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Context Main / BritishMediaTropes

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1''Tropes that apply primarily to British-set television, movies or characters that are meant to be British.''
3''For the works themselves, see BritishSeries and BritishFilms.''
6* AmbivalentAnglican
7* ArmedBlag
8* AwfulBritishSexComedy
9* BlackCapOfDeath
10* BritCom
11* BritishBrevity
12* BritishComics
13* BritishConspiracyThriller
14* BritishRockStar
15* BritishRoyalGuards
16* BritishTeeth
17* BuccaneerBroadcaster
18* TheChristmasAnnual
19* DoublingForLondon
20* DriverOfABlackCab
21* EpunymousTitle
22* EvilBrit
23* FootballHooligans
24* TheGoodOldBritishComp
25* TheGreatBritishCopperCapture: Unarmed police officer encounters an armed criminal.
26* IdyllicEnglishVillage
27* LondonGangster
28* MyLocal
29* NorthernIrishAndNasty
30* OldFashionedCopper: British bobbies are characterized for being morally upstanding law enforcers.
31* OopNorth
32* ThePointsMeanNothing
33* TheQueensLatin
34* QuintessentialBritishGentleman
35* SoundToScreenAdaptation
36* StockBritishPhrases
37* StockBritishCharacters
38* SundayEveningDramaSeries: Unobjectionable, family-friendly series meant to air on Sunday night.
39* TrafficWardens
40* TheVicar
41* VideoInsideFilmOutside
42* VideoNasties
43* ViolentGlaswegian
44* TheYardies
45* YouDoNotHaveToSayAnything
