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1This is an index page for tropes which are typical of {{Fanfic}}s. Given that fanfiction probably was born only a few minutes after the creation of the first (really good) original story, these are likely among some of the oldest tropes in existence.
3Of course tropes from original fiction can also appear in fanfiction; the tropes on this index are special because they ''primarily'' appear in fanfiction.
9+ ShippingTropes
11* AcceptableBreaksFromCanon: Deviations from official continuity that fans will generally accept in fanworks.
12* AccusationFic: A fan-fiction where an episode is rewritten so that the character the author blamed gets the worst of it.
13* AdaptationalUpbringingChange: A character is raised differently than in canon (e.g. by a different character).
14* AfterActionReport: A type of fan-fiction for strategy games that involves a blow-by-blow description of a campaign.
15* AliensMadeThemDoIt: Aliens force the characters to have sex.
16* AlternateUniverseFic: A fanfic which deviates from canon.
17* AlternativeCharacterInterpretation: A character's personality and motives are viewed differently from how they are normally seen.
18* AscendedFanFic: A published work that started out as a fan written story.
19* {{Backstory}}: A story that occurred before the main narrative.
20* BeigeProse: Very plain writing with little, if anything, in the way of description.
21* BetrayalFic: A fan-fiction where the main character is betrayed by their loved ones, usually resulting in a swift change of alliances and demeanor.
22* BurlyDetectiveSyndrome: Overuse of epithets in place of the characters' names.
23* CanonDefilement: Fanfics tend to include whatever the author wants it to, but this is an AudienceReaction for when the artistic license goes a little ''too'' far.
24* CharacterizationTags
25* CoffeeShopAUFic: A fan-fiction set at a coffee shop, usually in a romantic context.
26* CommonCrossover: When two works have a tendency to be crossed over in fan-fiction.
27* CompletedFic: A fic which has properly concluded its story.
28* {{Continuation}}: Continuing the story.
29* ConvenientlyCommonKink: Two characters (who are usually partners) share a rare fetish.
30* CostumePorn: Elaborate descriptions of what characters are wearing.
31* CrackFic: Bizarre fan-fiction.
32* CreatorBacklash: A old work which the creator has come to dislike.
33* {{Crossover}}: A fanfic which includes characters from two or more different works.
34* CrossoverCouple: A crossover fanfic ships two characters from different franchises.
35* CrossoverRelatives: A crossover fanfic has characters from different franchises as relatives.
36* CurtainFic: A fan-fiction that has a domestic chore as the plot.
37* DarkFic: A fan fiction that is much darker than the work it is based on.
38* ADayInTheLimelight: A minor character is given focus for the current episode.
39* DeadFic: A fic which has not been completed and probably never will be.
40* DeathFic: A fan fiction about a character dying.
41* DeconstructionCrossover: Works which involve crossovers from multiple fictional universes in order to deconstruct those fictional universes.
42* DeconstructionFic: {{Deconstruction}} through fan-fiction.
43* DontLikeDontRead: A warning that people who don't like certain topics, pairings and so on shouldn't read the fic.
44* DoppelgangerCrossover: Fanfiction crossing over two works featuring the same actor in different roles.
45* {{Drabble}}: A very short fic, usually said to be around 100 words.
46* DracoInLeatherPants: A villainous character is frequently perceived in a more sympathetic light.
47* DramaticReading: A recording of a written work being read dramatically.
48* ElsewhereFic: A fanfic which focuses on Original Characters rather than the canon cast.
49* ExoticEquipment: A non-human character's sex organs have features which human sex organs don't have.
50* ExternalRetcon: A work based on a historical or fictional event that claims to be telling the "real" story.
51* FanCreatedOffspring: An [=OC=] who is descended from one or more canon characters.
52* FandomSpecificPlot: For some reason, fan fiction loves using those particular plots.
53* FanficFuel: Unexplained details in a work that tend to inspire fan fiction.
54* FanficMagnet: A minor character inspires a ton of fanwork.
55* FanVerse: A fanfiction writer does several fics for the same fandom taking place in the same continuity as each other.
56* FanWank: A [[EpilepticTrees fan theory]] designed to explain plot holes.
57* FanworkBan: A creator bans fanfiction and/or fanart based on their works.
58* FeaturelessPlaneOfDisembodiedDialogue: Dialogue with no indication of what the characters are doing besides talking to each other. Often has few (if any) dialogue tags.
59* FilmFic: A fan fiction that retells the events of a movie with characters from a different work playing the roles of the characters in the original film.
60* FixFic: A fic that retells the story, but with aspects of canon that the author dislikes changed or removed.
61* FiveThingsFic: A fan-fiction involving six (or more) similar scenarios, where the final scenario deviates from the others.
62* FlashForwardFic: A fan-fiction that takes place a significant amount of time after the canon.
63* TheFourLoves: Different forms of love that can be used in fanfiction.
64* FukuFic: A fanfic of Manga/RanmaOneHalf that features Ranma wearing a SailorFuku akin to those in Franchise/SailorMoon, possibly including a {{Crossover}} between the two series.
65* FusionFic: A crossover where the characters in Work A replace the characters in Work B.
66* GenderFlip: A character who is male in canon is rewritten as a female, or vice versa.
67* GratuitousJapanese: A fic contains random bits of Japanese.
68* GroundhogPeggySue: A character is forced to live some past event over and over.
69* HanahakiDisease: A terminal disease where someone vomits flowers because of unrequited love.
70* HateFic: The opposite of a fan fiction, where the story is written by someone who hates the original work for the purpose of making every character in the work suffer.
71* {{Het}}: Romance between characters of opposite genders.
72* HetIsEw: Boys kissing girls? Disgusting!
73* HighSchoolAU: An AU fanfic in which the characters are high school students.
74* HistoricalAU: A fanfic in which the characters are transplanted to a different historical period from canon.
75* HurtComfortFic: A character who has been hurt, physically or emotionally, is comforted by another character.
76* HypotheticalCasting: Someone involved in a fictional project compares their characters to actors who could conceivably play them.
77* IDoNotOwn: Putting a disclaimer on fan works saying that you don't own the original work, characters, etc.
78* IKEAErotica: Sex scenes written as "insert tab A into slot B".
79* IntercontinuityCrossover: A crossover between two works that are not set in the same universe.
80* InterpretativeCharacter: As long as they keep a few defining traits, a character can be adapted in many different ways.
81* IntimatePsychotherapy: Sex cures psychological problems.
82* JargonDebate: The dilemma of exactly how much jargon to put into a fic.
83* KidFic: A fan-fiction where characters start a family.
84* KinkMeme: A fanfic featuring a pairing and a kink.
85* LetsWatchOurShowPlot: The characters riff and react to episodes of the source material, usually with their comments spliced into a transcript of said work.
86* MagicalGirlAU: Rewriting the characters as {{Magical Girl}}s.
87* MarriageOfConvenience: The couple have been thrown together into a marriage or partnership, bringing them together and immediately into a romantic environment.
88* MassiveMultiplayerCrossover: A crossover between more than two works (often ''many'' works).
89* MateOrDie: A character needs to procreate/have sex, or they will die.
90* MemeticMolester: A character is portrayed as a rapist or some kind of sexual predator, regardless of how accurate it is to canon.
91* MemeticPsychopath: A character is portrayed as AxCrazy, although it's unlikely that's how they are in canon.
92* MetaFic: Self-referential fanfiction with NoFourthWall.
93* MindlinkMates: Lovers are so close they can literally read each other's thoughts.
94* MisterSeahorse ([=MPreg=]): A male character gets pregnant.
95* ModernAUFic: Fics set in a contemporary (and often mundane) setting.
96* MostFanficWritersAreFans: Most of the time, if an author creates a fanfiction for a work, it's because they really, truly are fans of it. Thus, they are very knowledgeable about the original work's plot and setting.
97* MostFanficWritersAreGirls: If a work brings up fanfiction, it'll most likely fall into the romance genre, and the author(s) will be a girl.
98* {{MST}}: A riffing of another fic, which takes the form of snarky comments inserted into the original text.
99* MurderersAreRapists: A criminal rapes their victim before killing them.
100* NoPunctuationPeriod: A fanfiction with no punctuation.
101* ObligatorySwearing: A fanfiction that features profanity to be more adult.
102* ObviousCrossoverMethod: A story has an obvious method through which crossovers can occur.
103* OCStandIn: A character who gets little to no development in canon is fleshed out in fanfiction.
104* OhCrapThereAreFanficsOfUs: Characters react to the fanbase's work.
105* {{Omegaverse}}: A setting where humans have a secondary sex (alpha, beta or omega).
106* OriginalCharacter (OC): A character created for a fanwork who does not appear in canon.
107* OriginalFlavour: It aims to hew as close to the style and tone of the original work as possible.
108* OriginalGeneration: A crossover between lots of different works, with a new character as the main protagonist.
109* OutdatedByCanon: Fan fiction that becomes non-canon-compliant due to some of its elements being rendered obsolete by what eventually becomes canon.
110* OutOfCharacter (OOC): A character behaves in a way which is inconsistent with how they are portrayed in canon.
111* PatchworkFic: A fan fiction based on a specific franchise that uses elements from multiple continuities.
112* PatchworkKids: A fic with FanCreatedOffspring that have the combined physical features of their parents.
113* PeggySue: Character finds themselves back in time with the chance to change history.
114* PlotBunny: A story idea that gnaws at your brain until you write it.
115* PornWithoutPlot: A fic which is entirely focused on sex and has little, if anything, in the way of plot.
116* PromptFic: Fic, or collection of fics, written in response to a list of words and/or phrases designed to act as inspiration for aspiring writers.
117* PseudocanonicalFic: A fan fiction that is written in a way that it theoretically could be considered canon to the work it is derived from.
118* PurpleProse: The use of over-elaborate language.
119* RapeAsBackstory: The explanation for a character's current state is that they were raped in the past.
120* RationalFic: A fan fiction that has the characters think more rationally than they did in the source material.
121* ReaderInsertFic: A fanfic where the protagonist is the reader.
122* RealPersonFic: A fanfic featuring real people.
123* RecurringFanonCharacter: An OriginalCharacter becomes so popular within the fanbase as to be widely used in fanworks by people other than their creator.
124* RecursiveFanfiction: A fanfic based on a fanfic.
125* RedemptionEqualsSex: A good guy redeems a bad guy (usually the good one is female and the bad one is male but sometimes not) and then sleeps with them.
126* RelatedDifferentlyInTheAdaptation: Some fics change up how characters are related to each other.
127* RevengeFic: A fan fiction written solely to make a disliked character suffer.
128* RoleSwapAU: A retelling of an existing work where two or more characters have swapped roles.
129* RomanticFakeRealTurn: Two characters pretend to be in relationship but become a real couple. Bonus points if one of both was already hiding their feelings for the other.
130* RonTheDeathEater: A nice character is often perceived as being a worse person than they are in canon.
131* RougeAnglesOfSatin: A spelling mistake results in a whole different word.
132* RoundRobin: A collaborative fic written by a group of authors whom take turns writing a chapter or section.
133* RuleThirtyFour: Sexually explicit fan works.
134* Rule50: Crossovers are inevitable for every franchise.
135* RuleSixtyThree: A fic that uses {{Gender Flip}}ped versions of the characters.
136* SailorEarth: An OC that is created to fit in with the group of canon characters.
137* SelfInsertFic: The author inserts themself into the fic.
138* SeriesFic: A series of fanfics.
139* SlashFic: Two characters of the same gender are paired up romantically regardless of their sexuality in canon.
140* SoulmateAUFic: A fan-fiction that involves soulmates meeting each other.
141* TheStationsOfTheCanon: A fanfic revisits a series of iconic canon events.
142* SuddenGameInterface: Character's life is turned into a RPGMechanicsVerse and they have become a FourthWallObserver.
143* SuperFic: The characters are re-imagined as superheroes.
144* TheTheoremOfNarrowInterests: By narrowing your fanfiction search to certain interests, the harder it will be to find one that's good.
145* ThereIsOnlyOneBed: Two people who are not together must share a bed as there is only one available.
146* TransplantedCharacterFic: Taking famous characters, altering their roles, and using them in an original story.
147* TrollFic: Fanfiction designed to be deliberately offensive.
148* {{Ukefication}}: Taking a character that's canonically tough and weakening them to the point of a featherweight in the name of slash fic.
149* UniversalAdaptorCast: Putting famous characters in an alternate setting while still having them play themselves.
150* VirtualSoundtrack: Song cues embedded in a fanfic simulate a real soundtrack.
151* SugarWiki/{{WAFF}} (Warm And Fuzzy Feeling): A fan-fiction designed to be cute.
152* WantonCrueltyToTheCommonComma: The misuse of punctuation marks.
153* WebSerialNovel
154* {{Xenafication}}: Taking a character that's a NonActionGuy (often a DamselInDistress or NeutralFemale) and [[TookALevelInBadass leveling them up]].
