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Context Film / OrcWars

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2''Orc Wars'' (known in the USA as ''Dragonfyre: The Worldsgate Sentinel'') is a 2013 Sci-Fantasy film by production company Creator/ArrowstormEntertainment. A tribe of orcs is forced by an evil sorceress to hunt down an Elf Princess to be used in a human sacrifice. However, she escapes through a "worldsgate" into another world- Earth. There, she meets John Norton, an American soldier who bought the land where the gate opened into precisely to be alone (he appears to suffer from PTSD from being the only survivor of his combat unit.) It turns out he is the gate's chosen sentinel, and ends up forced to protect the princess.
4!Orc Wars/Dragonfyre contains examples of these tropes:
5* ActionGirl: The Elf Princess. She slew her fair share of orcs, and only needed rescue for being outnumbered.
6* AlienSky: The other world has two visible moons (actually, it's theirs and our own.) When they align, the worldsgate opens.
7* AnyoneCanDie: Only two characters survive by the end (three if you count one of the villains.)
8* AssShove: One of the rednecks is killed with a pike this way.
9* BMovie: Though a surprisingly good one.
10* BadBoss: The sorceress kills her own priest for asking her a simple question.
11* BlindWeaponmaster: Whitefeather, a blind swordsman who kills a whole bunch of orcs.
12* BoomHeadshot: Implied to be how [[spoiler: Katie]] dies, though they don't show it. Quite a few orcs are dispatched this way in all its gory glory, though.
13* BottomlessMagazines: It's quite impressive how many bullets John can fit into his assault rifles... and just how many rockets does that launcher hold, anyway?
14* TheChosenOne: John Norton. Every Worldgate has its own sentinel, which are chosen apparently by fate.
15* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Katie [=McQueen=], the realtor. She sounded bubble-headed but when the orcs totaled her car, she went on a killing spree!
16* TheDeterminator: The Orc Leader. He even cut off his own hand to escape after being captured!
17* DidntThinkThisThrough: John Norton takes his orc prisoner - who had previously tossed the six-foot-plus muscle-bound John around like a ragdoll - and secures it to a rickety old wooden chair with baling wire... then leaves it alone, unconscious, and unattended while he leaves the house for an extended period of time. Lo and behold, the orc is gone the next time they check up on it, having cut off his own hand to escape.
18* FailedASpotCheck: Might as well be called "Failed a Spot Check: The Movie." Several characters are ambushed by enemies clearly moving in their peripheral vision, and at one point a realtor stops in to check on John Norton and not only fails to notice the severed head on a pike planted directly in front of the door, but also the orc army that put it there.
19* GonnaNeedMoreX: The Heroes find a half-track (hidden by the previous Sentinel) to help battle the orcs. Ironically, the orcs bring their own improved weapons, namely a catapult and a dragon!
20* HillbillyHorrors: {{Subverted}}. There's a bunch of hillbillies that look like they're going to harass the heroes, but end up slaughtered by the orcs. Only one survives, who ends up joining the heroes.
21* IdiotBall: There are five characters defending the homestead from the orc army: John the Sentinel, the elven princess, the redneck, the realtor, and [[MagicalNativeAmerican Whitefeather]], who is blind. Three guesses who they pick to drive the half-track.
22* LeftHanging: The sorceress mentions her sisters were murdered. Who killed them and why is never elaborated upon, nor is it ever mentioned again.
23* MagicFromTechnology: Why people from the world of Nemis call Earth gun-wielders "wizards".
24* MagicalNativeAmerican: Played terribly straight with Whitefeather, a Native American whose "job" is to aid the sentinels.
25* MoreDakka: The way the Sentinels deal with the Orcs.
26* OurOrcsAreDifferent: Averted. They are very much the classic Tolkien/D&D orcs.
27* RefusalOfTheCall: Even after Whitefeather tells him about his destiny, John refuses to get involved, probably because he feels he failed his fellow soldiers. This doesn't last long however.
28* SpiritualSuccessor: It's this to the filmmaker's earlier film ''Orcs!''. They both involved orcs entering our world and a small group of heroes who have to take them all down. That's where the similarities end. Overlaps with SpiritualAntithesis due to the films' differing tones. ''Orcs!'' was a flat out [[SlidingScaleOfComedyAndHorror comedy-horror]] film with fantasy elements while this one is a straight-forward fantasy adventure... [[GarnishingTheStory with a dragon]].
29* WhatHappenedToTheMouse?: Scooter is introduced holding a small dog that he is still holding when the scene ends. The dog is never seen or mentioned again.
