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Context Fridge / TheSpyWhoLovedMe

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1!! FridgeHorror
2* James Bond deployed two nuclear warheads in the Atlantic Ocean, causing who knows what kind of ecological damage and possibly made travel by sea far more difficult for years to come.
4!! FridgeBrilliance
5* One disappointing aspect of the film is that Anya is taken hostage and thus not part of the climactic battle on the Liparus. However had she been involved James would not have come to rescue her at Atlantis and she likely would've still harbored all her hatred and wanted to make good on her vow to kill James for killing her lover. That would've resulted in a post-climax confrontation between her and Bond where one of them (obviously her) would've ended up dead. A serious DownerEnding. Instead by defying orders and coming to her rescue she was able to forgive him.
