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Context DrinkingGame / RWBY

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1Here is a drinking game for RWBY. Warning: only do this if following a few of these rules at any given time. Your liver will thank you.
3* Whenever a character or ability is revealed against the Moon or similar, drink.
4* Take a sip whenever Ruby uses her SuperSpeed Semblance.
5* Take a drink for every Mook Yang wrecks in the yellow trailer.
6* Take a shot every time a weapon changes form.
7* Every time you hear Weiss's signature "HEY!"
8* Speaking of Weiss, take a shot every time some variation or leitmotif of "Mirror, Mirror" plays.
9* Every time a character destroys or attacks a tree in the Emerald Forest, take a shot.
10* Any time Jaune's Aura or Semblance is alluded to or foreshadowed, take a shot.
11* Any time Ren collapses, take a shot.
12* Whenever a new Grimm shows up, take two shots.
13** Take a sip when an existing type appears with a revamped design.
14* Take a sip whenever Dr. Oobleck or Professor Ozpin drink their beverages.
15* Anytime Cardin is a dick to Jaune, take a drink.
16** Two if all of Team CRDL get in on it.
17*** Three if all of team CRDL is picking on Velvet.
18* Anytime Penny says some variation of "Combat Ready," sip.
19** Two if it's not Penny (and therefore makes you sad)
20* Take a shot whenever someone gets KO'ed during the Volume 2 Food Fight.
21* Take a sip whenever you recognize a Rooster Teeth inside reference.
22* Take a nice and respectful sip every time Roman is openly racist.
23* Anytime Yang makes a bad joke, take a drink.
24** Two if it's not Yang.
25* Take a long, hard drink whenever something reminds you of Creator/MontyOum.
26* Whenever Qrow drinks, drink with him.
27* Drink every time Mercury smirks.
28* Every time Adam attacks someone, drink.
29* Drink whenever Emerald is shown using her Semblance to cause havoc.
30* Take a long hard drink when a beloved character dies.
31* Drink for as long as Tyrian is laughing.
32* When Jaune drops the map, take a shot.
33* Take a shot every time you suspect Whitley is up to no good.
34** Down your bottle when he reveals that he actually is up to no good.
35* Every time the Nuckelavee screams, take a sip.
36* Whenever Weiss uses her summon magic, take a sip.
37* Take a shot whenever a character gets slapped in volume 4.
38** Two if it's Sun.
39* Take a shot whenever Nora freaks out, or when someone goes out of their way to freak Nora out.
40* Take a shot every time a new Faunus is revealed.
41* Take a shot every time Hazel screams "OZPIN!"
42** Take a shot whenever Hazel lets out a roar.
43* Take a shot whenever Yang removes her arm, or is seen without it.
44* Finish your drink when an Aura is visibly shattered.
45* Take a shot whenever it's hinted that [[spoiler: Raven is the real Spring Maiden]]
46* Take a shot whenever Cinder smirks.
47** Take two whenever she grins instead.
48* Take a sip every time Lionheart appears on the stairs.
49* Take a shot whenever Crescent Rose fires.
50* Take a shot whenever someone's weapon is broken.
51** Take two shots if the weapon was named.
52* Take a shot whenever Weiss's mother's alcoholism is mentioned or implied. Drink whenever Willow drinks during her first physical appearance in Volume 7.
53* Take a shot every time they say trust in Volume 7. Two if it's said in a song.
54* Take a shot every time they say risk in Volume 8. Two if it's said in a song.
55* Take a shot every time Watts hacks something.
56* Take a shot whenever the heroes stay at a house.
57* Take a drink whenever Ruby makes a motivational speech.
58* Take a shot whenever any character lies and/or keeps a secret.
59** Take two shots whenever any character is caught lying/keeping secrets.
60** Take three shots whenever any character owns up to lying/keeping secrets.
61* Take a shot whenever the Hound talks.
62* Take a shot whenever someone ascends.
63** Take two when [[spoiler:Ruby ascends.]]
64** Take a pull if the characters completely misunderstand what ascending is.
65* When rewatching V9: take a sip whenever the Curious Cat's true intentions are foreshadowed.
