHatesYourGuts: Everything the player needs to buy is expensive.
286* BettingMiniGame
287* CastFromMoney
288* CommandAndConquerEconomy: In RealTimeStrategy games, no activity occurs without the player's explicit say.
289* DiscountCard
290* AnEconomyIsYou
291* AnEntrepreneurIsYou
292* GlobalCurrency
293* GlobalCurrencyException
294* AHomeownerIsYou
295* InGameBankingServices
296* KarlMarxHatesYourGuts
297* MoneyForNothing
298* MoneyIsExperiencePoints
299* MoneyMultiplier
300* MoneySink
301* MoneySpider: Enemies that drop currency after being defeated.
302* NoBulkDiscounts
303* NoHeroDiscount
304* PlayerGeneratedEconomy
305* RewardingVandalism
306* TeaserEquipment
307* TreasureHunter
308* WalletOfHolding
309* WeBuyAnything
310* WeSellEverything
311* YouBreakItYouProfit
312* YouRequireMoreVespeneGas
314!!!'''Real money in video games'''
315* AllegedlyFreeGame: A game is free to download, but makes it so that you have to spend money in order to unlock stuff faster and easier.
316* DownloadableContent
317* {{Freemium}}: There's a free version with some features, and a premium version with all the bells and whistles (but it costs money).
318* FreemiumTimer
319* {{Microtransactions}}
320* PremiumCurrency: Many games often make these most easily acquired by purchasing with real money.
321* RealMoneyTrade: Real money is used to purchase in-game currency or items. Some games allow this, but most of them are done illegitimately via a third party.
