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1These characters are MoreThanMeetsTheEye. They are badasses but are lacking in traits typically associated with your average everyday Hollywood ActionHero so their true strength may come as a surprise to both the viewer and whoever is unlucky enough to piss them off.
3They're the badass you least expect.
6!!This character is a badass, but [[UnderestimatingBadassery you wouldn't expect it because they are]]...
9* ActionDad - a dad
10* ActionFashionista - too obsessed with the latest trends.
11* ActionGirlfriend - someone's girlfriend
12* ActionPolitician - a politician
13* ActionMom - a mom
14* ActionSurvivor - someone who lacks the asskicking skills
15* AdaptationalBadass - not a badass in the original
16* AgentPeacock - too much of a girly male
17* AlmightyJanitor - too blue-collar
18* {{Ambadassador}} - an ambassador
19* AmbiguouslyTrained - currently in a mundane profession
20* AwakeningTheSleepingGiant - a neutral person/faction
21* BadassAdorable - too cute
22* BadassBookworm - too nerdy
23* BadassBureaucrat - a paper-pusher
24* BadassBystander - just some random passerby
25* BadassNormal - a normal around a bunch of superhumans
26* BadassOnPaper - unimpressive in person
27* BadassPacifist - sincerely not gonna physically fight
28* BadassPreacher - a preacher
29* BadassSanta - Santa Claus himself
30* BadassTeacher - just teaching his students until you threatened them and ItsPersonal
31* BewareTheNiceOnes - too nice
32* BewareTheQuietOnes - too [[TheQuietOne quiet]] or [[ShrinkingViolet shy]]
33* BewareTheSillyOnes - Being the PluckyComicRelief
34* BlindWeaponmaster - blind
35* BodyguardingABadass - letting others fight for them
36* BrilliantButLazy - [[LazyBum too]] [[TheSlacker lazy]]
37* BroughtDownToBadass - BroughtDownToNormal
38* BullyingADragon - not going to ''use'' their strength, right?
39* CampyCombat - fights too flamboyantly
40* CharlesAtlasSuperpower - a normal that can do superhuman feats after intensive training
41* ChefOfIron - a cook
42* ClarkKentOutfit - hiding it under their clothes
43* CombatMedic - TheMedic
44* CoolOldGuy - a man who is too elderly
45* CorneredRattlesnake - weak and cornered
46* CowardlyLion - [[LovableCoward too afraid]]
47* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass - [[TooDumbToLive too]] [[TheDitz stupid]], incompetent or ineffectual
48* CuteBruiser - too cute
49* DamselOutOfDistress - a [[DamselInDistress damsel]]
50* DancingRoyalty - unskilled
51* DeadlyDoctor - a doctor
52* DeceptivelyCuteCritter - a cute little animal
53* DorkKnight - too dorky
54* EffortlessAmazonianLift - ''just'' a strong girl
55* EmotionalBruiser - easily aroused emotionally
56* FalseInnocenceTrick - just an InnocentBystander... right?
57* FightingClown - too funny-looking or [[BewareTheSillyOnes -acting]]
58* FluffyTheTerrible - given too cutesy a name
59* GirlyBruiser - too girly
60* GoodIsNotDumb - not that smart
61* GoodIsNotSoft - a forgiving person
62* GooGooGodlike - a baby
63* HandicappedBadass - handicapped
64* HeartbrokenBadass - too despondent
65* HeartIsAnAwesomePower - [[BlessedWithSuck gifted with]] [[WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway a seemingly lame superpower]]
66* HeroicNeutral - someone who'd otherwise mind their own business
67* HypercompetentSidekick - a skilled sidekick
68* IronWoobie - too sympathetic
69* KickingAssInAllHerFinery - [[TemptingFate not gonna start a fight in that dress]]
70* KillerRabbit - too cute and harmless-looking
71* KungFuJesus - too [[MessianicArchetype Messianic]]
72* LadyOfWar - too refined to get her hands dirty
73* LethalHarmlessPowers - someone with primarily non-lethal powers
74* LethalJokeCharacter - a JokeCharacter.
75* LetsGetDangerous - not [[InformedAbility an actual threat]]...
76* LittleMissAlmighty - a little girl, or [[OlderThanTheyLook looks like one]]
77* LittleMissBadass - a little girl, or [[OlderThanTheyLook looks like one]]
78* MamaBear - a mom (or a motherly person)
79* MartialPacifist - a peace-loving person
80* MoreDeadlyThanTheMale - a proper lady
81* MinoredInAssKicking - so smart and sophisticated that they see ass-kicking as beneath them
82* MuggingTheMonster - not going to hit ''back'', right?
83* MuggleWithADegreeInMagic - an unpowered individual in the middle of powers
84* MusclesAreMeaningless - too scrawny
85* NerdActionHero - too nerdy
86* NeverMessWithGranny - a little old lady
87* NonPoweredCostumedHero - too ordinary
88* NothingNiceAboutSugarAndSpice - too girly
89* NotSoHarmlessVillain - a HarmlessVillain
90* NotSoWeak - too meek to defend themselves
91* ObfuscatingDisability - hiding it by being disabled
92* ObfuscatingInsanity - hiding it by acting [[{{Cloudcuckoolander}} insane]]
93* ObfuscatingStupidity - hiding it by acting [[TheDitz stupid]]
94* PapaWolf - a dad
95* PintSizedPowerhouse - too small
96* PopCulturedBadass - too nerdy
97* PregnantBadass - pregnant
98* PrettyPrincessPowerhouse - a dainty-looking princess
99* RealMenWearPink - someone who has less than manly pastimes
100* ReligiousBruiser - a religious person
101* ReluctantWarrior - someone who'd rather not fight
102* RetiredBadass - retired
103* SavageSetpiece - just part of the background
104* SilkHidingSteel - too quiet and refined
105* TheSoCalledCoward - a supposed coward
106* SpecsOfAwesome - wearing glasses
107* StrongerThanTheyLook - weak-looking
108* SubmissiveBadass - subservient to other people or principles
109* SuccessThroughInsanity - too insane
110* SuperStrongChild - a little child
111* TookALevelInBadass - not a badass previously
112* TranquilFury - too calm
113* UnconsciousObjector - already losing consciousness
114* UnskilledButStrong - lacking the skills to apply his strength
115* ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend - someone's girlfriend
116* WaifFu - a petite female
117* WeakButSkilled - lacking the strength to apply their skills
118* WhosLaughingNow - originally a wimp
119* WillNotBeAVictim - apparently already conquered
120* {{Xenafication}} - previously not an ActionGirl
122Then again, [[WorldOfBadass anyone might turn out to be a secret badass]]. [[BadassUnintentional Even if they never wanted to be in the first place.]]
