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Context Fanfic / LegendsOfTomorrowSeasonTwoRewrite

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1'''Season Two Rewrite''' is a Series/LegendsOfTomorrow fanfic series written by multiple authors that seeks to rewrite its second season, expand character arcs and development while also following the general season arc around the Spear of Destiny.
3Can be read [[ here]].
5'''Unmarked spoilers ahead.'''
7!!Tropes Are:
8* [[UsefulNotes/TheAmericanRevolution American Revolution]]: The Legends visit it to prevent the murder of George Washington
9* AmericaWonWorldWarII: Adverted. Nate is pissed at how American sources severly downplay the role that other nations, especially the French resistance, had in winning the war
10* ArtisticLicenseHistory: The fic uses a heavily fictionalised version of events regarding the American Revolution with George Washington being concerned with the "rules of war" and give prisoners respect which contrast with the real life Washington who was willing to burn Native villages that sided with the British and was an unrepentant slave owner
11* BackFromTheDead: [[spoiler:Laurel Lance is saved from her gruesome death by the Reverse-Flash]]. She goes to live on Earth 2 to escape [[ClockRoaches the time wraiths]].
12* ButterflyOfDoom: [[PlayingWithATrope Played with]]. The team often realizes that the ButterflyOfDoom is often bullshit and the long term effect of temporal changes can be positive
13* ClockRoaches: The Time Wraiths, with the Black Flash being their leader and the most powerful of all
14* CloseEnoughTimeline: When Stein's skepticism causes the Holy Lance to not be discovered, it results in the failure of the First Crusade. The effect is such that no more Crusades occur, along with a weakening of the Roman Catholic Church and greater spread of Islam worldwide. However this trope is in full effect as the technological, social and political conditions are very similar to the original timeline
15** The Legends' shenanigans during the First Crusade result in this as, while the Crusaders still win their battle, history now reports the presence of a flaming angel
16* ClothesMakeTheSuperman: Ray suffers from this when his ATOM suit is damaged. He also tries various costumes afterwards which are reminiscent of DC Comics superheroes
17* DemotedToExtra: Nate Haywood, who in canon became a ChromeChampion is dumped back in 2017 in the third episode, and doesn't return
18* DivineRightOfKings: [[DiscussedTrope Discussed]] when the Legends are visiting 17th century France. Stein realizes that even if they fail to save Louis XIII, the world would be better off as it would result in a ButterflyOfDoom that would weaken the trend towards the divine right, by adverting events like the UsefulNotes/WarOfTheSpanishSuccession, the abolishment of the Edict Of Nantes and the [[FinalSolution destruction]] of the Huguenots
19* DressedToPlunder: Ray "disguse" when visiting China, the rest of the team is baffled
20* FlatEarthAtheist: Martin Stein, who lives in world of magic, superpowers and time travel, is absolutely skeptical about the existence and mystical powers of the Holy Lance
21* {{Foil}}: As in canon, the Justice Society of America is this to the Legends
22* ForgotAboutHisPowers: Ray is hit hard with his, after their GreatEscape fails and LaResistance is captured he could have simply shrinked and escape instead of letting the Atom suit being taken by villains again
23* FunnyBackgroundEvent: Stein and his wife were in West Berlin for a conference on the fallout of Chernobyl when the Wall fell. They just assumed there was [[EntertaininglyWrong some parade going on]]
24* GuestStarPartyMember: A few, most notably Kendra Saunders, Nathan Heywood, Lisa Snart, John Constantine and others
25* ImperialChina: The Legends visit 1809 China to search for a piece of the Spear of Destiny
26* TheInfiltration: With Lisa Snart's help, the Legends break into a corporate lab from 2070
27* ISurrenderSuckers: Nancy Wake uses this tactic when she and LaResistance prisioners are trying to break out of prison with help of Ray and Nate.
28* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Mick Rory, much more than in canon
29* {{Jerkass}}: The Legends maintain their disdain for Mick that they have for him in canon especially [[DrJerk Martin Stein]]
30* SuddenlyShouting: Nate when something confronted with an aberration
31* LaResistance: The Legends help the TropeNamer when travelling to 1944, where the presence of a shard of the Holy Lance is giving supernatural aid to the Axis
32* LegionOfDoom: Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and Eobard Thawn still join forces like in canon
33* LetsSplitUpGang: When infiltrating a East India Company harbor, Sara decides to split [[StoryBreakerPower Firestorm]], taking Stein with her while Jefferson goes with Mick and Ray. Obviously, the Legends get into trouble quick enough and the lack of Firestorm proves to be a drawback
34* McGuffin: The Holy Lance/Spear of Destiny, obviously
35* NinjaPirateZombieRobot: At one point, Sara describes herself as a undead ninja assassin time traveler
36* OurAngelsAreDifferent: The Crusaders mistake Firestorm for a flaming angel
37* OccultDetective: John Constantine
38* ParadoxPerson: Eobard Thawne who is still trying to outrun the Black Flash after a dumb ancestor of his [[Recap/TheFlash2014S1E23FastEnough killed himself]]
39* RealMenLoveJesus: The Crusaders. This is PlayedForDrama as Stein utterly fails at inspiring the Crusaders who are driven by religious fervor after they lose the Holy Lance
40* TeamDad: Mick is this to the Legends, not that he will ever admit it
