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Context DrinkingGame / WhateleyUniverse

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1'''WARNING:''' If you choose to play this game with any Whateley FanFic - especially anything in the Micro Scenes thread on the WA site - we take no responsibility for the outcome. However, we do recommend purchasing no-fault life insurance and making out your will before trying.
3'''Take a drink whenever''':
4* A new GenderBender is added to the cast, or an existing character is gender bent.
5** If the character is a SexShifter, take a shot after each change after the first one. Otherwise, you'd be risking alcohol poisoning.
6* Carmilla adds yet another lover to her harem (yes, Carl counts, too).
7** Flip a coin when Carmilla meets Merry. If it's heads, take an additional shot as well as the drink. If it's tails, take ''four''.
8* A DesignatedHero pulls something completely unheroic (i.e., Carmilla's screwing over Jobe).
9** Take two if you think the target of said action actually had it coming.
10* Jobe gets censured by the UN.
11* Someone gets attacked by squirrels (regardless of whether they are real squirrels or hobgoblins).
13'''Take a shot whenever''':
14* Phase says '[[CatchPhrase of course]]'.
15** Take two whenever he uses [[SesquipedalianLoquaciousness a real word which you don't recognize]]. You may need a copy of the OED to make sure he isn't making it up, though.
16* Tennyo gets NewPowersAsThePlotDemands.
17* Chaka uses her ''ki'' to substitute for a more common superpower.
18** Take two shots if you can't figure out a rationale for her being able to do so. This should get you loaded in no time.
19* The phrase '[[TechnoBabble Pattern Theory]]' appears.
20* Someone mentions how boring Professor Quintain's lectures are.
21* A spirit takes control of their host in order to talk to someone (or, in the case of Tennyo, beat the pulp out of someone).
22* Someone calls or thinks of Nephandus as 'Pretty Evil Boy'.
23* Loophole, Phase or She-Beast start [[RulesLawyer Rules Lawyering]].
24* A trope is invoked by name.
26'''Take a sip whenever''':
27* Someone finds a new MundaneUtility for their powers.
28** Well, you can skip Generator, unless you want to get really hammered.
29* Someone mentions the PronounTrouble involving either [[MesACrowd Generator]] or any of the SexShifter characters (e.g., Heyoka, Reach, Chimera, Jimmy T.).
30* One of the authors misspells 'Englund' as 'England'.
31* A student is summoned, sent, or dragged to Headmistress Carson's office.
32** Take two if it's Solange.
33* The phrase '[[EldritchAbomination Class X Entity]]' or something equivalent appears.
34* Jobe says or does something that makes you want to reach through the computer screen and wring his/her neck.
35** Take two sips whenever Belphegor causes the same reaction.
36* A student has problems because of PowerIncontinence or from a lack of RequiredSecondaryPowers.
37* Alya describes himself as a '[[InternalizedCategorism disgusting intersexed mutant freak]]' or words to those effect.
39'''Meta Option''': Take a drink whenever the series gets added to a new trope page.
