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1->''"The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself."''
2-->-- '''Creator/GeorgeRRMartin''', paraphrasing '''Creator/WilliamFaulkner'''
4This is an index for tropes about internal conflict. Related to PsychologyTropes.
8+ SplitPersonalityTropes
11* AmnesiacDissonance: An amnesiac character comes to realize they were on the opposite side of their current allies / alignment.
12* AmnesiacVillainJoinsTheHeroes: A villain gets amnesia and joins their former foes; this may result in internal conflict if they are told or start to remember who they once were.
13* {{Angst}}: Anxiety and inner worries.
14* BattleInTheCenterOfTheMind
15* BeneathTheMask: How a person presents themselves publicly differs from their true self.
16* BrokenAce: A character is high skilled and well-loved, but still has a lot of personal issues.
17* ConflictingLoyalty: A character is torn between their allegiance to two opposing factions / people.
18* TheCorruption
19* TheDitherer: A person's problem is their inability to make decisions.
20* DoubleConsciousness: A person's identity conflicts with itself (often a result of their upbringing clashing with their current persona).
21* DoubleThink: A person holds contradicting beliefs at the same time.
22* DramaticDrop
23* DramaticSitDown
24* EmotionsVsStoicism
25* EnemyWithin
26* EnemyWithout
27* FaceYourFears
28* FightingBackIsWrong
29* FightingFromTheInside
30* FrequentlyBrokenUnbreakableVow
31* FriendOrIdolDecision
32* GollumMadeMeDoIt
33* GoodAngelBadAngel: Someone imagines an angel and a devil appearing on their shoulders to tell them what the right thing to do is.
34* HeelRealization: A character is distraught at the realization that what they've been doing is wrong.
35* HeroicBSOD: A character suffers a mental / emotional breakdown and stops functioning for a time.
36* HeroicWillpower: The hero does their best not to give in to the madness that's trying to take over them.
37* HisOwnWorstEnemy: A character's biggest obstacle is their personal flaw(s).
38* HopeIsScary: A character is afraid to have hope.
39* IdentityBreakdown: Having uncertainty or conflicting notions of who or what one is leads to a mental break.
40* IfYouKillHimYouWillBeJustLikeHim: A character wants to kill someone who has wronged them. Their friends try to talk them out of it on the grounds that killing their enemy would make them just as bad as their enemy.
41* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight: Battling a transformed or corrupted friend while trying to reach the goodness inside them so that they'll overcome their transformation or corruption.
42* JekyllAndHyde: The person's conflict is changing into a villainous alter ego, whose actions they may have little control over.
43* JudgementOfParis: A depiction of Paris deciding which goddess (Athena, Hera, or Aphrodite) should receive the AppleOfDiscord.
44* JustOneExtraTicket: Someone plans to go to a show with their friends, but does not have enough tickets for everyone to come.
45* MakingTheChoiceForYou
46* MentalMonster
47* TheManInTheMirrorTalksBack: Someone talks to their reflection and the reflection responds to their statements as if they were an actual person.
48* ManySpiritsInsideOfOne
49* MoralDilemma: A character has to choose between two or more options where either outcome could be considered moral or immoral.
50* OrderedToCheat
51* OrderedToDie
52* PainfulPersona: Someone is forced to adopt a personality that is at odds with their true self.
53* PersonalHorror
54* SadisticChoice: Having to make a quick decision where resolving either conflict will only leave one stuck with the consequences of not solving the other problem.
55** SuicidalSadisticChoice: Forcing someone to choose between killing themselves or suffering a threat.
56* SecretIdentityIdentity: A person with a secret identity is conflicted over which persona is their real self.
57* SexualExtortion
58* ShapeshifterIdentityCrisis
59* ShellShockedVeteran: A war veteran is traumatized by the horrific things they witnessed in the war they fought in.
60* SourOutsideSadInside: A character is a jerk to others to cover up the sadness they feel inside.
61* SplitPersonality
62* SplitPersonalityTakeover
63* StagesOfMonsterGrief
64* StepfordSmiler: A troubled person pretends to be happy to mask their grief.
65* SuperpoweredEvilSide
66* ToBeLawfulOrGood: Conflict over whether one should do what they know is right or what their superiors say is right.
67* {{Tsundere}}: Sour exterior, sweet interior, or generally sweet but with an easily annoyed side.
68* TwoRoadsBeforeYou: TheHero is confronted with a choice between two mutually exclusive paths.
69* WarmBloodBagsAreEverywhere: A vampire lives among humans and is trying to resist the urge to feed on human blood.
70* WhatYouAreInTheDark: The moment where it's shown whether a character is truly as nice in private as they act when in public. Or alternatively, whether they're really as bad as they seem.
