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1''All about feature {{film}}s. See also {{Directors}}, FilmGenres.''
7+ HomeVideoTropes
9* ActionizedSequel: Putting in more action scenes since you don't need all the backstory.
10* AdaptationalAngstUpgrade: Characters angst more in the movie than they did in the book.
11* AdaptationalAttractiveness: Characters are more attractive than they were in previous adaptations.
12** AdaptationalUgliness: Characters are less attractive than they were in previous adaptations.
13* AdaptationalCurves: Characters are bustier or more muscular than they were in the source material.
14* AdrenalineMakeover: People change their look when setting out for adventure.
15* AgeLift: A character's age in the adaptation is different from how old they were in the source material, usually for plot reasons.
16* AlanSmithee: A person involved with the production isn't satisfied with how it turned out, so they disavow their involvement and have their contributions credited to a pseudonym.
17* AllInTheEyes: Emphasizing the eyes by dimming everything else.
18* AnimatedCreditsOpening: Animated opening to a live-action film.
19* AwardBaitSong: A song that stands out in a movie and is expected to win an award.
20* AwardSnub: Didn't get an award, but should have.
21* BadToTheBone: A badass song for a badass scene.
22* TheBadGuyWins: When the villain wins instead of the hero.
23* BigDamnMovie: A film of a TV series with a more epic plot.
24* BolivianArmyEnding: Did they die or not?
25* BoxOfficeBomb: When a movie fails to make back its budget in gross revenue.
26* BusbyBerkeleyNumber: An intricate dance number.
27* TheCenterpieceSpectacular: An exciting set piece designed to keep the audience enthralled with the movie.
28* ChargeIntoCombatCut: The film switches to a different scene just as an epic battle is getting started.
29* ClifftopCaterwauling: Roaring on the edge of a cliff.
30* ColorWash: Saturating the colors on the film.
31* ConsolationAward: Compensating for lack of awards by giving minor one out of pity.
32* CrackOhMyBack: The pains of old age.
33* CrushFilter: The idealized, dreamy vision a person sees when they look at their crush.
34* DarkWorld: A MirrorUniverse with a dark twist.
35* DeliberatelyMonochrome: Black and white, but on purpose.
36** AlternateMonochromeVersion: When a black and white version of a colored film is released as a separate cut.
37* DeliberateVHSQuality: The film looks like it was filmed on VHS to make it seem more retro.
38* DevelopmentHell: It still hasn't come out?
39** SavedFromDevelopmentHell: Seemed like it would never come out, now it finally is
40* DisneyAcidSequence: A surreal scene in a movie
41* DoorRoulette: Trying out different doors to find the right one
42* DuelingStarsMovie: A movie starring two actors fans want to see together
43* DumpMonths: Studios tend to release their worst movies in particular months of the year
44* EnforcedMethodActing: Getting the best acting by not telling actors about upcoming scenes or lines
45* EverythingButTheGirl: A person with new talents can get everything but the girl he wants
46* ExploitationFilm: A film with excessive violence or sex for no real reason
47* FakeActionPrologue: Seems like an action film, but it isn't
48* FakeOutOpening: That opening scene? Has nothing to do with the actual movie.
49* FakeVideoCameraView: Showing a scene apparently through the lens of a video camera, even to including a "REC" warning or red dot.
50* FallingChandelierOfDoom: If a fancy room gets damaged enough, expect a chandelier to crash to the floor.
51* FilmAdaptationLiveAction
52* TheFilmOfTheBook: A book becomes a movie
53* TheFilmOfThePlay: A play becomes a movie
54* TheFilmOfTheSeries: A TV series becomes a movie
55* TheFilmOfTheSong: A song becomes a movie; will sometimes be InNameOnly
56* FinaleMovie: A work that isn't a film series receives a conclusion to its story via a feature-length film.
57* FunHatingConfiscatingAdult: The cranky old geezer who snatches away any toy ending up on his/her property.
58* GeorgeLucasAlteredVersion: When a film is significantly altered after its original release using technology that wasn't available at the time of the original release.
59* GorgeousPeriodDress: A colorful dress to show off the fancy new color films
60* TheGraduateHomageShot: Making sure the bride doesn't run off with the wrong man
61* GratuitousSpecialEffects: Special Effects in film genres that don't usually have them.
62* HammerAndSickleRemovedForYourProtection: A Cold War film that removes references to Soviet Russia to help the film age better.
63* HeyItsThatPlace: Recognizing a setting from other films and TV shows
64* HeyLetsPutOnAShow: Setting up a play to raise money
65* HollywoodCostuming: When Hollywood doesn't bother researching historical costumes
66* HomageShot: A shot referencing another film
67* InfectiousEnthusiasm: Enthusiasm sweeps up everyone, including the one who disdains involvement.
68* InstantWakingSkills: Waking up without the grogginess
69* JustKeepDriving: Drivers don't notice the huge action scene around them
70* KuleshovEffect: Combining shots and objects makes them more expressive.
71* LeaveTheCameraRunning: Leaving the camera idling for a while nothing happens.
72* LittleDeadRidingHood: Dressing up people in red is bad
73* MarqueeAlterEgo: A costumed actor shows off his face for fan recognition
74* MediumShiftGag: A movie abruptly shifts to a different medium for a quick joke.
75* TheMockbuster: Blatant knock-offs of popular films.
76* TheMovie: A TV episode in movie form
77* MovieMultipack: Filming film franchises close together
78* MovieSuperheroesWearBlack: In order to achieve that DarkerAndEdgier look
79* NoTalkingOrPhonesWarning: Before the film begins, there is a short film informing the audience not to talk or have their phones on during the movie.
80* {{Novelization}}: The Book Of The Film
81* NumberedSequels: Attaching a number to the title to indicate it's the next one
82** SequelNumberSnarl: When the numbering of sequels gets... odd.
83* ObscuredSpecialEffects: Don't let them see how fake that effect looks.
84* ObviousStuntDouble: When a stunt double looks nothing like the actor they are filling in for.
85* OddlyNamedSequel2ElectricBoogaloo: Strangely titled sequels
86* OldTimeyCinemaCountdown: A retro monochrome countdown shown on a projector before a film.
87* OnscreenChapterTitles: When a film is divided into chapters, like a novel.
88* PaintingTheMedium: Font, interface changes, or camera or editing tricks convey things about the story.
89* PilotMovie: A feature-length film that is intended to serve as the beginning of a television show.
90* PosthumousCredit: The work credits a person involved with production who died before the work was released.
91* {{Prop}}: Something an actor holds or physically interacts with in a production.
92* PursuedProtagonist: Person running from bad guys at the beginning of a film
93* RealFootageRecreation: A very faithful recreation of something that actually happened and was captured in film and/or photos.
94* RealityHasNoSoundtrack: A film lacks background music for realism.
95* RealityHasNoSubtitles: The movie doesn't include subtitles for when characters are speaking foreign languages.
96* RebuiltSet: Taken apart, then rebuilt for a sequel
97* ReCut: A film is given a re-release with the change of certain footage being cut or replaced, scrapped footage being restored and/or newly shot footage being added to the film.
98* ReleaseDateChange: The film's release date is changed slightly.
99* RunawayTrain: No one's at the helm, and it's about to fall off a cliff!
100* ScreamDiscretionShot: You hear the scream, but you don't see what they're screaming about
101* ScreamerTrailer: Subtle scary images in film trailers
102* SecondChapterCliffhanger: The second installment of a trilogy ends on a {{cliffhanger}} with several {{Plot Thread}}s still unresolved.
103* SequelEscalation: It's the same but with more!
104* {{Sequelitis}}: The opinion that a film series has too many sequels or that sequels shouldn't have been made in the first place, particularly because of the later installments declining in quality or the original being seen as so good that any attempts at continuing the story would be unnecessary.
105* SequelGoesForeign: Changing location for a sequel
106* SequelHook: The film ends by hinting towards the possibility of a sequel.
107* SequelNonEntity: A character can't make it for a sequel for a quick, justified reason
108* SilenceIsGolden: Movies with little dialogue
109* SpecialEffectFailure: That looks so fake!
110* SpikingTheCamera: Don't look at the camera!
111* SpoofingInTheRain: When it starts raining a reference to ''Film/SinginInTheRain'' will occur.
112* SummerBlockbuster: Heavy on action, light on plot
113* {{Tagline}}: A short sentence explaining the film, TV show, etc.
114* TheThemeParkVersion: A simplified version of a complex idea
115* ThematicSeries: A series of loosely connected films
116* TitleCard: Shot of text to give information without sound.
117* TrailerDelay: A large gap between the release of a preview and the film itself.
118* TokenRomance: Needless romantic subplot.
119* VideoCredits: Showing the people along with their credits
120* WheelOfDecisions: A Wheel of Fortune method of deciding a matter.
