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6->''"It was impossible to get a conversation going; everybody was talking too much."''
7--> -- '''Yogi Berra'''
9''All about the things that characters say.''
11See also LanguageTropes and NarratorTropes.
18+ AccentTropes
19+ ComplainingIndex
20+ ComplimentTropes
21+ ConfessionTropes
22+ ExcuseOfAnIndex
23+ {{Exposition}}
24+ ExternalizingInternalMonologue
25+ EvilGloating
26+ IAmAnIndex
27+ InaneBlabbering
28+ IndexOfApologies
29+ IndexOfCatchphrases
30+ IndexOfGoodbyes
31+ InsultTropes
32+ OddLastItemIndex
33+ OneLiner
34+ PhoneTropes
35+ ThePowerOfLanguage
36* PromisesAndVowsIndex
37+ RebukeTropes
38+ RepeatIndexIndex
39+ RhymeTropes
40+ SpeechesAndMonologues
41+ StockPhrases
42+ TheseTropesLoveToBrag
43+ TheseTropesShouldWatchTheirLanguage
44+ ThreateningTropes
45+ TruthAndLies
46+ VoiceAndVocalTropes
47+ WordPower
48+ WhatIsThisIndex
53* AccidentalPublicConfession
54* AcousticLicense
55* AcquaintanceDenial: Pretending you don't know somebody so that you won't be judged or embarrassed.
56* AcronymsAreEasyAsAybeecee: A character mishears or miswrites an acronym as if it's a normal word.
57* ActionFigureSpeech
58* AfterActionPatchUp
59* AfterActionVillainAnalysis
60* {{Ahem}}: Throat-clearing to get someone's attention.
61* AirQuotes: A gesture made by wiggling your index and middle fingers while saying a word to represent the word being sandwiched in quotations marks and to signify that the word is either being used sarcastically or that someone else used it and you don't believe it.
62* AllCheeringAllTheTime
63* AlreadyTheCase: A request or threat turns out to have already been followed by the time the speaker finishes.
64* AlwaysIntroducesThemselves
65* AnalogyBackfire
66* AndThenISaid
67* AndTheRest
68* {{Angrish}}: A character becomes so overwhelmed with anger that all they can say is gibberish and/or incomplete sentences.
69* AnotherStoryForAnotherTime
70* AnnouncerChatter
71* AnsweringEcho
72* AnythingButThat: A character pleads that they'll accept any punishment or torture except for this particular one.
73* ApologisesALot: A character tends to apologize repeatedly.
74* AppealToFamilialWisdom
75* AppealToObscurity
76* AppliedMathematics
77* ArentYouForgettingSomeone
78* ArgumentOfContradictions: Two characters enter an argument that amounts mainly to yelling each other's opinion or choice at one another.
79* ArmorPiercingQuestion
80* ArmorPiercingResponse
81* ArsonMurderAndJaywalking: A list is ended with the weakest example for comic effect.
82* AskAStupidQuestion: Rudely giving someone's question a deliberate wrong answer due to thinking the question was stupid.
83* AsTheGoodBookSays: Someone quotes the Bible.
84* AstonishinglyAppropriateInterruption: A character sees something that causes them to suddenly shout something while they were talking, but the abruptly hollered word just happens to be what they were probably going to say or at least makes sense as part of the interrupted sentence.
85* AtomicFBomb: Screaming the F-word.
86* AudienceMurmurs
90* BackhandedApology: An apology that deflects the blame to the person being apologized to rather than sincerely admitting fault for doing the person wrong.
91* BadNewsInAGoodWay: Delivering bad news in a way that makes it sound like good news.
92* BadOmenAnecdote
93* BaitAndSwitchComment: It looks like they're saying that statement about one person or thing, but it turns out they meant another person or thing.
94* BathroomSearchExcuse: When caught snooping, a character claims to have been looking for the bathroom.
95* BathroomStallOfOverheardInsults
96* BattleCry
97* BattleInterruptingShout
98* BeamMeUpScotty: An iconic catchphrase that either doesn't actually exist or is really a misquoted variant of what the character really said.
99* BearerOfBadNews
100* BeatWithoutABut
101* BeforeIChangeMyMind
102* UsefulNotes/TheBechdelTest: Does a work feature at least two named female characters and, if so, do they have a conversation about something other than men?
103* BerateAndSwitch
104* BetterPartnerAssertion: A character insists to the person they love that they are the better candidate over their romantic rival.
105* BilingualBackfire
106* BilingualDialogue
107* BilingualRhyme
108* BlahBlahBlah
109* BlamedForBeingRailroaded
110* BlatantLies: Someone makes a statement that is obviously not true.
111* BluntMetaphorsTrauma: A foreign character misunderstands idioms and figures of speech or gets them wrong.
112* BoldInflation
113* BondOneLiner: Making a remark after having killed someone that makes light of their demise.
114* BreadEggsMilkSquick: A mundane list ends with something weird or disturbing.
115* BreakingBadNewsGently
116* BreakThemByTalking
117* BringThemAround
118* BrokenRecord
119* ButIDigress
120* BuyOrGetLost
124* CallingShotgun
125* CallingYourBathroomBreaks: A character tells everyone else that they need to go to the bathroom.
126* CantArgueWithElves: A species believes that their race is superior to all others and that therefore they are never wrong.
127* CasualDangerDialogue
128* CensorshipBySpelling: Spelling out a word in hopes that someone hearing you won't notice the word being spelled.
129* ChainOfCorrections
130* ChangeTheUncomfortableSubject: Changing the topic of conversation to try and avoid discussing something you'd rather not.
131* CharacterCatchphrase
132* ChewOutFakeOut: A person looks like they're going to rebuke someone for doing something bad, but it then turns out that they're proud of what the person has done.
133* ClosedDoorRapport
134* ClusterFBomb: Repeatedly saying "fuck".
135* CodeEmergency
136* CollectiveGroan
137* ComicRolePlay
138* ConfessionDeferred: Confessing the truth only when it's convenient.
139* ConfirmBeforeReveal: A character asks a quick question about something they're about to reveal before revealing it.
140* ConfusingMultipleNegatives: A character uses multiple negatives, making it confusing as to what they meant to say.
141* ConjunctionInterruption
142* ConstantlyCurious: A character who doesn't stop asking questions.
143* ConversationalTroping
144* ConversationCut
145* ConverseWithTheUnconscious
146* CorrectiveLecture
147* CoughSnarkCough: Coughing or pretending to cough in order to hide a rude remark or give the impression of hiding it without really intending to.
148* CouldSayItBut
149* CovertDistressCode
150* CovertEmergencyCall
151* CowardiceCallout: Someone gets called out on their cowardly behavior/conduct.
152* CriticalPsychoanalysisFailure
153* CrypticallyUnhelpfulAnswer
154* CrypticConversation
155* CueCardPause
156* CulturalPosturing
157* CurseCutShort: A character is interrupted or deliberately stops talking when they are about to swear.
158* CutHisHeartOutWithASpoon: A character makes a threat that's extremely ludicrous, whether due to involving absurdly gratuitous acts of violence or being just plain weird (i.e. "I'll spank you with your own severed arm!" or "I'm gonna use a tuning fork to make your cherished childhood memories very uncomfortable!")
159* CypherLanguage
163* DamnedByFaintPraise: Insulting something by only praising a minor aspect.
164* DareToBeBadass
165* DeadPersonConversation
166* DebatingNames
167* DelightingInRiddles
168* DemandingTheirHead: A character gives verbal orders to kill somebody and return with a severed head as proof.
169* DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment: When a character unnecessarily repeats themselves or says something that means the same thing as what they just said.
170* DerailedForDetails
171* DerailedTrainOfThought
172* DescriptionCut
173* DescriptionPorn
174* DesperatePleaForHome: A character pushed to their limits expresses a firm desire to go home.
175* DeterioratesIntoGibberish
176* DevastatingRemark: Someone says something that leaves another person an emotional wreck
177* DialogueReversal
178* DialogueTree
179* DidYouDie: When a character is telling the story of a dangerous event they experienced, someone else asks if the person died even though they obviously survived if they're around to tell the story.
180* DifferentForGirls: A {{Crossdresser}} or GenderBender is [[AttractiveBentGender convincing]] as a girl, but risks revealing himself by accidentally speaking in a distinctly masculine way.
181* DiggingYourselfDeeper: An attempt at saving face only makes you look even worse.
182* DisappointedByTheMotive: Once you find out why the person did what they did, you're not impressed with the motivation.
183* DisappointedInYou
184* DismissingACompliment
185* DistinctionWithoutADifference: You insist that you're not X, you're just Y, but Y is essentially the same thing as X.
186* DisorganizedOutlineSpeech
187* DispenseWithThePleasantries
188* DisregardThatStatement
189* DoesThatSoundLikeFunToYou
190* DoIReallySoundLikeThat: A character hears themselves speaking and is astonished at how they apparently sound.
191* DoNotTauntCthulhu: A character mocks a being much more powerful than they are and suffers the consequences.
192* DoctorDoctorDoctor
193* DoubleEdgedAnswer
194* DoubleMeaning
195* DoubleSpeak
196* DramaticDeadpan
197* DramaticEllipsis
198* DramaticPause
199* DramaticStutter
200* DroppingTheBombshell
201* DuckSeasonRabbitSeason: Winning an ArgumentOfContradictions by tricking the other person into switching sides of the argument.
202* DudeNotIronic: A character describes something as ironic when the situation isn't really an example of irony.
203* DumbassHasAPoint: The dumb character actually makes a valid point.
204* DyingTruce
208* EarpieceConversation
209* EasilyOverheardConversation
210* TheEchoer: Someone can only speak by copying another person's words.
211* EitherWorldDominationOrSomethingAboutBananas
212* ElectiveBrokenLanguage
213* EmergencyPresidentialAddress
214* EnemyChatter
215* EscalatingPunchline
216* EspeciallyZoidberg: A conversation that ends on "Even X?" "''Especially'' X!" when you'd expect X to be an exception.
217* EuphemismBuster: Someone says a euphemism, but then someone else says the non-euphemistic term.
218* EveryoneKnowsMorse
219* EverythingExceptMostThings
220* EvilSoundsDeep: Villains have deep voices.
221* EvilSoundsRaspy: Villains have raspy voices.
222* ExactlyWhatIMeantToSay
223* ExplainExplainOhCrap
224* {{Exposition}}
225* ExpositionAlreadyCovered
226* ExpositionCut
230* FacialDialogue
231* FamedInStory
232* FauxdianSlip
233* FeaturelessPlaneOfDisembodiedDialogue
234* FinalExchange: Replying to a person's last words.
235* FinishDialogueInUnison
236* FinishingEachOthersSentences
237* FirstNameUltimatum: Hollering a person's first name to let them know that they are in big trouble.
238* FlippantForgiveness
239* FoldThePageFoldTheSpace
240* FreudianSlip: A character accidentally says what they were thinking about instead of what they wanted to say.
241* FreudianThreat: Threatening to inflict an injury upon someone's private parts.
242* FriendlyAddressPrivileges
243* FriendshipMoment: A sudden yet heartwarming affirmation of close friendship between two characters.
244* FromTheLatinIntroDucere
245* FullNameUltimatum: Calling someone by their full name to let them know that they are in big trouble.
246* FunnyPhotoPhrase: Someone says, or is asked to say, a silly phrase in place of "Cheese" when having their photo taken.
247* FunWithHomophones: Confusion between two different words that sound the same.
251* GagEcho
252* GaggingOnYourWords
253* GeekyTurnOn
254* GenderConcealingWriting
255* GenderInclusiveWriting
256* GentlemanSnarker
257* GetItOverWith
258* TheGhost: A character who is mentioned by others in dialogue, but never makes a physical appearance.
259* GibberingGenius
260* GiveMeAReason: Someone eagerly looks for an excuse to inflict violence upon someone.
261* GoodNightSweetPrince
262* GrillingTheNewbie
266* HalfBakedNiceness: Someone's compliment is of poor quality in some way.
267* HammyHerald
268* HannibalLecture
269* HeadBob
270* HeartfeltApology: Offering a sincere apology to someone who gladly accepts it.
271* HeDidntMakeIt: "Not making it" is an euphemism for death.
272* HeroismMotiveSpeech
273* HesitationEqualsDishonesty: If a character hesitates before answering, it's a dead giveaway that they are lying.
274* HeyThatsMyLine
275* HeyYou
276* HidingBehindTheLanguageBarrier
277* HitYouSoHardYourXWillFeelIt
278* HoldingTheFloor
279* HostageHandlerHuddle
280* HowDidYouKnowIDidnt
281* HurricaneOfAphorisms
282* HurricaneOfEuphemisms: A LongList of synonyms.
283* {{Hyperaffixation}}
284* HypotheticalFightDebate: A debate on who would win if two people or characters got into a fight.
288* ICantBelieveImSayingThis
289* IfYouEverDoAnythingToHurtHer
290* IfIWantedYouDead
291* IGaveMyWord
292* IgnoreTheDisability: Character unsuccessfully tries to remind themselves not to point out another character's disability or deformity.
293* IgnoringBySinging: A character covers their ears and sings to try and ignore a statement they don't like or don't want to hear.
294* IHaveNothingToSayToThat
295* IHaveThisFriend: A character asks for advice on how to deal with their problem, but claims that it's a friend of theirs who has the problem to avoid embarrassing themselves.
296* IllPretendIDidntHearThat
297* IllTakeTwoBeersToo
298* ImADoctorNotAPlaceholder: Someone says that they're "an X, not a Y".
299* ImNotDoingThatAgain
300* ImThinkingItOver
301* ImpliedDeathThreat: Making an indirect threat to kill someone.
302* InflationaryDialogue
303* InfoDump: Introducing the new characters as soon as they appear.
304* InnerMonologueConversation
305* InnocentAwkwardQuestion: A child accidentally shocks or embarrasses adults with a question.
306* InstantSeduction
307* InstantlyProvenWrong
308* InstructionalDialogue
309* InsultFriendlyFire: Insult one person with an insult that unintentionally offends another person you didn't mean to insult because it also applies to them.
310* InsultMisfire: A person gets insulted but misinterprets who the insult is aimed at.
311* IntelligibleUnintelligible: A character can only speak gibberish, but everyone else understands them perfectly.
312* IntercomVillainy: A villain uses a remote communication system to talk to the hero.
313* InThatOrder
314* IronicEcho
315* ISayWhatISay
316* IsTheAnswerToThisQuestionYes: Responding to a yes or no question by asking another yes or no question that the other person should figure out has the same answer.
317* ITakeOffenseToThatLastOne: A character has several insults thrown at them, but only gets offended or the most upset by the last and/or weakest of the insults.
318* ItTastesLikeFeet: Remarking that food you just ate tastes awful by claiming it tastes like something gross.
319* IUhYouToo
320* IWouldSayIfICouldSay: A character remarks that they'd say a specific phrase were it not for one detail preventing the phrase from making any sense if they'd say it.
324* JackhammeredConversation
325* JoinOrDie
326* JokeExhaustion
327* JustBetweenYouAndMe
328* JustOneMan
329* JustTestingYou
333* {{Kiai}}
334* KnowsAGuyWhoKnowsAGuy
338* LameComeback: Someone insults you and you try to insult them back, but the insult you give stinks.
339* LameRhymeDodge: Someone tries to cover up an insult by claiming to have said something that rhymes with the insult.
340* LanguageFluencyDenial
341* LargeHamAnnouncer
342* LargeHamRadio
343* LastSecondWordSwap: Changing the last word you were going to say at the last minute.
344* LastChanceToQuit
345* LastRequest
346* LaymansTerms: Explaining verbose vernacular in terms that less intelligent people will understand. In English, that means dumbing down big words so we know what the brainiac is talking about.
347* LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain: Characters make a vow that they'll never talk about this incident ever again.
348* LetsMockTheMonsters
349* LiesToChildren: Someone lies to children.
350* LikeAGodToMe
351* LifeSavingEncouragement
352* ListingTheFormsOfDegenerates
353* LiterallyLaughableQuestion
354* LittleProfessorDialog
355* LovesSecrecy
356* LudicrousPrecision
357* LyingToThePerp
361* MaamShock
362* MadeMyselfSad
363* MadLibsDialogue
364* MadnessMantra: A repeatedly spoken phrase that indicates insanity.
365* MaliciousSlander
366* MametSpeak
367* MathematiciansAnswer: An answer to a question that is technically correct, but doesn't really answer the question.
368* MeaningfulEcho
369* MeaningfulLook
370* MeaninglessMeaningfulWords
371* MelodramaticPause
372* MirrorMonologue: Someone talks to themselves while looking in the mirror.
373* MistakenConfession
374* MotiveMisidentification
375* MotiveRant: A character goes into a rant on why they're doing what they're doing.
376* MouthingTheProfanity: Mouthing a swear word instead of actually saying it.
377* MouthfulOfPi: A brainy character can recite pi to many places.
378* MultipleLanguagesSameVoiceActor: The dub versions of a work have one actor reprise their role in the different languages.
379* MultiplePersuasionModes
380* MultitaskedConversation
381* MusicalisInterruptus
382* MyDefenseNeedNotProtectMeForever
383* MyFriendsAndZoidberg: Excluding someone from a group after the impression is given that they were included in the group mentioned earlier.
384* MyHovercraftIsFullOfEels: A character attempts to speak a foreign language, but either angers someone by unintentionally saying an insulting phrase or embarrasses themselves by unknowingly saying a humiliating or nonsensical phrase.
388* TheNameIsBondJamesBond: A character introduces themselves by saying their surname and then their full name.
389* NarrationEcho
390* NeverSayThatAgain
391* NeverSpeakIllOfTheDead: A character will never say anything negative about the deceased.
392* NewSpeak
393* NoDialogueEpisode: An episode where none of the characters talk.
394* NoIndoorVoice: Character has a tendency to shout whenever they talk.
395* NoMeansYes
396* NoMoreHoldingBackSpeech
397* NoOneElseIsThatDumb: Proving a character is your dumb friend by having them confirm their idiocy.
398* NotHyperbole: What seems like a figure of speech isn't.
399* NoYouGoFirst
400* NobodysThatDumb: A dumb character reveals themselves to be aware of their stupidity and makes it clear that even they have limits to how idiotic they can be.
401* NoisyShutUp
402* NonAnswer
403* NonSequiturDistraction
404* NoodleIncident: Characters mention an unseen past event and are extremely vague about it.
405* NoodleImplements: Character claims to have done something or mentions an intent to do something using tools with unspecified purposes.
406* NotActuallyTheUltimateQuestion
407* NotInFrontOfTheKid: No one swears in front of children.
408* NotListeningToMeAreYou
409* NotSoDire
413* ObliviousGuiltSlinging
414* ObliviousMockery
415* ObviouslyNotFine: A character says that they're okay when [[BlatantLies it's quite plain that they're not]].
416* OhGodWithTheVerbing
417* OhNoNotAgain
418* OhWait
419* OnSecondThought
420* OnThree
421* OneDialogueTwoConversations
422* OneLinerNameOneLiner
423* OneSceneTwoMonologues
424* OneTractMind
425* OneWordVocabulary
426* OrderedApology
427* OrMyNameIsnt: A character says that "X will happen or my name isn't Y!".
428* OrSoIHeard
429* OutOfContextEavesdropping: A character eavesdrops on a conversation and gets the wrong idea of what's going on due to missing the proper context.
430* OutsideInsideSlur
434* ParentheticalSwearing: The character doesn't swear, but the way they phrase their statements makes it easy to imagine that they are cussing.
435* PassiveAggressiveKombat
436* PerfectlyCromulentWord: Using made-up words.
437* PerplexingPlurals
438* ThePerryMasonMethod
439* PersonalizedPledge: "I swear upon [something personal]."
440* PersuasionMinigame
441* PickedFlowersAreDead
442* PlayingTheVictimCard: The guilty party tries to make it look like they are the victim.
443* PlatoIsAMoron
444* PokemonSpeak: Character can only say their own name.
445* PoorCommunicationKills: Failure to explain your intentions clearly will have dire consequences.
446* PoorlyTimedConfession
447* PopularSayingBut
448* PorkyPigPronunciation: Character struggles to pronounce a word before settling on using a synonym.
449* PoseOfSilence: Leaning closely or obscuring your mouth renders you inaudible to everyone else.
450* PrecisionFStrike: In a work that otherwise doesn't have profanity, or features a character who doesn't normally use profanity, profanity is unexpectedly used.
451* PreemptiveShutUp: Telling someone to shut up when they haven't even said anything.
452* ProfoundByPopSong
453* ThePromise
454* PronouncingMyNameForYou: A character tells someone how to say their name.
455* ProverbialWisdom
456* PubliclyDiscussingTheSecret
457* PurpleProse
461* QuietCryForHelp
462* QuoteMine
463* QuoteToQuoteCombat
464* QuotingMyself
468* RaceNameBasis: Calling someone by their race or species.
469* RadioVoice
470* RageAgainstTheMentor
471* RapidFireInterrupting
472* RapidFireNameGuessing
473* ARareSentence
474* RationalizingTheOverkill: Rationalizing why retaliation was made with more extremes than the slight deserved.
475* ReadingTheStageDirectionsOutLoud: Someone reads from a script and misinterprets stage directions as lines.
476* RealisticDictionIsUnrealistic: Dialogue in fiction is very clear-cut, unlike in real life.
477* TheReasonISuckSpeech
478* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Someone tears into someone else by going on a rant listing the other person's flaws.
479* RecordedSplicedConversation
480* RememberThatYouTrustMe
481* RepeatedForEmphasis
482* RepeatWhatYouJustSaid
483* RepeatedCueTardyResponse
484* RepeatToConfirm
485* RequestForPrivacy
486* ReunionVow
487* RevengeIsNotJustice
488* RhetoricalQuestionBlunder: Someone answers a rhetorical question due to not knowing that the other person wasn't expecting an answer.
489* RhymesOnADime: Character speaks in rhyme.
490* RhymingList
491* RidiculousCounterRequest
492* RousingSpeech
496* SaidBookism: Authors say anything but "said" when describing a character's dialogue.
497* SarcasticConfession
498* SayingSoundEffectsOutLoud: A character says a sound effect.
499* SayingTooMuch
500* SayMyName: A character yells out another one's name.
501* SecretIdentityVocalShift
502* ScheherezadeGambit
503* ScrewYouElves: The high-and-mighty species who believe themselves to be better than everyone else gets told by a member of one of the so-called "lesser species" where they can shove their arrogance.
504* ScrewYourUltimatum
505* SeamlessSpontaneousLie
506* SecretMessageWink: Winking to secretly get a message across.
507* SeinfeldianConversation
508* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness: Big words.
509* SevenMinuteLull
510* ShallIRepeatThat
511* ShamedByAMob
512* ShamingTheMob
513* ShapedLikeItself: Describing something as being like itself (e.g. a house-shaped house).
514* ShuttingUpNow
515* ShutUpKirk
516* ShutUpKiss
517* SidetrackedByTheAnalogy: A simile or metaphor is told, but someone gets distracted by something in the phrase's literal meaning.
518* SighOfLove
519* SignatureLine
520* SilenceIsGolden
521* SilentConversation
522* SilentWhisper
523* SimpleSolutionWontWork: One character [[StatingTheSimpleSolution suggests a simple solution to a problem]], and another character tells them why it won't work.
524* SirSwearsALot: Character has a tendency to swear.
525* SitRep
526* {{Smurfing}}: A character uses the same word to substitute every other word.
527* SnarkToSnarkCombat
528* SnubByOmission
529* SoCrazyItMustBeTrue
530* SomethingOnlyTheyWouldSay
531* SommelierSpeak
532* SoProudOfYou
533* SorrowfulStutter
534* SpeakIllOfTheDead: Character has no qualms with saying negative things about the deceased.
535* SpeakingLikeTotallyTeen
536* SpeakingSimlish: Characters' dialogue consists almost entirely of gibberish.
537* SpeakInUnison
538* SpeaksInShoutOuts
539* SpeechBubbleCensoring: In comics, speech bubbles are used to cover up nudity.
540* SpeechCentricWork
541* SpeechImpediment
542* SpySpeak
543* StageWhisper
544* StartMyOwn
545* StealthInsult: Insulting someone in a way that you intend them not to understand that they are being dissed.
546* StereoFibbing
547* StockQuotes
548* StopCopyingMe
549* StopSayingThat
550* StrangeSyntaxSpeaker
551* StupidQuestionBait
552* SuchAPhony: Character talks crap about another but speaks nicely to them when they're around.
553* SuddenlyShouting: Character abruptly raises their voice when speaking.
554* TheSummation
555* SurrogateSoliloquy
556* SurvivalMantra
557* SuspiciouslySpecificDenial
558* SuspiciouslySpecificTense
559* SustainedMisunderstanding
560* SwitchToEnglish
564* TWordEuphemism: Referring to a word as the (first letter of word)-word to avoid actually saying the word.
565* TalkAboutTheWeather
566* TalkingThroughTechnique
567* TalkingInYourDreams
568* TalkingToPlants
569* TalkingToTheDead
570* TalkingWithSigns
571* TalkingYourWayOut
572* TalksLikeASimile
573* TakingTheFightOutside
574* TauntingTheTransformed: A character reacts to the sight of a transformation with mockery, usually verbal.
575* TeasingFromBehindTheLanguageBarrier
576* TechnicalEuphemism: Technical vocab used euphemistically.
577* TelegraphGagSTOP
578* TellHimImNotSpeakingToHim
579* TellMeAboutMyFather
580* TemptingFate: Remarking that you're sure nothing bad will happen, only for the bad thing to happen right after you're done talking.
581* TermsOfEndangerment
582* TerseTalker
583* {{Textplosion}}: A {{comic|s}}s' panels are suddenly filled with (dialogue) text before reverting to illustrations.
584* ThankYourPrey
585* ThatCameOutWrong: Character realizes to their mortification that they just said something that sounds unintentionally sleazy.
586* ThatCloudLooksLike
587* ThatLiarLies: A person is reprimanded for or accused of lying.
588* ThatMakesMeFeelAngry: Character expresses emotions by stating how they feel.
589* ThatMysteriousThing
590* ThatWasNotADream: Character talks about a dream they had and is then told that they weren't dreaming and what they described actually happened.
591* ThatWasObjectionable: In court, the lawyer can refute anything by hollering "Objection" or "I object".
592* ThinkOfTheCensors
593* ThinkingOutLoud
594* ThisExplainsSoMuch: A stupid or eccentric character reveals a detail about themselves that causes another character to remark that this may explain why the other person is the way they are.
595* ThisIsForEmphasisBitch: Emphasising a declaration by ending it with "bitch".
596* TimeTravelTenseTrouble: Confusion on the proper tense to use when describing the actions of time travelers, as those done in the past will technically have already happened and those done in the future haven't happened yet.
597* TimmyInAWell
598* TomSwifty: A {{pun}}ny adverb sprung from the line of dialogue it tags.
599* TooYoungToDieLamentation
600* TrialBalloonQuestion
601* TrickDialogue
602* TheTriple
603* TroubleEntendre
604* TruthTellingSession
605* TrustPassword
606* TwistingTheWords
607* TwistedEchoCut
608* TwoScenesOneDialogue
612* UnnecessaryTimePrecision: Doing complicated time calculations just to say that the date requested is very recent.
613* UnsportsmanlikeGloating: The winner is arrogant enough to mock the other competitors for losing.
614* UnusualEuphemism: Saying bizarre words and phrases in lieu of profanity.
618* VerbalBackspace
619* VoiceoverLetter: A character reads a letter and we hear a voiceover of the letter being read aloud by whoever wrote the letter.
623* WalkInChimeIn
624* WallOfBlather
625* WasntThatFun: A character (sincerely or not) claims they want to do something dangerous again.
626* WaxingLyrical: Mentioning the lyrics of a song.
627* WeaponsGradeVocabulary
628* WeirdAside
629* WeirderThanUsual
630* WelcomeToCorneria: The non-player characters of a video game have limited dialogue.
631* WhamLine: One line of dialogue changes everything.
632* WhatsAHenway: Tricking someone into asking what a nonsense word is, leading to a pun (e.g. "Have you seen my dogway?" "What's a dogway?" "Depends on the breed.")
633* WhatTheHellHero: The hero is called out by others for doing something not very heroic.
634* WhereDoYouThinkYouAre
635* WhileYouWereInDiapers: A character brags about their experience and seniority by claiming to have been at the top of their game when their younger colleagues were only infants.
636* WhisperedThreat
637* WhosOnFirst: Two words are confused (for instance, a character named Watt causing confusion when asked, "What's your name?").
638* WhoopiEpiphanySpeech
639* WhoWillBellTheCat
640* WhoWouldBeStupidEnough
641* WhyAreWeWhispering
642* WitchWithACapitalB: Insulting a woman by calling her a "witch" instead of a certain word that rhymes.
643* WontTakeYesForAnAnswer: Not realizing that the response given to your request or question was the one you wanted.
644* WordAssociationTest
645* WorseWithContext
646* WorthIt
647* WouldRatherSuffer: Underscoring your distaste for something by claiming you'd rather do something very unpleasant.
648* WrongNameOutburst
649* WroteTheBook
653* YesNoAnswerInterpretation: A character asks or chooses to interpret whether another character's reply or action is a "yes" or a "no".
654* YiddishAsASecondLanguage
655* YouAnsweredYourOwnQuestion
656* YouAreNotAlone
657* YouCanTalk
658* YouCanTurnBack
659* YouExclamation
660* YouHaveToBelieveMe: A character makes a claim that they know sounds odd and desperately begs to be believed.
661* YouKnowWhoSaidThat
662* YouSquared
663* YouTalkTooMuch
664* YouUsedToBeBetterSpeech
665* YouWillBeSpared
666* YoureNothingWithoutYourPhlebotinum
