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1An index for tropes pertaining to just about any form of immaturity.
3Contrast MaturityTropes. See also TheJerkIndex.
8* AbusiveParents: Immature parents believe that they have the right to use fear, manipulation, etc. to control their children.
9* AffectionHatingKid: A child character always complains and reacts in disgust when they see older people expressing their love for each other.
10* AgeStereotypicalFood: Immaturity indicated by eating "childish" foods.
11* AllTakeAndNoGive: Immaturity demonstrated by always demanding stuff and never giving anyone anything in return.
12* AlphaBitch: A popular girl who bullies social outcasts. It's immature to pick on someone for their inferiorities.
13* AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents: Your parents are so immature they're embarrassing.
14* AndCallHimGeorge: You're not mature enough to express your affection to others, so you would rather smother people to death.
15* AngryCheekPuff: Puffing one's cheek while pouting or angry as a sign of immaturity.
16* AnnoyingYoungerSibling: Your younger sibling is immature.
17* AreWeThereYet: Persistently questioning if the driver has reached their destination, often in an antagonizing matter.
18* AttentionDeficitOohShiny: You're easily distracted by something.
19* AttentionWhore: You desperately seek attention.
20* BabyTalk: Speaking like a baby.
21* BelatedChildDiscipline: A SpoiledBrat finally gets the overdue discipline/punishment/consequences for their bad behaviour.
22* BigBrotherBully: Your older sibling bullies you.
23* BigStupidDoodooHead: Character makes childish insults.
24* BlamingTheTools: A character blames their own incompetence on their tools rather than accept responsibility.
25* BlindedByRage: You make bad decisions based on your unstable emotions.
26* BlowingARaspberry: Phhhbbtt!
27* BoyishShorts: Little boys wear short pants because they're too childish/young to wear long ones.
28* BratsWithSlingshots: Bratty children in fiction are given slingshots as weapons.
29* BrattyFoodDemand: Ordering food from another person, usually a parent or a food service worker, in an obnoxious and/or threatening fashion.
30* BrattyHalfPint: A child who acts whiny, self-centered, and demanding.
31* BrattyTeenageDaughter: Your teenage daughter is immature and self-centered.
32* BreathHoldingBrat: Someone holds their breath until their demands are met.
33* TheBully: Picking on others inferior to you.
34* CantTakeCriticism: You're not mature enough to handle criticism well.
35* CarloadOfCoolKids: Students inside make harassing remarks while passing by.
36* CheekCopy: If you're willing to abuse a photocopier by using it to print pictures of your rear end, then you're probably not mature.
37* ChildishOlderSibling: Your older sibling is immature.
38* ChildishPillowFight: A sleepover tradition in which a group of two or more people playfully hit each other with pillows.
39* ChildishVillainMatureHero: A villain who is defined by their immaturity in comparison to the hero.
40* ChildrenAreInnocent: Children are unaffected by the world's cruelty, often to a naïve fault.
41* {{Chuunibyou}}: A character tries too hard to convince others they're "cool" through their own delusions.
42* CircusBrat: A temperamental circus kid.
43* ClassClown: The eccentric kid in class who seeks attention, typically not taking school seriously.
44* CompanionCube: Treating inanimate objects like real people.
45* CrocodileTears: Fake-crying to toy with others' emotions.
46* {{Delinquent}}: An underage character engages in unlawful behavior for the fun of it.
47* DingDongDitchDistraction: Knocking on someone's door and running away before it can be answered.
48* DisruptingTheTheater: Misbehaving in a theater to the chagrin of the other moviegoers.
49* TheDitz: A stupid character often lacks maturity.
50* DomesticAbuse: Immature people believe that they have the right to use fear, manipulation, etc. to control their partner.
51* DontYouDarePityMe: Immediately brushing off any sympathy you may receive in response to experiencing a tragedy.
52* DramaQueen: Making a big deal out of minor mishaps.
53* DudeNotFunny: Someone thinks it's okay to joke around in serious situations.
54* DumbassTeenageSon: The teenage son of the family is immature.
55* EmbarrassingRelativeTeacher: Relatives who don’t act age-appropriate around the pupils they teach, thus embarrassing their kids.
56* {{Egging}}: Throwing eggs at property as a prank.
57* EmotionalRegression: Reverting to an immature emotional state.
58* EnfantTerrible: An evil child.
59* EntertainmentBelowTheirAge: An older character enjoys a work intended for a younger age demographic.
60* EntitledBastard: Expecting the same person you insulted and bullied to save you when you're in trouble.
61* EvilIsPetty: The villain thrives on being both dangerous/depraved and your snotty everyday troublemaker.
62* ExperienceEntitlement: Ironically enough. People will often try to justify their immature behavior based on horrible experiences.
63* ExtremeDoormat: You're too immature to stop letting people walk over you.
64* FaceDoodling: Drawing on a person's face is considered immature.
65* FlippingTheTable: Throwing your desk across the room in a fit of rage.
66* FoodFight: A fight performed by pelting food at each other.
67* ForTheEvulz: A villain commits a deplorable act just because they thought it was funny.
68* FreudianExcuse: Especially when the person using it attempts to justify their unprovoked actions with one.
69* TheFundamentalist: You're too immature to accept beliefs that don't align with your own. At worst, you believe that anybody who disagrees with you is evil and deserves to be murdered.
70* TheGadfly: Provoking others for fun.
71* GenkiGirl: A female character who is extremely cheerful and energetic.
72* GirlsHaveCooties: Boys have a childish disgust for girls.
73* GlassesCuriosity: Expressing immature eagerness to wear the glasses of others.
74* GooGooGodlike: An all-powerful child who doesn't know any better.
75* GrowingUpSucks: People who believe that growing older is no fun because of the things they could do when they were younger that they won't be allowed to do anymore.
76* HairTriggerTemper: You're not mature enough to control your temper.
77* HalloweenTrickery: On Halloween, people do mischievous things like pulling pranks on others.
78* HandPuppetMockery: Combines playing with a hand puppet with teasing another person.
79* HehHehYouSaidX: Laughing at an accidental innuendo or inappropriate word in one's speech.
80* HeightInsult: Making fun of someone for being too tall or too short.
81* HormoneAddledTeenager: A teenager who is impulsed by their perverted thoughts.
82* {{Hypocrite}}: Pretending to be more moral than you actually are.
83* ImaginaryFriend: Treating a figment of your imagination as your friend.
84* ImmaturityInsult: Insulting someone by calling them a child or treating them as such.
85* ImmortalImmaturity: Being immortal doesn't stop you from behaving immaturely.
86* InfantilizationRetaliation: Treating someone or something like a baby results in the person that's babying them getting hurt in response.
87* TheIngenue: A woman who is sweet and naive accidentally causes trouble and inconvenience for others.
88* ItsAllAboutMe: A character who is selfish, has no regard for others, and only cares about themselves.
89* IWantMyMommy: Desperately longing for your mother when you're in an undesirable situation.
90* JabbaTableManners: Eating like a pig.
91* {{Jerkass}}: You’re too immature to be considerate of people’s feelings.
92* JerkJock: A jock immaturely expresses his insecurities by bullying people.
93* {{Keet}}: An overly energetic and cheerful male character.
94* KiddieKid: A child character acts younger than their stated age.
95* KidsAreCruel: Kids are not only immature, but also cruel, insensitive, and sociopathic.
96* KidsHateVegetables: Kids have a childish disgust for vegetables.
97* LackOfEmpathy: You are not mature enough to care about other people's suffering and misfortunes.
98* LittleMissSnarker: A little girl makes condescending remarks.
99* {{Manchild}}: An adult character who behaves like a child.
100* ManipulativeBastard: Using manipulation to get your way.
101* MenAreChildish: Men are called out on their childish behavior by women, their wives in particular.
102* MilitaryBrat: For the purposes of this list, a character whose experience with the military contributes to their immaturity.[[labelnote:Caveat]]However, the term "military brat" is used to refer to ''anyone'' who grew up with a parent in the military, regardless of the individual's age or maturity level.[[/labelnote]]
103* MockingSingSong: Teasing someone in a sing-song voice, typically about their crushes.
104* MoralMyopia: Believing that your own immorality is justified, but another's is inexcusable.
105* MrImagination: A character who is lost in their imaginative roleplay.
106* MustacheVandalism: Defacing portraits by drawing childish facial hair on them.
107* MyBelovedSmother: A mother who refuses to give her children the space they need to grow as a person.
108* NaiveNewcomer: Newcomers are typically inexperienced and immature.
109* {{Narcissist}}: You think so highly of yourself that you disregard others.
110* NeverGrewUp: A character who is unable to grow up.
111* NeverMyFault: You blame others for your actions instead of taking responsibility for them.
112* NoYou: Responding to an insult by repeating it towards the one who gave it is usually seen as very immature.
113* NotGoodWithRejection: You're not mature enough to handle rejection.
114* NotSoAboveItAll: A mature character partakes in immature behavior.
115* OffendedByAnEnemysIndifference: A person can't accept that someone they hate doesn't care about them.
116* OffingTheAnnoyance: Murdering someone [[DisproportionateRetribution just because they irritate you]] is an extreme form of immaturity.
117* OneOfTheKids: An adult hangs out with children to signify their immaturity.
118* OuthumblingEachOther: Romantic bickering.
119* ParentingTheHusband: A wife takes care of her immature husband.
120* PettyChildhoodGrudge: Someone who holds a grudge against another person from long ago over something really minor.
121* PingPongNaivete: Someone who should know better from past experiences, but doesn't.
122* PlasterCastDoodling: Doodling childish things on a plaster cast like drawing a dick or writing insults.
123* PlayingTheVictimCard: Victimizing yourself to get out of responsibility.
124* PrankCall: Messing with a company or person via a phone call.
125* ThePrankster: Someone who lives to pull pranks on others.
126* PropellerHatOfWhimsy: Propeller hats as a visual shorthand for whimsical and/or youthful people, including childish behaviors.
127* PsychologicalProjection: A character who unwittingly projects their own negative traits onto another.
128* PsychopathicManchild: An unstable adult character who possesses a childlike demeanor.
129* PuppyDogEyes: Using your cute eyes to get your way.
130* RageQuit: Quitting a game in a fit of rage.
131* RejectingTheConsolationPrize: A SoreLoser who won't accept their second or third-place prize.
132* ResortToPouting: Someone pouts when they don't get their way.
133* RoyalBrat: A spoiled rich person misuses their power of royalty.
134* SafeUnderBlankets: Hiding under a blanket in hope of avoiding problems.
135* SarcasmBlind: You're too oblivious to realize someone said something sarcastic to you.
136* ShakingTheRump: Can be done by an immature character if done in a taunting way.
137* SiblingRivalry: Siblings who fight each other.
138* SilverSpoonTroublemaker: Misconduct is typically associated with immaturity and childishness.
139* SkilledButNaive: A full-fledged badass when he sets his mind to it, but a NaiveNewcomer by default.
140* SmittenTeenageGirl: A teenage girl with an obsessive and nonsensical crush on a certain guy.
141* TheSociopath: A dangerous combination of [[LackOfEmpathy no empathy]], impulsiveness, and using [[ManipulativeBastard manipulation]] to get what you want.
142* SoreLoser: Whining and complaining when you don't win a competition.
143* SpitefulSpoiler: Ruining a twist for someone to get revenge, or to entertain oneself.
144* SpoiledBrat: Characters (and not just kids, but adults as well) who are arrogant, selfish, and entitled.
145* StillBelievesInSanta: A character's post-childhood belief in Santa marks them as childish.
146* StillSucksThumb: A character sucks their thumb despite being too old for it.
147* TheStoolPigeon: You're a tattletale.
148* StopCopyingMe: An immature way to go about being imitated.
149* SunroofShenanigans: Someone uses a sunroof (typically in a limo) to misbehave.
150* SuperGullible: So oblivious that you go along with whatever you're told.
151* TantrumThrowing: Things don't go your way? Throw random things around.
152* TeensAreMonsters: Teenagers who are not only mean, but also intimidating, cruel, sociopathic, and downright dangerous.
153* ToiletHumor: Jokes about bodily functions.
154* ToiletPaperPrank: Throwing toilet paper on one's property, typically known as [=TPing=].
155* TongueOutInsult: Sticking your tongue out at someone to insult/taunt them is immature.
156* TrojanVeggies: KidsHateVegetables, so they have to be tricked into eating them when they're hidden in a different food.
157* TheUnapologetic: You're immature because you don't apologize for your actions.
158* UngratefulBastard: When other people help you out, you never thank them and instead repay their kindness by continuing to be mean to them.
159* UnsportsmanlikeGloating: You've won something, and you're not going to be graceful or mature in accepting it.
160* UnstablePoweredChild: A powerful child whose lack of maturity can cause mischief, chaos, or violence all around them.
161* ValleyGirl: A teenage girl stereotype with a very naïve demeanor.
162* VillainousBreakdown: A villain will throw a huge temper tantrum like a little kid not getting his way.
163* {{Wangst}}: Endlessly complaining about minor things makes you immature.
164* WildCardExcuse: Using the same excuse over and over again.
165* WildChild: A feral child with the mannerisms of an animal.
166* YouHaveToBelieveMe: Acting strange and hyperactive when trying to convince someone of something, which fails to make him or her be believed.
167* YourMom: Making jokes about another's mother is a common trait of immaturity.
