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3%% Remember we aren't allowed to make any changes to trope titles. The examples after them are fair game but no changing their names or spoiler tagging them. The latter is because it doesn't really work in practice, the former is to help keep organizing them simple. It's also best to avoid connecting tropes as each should be listed completely stand alone even if the descriptions end up having some overlap.
5These are Yggdrasil's thirteen royal knights and primary leads in the story.
8[[folder:Alphamon/Adam Henry/Beginning of Yggdrasil[[spoiler:/Death of Yggdrasil]]]]
9One of the Original Royal Knights, Alphamon is a Black Knight looking Mega Digimon with golden eyes and highlights. Snarky and Aloof it took this particular incident for his brothers to be around him long enough to realize that nine times out of ten, he was using bullshit to hide his reasons for doing anything. In human form he looks like a shorter Creator/DanielRadcliffe, so Yggdrasil may have been influenced by Earth's pop culture.
11PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 9; Master 5; Mover (Speed, Flight) 8; Changer 2
13PRT Rating Update: May 30th, 2011: Brute 12; Mover (Speed, Flight, Teleportation) 10; Breaker 10; Master 5; Changer 2
15* AbusiveDad: He is aware that having Nicolas and Vanessa go through TrainingFromHell based on what Gankoomon used to "raise" Hackmon (but obviously toned down) would easily get him viewed as one of these by most people. To be fair they did agree to it and it's ''still'' a lot better than what Heartbreaker would do to them.
16* AntiMagic: Alphamon specifically is incredibly good at the CounterSpell and the DispelMagic variations even when he first joined due to years of experience blowing spells up unintentionally.
17* AstonishinglyAppropriateAppearance: Lampshaded by Nicolas when he learned the guy who's human form looks like a mini Frachise/HarryPotter [[{{Expy}} also uses magic]]. [[spoiler: Little does he realize that's the tip of the iceberg considering Alphamon's "relationship" with life and death, and the teacher who put him in this position.]]
18* BadassUnintentional: In the Battle for Malkuth in Origins he opened up an entire flank for the Angel forces by disabling the traps. He was only trying to get ''[[MadeOfExplodium o]][[DisasterDominoes n]][[StuffBlowingUp e]]''.
19** Then he destroys two of the seven Fortresses by [[WhatDoesThisButtonDo smashing one]] [[CarMeetsHouse into the other]]. Good thing no one had technically been able to tell him the orders were to "capture" the fortresses, because he wasn't trying to break them.
20* BecomingTheMask: Part of what helped make the Alphamon of Origins into the mon he is today. As [[spoiler: Nicolas]] points out he ''still'' has no idea what he's doing at times, but like how he got himself recognized during the first battle the Royal Knights took part in he learned to get ''really'' good at [[IMeantToDoThat making people think what he does]] [[UnintentionalBackupPlan is almost always intentional]]. Obviously this was easier to do when he still had access to [[SaveScumming his Force]].
21* BizarreTasteInFood: Towards what could (but often ''should not'') be considered for coffee ingredients, much to the terror of the sane who witness this. Much like how the RunningGag with Kyoko worked in Cyber Sleuth, Ami does adapt to it (to Arata and at least one waitress's horror) and this may or may not be why Nicolas seems to be in charge of cooking at home.
22* CelebrityResemblance: As mentioned he is recognized as a shorter Creator/DanielRadcliffe by Nicolas.
23* DeadpanSnarker: Quite the fan of this, to the point that upon hearing Nicolas snark Gallantmon [[GenerationXerox remarks that the resemblance is uncanny]].
24* DidISayThatOutLoud: In Origins to Yggdrasil about how he likely ''shouldn't'' respond to learning she played a prank on ''Ophanimon'', though Yggdrasil only responded to the last part and pointed out [[ComicallyMissingThePoint whispering when talking to someone is rude as she almost didn't hear him]].
25* EnemyWithin: [[spoiler: [[JekyllAndHyde [=DeathXDoruGoramon/DEXmon=]]], [[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast the Death of Yggdrasil]]]]
26* EvilSoundsDeep: It's telling that when he starts talking about [[spoiler: how ''[[OOCIsSeriousBusiness killing and eating a digimon is kinder]]'' than messing with the essence of their beings]] in Origins his text gets bolder and Imperialdramon notes his voice changed in addition to [[{{Foreshadowing}} seeing some sort of smoke coming off of him]].
27* FateWorseThanDeath: Very specifically views having one's digicore forcibly altered, that is trying to change their "soul" that defines everything that a digimon is, to be this explicitly when [[spoiler: seeing Duftmon's punishment by the Sovereigns]]. [[HarsherInHindsight Turns out]] he has reasons beyond the obvious BodyHorror for why messing with these things often causes for why he reacts so strongly against it. [[spoiler:These include and a [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone very]] [[MyGreatestFailure personal]] [[GoneHorriblyWrong reason]] at that that he's ''still'' trying to figure out how to undo, ''and'' the fact that [[LaserGuidedAmnesia while he doesn't remember it]], [[DramaticIrony he's been a victim]] of it himself.]]
28* HiddenHeartOfGold: Very few beings know Alphamon that well, and fewer still know the reasons that he acts like he does. [[spoiler:His kids are one of the few things that make him drop it.]]
29* HorrorHunger: [[spoiler: Shows up when talking about how death can be kinder that being forcefully reformatted with the line about it being [[EvilTastesGood "Tastier too"]].]]
30* IHaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing: It takes a lot for him to admit this, (Read: [[spoiler:having a DEX digimon partnered to girl he has already adopted]]) but Alphamon rarely ''if ever'' has a plan going in. He just [[IndyPloy rolls with]] whatever happens and pretends that he had expected everything that comes his way.
31** The first person to realize this... ''Even before his siblings'' is [[spoiler:Nicolas Vasil]]!
32* ImplausibleFencingPowers: With the Ouryuken, he can blow away a hurricane being gathered by one of the most powerful Hydrokinetics in Bet, with a ''downward'' stroke. The swing had a similar output to a nuclear blast.
33* IneptMage: Portrayed this way in Origins. He grows out of it by the Main story.
34* LaserGuidedKarma: When he needs one of his brother's help and they are busy they reply by continuing with what they were doing and ignoring him.
35-->'''Alphamon''': Yggdrasil, is this what dealing with me is like?
36* MagicKnight: In Origins, he's an Heir to the original Kingdom of [[MagicalLand Witchenly]], but grows more adept with "Close Range Combat" as he travels with the Royal Knights.
37* MajorInjuryUnderreaction: He is ''incredibly'' casual about visiting the hospital [[spoiler: Vanessa and Nicolas had been brought to]], said to be walking with a "spring in his step" despite having a ''massive hole in his chest'' and his arm is ''gone'', though admittedly they only started bleeding after he changed to his human appearance. His reactions to others who panic over the damage and seeing the missing parts grow back aren't much better either as the doctors and nurses quickly learn.
38* MeaningfulName: Duftmon was apparently feeling rather biblical or [[NotSoAboveItAll punny]] when he chose to name the human form of Yggdrasil's Beginning after the first man God created.
39* MyGreatestFailure: In Origins he did ''something'' to his friend Hisyaryumon that he is desperately trying to fix, and serves as his primary reason for joining the Royal Knights. [[spoiler: Because instead of being a [[EverythingsBetterWithSamurai Gaiomon]] he's now stuck as a [[TheBerserker berserking]] [[BloodKnight Ouryumon]]. Understandably Alphamon doesn't like seeing his friend while he's in this state, much less use him in battle.]]
40* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: When the above aloof attitude drops those around him know something's up since it takes a ''lot'' to make it slip. [[spoiler: Like say "found evidence this world's equivalent of one of his precious people isn't dead".]]
41** Likewise seeing how different Alphamon is today to how he was when he first entered the order can cause a similar reaction in the reader, as he was a lot more earnest and awkward back then.
42* PapaWolf: Give him a whiff of one of his kids when he doesn't know where they are or if they're okay and he ''will'' tear through the internet and Digital World to interrogate you in person. Also one of his [[BerserkButton early motivators]] to attack Heartbreaker was imagining [[VideoGame/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth Kyoko]] in the place of one of his victims.
43** He also immediately takes issue when the idea of his kids being made to fight [[spoiler: as they are all "first generation" tamers ''and'' has the two best trained tamers Earth Bet has currently by extension]] comes up with Duftmon.
44* PromotionToParent: Has to play the father role to Vanessa, Nicolas, Isaac and Ryudamon. [[spoiler:He is also the closest a Digimon could get to a biological father to Isaac.]] Also views himself as one for [[spoiler: his former "assistant" Ami]] which is not helped by [[spoiler: her current situation and orphan status.]]
45* RageAgainstTheMentor: As a young Mega towards his (former) Master, [[TheSvengali Grandracmon]]. Dracmon was a master of [[MagicByAnyOtherName High Code]] in [[MagicalLand Witchenly]] but betrayed it to the Demon Lords after Witchenly kicked him out for forbidden, unethical, and just plain disturbing experiments into the nature of life and death. [[spoiler:Alphamon was one of his test subjects and as the only surviving one, might have been the true goal of the assault that caused Witchenly to disappear in Origins.]]
46* RetroactivePrecognition: This is the power of his [=AlphaGainForce=], which when active gave him the title of "Infallible Knight."
47* ShipperOnDeck: Not seriously but he does keep teasing Ami about having more than friendly feelings for Arata despite her objections.
48* ShipTease: Primarily with Contessa, to the point even ''he's'' not really sure where she stands with him regardless of how his family's been teasing him. Even his adoptive children have been getting on it.
49* ShoutOut: It was mentioned by Omnimon in Origins that as an apprentice [[MythologyGag Doru]][[{{Expy}} mon]] he accidently dyed himself [[{{Manga/Doraemon}} Neon Blue]] for a month.
50* SpamAttack: The other power of the [=AlphaGainForce=], which allows him to re-perform attacks so fast that what looks like a single finishing blow is actually a countless number of replayed attacks striking over and over again.
51* SpeaksFluentAnimal: Can perfectly understand Isaac, even when the later is in the Rookie stage and can only growl and grunt to communicate. [[spoiler:Likely this is because he is what Isaac was patterned off of, and because of his [[EnemyWithin alternate personality]].]]
52* {{Troll}}: He enjoys throwing people off by [[DeadpanSnarker being overly casual in serious situations]] and messing with his brothers in particular, such as telling [[MasterOfTheMixedMessage Shawn]] that the FakeOutMakeOut was a good means of making pursuers lose interest in him, [[note]] To be fair it would have worked had Shawn not done it with ''zero explanation'' and right in front of the other party's [[PapaWolf father]] and if this wasn't his first time meeting said parent. [[/note]] or ruining the mood during Gallantmon's talk with [[spoiler: the Mizu no Yurei]].
53** He also tries to get others in on it, as he tells [[BunnyEarsLawyer Ami]] to write a Sonnet of Pining for [[OnlySaneMan Arata]] in which she declares her undying love for him. Why? Because he had a reasonable chance of being able to get it to Arata and record his reaction. [[spoiler: This is unoffically in cooperation with the Mizu no Yurei.]]
54--> '''Duftmon''': My Lady, why could he not be less vexing? He did it on purpose, we were all sure if it!
55* TwoFirstNames: As Adam Henry, which ironically hasn't caused any confusion with Suzie's big brother yet.
59[[folder:Gallantmon/Kaji Matsuki/Integrity of Yggdrasil[[spoiler:/Wrath of Yggdrasil]]]]
60One of the knights most "fractured" by the way the variations of him have been combined, but as a result is one of the Knights most familiar with how the human world works thanks to his experience as Takato's partner. Due to the way Yggdrasil's mind was working when his human guise was made, he looks like a twenty something year old Takato Matsuki with gold eyes instead of red.
62PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 8; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 8; Shaker 8; Changer 5
64PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Blaster 9; Shaker 8; Changer 5
66* BackToBackBadasses: With Omnimon in the Battle of Malkuth in Origins. They worked so well together people [[{{Foreshadowing}} mistook]] him for a member of the Royal Knights.
67* BewareTheNiceOnes: Piss him off and the next time you see him it will be when he's making himself comfortable in your most vulnerable location like nothing was wrong. And that's if he doesn't kill you straight up.
68-->'''Alphamon''': I thought you were ''nice''.
69* BigDamnHeroes: For Alphamon during the Battle of Malkuth in Origins. His Shield of the Just eliminated Data aligned Hell attacks attached to proximity wards.
70* DeadpanSnarker: Most notably done between the Gallantmons themselves if they don't approve of the one in charge's current actions, like when Takato's Gallantmon went to his family's bakery.
71* DoubleConsciousness: Well Triple Consciousness. He has three major iterations of himself within his head. [[spoiler:And that's not including the [[FourIsDeath fourth consciousness]] [[EnemyWithin Megidramon]].]]
72* DrowningMySorrows: After finding Suzie on the streets, who makes it clear she is not fond of him one bit as a result of being her "Mark from Hell" and then bringing up her family and childhood, as a part of his TraumaCongaLine.
73* EnemyWithin: Megidramon/[[spoiler:[[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast The Wrath of Yggdrasil]]]]
74* HeroicBSOD: Takato's Gallantmon suffers one [[spoiler: when he meets the Mizu no Yurei and sees it's Rika's mother.]]
75* HisQuirkLivesOn: He has Takato's nervous smile and neck scratch CharacterTic, which Kai recognizes, and still has [[CatchPhrase "Momentai"]] as he learned from Terriermon and Henry.
76* IdenticalStranger: Not really a stranger but since he never met this Wormverse's "Takato" he's one to his former tamer enough to ''really'' freak out his cousin Kai when they first met.
77* ImplacableMan: Shrugged off a hit with a taser while successfully chasing down Suzie ''[[ImpracticallyFancyOutfit in a formal Yukata and sandals]]'' since she stole his wallet and more importantly his photo of Takato and his parents with it.
78* InSeriesNickname: Gallantmom, for [[TeamMom obvious reasons]].
79* JourneyToTheCenterOfTheMind: How we see the three Gallantmons interacting after one is faced with an AngstComa. [[spoiler: And Megidragon, complete with his Chaos Gallantmon "representative".]]
80* MistakenForGay: With [[HeterosexualLifePartner Omnimon]] which he indicates ''is'' being done on purpose to mess with his leader a little in public.
81* MrFanservice: Despite (or because of) the above he's also explicitly seen as one of these. Somewhere between his [[NiceGuy good natured personality]], gold eyes, and the fact [[ClarkKentOutfit he's surprisingly ripped]] he turns out to be a real hit with the ladies which is a fact Kai is ''not'' afraid to exploit.
82* PapaWolf: Towards Kai, his only living relative in this universe, and Suzie, who he took in after he found her.
83* RedBaron: In Japan he gets known as "The Red Shadow" after [[spoiler: slaughtering the Yakuza branch who kidnapped Kai]].
84* SinsOfOurFathers: On an alternate universe version of Arata Sanada for the events of when they "last met."
85* SupernaturalGoldEyes: Mixed with AnimalEyes when he's angered but he's also notably one of the few knights that keeps the same "eyes" as both Gallantmon and Kaji.
86* SupremeChef: His skills in the kitchen are said to be the best out of the knights and he's quiet good at working at the Matsuki family bakery. Though what he bakes isn't [[EatingTheEyeCandy the only thing about him that's been helping their business get people coming in.]]
87* TalkingToThemself: A common side effect of the Gallantmons disagreeing.
88* TeamChef: For the Royal Knights since Takato's baking background rubbed off on him.
89* TeamMom: Yes despite Yggdrasil being this more literally his self given role as this is often lampshaded.
90* ThirdPersonPerson: It's typically a sign that he's stressed though how severe it gets varies on who's talking.
91* TraumaCongaLine: Still undergoing one in Shinjuku.
92* VisualPun: Overlapping with MythologyGag, since his "human form" makes essentially makes him "Takatomon".
93* WalkingTheEarth: Was doing this when he was first introduced in Origins.
97[[folder:Omnimon/Oswald Emmerson/End of Yggdrasil]]
98The leader of the Royal Knights, Omnimon has felt a great burden since the mission began. He has lost most of his connection to Yggdrasil as well as his powerful [[WindsOfDestinyChange [=OmegaInForce=]]], which allowed him to determine and decide future events. However, this has not stopped him, and he is determined to lead the Knights into a new dawn.
100PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 9; Blaster 7; Mover (Speed, Flight) 8; Changer 2
102PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Blaster 7; Changer 2
104* AsskickingLeadsToLeadership: Took command of some of the Angel's forces in a pitched battle against the Demon Lords when their actual commander had died because he was fighting a horde of enemies ''and winning''. This is considered to be a crucial element to the victory.
105* BackToBackBadasses: With Gallantmon against a swarm of Diaboromon in Origins.
106* ChickMagnet: First we have Paige, who develops a ''very'' obvious crush on her loyal lawyer, and then we have at least one lady get disappointed at a party after [[MistakenForGay seeing him and Kaji together]].
107* CrusadingLawyer: Takes on Canary's case because he feels that his sense of Justice required him to do so. [[spoiler:He does really well too.]]
108* DualityMotif: Caused by being a jogress as "Oswald", as Omnimon both eyes match.
109* TheLeader: Of the Royal Knights in the main story. He's a mixture of Levelheaded and Charasmatic. Took over from [[TakeUpMySword Imperialdramon Paladin Mode]].
110* NaiveNewcomer: When it comes to the Human world in Arc 1. [[spoiler:Just like he was with [[VideoGame/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth Nokia]].]] This fades after the introduction.
111* OnlySaneMan: He can come across this for the Royal Knights during Origins, lampshaded by Imperialdramon.
112* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Receives one from [[spoiler: A shade of Imperialdramon Paladin Mode]] over how many times he has "failed" his God. [[spoiler: The nature of the shade made it more of a [[HeroicSelfDeprecation "The Reason I Suck Speech"]].]]
113* TalkingDownTheSuicidal: Tries to do this to save [[spoiler: [[SurvivorsGuilt Mattias]] [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone Cromwell]] after Myotismon released him. [[TearJerker It didn't work.]]]]
117[[folder:Duftmon/Dominik Drasil/Mind of Yggdrasil]]
118The Digimon behind most of the Royal Knights military operations, in their current mission he is responsible for establishing the Knight's covers, as well as being their main financial pillar. He is the CEO of his own company, though few of his brothers know what he does in the day to day. Yggdrasil seemed to get most of his human form's inspiration from Mitsuo Yamaki but as if he was from Germany instead of Japan.
120PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 6; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 6; Thinker ?; Changer 2
122PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Changer 5; Thinker ?; Shaker 4
124* AlliterativeName: '''D'''uftmon's "'''D'''ominik '''D'''rasil" is naturally one of these.
125* AndIMustScream: [[spoiler: Despite being rendered a "mindless beast" in his Leopard Mode he said he was "aware" before Yggdrasil fixed him. Somewhat foreshadowed when he was comparing his mode change to his brothers' and in the event he had to use it "would only hope that [his] brothers would register as [[AllAnimalsAreDogs pack members]]" not unlike how Isaac thinks as a rookie.]]
126* AnimalMotif: [[CatsAreSuperior Cats]], mostly overtly Leopards considering his dubbed species name and his Leopard mode though his appearance and indication that unlike actual leopards his mode change may be open to working in groups (though he did consider it with the term "pack" which no cats use) can also invoke lions.
127* AstonishinglyAppropriateAppearance: Yggdrasil apparently had some "fun" with deciding his human form as she not only made him as German as his species and attacks would imply but based his form on a human who was just as firm on the genocide of the digital world as Duftmon is ''very'' prone to being towards the physical world... Too bad she didn't take into account the sort of implications this [[AllGermansAreNazis particular combination of themes and traits]] can lead to, especially in a world where neo-Nazis not only still act as a major threat to others but also have a strong supervillain presence. Which ''he'' proceeds to actively ignore ([[MagnificentBastard or knowingly takes advantage of]]) by putting himself on good terms with some of the most well known examples of them.
128* BodyHorror: [[spoiler: His punishment for "failing his Sovereign" was having his digicore being forcefully reformatted, which [[TheReveal created his Leopard Mode]]. It goes into some detail how painful this process was, and Yggdrasil didn't even want to address the result by his name afterward.]]
129* CelebrityResemblance: Victus once tried to tease him by confusing him with Creator/NeilPatrickHarris at a party at the very least.
130* TheChessMaster: Very few people can comprehend the scope of his plans, much less act against them.
131* TheComicallySerious: When he's playing the straight man to the antics of others ''and'' [[HairTriggerTemper keeps his temper in check]] he can suit this well as his time babysitting for Kayden (while he was still at work no less) showed.
132* CrazyPrepared: Theo asks him what an overweight but overall "normal" 15 year old human like him can possibly do to get a meaningful amount of power in the world, and he comes up with ''3 plans for the boy to do so'' right on the spot but tosses 2 out for being "too troublesome" so he ''goes with the next 5''. He also learned how to read lips and may or may not have poison on his person during big high class social events even if he isn't expecting any conflicts to happen there.
133* DeadpanSnarker: [[CatsAreSnarkers Fitting all things considered]]. He's not above doing this with his brothers when the mood strikes him, like his teasing about Paige's crush on Oswald, though most of the time he [[GentlemanSnarker is more subtle about it in public]] as it wastes less effort than other methods and is less likely to hurt any PR.
134--> '''Alphamon''': “Ignore Duftmon’s eyebrows mocking you. They do that."
135* EasternZodiac: His history with the devas can remind some of the disgraced 13th member the cat.
136* EnragedByIdiocy: Mostly with his brothers as it leads to a near HairTriggerTemper due to his standards and [[SuppressedRage he doesn't need to worry about how things would look]] for PR purposes as much with them.
137* ExcuseMeWhileIMultitask: He's ''very'' skilled at multitasking and finding ways to accomplish multiple objectives at once so this tends to show up in both his interludes and plans.
138* FateWorseThanDeath: Turns out [[spoiler: his ''leopard mode'' was intended to be one of these as a means to make him live the rest of his life without what mattered to him the most: [[MindRape his mind]].]]
139* FingerTenting: He's very fond of the "Gendo pose" and how it also hides his face from view.
140* FluffyTheTerrible: Since talking is difficult for him in his Leopard Mode [[spoiler: as it takes a toll on his intelligence]] there isn't a whole lot he can do to object besides "[[BrownNote Meow]]" if Ulforce gives him a (semi-literal) pet name like "[[TheVonTropeFamily Von]] [[FormallyNamedPet Fluffles]]" while he's in that state.
141* AGlassOfChianti: At the party on January 1st, before the knight's official debut. He lost it upon seeing Victus talking to Kaiser so he didn't [[AGlassInTheHand break the glass]] and try to [[HairTriggerTemper kill]] [[EnragedByIdiocy Victus]] with it but [[INeedAFreakingDrink regained it and $400 worth of others]] for him [[ARoundOfDrinksForTheHouse and his brothers]] after Mouse Protector got involved.
142* GratuitousGerman: "Duft" means "scent" and his attack names and themes are also German or German inspired, hence his human appearance naturally following suit. His ''sword'' on the other hand, Shoumetsu/Hakai no Tsurugi (depending on which attack it's being used for), [[GratuitousJapanese goes in a different direction]] despite being a [[RoyalRapier European rapier]] instead of a Japanese style of sword like a Katana.
143* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Not the best with people skills and is ''very'' arrogant and headstrong but he does care about his brothers and will always clean up the "messes" they make.
144* LittleNo: When against all of their work to prevent it Mouse Protector found Ulforce and the HurricaneOfPuns began.
145* MagnificentBastard: When it comes to his plans he's nothing less no matter what he looks like.
146--> '''Theo''':“Isn’t it exhausting thinking five steps ahead of everyone else?”
147--> '''Dominik''': “No. Don’t be absurd boy I don’t engage in that type of thinking unless the situation necessitates it. The secret to strategy itself boy is that while you can spend time thinking five steps ahead to outsmart your opponent, it’s always best to have created the game itself. That way you don’t have to plan, because you already know what all of your opponent’s moves are going to be.”
148* MightMakesRight: This is his Personal Justice. As he sees Yggdrasil as the strongest, he follows her without reservation. As he sees Omnimon as the strongest of the Knights, he willingly gives his support.
149* MundaneUtility: The most active abuser of this currently; specifically in that he's using memories of alternate earths, with all of their histories and inventions, primarily to [[AlternateUniverseReedRichardsIsAwesome make money]]. To fund the Royal Knights with legal sources his company is primarily reproducing technologies ranging from Apple products (as Steve Jobs doesn't exist in Earth Bet) and what Crusadermon sent him about [[spoiler: Kamishiro Enterprises when acting as "Rie" [[Game/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth during their civil war]]]].
150* MurderIsTheBestSolution: He seems to subscribe to this as a "remedy" for the idiocy around him, not unlike Accord towards imperfections. While he notes that Theo assuming a smile was the result of a death means he's likely a sign he's "too predictable" his brothers have been [[PhraseCatcher lampshading this tendency]] for [[RunningGag far longer]]. He may or may not even keep cyanide pills on his person ''as Dominik'' for this purpose based on one of the ways he thinks of addressing the problem's Victus has been creating [[CrazyPrepared despite this being a solely social and high class party]].
151* NoSocialSkills: He's good at predicting people's actions and acting accordingly but when it comes to presenting his plans to others he can often undermine his own efforts to the point the Knights would sooner make [[JerkAss Gankoomon]] their diplomat over him.
152* NotSoAboveItAll: Despite preferring to have himself appear more professional than his brothers he will take the opportunity to embarrass them (like Omnimon) when he can for fun, making bets with at least Ulforce and Gankoomon, and [[NoodleIncident tried developing a thesis called "How Ulforce Works"]] during their time in the apartment together though the latter [[LetUsNeverSpeakOfThisAgain became an off limits topic afterward]]. Even before joining the knights he seemed to indulge in this with his division too as he was aware of at least one betting pool going on about [[spoiler: whether or not Ophanimon the second had a direct connection with her predecessor's killer Imperialdramon]], though he doesn't say if he would have won that one or not.
153* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: In a flashback covering Jesmon's introduction to the Royal Knights while he wasn't expecting Yggdrasil to appear as a girl it was Duftmon ''dropping his sword'' when he saw her in this form again along with Craniumon's defensive streak kicking in again that made him realize how unusual this must be for her at this point.
154* OriginalGeneration: During the Leviathan fight [[spoiler: he shows he can still use his mode change as a Duftmon X to a Duftmon X Leopard Mode, which is apparently [[MegaNeko even bigger than the regular Leopard Mode]] but other differences the X antibody has caused or what it's attack are now (as Duftmon X is odd in that his attack names are completely different than a Duftmon's normally are) is unclear.]]
155* PantheraAwesome: His Leopard Mode, however [[CallASmeerpARabbit despite the name]] it looks more like a mix of a black panther and a [[KingOfBeasts lion]] thanks to his "mane" and noticeably poofy tail.
156* PhenotypeStereotype: As Dominic Drasil he's primarily German based and is said to look like a European twist on [[Anime/DigimonTamers Yamaki]] with his blond hair and blue eyes.
157* PhraseCatcher: Variations of "Duftmon is going to kill me/you/us" show up a ''lot'' when his brothers start messing with him or [[BerserkButton his plans]].
158* RedEyesTakeWarning: In his less controllable Leopard Mode to contrast his natural green eyes and Dominik's [[RedOniBlueOni Blue]] Eyes.
159* SharpDressedMan: As he is a professional businessman he is [[BadassInANiceSuit most often wearing suits]], even though as he lampshades to Theo he hardly needs them to keep his employee's respect anymore, and when it comes to Christmas both Crusadermon and Craniumon came to the conclusion a particularly nice suit would be the best gift for him.
160* TheStrategist: His role in the Royal Knights and formerly a tactician of the Sovereign's Armies.
161* SurroundedByIdiots: How he describes his "brothers" to Theo, [[EnragedByIdiocy which does account for part of his temper]], though he also mentions this is an ''improvement'' on how they were when the Royal Knights were first made.
162* TemptingFate: Part of how he says he was able to [[spoiler: FaceDeathWithDignity the night before his trial was because once he got past the "anger" of the FiveStagesOfGrief was that even if he was gone [[DyingAsYourself his mind and everything that made him who he was would be untouchable right up until his end]] and that was all he really needed to be content.]] He was ''very'' wrong about that and if Yggdrasil and the knights hadn't [[spoiler: tracked him down fast enough in the 50th layer, where anything stronger than an in-training digimon is mysteriously destroyed in 2 weeks or less, he would have died a mindless beast with strength that wasn't naturally his and not a care for his previous ideals.]]
163** Gallantmon mentally notes that [[{{Hubris}} him giving himself "Drasil" as his human surname]] was one of these, since it gave [[spoiler: Arata]] a very easy cypher to see how Digimoji worked (By comparing how they spell "Yggdrasil" to it as Omnimon ended up incidentally giving examples of both) which gave the Mizu no Yurei an upper hand against Kaji.
164* {{Tsundere}}: According to Ulforce while he took an opportunity to give his brother a hug. As this ''is'' [[UnreliableExpositor Ulforce]] though it's not clear if his take on events there was genuine or wishful thinking. Duftmon's conversation with Omnimon after discussing the plans for Leviathan and how to handle the tamers on Earth Bet also gives him shades of this.
165* UriahGambit: Claims to have been a victim of one of these. [[spoiler: His act of "treason" was caused by being given false information from his higher ups ''because'' of how good his record was as a strategist, so if the result didn't kill him it would "neutralize" him after [[KangarooCourt he was naturally found guilty at his trial]].]]
166* TheUnSmile: According to Theo the one he sees is one of these as it prompts him to assume someone had to ''die'' to cause it. [[spoiler: They didn't. Ulforce and Gankoomon just [[CatsAreMean lost a bet that will make them both miserable for the time being]].]]
167* {{Workaholic}}: As he needed to set up the financial support for himself, his 12 brothers, and any other needs the Royal Knights may have he became one of these by necessity, to the point he's the only knight known better as his human persona than as a Royal Knight. Gallantmon doesn't approve and he even makes [[spoiler: going to Canary's concert with all of his other brothers]] out to be him visiting as he's a "sponsor" for the event instead of taking a vacation day for it.
171[[folder:Magnamon/Magnus Villa/Miracle of Yggdrasil]]
172Magnamon is the Knight of Miracles, and is said to have the strongest defensive power of the entire Royal Knights. The only Armor level among the order, he clawed his way from the bottom rung of the ladder through his wits, skill, and determination.
174PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 8; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 8; Shaker 5; Changer 2
176PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10, Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Blaster 9; Trump 7, Shaker 5; Changer 2
178* BashBrothers: Seems to have some of this with Ulforce, not unlike the case of Gankoomon and Jesmon, as he's one of the few who can put up with their most energetic brother.
179* CloudCuckoolandersMinder: To Ulforce, as he can help counterbalance him if he goes too far and partially predict when he's about to cause havoc.
180* DangerSense: Is said to have one of these to help deal with Ulforce's antics.
181* {{Determinator}}: Fight between beings way out of his League? That's exactly where he belongs, changing the board at the crucial moment.
182* DeusExMachina: Magnamon's power.
183* FoolishSiblingResponsibleSibling: As Magnus he's the responsible younger sibling while Victus is playing the fool.
184* FriendToAllLivingThings: He's known for getting attached to those he feels need his help or protection, as in Earth Bet he took to Amy rather quickly and during the events of Cyber Sleuth [[spoiler: his attitude towards humanity is based on [[MoralityPet how the main cast treated the Lopmon and Tokomon he took under his wing]] and got separated from on their way to Earth.]]
185* GotMeDoingIt: Ulforce's sense of humor is apparently rubbing off on him.
186--> '''Dragon''': “Is he the Inquisition of your Order?”
187--> '''Magnamon''': “No, that would be Ulforce. [[MemeticMutation No-one expects him.]]”
188* LivingEmotionalCrutch: Makes himself one for Amy which ties into how protective he is over her.
189* MundaneUtility: Just because he ''can'' cause miracles doesn't mean he only does so when the situation is dire; as he notes he was limited to "one miracle a night" at the party on January first and indicates it was used to help settle Victoria earlier in the evening (as she hasn't been a fan of how he's been influencing her sister) instead of keeping Victus from being introduced to Mouse Protector.
190* PapaWolf: To Amy, though he tries denying this.
191* PutOnABus: After spending most of his screen time shared with either Ulforce or Amy he's been given this treatment for the time being [[spoiler: seeing how Scion nearly killed him, to the point his brothers made a tomb for him out of parts of their own armor. So unlike Shawn's case it doesn't look like we'll be seeing him in action outside of Origins for a while.]]
192* WindsOfDestinyChange: His power as the Knight of Miracles, though he can only use this power for a few seconds at any given time.
196[[folder:[=UlforceVeedramon=]/Victus Villa/Victory of Yggdrasil]]
197Cocky, brash, bright, and excitable are only a few nice adjectives that describe the fastest Royal Knight. He seems to go out of his way to pester his brothers with his antics, his humor, or both at once.
199PRT Rating January 2011: Brute ?; Mover (Speed, Flight) 11; Tinker? 2; Changer 2
201PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 13; Thinker 5; Tinker? 2; Changer 2
203* AlliterativeName: Victus Villa certainly counts, and being of the [[BroughtToYouByTheLetterS Veemon]] line and the "Victory" of Yggdrasil only stresses the LetterMotif more.
204* BulletTime: A side effect of his super speed lets him perceive the world as if it's in slow motion, though luckily he can control when he does this. [[spoiler: Not that it helps much against opponents just as fast as he is as Leviathan shows.]]
205* CoolUncle: Ulforce likes to think of himself as one for Amy since Magnamon is her new "dad".
206* CollectiveGroan: Causes these so frequently that his PRT description is "[[ToughRoom Makes terrible jokes]]."
207* CompositeCharacter: Part of his make up is [[Manga/DigimonVTamer01 Zeromaru]], not only one of the first ever partnered Digimon but also one of if not the single strongest, and another is [[VideoGame/DigimonWorldReDigitize VeeVee]], Rina's partner [[spoiler: who also took the place of [[VideoGame/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth an alternate dimension's]] royal knight]].
208* DelinquentHair: While Magnus has hair which matches and both are "natural" it's Victus' personality that can make it feel more like this.
209* DrivesLikeCrazy: Yes he's one of these despite being faster than any car. Or perhaps ''because'' of that.
210* FoolishSiblingResponsibleSibling: Victus is ''very'' firmly the "foolish" sibling compared to Magnus, which is ironic as the roles were reversed when he was partnered to Rina as Veevee.
211** [[FridgeBrilliance It does]], however, make more sense if you realize that [[Manga/DigimonVTamer01 Zeromaru]] was in fact one of the first Royal Knights that we see in the series (All but confirmed to be the case in a later Manga), thus Ulforce's personality would draw more heavily on him when interacting with humans. He and Taichi would often [[BunnyEarsLawyer act]] ''[[BunnyEarsLawyer very]]'' [[BewareTheSillyOnes silly when not actively engaged in kicking evil to the curb]]. It was endearing.
212* FunPersonified: Enjoys acting like one of these, much to the frustration of those around him.
213* GoodThingYouCanHeal: The power of the [=UlForce=] allows him to restore his data faster than anyone can possibly delete it.
214* InSeriesNickname: A notable case as [[IHaveManyNames he's gathered quite a few]]; first he's two of the few partners to ''have'' "names" as [[MyHeroZero Zero]][[DepartmentOfRedundancyDepartment maru]] and Veevee so their persona's are addressed as such, then he has the simple shortening of Ulforce. [[spoiler: After his AngstComa "Rina" gives him another by combining his two partnered names into "Vero", which he notes is Italian for "Truth".]]
215* MeaningfulName: The first part of his species name, [[InSeriesNickname which all his brothers call him by]], is also the name of his [[GoodThingYouCanHeal Force]], which makes him the Knight of the Present.
216* MotorMouth: His normal way of speaking according to Omnimon, to the point that [[OOCIsSeriousBusiness dropping it]] is a sign [[LetsGetDangerous he's taking things seriously]].
217* MythologyGag: His human name, or rather his initials, are one of these. He has memories of being Rina's partner, who she named "Veevee".
218* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: He can plan. He can make very detailed plans. They are very excellent plans. He hates doing so. [[spoiler:It makes him think of Taichi, whom he will never see again.]]
219** Similarly whenever he ''stops'' being his normal joking self others can tell something is very wrong, even capes who don't know him well like Legend. [[spoiler: Considering Magnamon's comatose condition it's very understandable, as are the signs Ulforce had been crying beforehand as the cape in question also noted his eyes were red.]]
220* OverlyLongName: Which is why everyone calls him "[[InSeriesNickname Ulforce]]".
221* PopculturedBadass: He seems to at least consider himself one of these based on the Powerpoint he made to try and explain what Digimon are and their world to humans, which he spent all of 30 minutes on and had references ranging from Franchise/StarWars to Series/DoctorWho regardless of their actual accuracy for the situation. Magnus disagreed.
222* PungeonMaster: Much to [[BirdsOfAFeather Mouse Protector's delight]] and to ''everyone's'' displeasure when they finally met.
223* StealthHiBye: By virtue of his speed he's very good at this even on those with sensory abilities. This mixed with [[LamePunReaction bad Nazi puns]] was less than appreciated by Gankoomon and to a lesser extant Jesmon.
224* SuperSpeed: One of his main abilities.
225* {{Troll}}: Delivering criminals to the authorities ''literally giftwrapped'' and thinking about capturing a Supervillain named [[BestialityIsDepraved "Loki"]] and giving him to [[Myth/NorseMythology Sleipmon]] for [[MisterSeahorse "Father's Day"]] easily gives him this sort of vibe.
229[[folder:Crusadermon/Camryn Kempe/Dicipline of Yggdrasil]]
230The Lord of Knightmon, he (yes ''he'') is a skilled but ruthless leader well suited to training armed forces also known as “The Indifferent Warrior” for this attitude. However this doesn't mean he ''likes'' doing so when his charges are humans, as he has a fair amount of negative past experiences with their race. Yggdrasil seemed to base his appearance from Saber from VisualNovel/FateStayNight'' much to his displeasure as he's been trying to present himself as male this time around.
232PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 8 (9 on attack); Master 2; Mover (Speed, Flight) 6; Tinker ?; Changer 2
234PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Master 2; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Tinker ?; Changer 2
236* AgentPeacock: As [[TheDandy fabulous]] as he may be he's just as dangerous in combat as his brothers.
237* AmbiguousGender: In Origins their gender isn't clear as a direct contrast to how in the present he's ''violently'' adamant about wanting to be recognized as "male" without changing either of his forms and (assumedly due to how most dub names have priority) being fine with presenting as female earlier in their timeline in Anime/DigimonFrontier and VideoGame/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth. [[spoiler: The events of the latter may be a part of the reason for this change but it's unclear at present.]]
238* BerserkButton: By all that is holy do ''not'' misgender them, as Mord Nag learned the hard way. No it being a genuine mistake won't help the poor fool who does this very much.
239* BrainwashedAndCrazy: This is why their memories of when they were seen in Anime/DigimonFrontier working for [[{{Pride}} Lucemon]] (where both knights actually ''[[{{Irony}} wanted]]'' [[BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor to be let loose on the human world as a "reward" for their services]]) are rather fuzzy, not that unlike what he did to Cherubimon.
240* DudeLooksLikeALady: It's a BerserkButton and doesn't help that his human form looks exactly like [[VisualNovel/FateStayNight Saber]].
241* DrillSergeantNasty: Subjected his soldiers to a very brutal training regimen. But he never got actually abusive towards those under his care.
242* MadeASlave: Before joining the Royal Knights and despite being a captain as a Knightmon digivolving into a Virus type Mega meant this was their fate under the laws of the Holy Angels. Their past services and experiences did help ease their situation a little, but not much until Cherubimon decided that their actions during the battle of Malkuth should be enough to earn them their freedom.
243* MyNaymeIs: For reasons known best to himself Duftmon gave him a human name like this unlike all of his other brothers, possibly to enhance it's GenderBlenderName qualities to [[DudeLooksLikeALady match his human appearance]].
244* NobleBigotWithABadge: Does not like humans. Granted this is more because he sees them as weak and clumsy than anything else. And if given the task to make them more combat ready will do so to the best of his ability. Not to mention VideoGame/DigimonStoryCyberSleuth got them closely mixed up with [[spoiler: [[BitchInSheepsClothing Rie]] [[AmbitionIsEvil Ki]][[FemmeFatale shi]][[PsychopathicManchild be]]]] which proved to be a [[HumanityIsInfectious very]] [[TheMindIsAPlaythingOfTheBody negative]] [[KillAllHumans experience]] for everyone involved.
245* RealMenWearPink: Not that the media has realized this, [[MythologyGag who think they are]] the "[[TheSmurfettePrinciple Smurfette]]" of the group.
246* ShesAManInJapan: Which is why he's initially presented as male this time. Despite the "Crusadermon" name being [[DubNameChange exclusive to dubs]] when the character is [[{{Bowdlerise}} also made female]] to make him seem [[SissyVillain less]] [[HideYourLesbians flamboyant]] (since you can't really call a lady "''Lord''Knightmon" and they apparently disliked the Rhodonite pun) this is still what he's called here as it's shorter and is the most commonly known name for them among English speaking fans.
247* TextileWorkIsFeminine: Yes he's taken an interest in fashion design, but ''no'' he isn't actually female (this time) as much as this doesn't help his case.
248* UtopiaJustifiesTheMeans: Crusadermon's Personal Justice. As such, he is willing to do anything to see Yggdrasil's perfect world come forward.
249* YouAreACreditToYourRace: An officially recognized case of this in Origins shortly after [[AmbiguousGender their]] introduction, as after the battle against the Demon Lords the Holy Angels remove their [[ExplosiveLeash Holy Ring]] and gives them the status as an "Honorary Vaccine". [[spoiler: Primarily to keep viruses in line with this goal being a good source of hope for them, but only if there ''are'' Viruses to (rarely) earn it, and their past services as a Knightmon prior to becoming a virus type.]]
253[[folder:Dynasmon/Dalen Rodreguez/Loyalty of Yggdrasil]]
254Crusadermon's partner who puts a lot of focus on loyalty, chivalry and the Bushido code which he greatly respects if his opponents also display. Also known as the “Passionate Warrior" to contrast his partner and nicknamed “Knight of Ham” by Ulforce.
256PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 8; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 6; Changer 2
258PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Blaster 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Shaker 10 (Hydrokenesis); Changer 2
260* AllYourPowersCombined: Ideally has access to the powers of the 10 Legendary Warriors, and thus the ElementalPowers associated with each though not to the degree of their original owners.
261* BashBrothers: With Crusadermon.
262* BoisterousBruiser: Plays this up to make others [[GeniusBruiser underestimate his intelligence]] on the battlefield.
263* BornInTheWrongCentury: Comes across like this on Earth Bet. His way of talking was also commented on in Origins, but as a Digimon [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld "Wrong Century"]] isn't quite the case.
264* BrainwashedAndCrazy: Just like Crusadermon's example above, as Lucemon used them both as his servants before killing them.
265* CulturedWarrior: It's telling that when walking around Brockton Bay job searching, he was casually reading and analyzing Shakespeare's Macbeth.
266* DamnYouMuscleMemory: A fighting reflex based example, as when the Merchants tried mugging him and Parian with a knife his instincts were to block with what was hand. Unfortunately, what was "on hand" was his 3rd edition of Shakespeare's {{Theatre/Macbeth}}, and the damage the knife did to it was enough he needed to replace it.
267* DashingHispanic: As Dalen Rodreguez due to his mannerisms.
268* DrillSergeantNasty: Subjected the Soldiers to live fire with his Dragon Thrower attack. (Presumably slowed and weakened to the point they could dodge, or barring that ''survive''.)
269* KnightInShiningArmor: Ends up appearing as such to Parian when they first meet. First, he fights off the seven Merchants trying to mug them and even refuses to accept her offer to give him the ten dollars he was searching the junkies for to replace his book. This is ''also'' despite having to suppress his negative reaction to sensing her Passenger, but it also led to his current occupation of being her bodyguard.
270* LargeHam: Again he's the "passionate warrior" who speaks like he just walked off the set of a Shakespeare production.
271* LiteralMinded: As the term "Merchant" isn't unusual for him, he didn't realize that "The Merchants" was the name of the area's gang of junkies; and so unlike the who he was thinking of, they likely wouldn't have been carrying anything of note on them that wasn't illegal to possess.
272* UndyingLoyalty: This is his Personal Justice. He desires only to serve Yggdrasil until his final breath. He also respects this quality in others, even if it brings them into conflict.
273* ThoseTwoGuys: Best known as Crusadermon's Partner.
274* TheWildHunt: Used to be the "Lord" of the digimon equivalent of one that served the Sovereign before joining the Royal Knights, albeit called the "Wyld hunt" assumedly to suit his archaic manner of speaking.
275* YeOldeButcheredeEnglishe: His preferred type of speech, which Crusadermon notes helps with the BoisterousBruiser image.
279[[folder:Gankoomon/Gary Kim/Covenant of Yggdrasil]]
280Considers himself a great teacher (regardless of his student's thoughts on the matter) and one of the most abrasive knights despite also being the most open. He's very prone to saying exactly what's on his mind and has a focus on hand to hand combat. His companion Hinukamuy is made of digisoul and while is just as eager for battle his personality is more reserved.
282PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 9; Master 5; Mover (Speed, Flight) 7; Striker 7; Changer 2
284PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10: Master 5; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Striker 7; Changer 2
286* AbusiveDad: Is thought to be one for Jesmon by the PRT once they get a better grasp on their connection. Though to be fair by human standards [[HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood they]] [[TrainingFromHell aren't]] [[HadToBeSharp wrong]].
287* BadassBoast: His [=DigiSoul=] Companion Hinukamuy gets a rather notable one when facing down the E88.
288-->'''[[TheQuietOne Hinkamuy]]''': '''I have faced the [[DemonLordsAndArchdevils Lords of Hell]], [[TheFourGods The Beasts of the Celestial Houses]],and they who call themselves [[CelestialParagonsAndArchangels Divine]]. Where do you think you stand compared to them? If you are unsure, [[PreAsskickingOneLiner stay still. I'll show you]].'''
289* BashBrothers: With Jesmon. He's really looking forward to their spar.
290* BerserkButton: Misusing his teachings, as Grue of the Undersiders finds out. [[spoiler: Or perhaps based on his title [[ThePromise don't break any promises you make to him]], since he had all of his students agree to use what he taught them only for defense.]]
291* BrutalHonesty: Gankoomon has no patience for beating around the bush, especially if he feels that people are deliberately making things more complicated by doing so. He often cuts straight to the heart of the matter, ignoring politeness and courtesy to solve an issue quickly.
292** [[ArbitrarySkepticism Taylor]] finds out the hard way that Gankoomon isn't willing to put up with her teenage resentment like Jesmon is, when he bluntly tells her that the reason he couldn't save her from The Locker was because at the time he was fighting the Slaughterhouse Nine, avenging thousands of people. He straight up tells her that what happened was horrible, but she needs to get over it and stop taking it out on his student.
293* DefeatMeansFriendship: Implied to have joined the Royal Knights by this method as he "got religious" after in his own words “When God’s Shield punched me in the face".
294* DirtyOldMan: Or "Dirty old Mon" as the case may be. It's unclear if he's like this on purpose to annoy people (since all other Digimon are openly asexual) or not but it's implied that of all the Knights he's the one most likely to make a suggestive remark. This is at least partially to blame for their feud with the Olympus Twelve, as he managed to hit on and insult [[{{Yandere}} Junomon]] within five seconds to her husband's face.
295* {{Expy}}: His human form is said to look like [[Film/TheKarateKid Mister Miyagi]], and considering his job this is rather fitting.
296* GratuitousJapanese: He's a fan of it, both for his attack names and general uses like numbers or Hinukamuy's name. Notable in that not only has he not gone to Earth Bet's Japan yet and Gary Kim is said to be Korean (though a drunk Assault did assume he was Japanese) unlike [[GratuitousGerman Duftmon]] his mostly likely namesake (Guangwu) is ''Chinese'', albeit rather messed up.
297* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: For the most part. He can be and often is a complete ass. He also does care about his family and students despite his own denials.
298* KnightInSourArmor: Best described as an asshole but also believes that there is good with the bad and so is willing to protect the world.
299* LethalChef: That burn mark that Taylor notices when she first goes to Shawn's house? Gankoomon was making salad. He also managed to give Jesmon stomach flu for a few days from a single meal in the Christmas Omake. There may or may not be a court order preventing his human form from stepping foot in a kitchen.
300* MiniatureSeniorCitizens: He tries to invoke this by slouching over in human form all the time, during which Taylor put him at only about 5'5''. [[LetsGetDangerous It's terrifying when he stops doing it]] [[spoiler: As Glory Girl found out.]]
301* OldMaster: Gankoomon is an interesting example. He's [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld literally closing in on 700+]], [[YoungerThanTheyLook or 1]] [[MetaphoricallyTrue depending on your point of view]], but he can throw down with [[OurDragonsAreDifferent Lung]] in his diminished state and the worst the other did to him was piss him off.
302* OnlyFriend: Daniel Hebert. [[SarcasmMode Surprisingly]], Gankoomon is the Type 2 in why no one else likes him. Why Daniel can is still a mystery.
303* PapaWolf: To Blanc and Noir most prominently. He still is one to Jesmon too but he tries to be less obvious there.
304* PetTheDog: His behavior towards [[spoiler: the scared and sobbing Dinah]] can seem like one as despite [[spoiler: the hate he has for Coil he still takes the time and care both to try to comfort her while minimizing the trauma seeing what he will do to Coil could cause her]].
305* PlayingWithFire: Both as Gankoomon ''and'' Gary Kim (though this may most accurately be Hinukamuy's doing), as he often seems to use this as a part of his [[FunnyBackgroundEvent Funny Background Events]] like the Christmas Distraction and some other likely racist sap seen when he had Chad help him with groceries. To the point even in Jesmon's flashbacks were [[CasualDangerDialog the digital world was in chaos he felt the need to reference this.]]
306--> '''Jesmon''': Everything was on fire and [[NotMeThisTime it wasn’t Master’s fault this time]].
307** Better shown as Gankoomon directly with [[spoiler: how he reacted and took out Coil after what the fool did to Jesmon]] complete with a CallBack to the above:
308--> '''Gankoomon''': Everything was on fire and it was totally my fault.
309* NeverGetsDrunk: Type 3a. While he's the knight most prone to drinking alcohol not only did he spend the vast majority of the January 1st party drinking to make a pyramid out of his empty glasses (and out drinking Assault in the process, [[DrinkingOnDuty despite the latter still being in costume]]) ''long'' before Duftmon and the others joined him he was ''still'' acting fairly sober while his brothers were completely smashed and his single pyramid gained "siblings" too.
310** Though he eventually ''did'' cross the threshold enough to get a hangover.
311* TheNickNamer: Examples being "New-Girl" (Flechette), "Kitty Cat" (Stormtiger) and "Uberdouche a.k.a. King Pussy a.k.a. You Know, That Dick" (Kaiser).
312* ScrewPolitenessImASenior: As Gary Kim, which Yggdrasil even lampshades with "If you were human, you would’ve gotten arthritis in your middle finger."
313* SideBet: Makes Taylor aware he was a part of one of these about how long it would take for her to learn about Jesmon. [[spoiler: Mostly because she made him lose which in turn cost him a lot of his drinking money. Ulforce lost as well with Duftmon as the "winner".]]
314* TermsOfEndangerment: When it comes to Coil he goes more this route than his typical nicknaming as he calls the villain [[DoNotCallMePaul "Tommy"]] so he realizes the Royal Knights know who his civilian identity is.
318[[folder:Jesmon/Shawn Kim/Salvation of Yggdrasil]]
319The Youngest and perhaps most idealistic of the Royal Knights, Jesmon is openly caring and nice to just about everyone. Including people who hate him. Just don't hurt his friends.
321PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 7; Master 7; Mover (Speed, Flight) 7; Changer 2
323PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Master 7; Trump 7; Changer 2
325* AccidentalPervert: Shawn doesn't know what a pink sign on a bathroom door means.
326* AmbiguouslyBrown: Shawn is described as looking "middle eastern" which isn't too specific in terms of how dark his skin tone is but does explain why no one questions him being from Dubai or that he's only the adoptive son of the clearly Asian "Gary Kim".
327* AngstWhatAngst: [[JustifiedTrope Justified]]. While Jesmon doesn't focus on how utterly crappy and traumatic his childhood was he fully acknowledges it wasn't nice and that he's not exactly... Normal in the head. He uses this as his reasoning to become a Knight, so that his life won't ever have to happen to someone else.
328** But that doesn't mean that when pushed he can't give a ''very'' [[ReluctantPsycho disturbing]] [[LaughingMad laugh]].
329* BadassAdorable: Largely by virtue of his personality.
330* BashBrothers: With Gankoomon. He's the only one who can stand being around him for large periods of time. And even then "stand" might be stretching it.
331* BewareTheNiceOnes: Was willing to put the mission which was critical to their world's survival in jeopardy because three girls hurt his friend.
332* ConvenientlyAnOrphan: "Convenient" in that this was the only reason he ended up being trained by Gankoomon.
333* CrystalDragonJesus: More like [[NinjaPirateZombieRobot Alien Metal Knight Dragon]] Jesus, but yeah. To the point even Tattletale, who at this point doesn't know much about him, called him this trope by name.
334* CurbStompBattle: Shawn against three Empire 88 skinheads. Shawn was more worried about them breaking their hands if they actually landed a hit.
335* DeceasedParentsAreTheBest: Before he trained under Gankoomon. Though it's hard to say how good of parents they actually were as his memories before they died are pretty much blank. But they saved his life at the cost of their own so that has to count for something, right?
336* {{Determinator}}: Regardless of how much damage he takes or how giving his projections other tasks may weaken him in a fight he ''will'' try to help save as many people as he can whenever possible even though that despite his (relatively) young age he realizes it won't help abate his DangerSense for long.
337* EvilSoundsDeep: [[spoiler: Not ''actually'' him, but the [[EvilTwin clone]] of him Noelle makes has a voice notably deeper than his own much to his distress as it stresses the "wrongness" of it.]]
338* ForeignExchangeStudent: As Shawn, as he officially came from Dubai.
339* FunnyForeigner: Shawn's go-to defense when he makes a human faux pas.
340* GoodThingYouCanHeal: Let's see, without a digimon's regenerative abilities, and his connection to Yggdrasil, Jesmon [[NoKillLikeOverkill would have been]] [[spoiler: blinded, had [[AnArmAndALeg every appendage but his right forearm severed]], his data dispersed, and [[NukeEm blown to bits by something more powerful than a nuclear warhead]]. [[RasputinianDeath All in the same day]].]] And just for clarity's sake, Jesmon does not have the [[NoOneCouldSurviveThat greatest healing power]] among the Royal Knights.
341* GogglesDoNothing: Jesmon still has his goggles, even in human form. He hasn't put them on yet. However, as tradition commands he ''does'' become a leader, specifically for the squire initiative.
342** Eventually Subverted as he's been wearing them over his eyes [[spoiler: while they recover from being destroyed]] during the [[WhamEpisode events of Arc 10]].
343* HeroicSacrifice: He ''is'' named after Jesus after all, though his tendency to want to invoke this is noted and bothers Yggdrasil when it comes up in flashbacks. [[spoiler: This doesn't stop him from doing so against Leviathan, [[SenselessSacrifice not that it ended up accomplishing what he intended to do]], but to be fair [[YankTheDogsChain no one could have predicted this would have happened]].]]
344* HilariouslyAbusiveChildhood: Gankoomon always pushed Hackmon to the brink during his training.
345* HowMuchMoreCanHeTake: His tenacity only really shows up against fellow Mega level (or nearly so) type threats but [[spoiler: against Noelle's monster the answer is "A direct hit from a Mega explosion, losing both arms, being rendered blind, and then some" and ''still win''.]]
346* KungFuJesus: While he may be based on Jesus he isn't a pacifist. He rarely throws the first punch, but he's usually the one still standing at the end.
347* MajorInjuryUnderreaction: As per the Knights "Rule 25"; In the wake of one of Bakuda's bombs he's rendered physically blind (though his danger sense and projections can help pick up the slack) and lost an arm. The former his biggest concern was his ''digicore'' being visible through it, but as far as the latter goes [[spoiler: Noelle]] showed more concern about it than he did.
348* MessianicArchetype: As Yggdrasil's "Salvation" this is an enforced trope too. [[spoiler: To the point he did "die" to kill Leviathan and then was sent to the Dark Area with Taylor as a Hackmon shortly after with little idea when the two will be making their own "second coming" to Earth Bet.]]
349* NaiveNewcomer: The ''cause'' of the majority of his faux pas. Is also this to the Knights Organization as a whole.
350* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: As Taylor (and her father) learn he's rather prone to giving hugs and the like. [[spoiler: After [[DoomedHometown the loss of his village]] to Megidramon Gankoomon says it's a way of proving those around him are really there.]]
351* OlderThanTheyLook: To an ironic degree as despite being around the perfectly reasonable for a human hero age of 30 unlike [[Really700YearsOld all of his other brothers]] (so he ''could'' have been the one to avert this trope) Yggdrasil made his human form 16 instead, assumedly to suit [[TricksterMentor his lack of social development]].
352* OriginalGeneration: It's not clear [[spoiler: as ''technically'' it may not have been able to be considered a digimon at all, but Jesmon Executor could be considered one of these akin to Omnimon and Omnimon Zwart. And with his partnership to Taylor if she can at least get him to his natural Baohackmon level again any evolutions he has that aren't Saviorhackmon and Jesmon will likely be these by necessity as they don't ''have'' anything else to digivolve into normally.]]
353* PostVictoryCollapse: Has a case of this after facing off with [[spoiler: the copy of him Noelle made after he already took a lot of damage from Bakuda's bombs.]]
354** Does one in a flashback, having just completed Gankoomon's ImpossibleTask of [[spoiler: Getting into the Royal Knight's castle. Hackmon actually went above and beyond managing to get ''into Yggdrasil's throne room''!]] And by the Knights' estimates, he hadn't slept since he met Gankoomon the first time. He hadn't even recovered from [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold Gankoomon]] [[CruelMercy breaking his legs so that the kid wouldn't have to endure his]] TrainingFromHell!
355* ScarfOfAsskicking: Jesmon's cape turns into one of these as Shawn.
356** It's also considered a scarf at his Hackmon stage despite clearly still being the full cape and hood he wears as a part of ''all'' of his later stages.
357* SleepModeSize: As one of the Knights who has his whole evolution line known and their least experienced member his prior digivolutions are noted they can act like this. [[spoiler: After draining himself to the point he would have died had Taylor not made herself his tamer ''Hackmon'' is left somewhere between this and being given a digimon equivalent of a BagOfSpilling.]]
358* TheUnchosenOne: When Gankoomon first met Hackmon... He was less than enthusiastic to train the Rookie. Hackmon proceeded to pester Gankoomon, despite physical injury, until the Knight gave him an ImpossibleTask. It was completing it, really going above and beyond in that task, that made Yggdrasil agree that Hackmon should be the next Royal Knight.
359* TheKnightsWhoSaySquee: Jesmon has ''earned'' the title of "Royal Knight." That means he's considered one of thirteen ''[[OlympusMons guardian deities]]'' of the Digital World. He still massively looks up to his brothers, [[JerkAss except Gankoomon]] as well as other Heroes in Earth Bet.
360* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Gives one to Shadow Stalker/Sophia Hess when she tries to accuse him of being a "[[MightMakesRight predator]]" like she is and receives one from [[spoiler: the clone Noelle made of him trying to convince him that their efforts to save others is so pointless the only way to truly "save" anyone is to end their suffering in a more "permanent" way.]] While his shook her up the one he got only served to piss him off with their "selfish" stance on it and their pessimistic view of things.
361* TrainingFromHell: It actually became the basis of the other Royal Knights training regimens, that they give to other people.
362** One of the first things that Gankoomon does is throw him in the Dark Zone, the Digimon version of Hell, so maybe this should be Training ''in'' Hell.
363* TheCape: One of the best straight examples in the Royal Knights... And now Worm.
364* UnconsciousObjector: Even if he's knocked out his constructs can continue acting on his behalf, as Atho does after Jesmon's fight with [[spoiler: Noelle's clone of him]].
368[[folder:Craniumon/Chad Cunningham/Shield of Yggdrasil]]
369A perfectionist who has been understandably been hit ''very'' hard by his "failure" to protect his lord. He also greatly enjoys proving his strength to others in one on one combat.
371PRT Rating January 2011: Brute ?; Mover (Speed, Flight) ?; Stranger ?; Changer 2
373PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Breaker 4; Changer 2
375* BadassBoast: In 11.1 he's charged with keeping Vista safe during a training exercise involving tsunamis. His response: "Not a drop of water will touch her." [[NotHyperbole He delivers]].
376** He also mentions the Royal Knights' battle plan for [[MakingASplash Levia]][[LightningBruiser than]]: "[[ImpossibleTask We're]] ''[[ImpossibleTask going]]'' [[ImpossibleTask to]] ''[[ImpossibleTask kill]]'' [[ImpossibleTask him]] [[SelfImposedChallenge in water]]."
377* BerserkButton: Do not threaten his lady. Don't even ''find'' his lady without explicitly being on good terms with at least one of his fellow knights, regardless of them "vouching" for the human in question. [[spoiler: Saint learned the hard way what doing both of those things causes and even Ulforce pointed out that the brutality he displayed could cause Digimon/Human relations some issues further down the line.]] On a related note he takes the notion of "failure" very hard considering he "failed" his lord once already.
378** Though this might have been a more recent trait given his mild reaction to Hackmon in Yggdrasil's throneroom. Or possibly it's that he considered Omnimon to have vouched for Hackmon (even though he called Hackmon an intruder).
379* BloodKnight: He was a warlord for a reason after all, even when he joined the knights to help Yggdrasil he was eagerly thinking about the types of powerful opponents he would face as a result.
380* DeathSeeker: A former one of these when he was a warlord of one of the outer layers before Yggdrasil beat him in a fight. [[spoiler: Though some of his thoughts can make one wonder just how "former" this is, as he does still see himself as expendable.]]
381* DeathGlare: He's very good at it and uses it often when annoyed when things don't turn physical.
382* HatesBeingTouched: At least when done by Ulforce even in a friendly matter, though this could also be a result of him just not liking his brother very much as he doesn't complain about Vista [[SecurityCling clinging to him]] while on an exercise with him in preparation for a Leviathan attack.
383* HeroicBSOD: A longer case than what Takato's Gallantmon suffered but also less extreme, he's just been ''very'' depressed due to seeing himself as failing his lady to the point Chad doesn't actually ''have'' a job like his brothers. All he does is the tasks they give to him to try getting him out of the apartment and out of his funk, such as what led to his MuggingTheMonster omake chapter.
384* HorrifyingHero: As lampshaded by Vista who describes him as "thirteen feet of metal, a double-bladed spear, a shield with a skull on it, and a disposition that said, “talk to me and I kill you”". Having a SkullForAHead with his helmet and RedEyesTakeWarning likely doesn't help his case much either, not that he'd mind either way. [[spoiler: And this is ''before'' finding out he murdered Saint for pressing his BerserkButton.]]
385* MyGreatestFailure: He is the Shield of Yggdrasil, so his lord getting injured weighs on him greatly.
386* OutOfFocus: Since he's in charge of keeping the digital world safe by being in the system directly "Chad Cunningham" hasn't seen much use and most of Earth Bet hasn't the foggiest idea who he is or what he does beyond protecting something.
387* {{Irony}}: Despite being Yggdrasil's Shield he's much more aggressive than defensive.
388* ScaryBlackMan: Chad Cunningham when he's in a bad mood certainly qualifies as his would-be racist mugger and some nearby attempted rapists found out the hard way.
389* UndyingLoyalty: Towards Yggdrasil, which is why her current state has hit him particularly hard. [[spoiler: She's aware of this and does seem concerned how far he thinks about going for her at times despite her condition, though she can't actually comfort him.]]
393[[folder:Examon/Ryouma Temujin/Eyes of Yggdrasil]]
394The largest of the Royal Knights and their Long Range Specialist, Examon takes is job seriously. Because when he screws up, it's his brothers who pay for it.
396PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10, Effective Blaster 10; Tinker 4; Thinker 5; Changer 2
398PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Blaster 13; Brute 10; Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Thinker 7; Changer 2
400* AwesomeByAnalysis: As Examon's second mind and TargetSpotter, it is Caldfwich's job to be this. Not that Examon himself doesn't also qualify on his own, as his fight against the Three Blasphemies demonstrated.
401* {{BFG}}: Ambrosius, interestingly this is supposed to be it's ''[[SwissArmyGun secondary]]'' function. It is meant to be primarily a ''[[RammingAlwaysWorks lance]]''.
402* BiologicalWeaponsSolveEverything: Avalon's Gate contains malware, Trojans, and other nasty code. In the real world this translates to bioweapons. They aren't even technically illigal to fire in space. He just can't place Ambrosius "in Orbit."
403* ColdSniper: More what everyone thinks he is than his actual personality, though when he meets annoying people he tends to enter a meditative state to brush them off.
404* CombatPragmatist: Likes to shoot his enemies while they're [[TalkingIsAFreeAction talking]]. Or [[TransformationIsAFreeAction transforming]]. Though he [[LampshadeHanging notes]] that the later only applies to ''unannounced'' transformations.
405* DeathFromAbove: Which is both how he was mistaken as a fourth Endbringer and nicknamed "Nuke Dragon".
406* DidISayThatOutLoud: When bemoaning being stuck with "crazies" like Ulforce on Christmas, though he did use this to set up the children to harass the "crazy" for presents instead of him.
407* EmpathicWeapon: Examon's wings, [[TargetSpotter Caldfwich]].
408* ExactWords: His choice of words and ability to manipulate them without most people noticing is as good as his aim, ranging from the SuspiciouslySpecificDenial mentioned on the main page to taking advantage of the UN's [[LoopholeAbuse lack of knowledge about his human identity]] to escape from their attempt to confine him.
409** He tells the UN that he hasn't made a shot in service of the Royal Knights longer than 25,000 km. [[spoiler: Now before he joined... ''Or'' five months after he said that...]]
410* GeniusBruiser: He's explicitly the knight with the best understanding of base coding, which is essentially a digimon's biology.
411* GentlemanSnarker: His reaction to an enemy sneaking up on him and ruining his exit strategy? "That wasn't very nice."
412* IJustWantToBeNormal[=/=]IJustWantToHaveFriends: The biggest reason he joined the [[TrueCompanions Royal Knights]] was that they didn't treat him as special because he was a [[FusionDance Jogress]] of two Mega, as their first "brother" was already in the same boat.
413* ImprobableAimingSkills: Made a shot from Pen y Fan to [[MythologyGag Dinas]] [[BilingualBonus Emrys]]. That's roughly 134 km. Of course, he did it the ''long'' way, which resulted in a shot that took over an hour to reach its target and a distance between 39,941 and 40,209 km. This was after the UN meeting.
414* MrFixit: As Ryouma, he owns a garage in Brockton Bay. He spent six months before the Knights went public repairing, suping up, and generally being around anything with a motor.
415* MultiFormBalance: Mentally discussed with Caldfwich when trying to come up with plans against the Three Blasphemies when there was too much risk of friendly fire, as one of [[FusionDance his component Digimon]], Slayerdramon, might have been better suited to that situation.
416* OrbitalBombardment: His primary form of DeathFromAbove as Nilbog learned the hard way.
417* RedBaron: In addition to the species-wide title of "Dragon Emperor," he has the title bestowed upon him by his patron Ygddrasil, Eyes of Yggdrasil or "her Sight", and nearly everybody on Earth Bet knows his nickname of "Nuke Dragon."
418* ServileSnarker: Caldfwich, whose commentary on the current situation can always be counted on to be dry as a desert and biting as a teething infant.
419* ShapeShifterModeLock: A milder "can't shift out of a form" example, as unlike how the Rookie level Hackmon came up[[SleepModeSize because Jesmon had lost most of his strength when his connection to Yggdrasil was severed]] Examon does consider the two Mega level Slayerdramon and Breakdramon as valid options during missions but can't use them currently due to Yggdrasil's delicate condition and by extension difficulties they may have fusing back.
420* SnarkToSnarkCombat: Sometimes with Caldfwich.
421* TheStoic: Good luck seeing ''anything'' get an emotional rise out of him, as even when he gets annoyed by others he simply resorts to meditation instead of trying to make them stop. To be fair considering one of the biggest ones he deals with is Ulforce that may have simply proven futile so long ago that he gave up on it in general.
422* SwissArmyGun: Well, more Swiss Army ''Ammunition'' thanks to Avalon's Gate, but he has a shell for every situation. That he can fire from his ''lance''.
426[[folder:Sleipmon/Chonglin Satsuma/Ears of Yggdrasil[[spoiler:/Hand of Cherubimon (In Origins)]]]]
427Second largest knight after Examon and second fastest after Ulforce he's a very reserved individual, much like his former human partner Rentaro Satsuma was. Much like Gallantmon his human form is also based on his tamer, but unlike the former his age appears more or less the same as he was already an adult last we saw him.
429PRT Rating January 2011: Brute 9; Mover (Speed, Flight) 9; Blaster 8 ([[AnIcePerson Cryokinetic]]); Shaker 8; Changer 2
431PRT Rating Update May 30th, 2011: Brute 10, Mover (Speed, Flight) 10; Blaster 8 ([[AnIcePerson Cryokinetic]]); Shaker 8; Changer 2
433* CallBack: In Anime/DigimonDataSquad he said Yggdrasil sent him to the human world to be their "eyes and ''ears''" to spy on them. The lack of Examon in that adaption could explain why it wasn't just "ears" in that case.
434* FriendToAllChildren: Makes an effort to try and keep Yggdrasil at ease when he first meets her in Keter and threatening the safety of human children is one of the few things that can make [[NotSoStoic him]] [[BerserkButton overtly]] [[RageBreakingPoint angry]].
435* IdenticalStranger: To Rentaro Satsuma, as that's who [[{{Expy}} Yggdrasil based his form on]], though he never got to met his Earth Bet counterpart. Considering when the split between Earth Alph and Earth Bet's timelines happened it's unclear if he'd have another doppelganger there too unlike all of the other human partners Earth Bet had due to his age.
436* LightningBruiser: While he's more defensive than offensive, [[ColorCodedForYourConvenience due to his red digizoid armor which is focused on defense, unlike Ulforce's lightweight and speed focused blue digizoid or Magnamon's offense based gold digizoid]], despite his size only Ulforce is faster than he is. Which means, he ''easily'' outspeeds most Earth Bet speed based capes. [[DramaticIrony Ironically]], the official In-Universe Cape [[PowerLevels power rankings]] of the Knights indicate either [[IAmNotLeftHanded he hasn't been demonstrating this often]], or China's trying to hide this detail as Examon's "Mover" rank is higher than his.
437* MauveShirt: During Origins in a sense: As he was only an Ultimate at the time, he was seen as "[[RedShirt more expendable]]" than [[spoiler: other members of Cherubimon's Hands]] which is why he was sent to be Imperialdramon's [[ExplosiveLeash lea]][[MoralityChain sh]] on the frontlines. Duftmon even pointed this out to him, though Cherubimon indicates this was Seraphimon's decision among other Angel's actions that were troubling her.
438* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: During the debate following [[spoiler: Leviamon's attack]] he's clearly not all mentally there and unintentionally reveals one of his current stressors facing him back in China. How his brother's proceed to aggravate the issue by throwing their misinformed two cents in about the topic serves to only set him off even ''more''. [[spoiler: To say Rentaro, leader of DATS, would be rolling in his grave over his Kudamon making a proposal to reveal Digimon to Earth Bet in such a way that it could indicate to them ''Digimon can take on human forms at will'' a deadlock over an unrelated transgression instead of trying to address the actual topic and its potential fall out seems like an understatement.]]
439* OutOfFocus: Sleipmon's lack of onscreen action throughout the majority of the early arcs can be pinned on his unfortunate assignment of location in China dealing with the Yangban. As no one working on the story felt they could do the local justice. This has also gotten to the point of parody especially after a certain infamous mission in Cyber Sleuth.
440* OldManMarryingAChild: Due to his efforts in China their government ''wants'' him to do this by having [[Really700YearsOld him]] marry a [[NoYay fifteen year old girl]], and [[{{Squick}} have a child with her within three years]]. To say the idea disgusts and infuriates him on principal alone would be an understatement. It's also unclear whether they want to have this arranged between his ''human'' persona or his [[HotSkittyOnWailordAction actual form]].
441** A later chapter does clarify on that: [[spoiler: [[ConditionedToAcceptHorror The tiny teen was aware that her marriage would be to a huge centauric "Parahuman"]], and even picked up on how that would mean she couldn't have his kids, she just slightly underestimated how big and horse like he actually was.]]
442* OneManArmy: Notable case even among the Royal Knights as [[OffScreenMomentOfAwesome he's fighting an economic superpower's forces by himself]] and got to such a stalemate China has begun resorting to [[PyrrhicVictory self destructive tactics]] to ''try'' and stop him.
443* RageBreakingPoint: His work in China has reached this ''twice'' despite his [[InformedAttribute reserved nature]].
444** First resulted in him ''asking permission to let [[NoKillLikeOverkill Examon]] bombard them''. As a result of killing at least two members of the Yang ban and the stalemate he and the government ended up in they decided to try using suicide bombing ''children'' and bioweapons against him. Even just hearing about it nearly got ''Gallantmon'' to the same point but Duftmon rejected the proposal for both Examon or Gallantmon to get themselves involved.
445** Second caused even more of a rift between him and Duftmon after the latter learned of a potential political marriage which could end the fighting there during [[spoiler: a debate about whether or not the knights should reveal themselves as Digimon to Earth Bet as ''both'' humans and "heroes"]]. Duftmon had no idea about how seriously China would take the consummation of this marriage and lengths they will go to in order to ensure the ''15 year old girl'' involved would have Sleipmon's children within three years but did nothing to make that misunderstanding clear. ''[[DiggingYourselfDeeper Then]]'' he decided to insult his brother's honor by making light of a vow like this since [[WeAreAsMayflies she's only a human]] (to a partnered Digimon who is still mourning the loss of his human "family" no less) that breaking this oath shouldn't be an issue. This in particular drove [[spoiler: the ''former partner of the '''leader''' of an organization responsible for Digimon/Human relations'']] to ''agree'' with Gankoomon's rash decision instead of abstaining or rejecting it as despite being a completely separate issue Sleipmon saw either option as supporting Duftmon.
446* RemoteBody: He can create these from ice in the real world for himself and Examon, as long as he gets help with the [[MagicByAnyOtherName High Code]]. Overlaps with MyselfMyAvatar.
447* SecretKeeper: We see him act as a confidant for [[spoiler: his Lady Cherubimon]] in Origins, where she does let him in on various pieces of potentially dangerous information. [[spoiler: Most importantly how Seraphimon may be trying to essentially take over the Angel Territory, as he has seniority on Ophanimon the Second who clearly looks up to him, and the two of them seem to be trying to weaken her because she disagrees with them too often for their taste, and realizing the connection between Yggdrasil and the "Kernel", the power that made the angels what they are. This could be foreshadowing for how he became "the Ears of Yggdrasil" as well.]]
448* TheStoic: More so than most of his other brothers, best seen how of all of the previously partnered Knights he had [[StunnedSilence the least violent response]] to learning how Earth Bet's Japan, and by extension the equivalents of many if not ''all'' of the humans he cared about, had been decimated. In Origins, as a Chirinmon he also notes he tries to keep other Digimon from knowing how they affect him whenever possible.
449* TokenGoodTeammate: In Origins, he's considered one for [[spoiler: the Hands of the Great Angels, much like his Lady Cherubimon]] as [[NiceGuy he's fair and gives credit where it is due]] despite having the easy excuse of FantasticRacism to take it for himself instead, though this is considered more as a result of [[GoodIsDumb being blind to what's going on around him]] by [[TheCynic Imperialdramon]].
450* UriahGambit: Was the Uriah in Seraphimon and Ophanimon's Gambit to kill off Imperialdramon. ([[ForegoneConclusion It didn't]] [[SurprisinglyEliteCannonFodder work.]]) See Also the MauveShirt entry.
