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Context FanficRecs / DeusEx

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1Proof that [[SturgeonsLaw the remaining 10% is worth succumbing to Grey Death for]] here.
3These are recommendations made by Tropers for ''VideoGame/DeusEx'' fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found [[Main/FanficRecommendations here]].
5Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is SeriousBusiness. Please also be aware that, due to recent content policy changes, works that are PornWithoutPlot may not be linked to, including any work that is hosted on a certain meme.
7You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Administrivia/ConversationInTheMainPage though; that goes in the discussion page.
9!General Fics
10''[[ Apotheosis]]'' by [[ QuillMind]]
11* Recommended By Kalaong, Arjac
12* ''Status'': Complete
13* ''Synopsis'': After Adam was attacked by the Tyrants and left for dead, Sarif had made the choice to change him into an augmented man. During the surgery, what would have been going through the CEO's mind regarding his decision? Rated T just in case for some bloody descriptions. Oneshot. Also has [[ a comic adaptation]] on Website/DeviantArt.
14* ''Comments'': A peek into augmentation pioneer David Sarif's head. Why did he augment Jensen to such a degree? Why does he believe in augmentation so devoutly? Take a look and see...
15** Comic version is only 5 pages, so there's little reason not to take a peak.
17!Crossover fics
19''[[ EVA: Gods Made From Men]]'' by [[ Wild Card-You and What Army]]
20* ''Recommended by'': Tropers/JCDentonsShades
21* ''Status'': Complete
22* ''Crossover with'': ''Franchise/NeonGenesisEvangelion''
23* ''Synposis'': After a much more positive outcome for Fourth Impact (happening in the author's previous work, which is linked to the story), SEELE decides to continue their quest for godhood, using an augmentation-organized Singularity. Being proactive, they attempt to assassinate the Evangelion Pilots, but the Children fail to die, and though [[spoiler:Kaworu]] survives of his own accord, [[spoiler:Shinji and Rei]] can only be saved by lifesaving augmentation from Sarif Industries. Their newfound power place [[spoiler: Keel Lorenz, Bob Page, and Zhao Yun Ru]] in NERV's crosshairs.
25''Fanfic/MassEffectHumanRevolution'' by [[ IgnusDei]]
26* Recommended By Tropers/{{Kalaong}}, Tropers/GoneRampant, Tropers/{{Zaptech}}, Tropers/{{Poptard}}, Tropers/{{Noelemahc}}, Tropers/GentlemensDame883, Tropers/{{PNG}}, Tropers/MintyFreshDeath, Tropers/BlackSunNocturne
27* ''Status'': Ongoing (Last update June 2021)
28* ''Crossover with:'' ''Franchise/MassEffect''
29* ''Synopsis'': The empty years between the present day and the discovery of the Prothean Ruins on Mars - and the Franchise/MassEffect - are filled in with the three VideoGame/DeusEx games... and end with anti-aug fanatics in control. Humanity is a bioconservative shadow of its canon glory. But fear not, HonestCorporateExecutive [[VideoGame/DeusExHumanRevolution David Sarif]] saw it all coming, and preserved his technology, researchers, himself, and Adam Jensen as {{Human Popsicle}}s. Unfortunately, after more than a century on ice, only Adam made it to the 2170's - and barely makes it off Earth ahead of the [[TorchesAndPitchforks torch-waving]] {{Muggles}}. But even off-world, Adam just can't stay out of trouble he never asked for. His first attempt to put down roots is on [[ Elysium]], and only his ([[GasLeakCoverup suppressed]]!) rescue of the colony from batarian raiders enables him to leave the planet intact. He seems to find a home on the Citadel itself, distinguishing himself as Garrus Vakarian's partner in C-Sec. [[spoiler:Only Commander Shepard, fresh from the attack on Eden Prime, gets herself assassinated hours after she sets foot on the Citadel.]] Adam Jensen never asked for this, but ''someone'' has to [[spoiler:stop Saren]] - and he's better equipped than anyone else in the galaxy to do it.
30* ''Comments'': Conspiracies, cyborgs and snark hit the Mass Effect universe hard enough to knock out a charging krogan. The author is a transhumanist who was disappointed with VideoGame/MassEffect3's endings, and has chosen this combination of extropian promise and old-fashioned badass to set it right. Prepare for asari terrorists taken out with thrown fridges, naive sentinels driven to distraction with CASIE mods, and krogan sucker-punched by inert ultra-tensile carbon fists. Be warned that it takes a while to get into gear, though, so try to stick with it at least four chapters. Also, [=IgnusDei=] was [[ personally involved]] with the development of DX:HR - at least to the point of having designed several set pieces.
32''[[ Deus Ex Remnant]]'' by [[ VoidKiller]] (also available on [[ Archive Our Own]] and the [[ Spacebattle Forums]])
33* Recommended by Tropers/CoinPin
34* Crossover with ''WebAnimation/{{RWBY}}''
35* ''Status'': Dead
36* ''Synopsis'': The year is 997 A.E (After Emergence of Grimm). It is a time of great innovation and technological advancement with Dust being at the forefront. Technology thought to be nothing but a dream has become a reality. A true era of peace. But peace has come with a hefty price, players in the dark play a deadly chess match, with the people wondering who is the pawn, and who is the King. Welcome to the Golden Age of Remnant.
