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Context Fanfic / SinkorSwim

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1''[[ Sink or Swim]]'' is a completed ''Literature/TheHungerGames'' fanfiction written by Jabberjayheart. It is set in an alternate universe where Peeta won the 75th Hunger Games and the rebellion never happened.
3The author has [[ a blog with pictures of the tributes]], along with information about them.
5!! Sink or Swim contains examples of:
6* AbsurdlyHighStakesGame: The basic premise of the Hunger Games
7* ActionGirl: Most of the female tributes
8* AerithAndBob: There are a variety of names among the tributes. Some of the more normal ones are August, Blair, and Cyril. Then you have names like Camillo, Serpine, and Faele.
9* AnyoneCanDie: Another basic premise of the Hunger Games.
10* AxCrazy: Luxe is suggested to be this, and possibly Sable.
11* BigOlEyebrows: Luxe's eyebrows were likened to caterpillars.
12* BittersweetEnding: The games portion has only just started, but if it follows the pattern of all the stories written by the author, the ending will be this.
13* TheChessmaster: August and Camillo both seem to be chessmasters, though whether they'll be successful is yet to be seen. Cyril seems to be edging into this territory, too.
14* CruelAndUnusualDeath: Basically every death, but [[spoiler: Alyssum Harper's (getting her head bashed multiple times)]] was pretty awful.
15* DeadpanSnarker: Serpine, half of what she says is snark.
16* DespairEventHorizon: The bloodbath in the beginning.
17* FanNickname: Orion is Oreo and Serpine became (unsurprisingly) Serpent.
18* IgnoredEnamoredUnderling: North is basically an underling in her alliance, and has an unrequited crush on August. August knows this, but he does not reciprocate the feelings.
19* IWorkAlone: Blair was adamant about not having any allies. [[spoiler: Deacon eventually changed that]].
20* MamaBear: Clio is this towards her alliance.
21* ManChild: Sable manages to be this in a both creepy and endearing way.
22* NaughtyIsGood: Or neutral. Bennet and Satchel prove to be up to no good during training, but they really aren't contenders for the title of villain.
23* ObviouslyEvil: While some of the Careers are more sympathetic, Luxe and Jezabel really don't have any of those traits. And by the way they act, how could we see them as heroic or neutral characters? Camillo could be a light example. Sable is a bit of a subversion; while he does like dark, gory things, it's hard to see him in a villainous light.
24* OhCrap: Pretty much all of the dead tributes before they die.
25* OnlySaneMan: In the Career alliance, Cera is the most normal of the bunch.
26* PresidentEvil: Esmeralda Snow, President Snow's granddaughter, seems to be follow in her predecessor's footsteps.
27* ProperlyParanoid: Faele is terrified of pretty much everything. But she's kind of right to be afraid, pretty much everything is out to kill her and the others.
28* TheQuietOne: Cyril seems to be pretty quiet, and really only speaks when it's important. [[spoiler: But he seems to have something big planned]].
29* TheStarscream: Basically Luxe.
