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3First, some words of wisdom:
5When you think of the word "fruit", how do you define it? Grows on trees? (Not all of them do.) Tastes sweet? (Some of them are bitter or non-edible.)
7The thing is, gastronomy and biology also disagree. What we call a "fruit" or a "vegetable" in the culinary sense is mostly based on ''tradition'', and revolves around their ''taste'' and ''kitchen usability'' (the same "if it's sweet it's a fruit, if it tastes [[StockYuck yucky]] it's a vegetable" logic that most of us apply).
9Biologically, a fruit is a fruit if at one stage its development it has been a [[FlowerGardenIndex flower]] which eventually grew into a seed or seeds protected by a fleshy covering (as in tomatoes), or a hard outer shell (as in nuts).
11The word "vegetable" has no scientific meaning; gastronomically they are typically used for edible parts of plants that are not fruits (roots, leaves and stems). With some "vegetable" plants, however, we actually use their fruits (tomato, cucumber) or seeds (beans, peas). Note also that biologically cucumbers are closely related to watermelons, and beans and peas to peanuts.
13And don't even get us started on mushrooms. While usually put in the same category as vegetables on the menu, taxonomically they are neither plants nor animals, and get their own kingdom in the evolutionary hierarchy. In earlier systems of nomenclature they were considered plants, but later botanists decided that differences in biology--particularly the fact that fungi don't photosynthesize--was enough to kick them into another kingdom; genetic and cytological analyses showing fungi to actually be much closer relatives of the ''animal'' kingdom (being part of the clade of [[ opisthokont]] organisms) more or less sealed the argument forever.
15For the sake of simplicity, we use all of these meanings here, and let you decide whether you use FoodTropes or PlantTropes as the main index for your purposes.
17Compare and contrast this with MeatOfTheIndex.
20!!Fruit and Vegetable Tropes:
21[floatboxright:See also:
22+ ShroomyTropes]
24* AppleForTeacher: Placing an apple for your teacher's desk out of obligation or love.
25* BananaInTheTailpipe: Placing a banana in the tailpipe on your pursuant's car to slow them down.
26* BananaPeel: Someone slips on a banana peel and gets hurt.
27* BlackMarketProduce: A character buying food in or from the BlackMarket.
28* CoconutMeetsCranium: Someone who is unfortunate enough to be hit in the head by a coconut falling from the palm tree.
29* CornyNebraska: Nebraska's claim to fame: corn.
30* CucumberFacial: It ain't a spa day without cucumber slices for your eyes.
31* FantasticFruitsAndVegetables: And where to find these exotic, strange, and/or unusual fictional fruits and vegetables for your lawn and/or garden.
32* FruitCart: At a CarChase, the fruit stand always gets hit.
33* FruitOfTheLoon: Fruit. Just because.
34* GarlicIsAbhorrent: Everyone, including your FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire, is repulsed by garlic.
35* GrapesOfLuxury: You know you really made it big when your beautiful servant feeds you grapes.
36* GrowsOnTrees: Every finished product, even money, grows on trees.
37* KidsHateVegetables: Children dislike veggies.
38* LostInTheMaize: Getting lost in a cornfield.
39* OldFashionedFruitStomping: Winemaking done in the old-fashioned, gunge-covering, squickworthy way: by stomping fruit.
40* OutofControlPopcorn: The popcorn has popped to the point of overflowing.
41* PassThePopcorn: A character reacts to a dramatic event by watching it like a movie.
42* PeelingPotatoes: When the DrillSergeantNasty yells, "Those spuds ain't gonna peel themselves, maggot!" as the private peels the potatoes as punishment.
43* PineappleRuinsPizza: "Fruit doesn't go on pizza!" they say.
44* PopcornOnTheCob: A convenient cob for a movie night.
45* ProducePelting: You know a show sucks when people start throwing tomatoes.
46* RazorApples: Dangerous items hidden in food.
47* SmashingWatermelons: A BeachEpisode pastime with the girls smashing these juicy gourds.
48* StockYuck: Both kids and adults can't stomach vegetables.
49* StrawberryShorthand: Garnishing the story with sweet, juicy strawberries.
50* TemptingApple: They're red, they're deadly, and they're delicious.
51* TomatoSkunkStinkCure: Bathing in tomato juice after getting sprayed by a skunk.
52* TrappedAtTheDinnerTable: A picky eater can't leave the dinner table until they've eaten everything on their plate--including their vegetables.
53* TrojanVeggies: Tricking a child into eating vegetables by hiding them in a different food.
54* TuttiFruttiHat: A hat made out of fruit, famously worn by Creator/CarmenMiranda.
55* VampiresHateGarlic: Garlic harms vampires.
56* WeightLossSalad: Trying to lose weight by eating nothing but vegetables.
57* WormInAnApple: Worms are commonly associated with apples, usually as a sight gag.
59!!Related Tropes:
60* AgriWorld: InAWorld or planet where everything is dedicated solely to growing food.
61* CallToAgriculture: The seasoned soldier retires and settles on growing cabbages.
62* DisgustingVegetarianFood: Non-meat foods are perceived as disgusting.
63* GreensPrecedeSweets: "No dessert unless you finish your vegetables."
64* MultipurposeMonoculturedCrop: ''All'' of society's needs are met by just this crop.
65* StrawVegetarian: Vegetarians and vegans are stereotyped as being hostile towards anyone who eats meat or uses animal products.
66* {{Veganopia}}: Go vegan before going utopian.
67* VegetarianForADay: An episode of the show has one of the characters go vegetarian before reverting back to their regular eating habits at the end.
