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Context Film / TheWingsOfTheDove

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3''The Wings of the Dove'' is a 1997 British-American romantic drama film adaptation of the novel by Creator/HenryJames. It was directed by Iain Softley and stars Creator/HelenaBonhamCarter, Creator/LinusRoache, Alison Elliott, Creator/CharlotteRampling, and Creator/MichaelGambon.
5Financially deficient British aristocrat Kate Croy (Bonham-Carter) and her poor journalist lover, Merton Densher (Roache), become friends with a rich American woman, Milly Theale (Elliott), who suffers from an incurable disease. Complications pertaining to love and money ensue.
7!!This film features examples of:
8* AvoidTheDreadedGRating: The movie takes place during [[TheEdwardianEra the reserved and repressed early years of the twentieth century]] and because the film's content matches its setting for most of the running time, it would likely merit no worse than a PG-13 or even PG rating. This abruptly changes near the end when [[HotterAndSexier the movie very much earns its R-rating.]]
9* ManipulativeBitch: Much to her shock, the previously honest Kate turns out to be surprisingly effective at being one.
10* CorruptTheCutie: Kate, in the beginning, is an honest, [[ProperLady proper and well-mannered]] young woman. However, fear of impoverishment leads to her becoming more deceptive and manipulative as the film goes on.
11* FalseFriend: Kate becomes more of this to Milly as the former's need to avoid poverty by receiving a share of the latter's estate grows in importance.
12* GoldDigger: Kate's friendship with Milly gradually falls by the wayside as she schemes with Merton to secure at least a portion of Milly's estate.
13* ImpoverishedPatrician: Despite being an aristocrat, Kate is penniless and her domineering Aunt Maud (Rampling) is intending to [[NobilityMarriesMoney marry her to a rich man]] in order to save her from the fate which befell her recently deceased mother when she married Kate's own dissolute father (Gambon).
14* VictorianNovelDisease: Milly has the classical illness that somehow makes you look more radiant.
