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Context Literature / KamalAndBarnea

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1The ''Kamal and Barnea'' books are a series of thrillers revolving around Palestinian Ben Kamal and Israeli Danielle Barnea by Jon Land. When they first meet, they must set aside their differences to stop a serial killer threatening peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis before the peace talks fall apart. Over the course of the series, they continue to team up to solve different cases. The series has seven books: ''The Walls of Jericho'', ''The Pillars of Solomon'', ''A Walk in the Darkness'', ''Keepers of the Gate'', ''Blood Diamonds'', ''The Blue Widows'', and ''The Last Prophecy''.
3!!Contains examples of:
4* AlternateHistory: Though the series is not explicitly about this, it quickly becomes so. It started as being set in some near future where the Israelis largely pulled out of the West Bank, and Yasser Arafat was President of the Palestinian state. After this was written, Israel eventually did pull out of Gaza, but Arafat died in 2004 and the West Bank remains occupied. Nor unfortunately is peace any closer more than twenty years on, contrary to what these books show.
5* BadassIsraeli: Danielle, a former member of the Sayaret and the youngest woman to attain the rank of chief inspector in Israel's National Police.
6* BigDamnHeroes: Danielle and Ben make a habit of being this.
7* ConvenientMiscarriage: Danielle loses two pregnancies.
8* DarkAndTroubledPast: Ben's wife and children were murdered by a serial killer in Detroit.
9* EvilStoleMyFaith: Ben's belief in God died with his family.
10* EyeScream: The victims in ''Walls of Jericho'' are found with their eyes gouged out.
11* GlorifiedSpermDonor: {{Subverted}}. When Danielle tells Ben she's pregnant, he's excited about being a father again and having a family with her, but she wants to raise the baby alone, convinced that a child with a Jewish mother and Palestinian father would be an outcast.
12* HollywoodHacking: Jake Fleming, in ''The Last Prophecy'' [[spoiler: hacks into the FBI's servers.]]
13* LongLostRelative: [[spoiler: Danielle meets both her biological mother and her half sister in ''The Blue Widows''.]]
14* MalignedMixedMarriage: Ben and Danielle's relationship - one between a Palestinian and an Israeli - is met with disapproval by just about everyone. Similarly, Ben's brother never approved of Ben marrying an American woman before the events of the first book.
15* MiddleEasternTerrorists: Danielle was promoted to Shin Bet after arresting a wanted terrorist. [[spoiler: Also, the Jericho victims in the first book turn out to be members of Hamas.]]
16* MyGreatestFailure: Ben considers his arriving too late to save his family this.
17* RelationshipRevolvingDoor: Ben and Danielle end each book together... only to usually be broken up by the beginning of the next book.
18* ScrewTheRulesImDoingWhatsRight: Ben and Danielle end up fugitives on a regular basis because they're constantly disobeying orders to solve cases.
19* [[spoiler: TwoDunIt]]: In ''Walls of Jericho''.
20* VigilanteExecution: Ben arrests three police officers for killing a cab driver who had been accused of being an Israeli informant (he wasn't). Most of the Palestinian police loathe Ben as a result.
21* WesternTerrorists: Many of the villains throughout the series are Russian.
