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1->''"I have an intense, burning indifference!"''
2-->-- '''Dr. Doofenshmirtz''', ''WesternAnimation/PhineasAndFerb''
4Tropes about apathy, boredom, laziness, [[SelfDemonstratingArticle and other stuff]]. Eh, don't feel like explaining it. [JustForFun/DescribeTopicHere]
6Compare with IdlenessIndex, IgnoredIndex, DespairTropes, and BoredomTropes. Contrast with AudienceReactions & CharacterReactionIndex. Opposite of ObsessionTropes index.
8!!Don't feel like explaining these. Read it yourself.
10* ApatheticCitizens: Someone's hurt and homeless... and we don't care.
11* ApatheticClerk: I don't care about my job and don't you dare ask me to do it.
12* ApatheticPet: I live with a human, I guess? Whatever.
13* ApatheticStudent: I don't give a crap about school. Just let us go home, man!
14* ApatheticTeacher: I have no desire to teach my students. Who cares about grades anyway?
15* ApathyKilledTheCat: How things are, you ask? I don't know.
16* AssPull: We just pull anything out of thin air just to advance the plot because we're too lazy to explain where it came from.
17* BeigeProse: Simple prose, because I've no desire to make it more descriptive.
18* BlahBlahBlah: Nothing but "blah." What were you expecting?
19* BlindIdiotTranslation: How do you translate this? You know what? Forget it! Don't care anymore!
20* BoredomMontage: I get bored as time goes on.
21* BoringInsult: You're lame. That's all I have to tell you.
22* BoringReturnJourney: We're back home. Now what?
23* BorrowedCatchphrase: I'm gonna use someone else's catchphrase since I'm too lazy to come up with my own.
24* BreadAndCircuses: As long as a government keeps the citizens satisfied, they can do whatever they want and the citizens won't care.
25* BrilliantButLazy: I have the skills, but don't bother applying myself with them.
26* BystanderSyndrome: Someone needs help? Not my problem.
27* CallousnessTowardsEmergency: Someone's in danger, but I don't care, and I won't do anything about it!
28* CapcomSequelStagnation: So, we need to make a new game. Just take the old one and tweak it a bit. I don't care.
29* CatsAreLazy: Meeow.[[note]]I feel like doing nothing but sleeping on the tree.[[/note]]
30* ComplainingAboutShowsYouDontWatch: I don't like the show, and I won't waste time watching it to see why I don't.
31* ConceptsAreCheap: May as well rely on the concept and buzz words for an already thin script. We're too lazy to come up with a script with more effort into it.
32* ConductingTheCarnage: So what if the world is ending? I'm just going to stand here and move my hands like a conductor. Whatever.
33* CowboyBebopAtHisComputer: Uhh... I never watched that show, so I'm gonna throw information from my head to make that article more fitting.
34* CreatorsApathy: I really don't know or care what to do with my work.
35* JustForFun/DescribeTopicHere: Just do it. We're too lazy to describe it ourselves.
36* DidntWeUseThisJokeAlready: Yes. Too bored to come up with any new jokes.
37* {{Dismotivation}}: I don't want to progress in life.
38* TheDitherer: I can't choose between two alternatives.
39* EightDeadlyWords: I don't care about any of these people.
40* TheElitesJumpShip: I'm upper class. I don't have to deal with your problems. I'm out of here!
41* ExtremeDoormat: I don't have the energy to stop others from walking all over me.
42* FalselyAdvertisedAccuracy: I know I lied when I said I did my research, but truth is researching is so boring!
43* FantasticallyIndifferent: Wow. Magic. Whatever.
44* FatSlob: I'm a fat guy who ain't cleaning up my mess.
45* FleetingDemographicRule: Let's just do a gimmick/storyline we've already done before. It's not like everyone's going to remember.
46* FourTemperamentEnsemble: Phlegmatic.
47* FunnyCharacterBoringActor: The character in the show/movie is hilarious! The guy who plays him.... eh, not so much.
48* GameBreakingBug: What? There's a glitch in the game that makes it impossible to play? Cool. Don't care.
49* GeniusSlob: I'm too smart to clean up anything.
50* TheGodsMustBeLazy: I'm a god. I don't want to be bothered doing things for you mortals.
51* GoodBadBugs: It's a good thing the bug in the game is fun, because we don't feel like fixing it.
52* GreyAndGrayMorality: Can I be your bestest friend? Or your worst enemy? You choose.
53* HandWave: I'm far too bored to give out any complex detail to explain the plot points of my work.
54* HeadInTheSandManagement: I'm in charge, but I won't address a threat till it's too late to do anything about it.
55* ImmortalApathy: I don't really care about the plight of you mere mortals.
56* ImStandingRightHere: I don't care that you can hear me insulting you.
57* InactionVideo: A music video where the singer sits or stands still and doesn't seem to care about anything that's going on around them.
58* IncriminatingIndifference: That person's not sad or upset about their loved one's death? Then they must be the murderer!
59* LaboriousLaziness: I'll work on this thing here for 2 hours, even if it takes me an hour.
60* LackOfEmpathy: Someone is sad, and I don't care.
61* LaidBackKoala: That koala hasn't moved from its tree in an hour!
62* LazyArtist: I don't put any detail in my artwork.
63* LazyBum: I don't want to do anything at all.
64* LazyMexican: ¡Olvidalo, holmes! I ain't workin' for nothin', ese!
65* LazyHusband: Meh, I'll let my wife clean up the mess.
66* LazyNeuteredPet: Eh, they took out my gonads. Now I feel like doing nothing but eat and sleep.
67* LethalNegligence: I don't care if people are harmed because of my laziness.
68* LimitedAnimation: We're too lazy to make our animation more advanced.
69* MedievalStasis: I know it's been, like, hundreds of years since our society has advanced in technology, but whatever. Let's just stay as it is.
70* MellowFellow: My main personality trait is that I am very [[NiceGuy easygoing, affable]] and don't care about what's happening.
71* MisplacedNamesPoster: I know the names on the poster don't match up the actors, but you couldn't ''pay'' me to fix it.
72* MonkeyMoralityPose: What are you interpreting? That I am ignoring something I should acknowledge? Is that supposed to interest me?
73* MuseumOfBoredom: I'm in a museum that's extremely boring.
74* MyopicConqueror: I am TheConqueror, but the place I have conquered doesn't interest me in the slightest. Yawn...
75* NatureIsBoring: I am so bored by nature.
76* NeverRecycleYourSchemes: Why bother revising the same scheme? It would be too tedious to reuse something that just failed.
77* NoPlansNoPrototypeNoBackup: Here, I made this thing. What do you mean, what if something happens to it? There's no "backup."
78* NonAnswer: [.....]
79* NotDistractedByTheSexy: She's hot. So what?
80* ObviousBeta: This game isn't finished, but let's release it anyway.
81* OdeToApathy: I don't even care about it, but I'm singing about it anyway.
82* OffendedByAnEnemysIndifference: That guy hates me cause I don't care about him? Whatever.
83* OneProductPlanet: I have an idea—everyone on this planet should just make one thing.
84* OnlyInItForTheMoney: I found the cure to cancer, want it? It won't be cheap.
85* OverusedRunningGag: Too bored to come up with any other gags to fit the humor.
86* PerpetualBeta: Instead of just fixing the game once and for all, let's just keep patching it over and over.
87* PlanetOfHats: Everyone on this planet has something in common, because who cares?
88* ThePowerOfApathy: Not caring about things makes me powerful. Whatever.
89* PrimpOfContempt: I'm going to file my nails, puff my hair, and fix my makeup because I don't care about what's going on right now.
90* ProfessionalSlacker: It's my ''job'' to sit around and do nothing all day.
91* RecycledPremise: We're just going to use a premise that has been done before because we're too lazy to write anything original.
92* RecycledScript: We're just going to use the same script from another show because we're lazy writers.
93* ReputationApathy: PR is the ''last'' thing on my mind.
94* RichBoredom: Man, opulence is so ''boring!''
95* RidiculousProcrastinator: I should probably do something... nah, I'm too lazy right now. I'll do it later... maybe...
96* SafetyInIndifference: Not caring protects me from getting hurt.
97* SameStoryDifferentNames: Okay, so I need to make a new story, but here's what I'm gonna do—I'll just do the same thing again and tweak the title. No one will notice.
98* SeenItAll: We already saw it, and that makes it boring.
99* ShallowParody: Let's [[TakeThat make fun]] of this other project/production that we only have a partial and generic knowledge of!
100* ShapedLikeItself: Literally no one cares about analogies. It is what it is.
101* ShrugOfGod: I know you have a question about a story I wrote but... eh, I don't know.
102* SingleBiomePlanet: Isn't one biome on the planet enough?
103* TheSlacker: I just sit around doing nothing all day.
104* SluggishSeal: We're seals who aren't interested in physical activities. So please quit bothering us and let us rest on these rocks.
105* SmallReferencePools: Look, if it's not popular, I'm not going to acknowledge it.
106* SmallTownBoredom: This shabby place is so boring.
107* TheSnackIsMoreInteresting: I know this is super important, but... food.
108* SoOkayItsAverage: It's just plain mediocre. Nothing interesting about it.
109* SpaceAgeStasis: There's a TimeSkip and technology hasn't changed at all. So what?
110* StockFootage: Let's just use this clip over and over.
111* StoppedCaring: Ah, forget it.
112* StrawNihilist: Life is meaningless anyway, so who cares what happens to everybody?
113* StupidNeutral: Who cares about common sense? I'm simply uninterested in using my head anyway.
114* SurveillanceStationSlacker: I don't have time to stare at surveillance cameras to keep an eye on anyone there. I am too busy slacking off.
115* SymbolicSereneSubmersion: I'm floating limply underwater, symbolizing my apathy/helplessness, because I simply stopped caring.
116* TandemParasite: You can do the work on this two-person bike, I'll just kick back and relax...
117* TooBleakStoppedCaring: There's nothing in this work that amuses us, much less anyone worth liking. So bored.
118* TooBrokenToBreak: I'm so (mentally or physically) broken that anything you can do to me is "meh."
119* TranslationYes: That answer is too long. So a simple "yes" will do.
120* TrappedByMountainLions: There's so many characters and subplots introduced yet none are relevant to the plot. Ergo they don't interest me.
121* TrueLoveIsBoring: This OTP is a snoozefest.
122* TrueNeutral (some examples): I don't care about the battle between [[BlackAndWhiteMorality good vs. evil]] or [[OrderVersusChaos order vs. chaos.]]
123* TyopOnTheCover: Yeah, I know the cover of the work has a typo. What's your point?
124* UnfazedEveryman: I know this stuff is super weird, but I couldn't care less.
125* UnfortunateImplications: (YMMV) Yeah, I'll just put this in the story. Whatev—Wait, what do you mean someone's offended by it?
126* TheUnfettered: Morals are cheap, piss me off? You're dead, simple.
127* TheUnReveal: It takes time to detail exactly what you want to see. Not revealing it to you saves us time.
128* TheUntwist: I don't care if it was super obvious. I'm still treating this like TheReveal.
129* UnusuallyUninterestingSight: Something awesome just happened. Meh.
130* VanillaEdition: We don't care about adding "extra features" to a DVD release so you can get your so-called money's worth. [[MoneyDearBoy Just buy it!]]
131* VictoryIsBoring: I won! But I got nothing to do now.
132* WhileRomeBurns: Something horrible is happening... Time to chill.
133* WildCard: Bah, who cares about choosing a side?
134* WhiteVoidRoom: I have decorated this room with literally nothing.
135* AWinnerIsYou: You've won the video game. Here's your reward: "Good job."
136* AWizardDidIt: What, you want me to explain something that doesn't make sense? Fine. The answer is "magic."
137* WrongfullyAttributed: Wait, I don't know who actually did this thing... Ah, whatever. It was this guy.
