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Context Funny / MightyMorphinMechaRangers

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1* The entirety of the [[EstablishingSeriesMoment First Chapter]] is hilarious enough to either hook people in or leave them unable to keep reading.
2** To clarify, The titular Mecha Lord is almost immediately defeated by the MonsterOfTheWeek and Kaiba later chides the pilots for their EpicFail.
3** The methods that Kaiba used to blackmail each ranger with Simon being promised [[TheCakeIsALie cake]].
4** The Defense Force is at first ready to martial a LastStand against Ramiel, but immediately relent when they find out the rangers are deploying.
5* Chapter 2: Kaiba's reaction to being outwitted by Roger's diplomacy.
6** The team's objection to Shinji's brutal tactics even though they're helping and that the other rangers are being just as brutal.
7** Mecha Lord slipping on Clover's entrails after it's messy death.
8* Chapter 3: Kaiba tries to return Shinji, but is handily denied on the account of the boy's mental state.
9** The Dai-Gurren Brigade being an incarnate MoodWhiplash.
10** After the Kraken floods their home, the Brigade drills into Kaiba's room and wrecks it. Kaiba reacts appropriately.
11** From the same chapter, Unit 01 [[KickThemWhileTheyAreDown electrocutes a dying Kraken after the Rangers defeat it.]]
12* Chapter 4: Rossiu getting punched by Simon for trying to use Nia as a VirginSacrifice
13** Hikari randomly kicking an older student for skipping school
14** ED-201 vs 2 decepticons
15** Kaiba calls a meeting of his employees and [[YankTheDogsChain baits them with the promise of a raise only to reveal that he's throwing money away at other useless purposes.]]
16** Kaiba mocking Deathwing and remaining completely apathetic when the Dragon threatens to attack.
17** Van and Bit trying to classify Deathwing's size category.
18* Chapter 5: Leena employing her Gunsniper to scare away civilians and then threatening Hitomi when she doesn't agree with the zoid being ugly.
19** Kamina and Kittan get into an argument over Yoko while fighting Deathwing. Simon's reaction is about the same as anyone else's.
20** Kaiba's Blue Eyes White Dragon Jet. Just...the jet.
21** More specifically, the Dragon Jet blasting away Deathwing, hacking Mecha Lord to combine with it and wasting Deathwing until there's nothing left but a small globe that contains the dragon's soul.
22* Chapter 6: A news interview with [[TheEmperor Emperor Britannia]] shows him on a throne of puppy skins. It gets interrupted as soon as he starts ranting about all men not being created equal.
23** Van being fed up and annoyed with Harry enough to try to kill him. [[WebVideo/VisionOfEscaflowneAbridged "Van Slash!"]]
24** Bit believing that Gendo raped Shinji.
