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1->''"The family that LAYS together STAYS together!"''
2-->-- caption of an unbelievably NSFW comic by Creator/RobertCrumb
4Tropes relating to incest and its various permutations.
8* AlternateSelfShipping: Shipping a character with an alternate duplicate of themself.
9* BigBrotherAttraction: A younger sister is strongly attracted to her older brother.
10* CastIncest: Actors who are lovers in real life playing relatives.
11* FatherIWantToMarryMyBrother: Little kids telling adults they want to marry a sibling.
12* InbredAndEvil: A villain who was conceived from an incestuous relationship.
13* IncestantAdmirer: When one relative is attracted to the other, but the other is uninterested.
14* IncestStandardsAreRelative: What counts as incest differs between cultures and across time periods.
15* IncestSubtext: Related characters have interactions that make them look like a couple.
16* IncestuousCasting: Actors who are relatives in real life playing lovers.
17* IncestYayShipping: Fans ship characters who are related, especially twins.
18* LittleSisterHeroine: A little sister who is a love interest.
19* MistakenForIncest: A duo is mistaken for an incestuous couple, but are not.
20* MyOwnGrampa: Someone uses time travel and incest to become their own ancestor.
21* MySisterIsOffLimits: A brother who bars anyone from dating his sister. May or may not be the result of him having a crush on her himself.
22* NotBloodSiblings: It's considered okay for them to have sex if they're not biologically related (although in some cases it's still considered wrong or icky, especially if they were raised as siblings).
23* PsychosexualHorror: A subgenre that explores psychosexual development as a subject matter, including themes of sexual development and sexual activities.
24* RelativeError: Someone mistakes a relative for the person's significant other.
25* SurpriseIncest: A character enters a relationship with someone, only to later find out they're long-lost relatives.
26* WifeHusbandry: Raising someone so you can marry them once they're old enough.
28!!! Demographics incest is associated with
29* DivineIncest: Incest amongst the gods in mythology.
30* HillbillyIncest: Incest amongst poor, rural people.
31* RoyalInbreeding: Incest amongst royals to keep the bloodline pure (and all the bling and lands within the family).
32* VillainousIncest: Incest amongst villains to show how vile and messed up they are.
34!!! Types of kin
35* BrotherSisterIncest: Incest between siblings. (Despite the name, allows both hetero and same-sex incest.)
36* CreepyUncle: An uncle with an incestuous interest in his niece or nephew.
37* FlirtyStepsiblings: A relationship between stepsiblings who became stepsiblings after puberty.
38* KissingCousins: Incest between cousins.
39* LecherousStepparent: A stepparent who is attracted to their stepchild.
40* ParentalIncest: Incest between a parent and offspring.
41* PervertDad: A father who flirts with and/or acts pervy toward his kid, usually a teenage daughter.
42* RetroactiveStepsiblingRelationship: Two people get in a relationship first, and ''then'' their parents get together.
43* ScrewYourself: Someone has sex with their own [[OurClonesAreIdentical clone]] or other perfectly identical {{doppelganger}}.
44* {{Twincest}}: Incest between twins.
