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Context DrinkingGame / GoldenBookVideoKillers

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1Drinking games for the web series ''WebVideo/GoldenBookVideoKillers'':
4Take a drink every time:
6* Grumpy and Daffy sing along with the Golden Book Video theme (either the 1985 version, the 1986 version, or the 1987 [=GoldenVision=] variant).
7* Daffy yells "[[WesternAnimation/ActionLeagueNow Chuckimation!]]"
8* Either Grumpy or Daffy point out a Creator/HannaBarbera sound effect in a Golden Book Video.
9* The white screen of death scares away Grumpy and Daffy.
10* Another character is brought in as a guest host or makes a cameo.
11* When Grumpy or Daffy recognize APM music in a Golden Book Video from a previous video, or when the voice of a previous character is used for another.
12* Grumpy and Daffy point out the people responsible for the video in the ending credits.
13* Daffy complains about a Golden Book Video not having the Space Logo at the end.
14* Grumpy and Daffy yell "Cowboy Teddy! Yee-ha!" during the third story in "Golden Book Video Killers: Special Pound Puppies Edition II".
15* Daffy says "Look out! They're going to crash!" during the "Get Ready To Read" section in "Golden Book Video Killers XIII & XIV".
16* A character says the phrase "Hideously-deformed creature of superhuman size and strength" in the first ''WesternAnimation/ToxicCrusaders'' episode in "Golden Book Video Killers: Special Halloween Edition". Grumpy and Daffy even {{Lampshade|Hanging}} this.
