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4->''"Damn the illusion of movement! '''Damn the illusion of movement to hell!"'''''
5-->-- '''Creator/DonHertzfeldt''''s intro for ''The Animation Show''
7Tropes which are exclusive to Animation as a medium, due to the unique freedom inherent in all GraphicalTropes combined with the ability to portray action. Thanks to the rise of CGI, animation can occur within and sometime barely distinguishable from live action, allowing a medium within a medium.
9See Also: JapaneseAnimationTropes and AnimationGenres. Do not confuse with GraphicalTropes, its super-index.
15+ AllCGICartoon
16+ CartoonCharacters
17+ HistoryOfAnimation
18+ MediaNotes/EarlyAnimation
19+ MediaNotes/TheSilentAgeOfAnimation
20+ MediaNotes/TheGoldenAgeOfAnimation
21+ MediaNotes/TheDarkAgeOfAnimation
22+ MediaNotes/TheRenaissanceAgeOfAnimation
23+ MediaNotes/TheMillenniumAgeOfAnimation
24+ JapaneseAnimationTropes
25+ StockVisualMetaphors
26+ VoiceActingTropes
27+ VoiceAndVocalTropes
29* TwoDVisualsThreeDEffects: A traditionally animated cartoon has elements that are made using 3D computer animation.
30* AbsurdlyBrightLight
31* AbsurdlyIneffectiveBarricade
32* AccordionMan: Someone becomes flattened and folded into an accordion-like shape after being crushed by something. Actual accordion music playing when this happens is optional.
33* AcmeProducts
34* ActingForTwo: It's common in animation for two or more characters to interact with each other who have the same voice actor.
35* ActionHoggingOpening: The opening sequence is more action-oriented than the actual cartoon.
36* AlertnessBlink
37* AllAnimationIsDisney: The misconception that all noteworthy animated works were made by Creator/{{Disney}}.
38* AlternateTooniverse: An alternate reality where everything's a cartoon.
39* AmusingInjuries
40* AnimalStereotypes
41* AnimatedActors: Fictional characters are portrayed as being actors on their show in-universe.
42* AnimatedEpisode: An episode of a normally live-action series is animated.
43* AnimatedMusicVideo: An animated video accompanied by a song.
44* AnimatedOuttakes
45* AnimationBump: Periods where the animation shifts to a better quality.
46* AnimationEvolution: When the animation gets better or worse permanently.
47* AshFace: A character survives an explosion and ends up with a face covered in soot.
48* BananaPeel: Someone slips after stepping on a banana peel
49* BehindAStick: Someone manages to hide behind an object that's slimmer than they are.
50* BigBallOfViolence: Characters who get into a quarrel become a ball of smoke with fists and feet repeatedly poking out.
51* BodyWipe
52* BornInTheTheatre
53* BulletSeed
54* TheCameo: A character or real life person makes a brief appearance.
55* CartoonBugSprayer
56* CartoonJuggling
57* CelebrityToons: A cartoon starring a real life person who is either played by the real person or is merely a fictional representation of them.
58* ClipArtAnimation
59* ClothespinNosePlug: Comically oversized ones are typically used in cartoons.
60* ComedicSpanking
61* ComicBookAdaptation: Animated works have a tendency to be adapted into SequentialArt or {{Comic|s}} media.
62* ComicBookLimbo
63* ComicBookTime: The amount of time that passes in-universe is much shorter than the time it takes for the series to continue in real life.
64* ConspicuouslyLightPatch: A traditionally animated cartoon has the objects the characters interact with easily distinguishable from the parts of the background that remain stationary.
65* CraniumCompartment
66* CreatorCameo: The work features an appearance by the creator or a character voiced by the creator.
67* CrushFilter
68* CrushParade
69* DerangedAnimation: Animation that is weird and unsettling.
70* DetailHoggingCover: The cover of an animated work has more detail on the characters than the actual animation shows.
71* DisneySchoolOfActingAndMime
72* TheDoorSlamsYou
73* DoubleTake
74* DramaticDrop
75* DroolDeluge
76* EatTheCamera
77* ElongatingArmGag: Character's body part extends a ridiculous distance for the purpose of a joke.
78* EverybodyDoTheEndlessLoop
79* EverythingDances
80* EvilLivingFlames
81* ExplosiveCigar
82* ExpressiveUvula
83* EyePop
84* FaceFault
85* FacelessMasses
86* FadeAroundTheEyes
87* FalseTeethTomfoolery
88* FarSideIsland
89* FatFlex
90* FightUnscene
91* FishbowlHelmet
92* FlappingCheeks
93* FloatingClocks
94* FootBathTreatment
95* ForciblyFormedPhysique: Sheer force causes a toon's body to change shape in some way.
96* FunnyAnimalAnatomy
97* {{Hammerspace}}
98* HarmlessElectrocution
99* HarmlessFreezing
100* HarmlessLiquefaction: A character goes from being a solid to a liquid.
101* HeavyVoice
102* HitFlash: The screen flashes during fight scenes to avoid actually depicting punches and such.
103* HitSpark: When said punches aren't being covered up by the above trope, appears when they hit something.
104* HurtFootHop
105* IdeaBulb: A lightbulb appears over a person's head to signify that they've come up with an idea.
106* ImprobableHairstyleSequence: A sequence where a character is shown with practically impossible hairstyles.
107* InfectiousEnthusiasm
108* InkblotCartoonStyle
109* InkSuitActor: An animated character who resembles their voice actor.
110* InOneEarOutTheOther
111* LanternJawOfJustice: Good guys have huge chins.
112* LimitedAnimation
113* LimitedWardrobe: Cartoon characters are always depicted wearing the same clothes.
114* LiveActionAdaptation: A cartoon is adapted to live-action media.
115* LivingDrawing
116* LustfulMelt: Someone melts into a puddle after falling for someone else.
117* MediumBlending: A cartoon that makes use of more than one type of animation.
118* MediumShiftGag
119* MetaphoricMetamorphosis: A VisualPun in which a character transforms into something alluding to their current situation.
120* MimeAndMusicOnlyCartoon: A cartoon with no sound aside from background music.
121* MismatchedAtomicExpressionism: An art and animation style associated with the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by cheaply-made geometric stylization.
122* MotionComic: Digital, voiced comics with looping animations of some elements.
123* MotionParallax: Emulating the distance/perception of movement dichotomy (farther=slower) through layers.
124* MotionlessChin: An animated character's mouth moves independently of their chin.
125* NationalStereotypes
126* NarrativeShapeshifting: A character changes their appearance when trying to describe something.
127* NoFlowInCGI: CGI works avoid using flowing objects such as long hair or capes whenever possible because of such things being difficult to animate.
128* NotQuiteStarring: A work is billed as starring a celebrity, but the person in question is really an impersonator.
129* OcularGushers: Crying floods of tears.
130* OffLikeAShot
131* OffModel: Moments in a cartoon where a character has mistakes or inconsistencies in their physical appearance
132* PacingATrench
133* PaintedCGI: 3D animation made to look like traditional animation.
134* PaintingTheMedium: Font, interface changes, or camera or editing tricks convey things about the story.
135* PastelChalkedFreezeFrame
136* PianoKeyWave
137* PictureDrama: Animations compounded by shots of still images.
138* PintsizedKid
139* PolkaDotPaint
140* RecycledAnimation
141* RogerRabbitEffect: Animated characters interacting with live-action people.
142* RuleOfAnimationConservation
143* RunningGag: A joke that repeats throughout the series or even through the course of a single episode.
144* RunningOnTheSpot
145* ScoobyStack: A group of people look from behind a wall and their heads are somehow in a column.
146* ScreechingStop: Old car brakes effect when a cartoon character suddenly stops.
147* ShadowOfImpendingDoom
148* ShiftedToCGI
149* ShrunkInTheWash: Washing something too much makes it shrink.
150* SimpletonVoice: A dumb character has a deep and silly-sounding voice to underscore their lack of intelligence.
151* SolidCartoonFacialStubble: Stubble is illustrated as a solid color.
152* SpeedEchoes
153* StewedAlive
154* StuffBlowingUp
155* TeenageMutantSamuraiWombats
156* TelephoneTeleport
157* TemporaryBulkChange
158* TertiarySexualCharacteristics: Females are distinguished from males by having eyelashes and wearing lipstick and/or bows.
159* ThickLineAnimation
160* ThinLineAnimation
161* TooGruesomeForCartoonPhysics: Sometimes AmusingInjuries go too far.
162* ToonTown
163* ToonTransformation
164* TypewriterEating
165* UvulaEscapeRoute
166* VacuumMouth
167* VocalEvolution: A character's voice changes in spite of still being voiced by the same actor.
168* VoicesAreMental: Characters who switch minds also exchange voices.
169** VoicesAreNotMental: Characters who switch minds retain the voices of whoever's body their minds are in.
170* VoicesInOneRoom: All the voice actors record their dialogue in the same room and at the same time.
171* {{Wackyland}}
172* WheelOfDecisions
173* WheelOFeet
175!!Technical terms:
176* MediaNotes/AdobeFlash
177* CelAnimation
178* CelShading: 3D computer animation that is colored and shaded to look two-dimensional.
179* LineBoil
180* MotionCapture
181* MouthFlaps
182** LipLock
183* ProductionLeadTime: Production often gets finished a long time before it actually airs.
184* {{Rotoscoping}}: Animation achieved by painting over frames of live-action footage.
185* SquiggleVision
186* StickFigureAnimation
187* StopMotion: Animation achieved by photographing three-dimensional objects and puppets while gradually moving them a little in each frame.
188* SynchroVox: A cartoon has live-action lips edited onto a character when they speak.
189* ThreeShorts: A cartoon where every episode consists of three segments.
190* TheTwelvePrinciplesOfAnimation
191* {{Toon}}
192* UsefulNotes/ToonBoom
193* ToonPhysics
194* {{Underlighting}}
