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1An index consisting of tropes specifically related to adults/grown-ups. Adulthood is the stage preceding seniority and following adolescence, at which point people are leaving college and the nest as they start settling in their own homes, paying their own bills, and attaining full-time employment.
3Contrast {{Youngsters}} and TeenageTropes. Compare MaturityTropes and AgingTropes. Will eventually follow into {{Elders}}.
5See also OccupationTropes and TheParentTrope, both of which mostly apply to adults ([[ImprobableAge though]] [[ArtisticLicenseChildLaborLaws not]] [[AbsurdlyYouthfulMother al]][[TeenPregnancy ways]]).
7For the more explicit meaning of "adult", see SexTropes. MaturityTropes covers the behavioral definition of "adult".
15+ AdultFear
16+ EarlyAdulthoodIndex
17+ {{Elders}}
19* AdultHater: A character who hates adults.
20* AdultsAreMoreAnthropomorphic: The older a fictional animal gets, the more anthropomorphic traits they possess.
21* AdultsAreUseless: Adults are portrayed as idiotic, spiteful, and unhelpful to the youth.
22* AdultsDressedAsChildren: Adults dress up as children.
23* AlwaysAChildToParent: An adult who is still treated like a child by their parents.
24* BasementDweller: A grown man who still lives with his parents.
25* BornAsAnAdult: A character was born in an adult body.
26* ComingOfAgeStory: A main character matures into adulthood.
27* DawsonCasting: Adult actors, not just in their 20s but into their 30s as well, portray high schoolers on TV and in movies.
28* DoubleStandardViolenceChildOnAdult: Children physically hurting adults is portrayed as funny. The [[WouldHurtAChild roles reversed]] is downright evil.
29* FunHatingConfiscatingAdult: A stern adult who takes away children's fun out of sadism.
30* GiganticAdultsTinyBabies: Creatures are tiny when they're young, but giant when they're adults.
31* ImmortalityBeginsAtTwenty: Immortal beings in fiction tend to stop aging right when they become young adults.
32* InvisibleToAdults: Children can see things that adults can't.
33* KidsVersusAdults: The children and adult characters face a rivalry.
34* LateComingOut: A character comes out of the closet later in life.
35* {{Manchild}}: An adult character who behaves like a child.
36* MilestoneBirthdayAngst: A (usually adult) dreads turning a certain age because of the connotations of being in that age range.
37* MostWritersAreAdults: Kids in fiction behave a lot like adults as a result of the show's writers being them.
38* NeverGrewUp: Physical maturity does not prevent emotional immaturity.
39* OfficeLady: A stereotypical low-level female office employee.
40* OneOfTheKids: An adult character hangs out with children to signify their immaturity.
41* OnlyFatalToAdults: Something that only kills adults.
42* PsychopathicManchild: A completely unstable adult character who possesses childish traits that make them slightly endearing.
43* {{Salaryman}}: Stereotypical low-income Japanese office worker.
44* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: The character to solve kids' problems is almost always an adult.
45* SeparatedFromTheAdults: A child becomes isolated from adult protection and as a result ventures on their own.
46* SheIsAllGrownUp: Puberty did a woman well.
47* ShortTeensTallAdults: In Hollywood, shorter means younger.
48* ThereAreNoAdults: Adult characters don't seem to be present in a work.
49* TokenAdult: The only adult member of a group of children or teenagers.
