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Context FanficRecs / StargateAtlantis

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1Proof that [[SturgeonsLaw the remaining 10% is worth being fed on by wraith for]] here:
3These are recommendations made by tropers for ''Series/StargateAtlantis'' {{Fan Fic}}s, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. ''No-name recommendations will be '''{{fed to the Wraith}}'''.'' Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.
5Warn for sexually explicit or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, {{Shipping}} is SeriousBusiness.
8[[WMG: Authors, and Websites]]
10''[[ Domenika Marzione]]''
11* Recommended by Polaris.
12* ''Comments'': Pretty good OriginalFlavor fics, and a lot of 'em. Frequently surpasses the writing of the show itself, especially in the later seasons.
13** ''Additional Comments:'' These are especially noteworthy because the author is familiar with the U.S. military from the inside, so her writing involving Atlantis' military characters is incredibly authentic feeling.
15''[[ Sholio a.k.a friendshipper on Livejournal]]''
16* Recommended by {{derry667}}, seconded by Polaris
17* ''Comments'': Another mostly OriginalFlavor fic writer, but also some great Alternate Universe Fic (including one that in itself plays with and mildly parodies the trope). 90% GenFic but very occassionally write slash, het and multiple pairings. I'm predominantly a GenFic reader myself, but I'd still recommend giving all the the stories a try. YMMV, of course. She specialises in fics about The Team (from season 2 onwards) with, it has to be said, a heavy emphasis on the [=McKay=]-Sheppard friendship (again YMMV, if you are that way inclined, you could see it as pre-slash). Stories vary from Action-Adventure to serious Tear Jerkers and not infrequently throws in a little Mood Whiplash for good measure. Spot on characterisations and all the humour seen on the show and then some. Does it sound like I'm gushing? Why yes, I am. These fics are brilliant.
19[[WMG:[[GenFic General Fics]]]]
20''Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.''
22''[[ Things not to do on Atlantis]]'' by albert12
23* Recommended by {{dunrana }}
24* ''Status'': Dead
25* ''Synopsis'': The Atlantis expedition learns some of the things you SHOULDN’T do aboard Atlantis… the hard way.
26* ''Comments'': A lighthearted series of drabbles and one-liners about things the Atlantis expedition really shouldn’t do – but do anyway. This series is sure to brighten your day
28''[[ Unmanifest Destiny]]'' by vain_glorious
29* Recommended by Samred
30* ''Status'': Complete
31* ''Synopsis'': Following the events of 5X01, Team Sheppard goes to Earth and takes a roadtrip across the US.
32* ''Comments'': A light-hearted road trip story featuring touristy shenanigans. But at a risk of spoiling the whole premise, this fic DESTROYED me emotionally.
34''[[ Stargate Atlantis: Universal Sin]]'' by Lone-ranger1
35* Recommended by {{EGuardian}}
36* ''Status'': Complete
37* "Synopsis": What if the forces of Atlantis, Wraith, and Traveler was not enough to defeat the Asurans? The course of the galaxy takes a dark detour into chaos, and the Atlantis expedition is faced with all their sins staring them in the face. Nobody will come out of this the way they came in, and some won't come back at all. Alternate ending to Stargate Atlantis,
38* "Comments" An alternate ending to the series in season 4 - it takes the darkness we saw in the earlier seasons and ramps it up, but doesn't go so far as to lose the feel of SGA. While mostly a Gen fic, it does contain some romance but it's not central to the plot. It's a pretty good balance between serious drama and action with occasional humour. Very well written with some minor grammar issues, it's complete at about a three novel length.
40''[[ Retrograde]]'' by Martha Wilson
41* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
42* ''Status'': Complete
43* ''Synopsis'': The Atlantis expedition has been lost for three years. SG-1 goes to find them, and arrives just a little too late.
44* ''Comments'': Suspenseful, wrenching, and extremely well-done. Be sure to check out the sequels as well.
46''[[ Geeks and Goons series]]'' by Koschka
47* Recommended by {{Acacia}}
48* ''Status'': Complete
49* ''Synopsis:'' A series of post-episode stories, ''The Defiant One'' through ''The Siege Part 3'', focusing on the Sheppard-[=McKay=] friendship.
50* ''Comments'': I've placed it under General because that's what most of them are, but Supergeek (the ''Brotherhood'' one) does venture into {{UST}}. It can easily be skipped if that's not your thing. The whole series is crammed full of sweet and funny, just like these two should be. And there's FixFic for ''Sanctuary'', which ''really'' needed it.
52''[[ Hero For A New Age]]'' by Smittywing
53* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
54* ''Status'': Complete
55* ''Synopsis'': "Superman's the last of his kind, too," Ronon said quickly. “I'm going to try to get [=McKay=] to rig me up some heat vision so I can melt steel like Superman."
56* ''Comments'': Culture exchange, [=McKay=] style. Ronon reads comic books, and comes to some interesting conclusions.
58[[ The Remnant]] by Isabelle Ashe (AU from S1 finale)
59* Recommended by {{Katherine}}
60* ''Status'': Complete
61* Synopsis: Post-season one AU DarkFic. The survivors of Atlantis cling to one another, mentally and physically broken after two years on the run from the Wraith.
62* Comments: A bleak, heartbreaking fic, focusing particularly on Zelenka and Heightmeyer (and Zelenka/Heightmeyer, though not what I'd consider very romantic.)
64''[[http:// XSGCOM: Terra from the Deep]]''
65* Recommended by S J C, amitakartok, Tropers/PaddyMurphy
66* ''Status'': Dormant
67* ''Pairings'': None
68* ''Synopsis'': SG-1/X-COM Crossover - As old enemies fall by the wayside new ones appear to challenge the Tau'ri and their allies.
69* ''Comments''
70** amitakartok: as good as the prequel so far, if not better.
71** Tropers/{{Night}}: Unclear how the story will develop yet. Still, like the other, it's got a feel-good ass-kicking flavor, and the Wraith have been delivered such a serious beating by the Expedition (who packed naquadria-based weapons this time) that any kind of resemblance to canon SGA before the appearance of the Pegasus!Replicators can be considered dead.
72** Tropers/SithkingZero: I agree with both Night and amitakartok. Given the ''far'' higher tech base of the XSGCOM universe compared to canon, things go wildly differently. Minor point of contention is that the series is not based exclusively to Atlantis and the Pegasus galaxy, but is split between Pegasus and our own Galaxy. In addition, the story is not devoting (In my opinion) enough time to the Aquatoids, the new Pegasus villain in addition to the Wraith. At the time of this comment, the story is up to the siege of Atlantis. Seems to be on Hiatus for the moment.
74''[[ Asura Path]]'' by tobetasered
75* Recommended by Judge King
76* ''Status'': Dead
77* ''Pairings'': None
78* ''Synopsis'': A change in the Asuran Race's base code leads to a revolution that shall alter the balance of power in four galaxies and forever change the fate of all humans. Janus, what have you done.
79* ''Comments'': A very interesting AU fic in which Janus made some modifications to the Asuran base code.
81''[[ Flight of the Orion]]'' by ajw
82* Recommended by Judge King
83* ''Status'': Complete
84* ''Pairings'': None obviously
85* ''Synopsis'': AU Stargate One Shot. What could have happened if the Ancient battlecruiser Orion had been fully operational when she engaged the Wraith Hiveships in battle in the third season premier No Mans Land.
86* ''Comments'':
88''[[ Another Way]]'' by ajw
89* Recommended by Judge King
90* ''Status'': Complete
91* ''Pairings'': None
92* ''Synopsis'': [=McKay=] and Daniel make a different choice and take the [=ZPMs=] powering the Attero Device instead of the control crystals. An AU of the season five episode "The Lost Tribe".
93 * ''Comments'':
95''[[ The Puddlejumper Diaries]] by Andrew Joshua Talon
96* Recommended by Judge King
97* ''Status'': Dead
98* ''Synopsis'': A humorous fic about the Puddle Jumpers being sentient.
99* ''Comments'':
100** SithkingZero: YES. Cannot recommend this highly enough. A bit sad when you hear the POV's of all the Puddle Jumpers who get wrecked, but the rest is largely comedy gold.
102''[[ City on the Edge of Forever: Pilot]]'' by synecdochic
103* Recommended by @/GentlemensDame883
104* ''Status'': Complete
105* ''Synopsis'': Weir thinks, ''really'' thinks about what the expedition would need and plans accordingly. A "pilot" for an AU. Oneshot, since it seems the author never got around to writing more.
106* ''Comments'':
107** SithkingZero: Very well thought out, and much more likely to survive than the real one. Should be required reading for all SGA writers, fanfic or otherwise.
109''[[ Stargate Atlantis: Season 7]]'' by Lady Mayrid
110* Recommended by Dangly Legged Owl
111* ''Status'': Complete
112* ''Synopsis'': How much can one person change the outcome of a universe? Sheppard and his team are about to find out as Atlantis receives a new addition. Lines are crossed, boundaries drawn and old alliances formalized as the adventures in the Pegasus continue.
113* ''Comments'': A novel-sized virtual new season of SGA with a ''huge'' focus on Wraith characters and culture. There is a growing romance between a Wraith and an OC involved, but I would recommend this fic to anyone for its inventiveness, attention to detail, and overall engaging style. There's also the continuation, Season 8.
114** YMMV on this one, the writing is a bit stilted, and the OC mentioned earlier seems pretty Sueish.
116''[[ The Wraithling Tales]]'' by Perryvic
117* Rec'ed by Soulseller
118* ''Status'': Complete
119* ''Synopsis'': Listen well young Wraithling, for when you wake grown from the Long Sleep and breathe your first taste of sky, and feel the Hunger burn in your fingers you would do well to use more of your mind than the Instinct.
120* ''Comments'': SGA adventures as told by the Wraith, oral tradition style. The look into wraith society and their point of view is really great.
122''[[ Some Things]]'' by wisekrakens
123* Rec'ed by Newt
124* ''Status'': Complete
125* ''Synopsis'': There are some things SGC gate team members notice about the Atlantis teams who come to Earth on rotation. Nothing alarming. Nothing worth bringing to the brass’s attention. Different galaxies leave different scars, after all, and if the world’s gonna keep getting saved the people doing the saving are going to have to learn to tolerate each other’s quirks. But still. There are things.
127''[[ Oolon Colluphid Was Right]]'' by melanen
128* Rec'ed by Newt
129* ''Status'': Complete
130* ''Synopsis'': The Stargates' universal translation effect can sometimes make secret communication in enemy territory difficult. Luckily, Rodney has a plan.
131* ''Comments'': The team is captured and John and Rodney converse entirely in earth pop culture references so their captors don't know what they're saying. Very cleverly done.
133''[[ The Geek's Guide to World Domination]]'' by likethekoschka
134* Recommended by fruitstripegum
135* ''Status'': Complete
136* ''Synopsis'': Teddy bears, self-esteem, and mad scientist but no fricking laser beams! But it is slash!
138''[[ Into the Hive]]'' by Ashkaztra (Shaded Mazoku)
139* Recommended by OriCat
140* ''Status'': Dormant
141* ''Synopsis'': A collection of ficlets and sketches in an ongoing attempt to sort out [Ashkaztra's] headcanon regarding just how the Wraith work.
142* ''Comments'': An interesting look at how a culture would develop under the different constraints that the Wraith have, especially telepathy. There's a lot of silliness too, and most of the characters are OCs.
144[[WMG:[[{{Shipping}} Shipping Fics]]]]
145''Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.''
147''[[ The Hard Prayer]]'' by
149* Recommended by {{jaimie2i}}.
150* ''Status'': Complete
151* ''Pairings'': John/Rodney
152* ''Synopsis'': One year after the end of the world, John meets another survivor.
153* ''Comments'': Brilliant post-apocalyptic fic that has damaged!John meeting up with damaged!Rodney. They are messed-up as befits survivors of the apocalypse, and it is dealt with realistically and is not overblown. This fic also has some great funny moments in it.
155''[[ Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose]]'' by synecdochic
156* Recommended by {{DMint}}. Seconded ''so hard'' by {{Skazka}}. Thirded equally hard by @/{{Polaris}}. Fourthed strongly by {{Appolonia}}. Fifthed like mad by {{LadyAmi}}
157* ''Status'': Complete
158* ''Pairings'':
159* ''Synopsis'': A futurefic charting the post-Atlantis career of Rodney [=McKay=] over several years at a podunk nowhere college located somewhere in the American Midwest.
160* ''Comments'': Though aspects of it have been Jossed by casting changes on the show it's still an awesome read. Be warned, there's a bit of slash but only in an implied sense.
161** skazka: This troper would like to add that all of the above is true, and [[ the podfic version]] made me, um, weep like a child.
162** apollonia: This troper, who normally dislikes [=McKay=]/Sheppard found the implied slash perfectly tolerable and cried buckets when reading this. She is grateful for the podfic link and most keen to find out what effect having it read to her will have on her liquids.
163** Lady Ami: This troper has only just started watching the show. I still cried. This fic is beautiful.
165''[[ Rebuilding Babel]]'' by fiercelydreamed (explicit sex)
166* Recommended by {{HopefulNebula}}.
167* ''Status'': Complete
168* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
169* ''Synopsis'': ''He wondered if this was how it felt to go crazy -- you didn't lose your mind, it just stopped synching up with the world around you.'' The Pegasus galaxy makes Rodney an expert in what he can survive without.
170* ''Comments'': Every time I read this I get all weepy. I'm not a huge SGA fan (out of circumstance, not choice) but this was recced to me and I immediately fell in love, because everything's ''not'' all perfect at the end, but the author conveys a wonderful sense of hope. Also, I love finding disability fics that don't invoke pity. (Fair warning: it's 21,000 words long.)
172''[[ Written By The Victors]]'' by Speranza (AU)
173* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
174* ''Status'': Complete
175* ''Pairings'': Several, both slash and het
176* ''Synopsis'': The history of Atlantis.
177* ''Comments'': Like ''Freedom's Just Another Word'', listed above, this is one of those fics that just about everybody in the fandom has read, and for good reason. It is ''amazingly'' detailed, with an intriguing and well-executed premise: The history of Atlantis, as told in Pegasus and on Earth. It is also incredibly hard to describe, so if you haven't read it, just ''do so'', and be pleasantly surprised.
179''[[ Bell Curve, or, Ladies' Night At the Boom Boom Room]]'' by Rageprufrock (AU)
180* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
181* ''Status'': Complete
182* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
183* ''Synopsis'': In his rational mind, Rodney knew that following a girl who'd just dumped you into a strip club was really, really pathetic.
184* ''Comments'': If the title isn't enough on its own to make you want to read this, I don't know what else I can say. It's not actually about strip clubs, except at the beginning, but it is utterly hilarious and exceptionally well written.
186''[[ The Ratio of Burning]]'' by Stillane
187* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
188* ''Status'': Complete
189* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
190* ''Synopsis'': They hand over a fully functioning, loudmouthed genius with a penchant for sarcasm and slight irrationality. They get back a fully functioning, polite savant with a penchant for silence and serenity.
191* ''Comments'': This is creepy as all get out, but it's really, really good. The resolution is killer (in a good way).
193''[[ A Farm in Iowa]]'' by Sheafrotherdon (AU)
194* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
195* ''Status'': Complete
196* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
197* ''Synopsis'': John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element, and there is much ado about baseball.
198* ''Comments'': As you may have noticed, this fandom has a lot of really good AU fics. This is another one of them, first in a series, all of which is excellent.
200''[[ Transcendental]]'' by Shalott
201* Recommended by @/{{Polaris}}
202* ''Status'': Complete
203* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
204* ''Synopsis'': The strangest thing about John's job wasn't actually the Wraith, because he'd seen the first two Alien movies about fifty times apiece, and he figured as long as they didn't have mandibles and lay eggs in you, he was still a few points up on Ripley.
205* ''Comments'': This was written back in first season, so it's been entirely Jossed, but that doesn't change that it's an extremely awesome fic, and one that I've successfully used to lure people into the fandom.
207''[[ Four Blatant Lies about Atlantis (And One That's Totally True]]'' by sabinelagrande
208* Recommended by {{magentastorm}}
209* ''Status'': Complete
210* ''Pairings'': [=McKay=]/Sheppard
211* ''Synopsis'': Wherein aliens don't make them do it, John loves ASCII, Carson hates everyone, Weir is highly amused, and Lorne's just trying to be a pal.
212* ''Comments'': Just about the funniest Stargate Atlantis fic I've ever read. Pure, hilarious crack.
214''[[ Widow's Walk]]'' by synecdochic
215* Recommended by RoseAndHeather
216* ''Status'': Complete
217* ''Pairings'': Weir/Zelenka
218* ''Summary'': Elizabeth is the one to wait, and Zelenka is the one who's done waiting.
219* ''Comments'': This is by synecdochic, of ''Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose'' fame. That should tell you all you need to know.
221''[[ Restoration]]'' by Scary Kitty
222* Recommended by Marcus S Lazarus
223* ''Status'': Complete
224* ''Pairings'': John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir
225* ''Summary'': AU/The Season 6 That Should Have Been. Atlantis's return to the Pegasus Galaxy is marked by new discoveries and adventures, continuing conflicts stressed to the breaking point, the return of old friends and foes alike, and more than one miracle that no one expected.
226* ''Comments'': An incredible take on what Season Six could have been, returning Atlantis to Pegasus and bringing Aiden Ford and Elizabeth Weir back to the city (as well as the complicated addition of Nancy, John's ex-wife, to the city staff), the storyline creates a fascinating chain of events that restore Doctor Elizabeth Weir to the city she once led, while also exploring the relationship between John and Elizabeth.
227* ''Notes'': Has since been pulled from the net; feel free to add a link if you find it anywhere else.
228** Found a copy on the Internet Archive.
230''[[ Through A Glass, Darkly]]'' by chaletian
231* Recommended by @/{{oxalis}}
232* ''Status'': Complete
233* ''Pairings'': Established [=McKay=]/Sheppard
234* ''Summary'': Rodney wakes up to find the power dead and people disappearing: on the one hand, including John, so that’s bad, bad, very bad, but on the other hand also including Kavanagh, so it’s not like it’s all sucky.
235* ''Comments'': 5,490 words. A perfectly paced short slashy adventure fic from [=McKay=]'s point of view. So cracky, yet without destroying suspension of disbelief. Could be considered an adventure fic with a side of slash or a slash fic with an adventure underlayment. I could call it either way. (With humor and classic Rodney internal monologue regardless.) What more can I say? I was riveted while I was reading it and then laughing till my eyes watered after I finished it.
237[[WMG:[[CrossOver Crossover Fics]]]]
238''Fics where Stargate: Atlantis is crossed over with another fandom.''
240''[[ Rock Happy]]'' by ArwenLune
241* Recommended by Download
242* ''Status'': Complete
243* ''Crossover with'': Literature/GenerationKill
244* ''Pairings'': minor Brad Colbert/OFC
245* ''Summary'': Following their return from Iraq several members of Marine 1st Recon are asked to join the Atlantis Expedition.
246* ''Comments'': Great fic to read, the author really manages to keep the Marines in character (i.e. they're still as unpolitically correct as they can be). In my mind, they've kept it very realistic.
248''[[ And Then the Heroes Came Along]]'' by [[ Roga]]
249* Recommended by {{Tropers/jyshin2}}
250* ''Status'': Complete
251* ''Crossover With'': ''Franchise/TheDCU''
252* ''Synopsis'': You would think that grown men would be able to interact with Superman and Batman without turning into thirteen-year-olds. You would be wrong.
253* ''Status'': Complete
254* ''Comments'': All you need to know is that this is hilarious, while still being completely in character.
256''[[ SG Universes at War]]'' by [[ celian Cogitore]]
257* Recommended by ultimomant
258* Status: Ongoing
259* Crossover with: ''VideoGame/FateExtra CCC''
260* Synopsis: After Gilgamesh rescues the female Hakuno Kishinami from being deleted by the Moon Cell, they decide to explore the universe together. Hakuno inexplicably gets warped away to the Pegasus Galaxy and is given a Replicator body, making the folks at Atlantis wary. Gilgamesh goes to that universe to search for her and runs into the SG-1 team.
