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Context Creator / JohnAjvideLindqvist

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1[[quoteright:350:]] John Ajvide Lindqvist is a Swedish horror author. His most famous work, ''Literature/LetTheRightOneIn'' was made into two films, a television series and a play.
3!!Works by John Ajvide Lindqvist
4* ''Literature/LetTheRightOneIn''
5* ''Literature/HandlingTheUndead''
6* ''Literature/{{Harbour}}''
7* ''Literature/LittleStar''
9!!Adaptations of Lindqvist's work
10* ''Film/LetTheRightOneIn'' -- Swedish film based off the novel. Lindqvist wrote the screenplay.
11** ''Film/LetMeIn'' -- English-language of remake of ''Let the Right One In''.
12** ''Series/LetTheRightOneIn'' -- An American television series based off Lindqvist's story.
13** ''Theatre/LetTheRightOneIn'' -- A stage play based off Lindqvist's story.
14* ''Film/{{Border}}'' -- Swedish film based off a short story by Lindqvist.
