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Context Fridge / LifeIsBeautiful

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2* Despite all his efforts to keep his son safe, Guido unwittingly tells his son to go to the gas chamber:
3-->'''Giosué:''' Daddy, I cannot find any of the other kids, and a lady came telling me to take a shower.
4-->'''Guido:''' That's a good idea. You go take a shower.
5-->'''Giosué:''' No!
6-->'''Guido:''' Go take a shower!
7-->'''Giosué:''' No!
8* Given that we only see Giosué when the camp is liberated, all the other inmates we saw during the course of the film were probably killed when the camp was liquidated.
9* Guido, with his humorous “translation” of the German guard’s instructions to the other inmates, might have just lead them down a dreadful path. As pointed out in the NightmareFuel page for this movie, the guard clearly instructed the inmates on how to behave at the camp, or else they will face torture and even death. Given how Guido butchered what the guard was trying to tell them, [[UnwittingInstigatorOfDoom he may have unintentionally got them confused and in the long run gave them hell for not delivering the instructions needed to escape torment at this camp]].
