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2%%[[caption-width-right:350:some caption text]]
4->''When you attend a funeral\
5It is sad to think that sooner or l--\
6Ater Those you love will do the same for you,\
7And you may have thought it tragic\
8Not to mention other adjec--\
9Tives, to think of all the weeping they will do''
10-->-- '''Music/TomLehrer''', "We Will All Go Together When We Go", ''Music/AnEveningWastedWithTomLehrer''
12Tropes dealing with funerals and all ritualized commemoration of the dead.
14See also UsefulNotes.{{Funerals}}.
20'''Related Indices:'''
21* GriefTropes
22* StatuesMonumentsAndMemorials
24* TwentyOneGunSalute: 21-gun or three-volley salutes performed at funerals for officers or military personal.
25* AncientTomb: Or burial chamber.
26* AndThereWasMuchRejoicing: No one liked the person who has died, so everyone's glad they have kicked the bucket.
27* AshesToCrashes: An urn full of ashes gets knocked over and scattered inappropriately.
28* AttendingYourOwnFuneral: Someone attends their own funeral because their death is mistaken.
29** InformalEulogy: Only having a brief sentence to say about the deceased.
30** PrematureEulogy: Giving a speech about the deceased before it turns out they're actually still alive.
31* BurialAtSea: A funeral where the body is disposed of at sea.
32* BurialInSpace: A sister trope to BurialAtSea, where the body is instead left in the vast void of outer space.
33* BuryMeNotOnTheLonePrairie: Someone has difficulty honoring the deceased's last wishes.
34* BuryingASubstitute: The deceased [[NoBodyLeftBehind left no mortal remains]], or [[NeverFoundTheBody their body was never found]], so their loved ones bury something which symbolises them instead.
35* CheerfulFuneral: A funeral is a celebratory occasion.
36* ClownCarGrave: An absurd or limitless amount of enemies spawning out of a disproportionately smaller area.
37* CoinsForTheDead: Coins are left for the dead so they can use them to pay in the afterlife.
38* CoffinContraband: Hiding illegal goods in a coffin or tomb.
39* ComicallyInappropriateFuneralUrn: The ashes of a dead person are put in anything but a proper funeral urn.
40* CrammingTheCoffin: Placing a body in a coffin already scheduled for burial.
41* CreepyCemetery: Dark cemetery filled with ghosts and monsters.
42* CreepyMortician: Morticians portrayed as being disturbing or strange.
43* DatelessGrave: A gravestone shows the deceased's name, but not their dates of birth and death.
44* DeadGuyOnDisplay: Displaying a corpse for everyone to see.
45* TheDeadHaveNames: Naming deceased people to show their significance.
46* DigYourOwnGrave: Before being killed, the victim is forced to dig their own grave.
47* DishonoredDead: The deceased committed a crime which is considered so terrible that they do not deserve a proper funeral.
48* DueToTheDead: Burying the dead is considered honorable while desecrating the remains is considered disgraceful.
49* ElephantGraveyard: A place that large animals go to when they die.
50* EndingMemorialService: The story ends with a funeral.
51* ExcessiveMourning: A bereaved character spends all their time grieving for the deceased and is unable, or unwilling, to move on.
52* FreakyFuneralForms: Being disturbed by another culture's funerary customs.
53* TheFunInFuneral: Wacky antics happen at a funeral.
54* FuneralBanishment: Denying someone from attending a funeral.
55* FuneralCut: When a character does something dangerous and then the scene has a SmashCut to their funeral.
56* GraveClouds: Cemeteries have cloudy overcast weather.
57* GraveHumor: Humorous writing on tombstones.
58* GraveMarkingScene: Visiting the grave of a loved one.
59* HeadgearHeadstone: Marking a character's grave with their hat.
60* InstantGravestone: When a person dies, they turn into a tombstone on the spot.
61* ItAlwaysRainsAtFunerals: Rain is pouring during a funeral service as a way to convey the sadness of the whole thing.
62* ItsAlwaysSunnyAtFunerals: The weather is surprisingly beautiful at a funeral as a way to contrast the sadness of the whole thing.
63* LastDisrespects: A funeral service where the people attending aren't very respectful towards the deceased.
64** MockingTheMourner: The one way that the above trope can be made worse is to actively mock those mourning the deceased.
65* LibationForTheDead: Pouring a drink onto the ground to honor the dead.
66* LonelyFuneral: Very few people, if any, attend the deceased's funeral.
67* MeaningfulFuneral: Character's funeral brings out things about them and their mourners that wouldn't have come up otherwise.
68* MemorialForTheAntagonist: A deceased villain is given a funeral by the hero out of respect or honor, regardless of the atrocities they have committed.
69* MemorialPhoto: A photo of the deceased taken while they were alive is on display at a closed casket funeral or memorial service lacking the body.
70* MemorialStatue: A statue to honor the deceased, commonly for a heroic cause.
71* MissingManFormation: A ceremonial incomplete formation done to honor a dead teammate.
72* MourningAnObject: An inanimate object is destroyed, goes missing, or stops working, and is treated by the characters as though it has died. May include a funeral.
73* OnlyCaresAboutInheritance: A character only shows up to a funeral for inheritance.
74* PeacefulInDeath: A dead person is shown to be at peace.
75* UsefulNotes/ThePoppy: The Commonwealth symbol of [[DueToTheDead remembrance for the war dead]].
76* PrecautionaryCorpseDisposal: A setting or situation where anyone who dies will become a monster, or otherwise dangerous if you don't do the right thing with their body.
77* PrematurelyMarkedGrave: Someone comes across their own gravestone. And they didn't order it made!
78* QuietingTheUnquietDead: A proper funeral may be necessary to help an [[TheUndead undead]] being pass on.
79* ShrineToTheFallen: A shrine set up in memory of the deceased.
80* StartsWithTheirFuneral: The story begins with a character's funeral before explaining how the person died.
81* SupernaturallyMarkedGrave: After someone dies, they disappear and the ground where their corpse was changes to signify their death.
82* TalkingToTheDead: Talking to the dead while visiting their graves.
83* {{Taps}}: A musical piece sounded at military funerals.
84* ThreeVolleyFlinch: Someone is at a funeral for a military person, and at the sound of the rifles firing, they flinch.
85* ToAbsentFriends: Heroes are proposing a toast dedicated to those who have died after the funeral.
86* VikingFuneral: A dead person has their body and their possessions cast away in a boat that is set on fire.
87* WarMemorial: Monuments dedicated to fallen soldiers.
88* WeaponTombstone: A grave is marked by a weapon stuck into the ground.
89** FieldOfBlades: Swords stuck in the ground to represent the casualties of a war.
90* WidowsWeeds: Woman wears certain clothes when they are in mourning.
