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1Here are the characters in ''The Spectral Chronicles''.
4[[WMG:The Forces of Good]]
5[[folder:The Champions of the Light]]
7-->''Introduced in [[Literature/TheSportOfGhostWrestling Volume I]]''
8The main character of the book series. Having lived to be 100 years old, he became a ghost shortly thereafter. It was his founding of Ghost Wrestling that led to the [[TheMagicComesBack reemergece of the supernatural]]. He currently lives in Kinardas City as General of the Stone Cutters. As befitting his ancestral princely status (see below), he is very brave and kind, albeit perhaps [[LeeroyJenkins a bit eager to rush into battle]].
10* {{Atlantis}}: It turns out that Demetrios was the [[LastOfHisKind last Prince of Atlantis]] before the continent's tragic descent into the ocean.
11* BackFromTheDead: How he became a ghost.
12* BattleCouple: With Lily.
13* BigEater: As Marissa puts it, "Thanks a lot. You just ate an entire month's worth of groceries in an hour."
14* CoolSword / AncestralWeapon: Dragon Claw.
15* HappilyMarried: To Lily.
16* TheHero
17* KidHero: As a ghost, Demetrios gets to be 18 forever, in a manner of speaking.
18* LaserGuidedAmnesia: He unfortunately lost the memories of his previous life upon becoming a ghost, though his past slowly gets pieced together.
19* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: Demetrios panics over the idea of [[spoiler:sending his brother Samuel to hell when he was alive. However, he assures him that he fought his way out of hell just as he once did, and can now go to Heaven]].
20* ThePaladin: He used to be one when he was the Prince of Atlantis. In Volume V, the spirits of King Honorius and Queen Rosetis grant him the power to become one again to fight against the Illuminati.
21* PowerUpFullColorChange: When he becomes a paladin again, his armor changes from red to platinum; his cape changes to fiery red as well.
22* ShapeShifting: A brief list of the forms Demetrios has assumed during the story:
23** An African bull elephant
24** A white Arabian stallion
25** A sea serpent
26** A phoenix (no, not ''that'' [[ComicBook/XMen Phoenix]])
27** A chimpanzee
28** A crocodile
29** A demonic knight
30** [[SuperpoweredEvilSide A demonic version of himself]]
31** ''Utahraptor'' and ''UsefulNotes/TyrannosaurusRex''
32** And last but not least, [[OurDragonsAreDifferent a red dragon]]
33* SupernaturallyYoungParent: Since he's a ghost and no longer ages.
35'''Moon Shadow'''
36-->''Introduced in Volume I''
37The horse Demetrios rode when he was a kid, a black mustang stallion. He and Lily were the only ones he would allow on his back. He was reborn as a {{Pegasus}} and once again serves as Demetrios's loyal mount.
38* AmplifiedAnimalAptitude: He understands Demetrios very well, and quite a few times neighs in agreement with him.
39* BigDamnHeroes: Also serves as Moon Shadow's Moment of Awesome: he swoops in and severely beats up Theodore, the Brotherhood's last surviving guard.
40* CoolHorse / {{Pegasus}}
41* MeaningfulName: He has a black coat except for a white stripe on the center of his face.
42* {{Reincarnation}}: How he gained his wings and came to Demetrios's aid.
44'''Captain John "Max" Stelling'''
45-->''Introduced in Volume I''
46* CombatPragmatist: While Demetrios, Mothman, and Aristotle are melee-oriented, Max provides ranged support with his guns.
47* CoolSword: He takes the sword Gram for himself after Michael is freed from the Illuminati.
48* DragonRider: He rides on the Stone Cutters' red dragons, named Talon.
49* FaceDeathWithDignity: When Mephistopheles' mutants invade America, he is prepared to do this. [[spoiler:[[BigDamnHeroes Until Demetrios shows up]]]].
50* FriendlyNeighborhoodVampire: The first one in the series.
51* TheLancer
52* LightningGun: [[ICallItVera Which he named Kara]], after the Valkyrie.
53* ProudWarriorRaceGuy
54* TheRival: Max considers Anna to be this. They warm up towards the end, though.
57-->''Introduced in Volume I''
58* DefectorFromDecadence: Though he was never loyal to Mephistopheles to begin with.
59* GentleGiant
60* [[spoiler:KilledOffForReal]]
61* MySpeciesDothProtestTooMuch: Mothman was unfairly kidnapped by Mephistopheles to be one of his soldiers, and turns out to be a lot nicer and more honorable than the urban legends would have you think.
62* PublicDomainCharacter
63* WingedHumanoid
66-->''Introduced in Volume I''
67* BigDamnHeroes: He's the one who breaks Demetrios and Kurt out of Mephistopheles' dungeon.
68* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Sort of. While his fur is black, his eyes are dark brown.
69* DefectorFromDecadence
70* IKnowKarate: Part of his training as a spy.
71* LineOfSightName: He takes his name from one of the books Mephistopheles has in his office.
72* ShoutOut: Since he's a talking chimpanzee with a Greco-Roman sounding name, he can be considered an homage to ''Franchise/PlanetOfTheApes''.
73* TheStrategist: He tends to be more cautious than the eager Demetrios.
74* TalkingAnimal: Because of Mephistopheles's experiments on him.
75* WhamEpisode: [[spoiler:Melissa kills him]].
78-->''Mentioned in Volume I; introduced in [[Literature/TheReturnOfMephistophelesWorldWarIII Volume II]]''
80* AerithAndBob: Before Demetrios and the rest of his friends started to live on Ahrinor Island, Lily was the only Stone Cutter with a human name.
81* AngelicBeauty: She was already quite beautiful when she was mortal; becoming an angel added to it.
82* BackFromTheDead: How she became an angel.
83* BattleCouple: With Demetrios.
84* CostumePorn: Her outfits are described in loving detail.
85* DoppelgangerAttack: In Volume V, while exploring the ruins of the palace in the Capital City of Atlantis, she finds a spell that allows her to fight her enemies this way. She becomes three separate beings: one for [[PlayingWithFire fire]], one for [[DishingOutDirt earth]], and one for [[MakingASplash water]]. It allows her to attack and heal more effectively, but she can't cast her Phoenix spell when she's divided up.
86** DifferentlyDressedDuplicates: The three beings she becomes are dressed to reflect their magical prowess: Fire wears white and [[FireIsRed red]], Earth in earthy colors, and Water in [[WaterIsBlue mostly blue]].
87* TheFashionista
88* GoodHurtsEvil: Her Exorcism spell even gives [[OlympusMons Gigantoshamblers]] pause.
89* HappilyMarried: To Demetrios.
90* HighClassGloves: She has quite a few pairs. [[JustifiedTrope She's a princess; it comes with the territory]].
91* LightEmUp: Her main specialty of magic.
92* TheMedic: Thanks to Sastiana, her healing spells are quite superb.
93* MagicStaff: She wields a staff during the Third War of the Stone Cutters.
94* PantheraAwesome: Her mount is [[LivingStatue a vampire temple guardian that resembles a tiger]].
95* PlayingWithFire: After awakening her [[EleventhHourSuperpower Phoenix spell]], [[TheRedMage she gains access to fire spells in addition to her holy ones, and some of them get combined]].
96* PrincessProtagonist
97* ShoutOut: Lily was created with the Franchise/{{Disney Princess}}es in mind. Well except for the anti-demon powers. [[IncorruptiblePurePureness Although that may not]] [[AlwaysLawfulGood be too far off]]...
98** In addition, in Volume III, she dresses up similarly to [[Anime/DigimonAdventure Angewomon]] and [[ComicBook/XMen Jean Grey when she was Phoenix]].
99* SuperMode: She gets one after casting her Phoenix spell in Volume III. Her wings change from white to reddish-gold and her spells get stronger.
100* SupernaturallyYoungParent: She's an angel and [[ImmortalityBeginsAtTwenty thus doesn't look older than 24]].
101* ThereIsAnother: Lily was also from Atlantis.
103'''Anne-Marie Magaña'''
104-->''Introduced in Volume I''
105* BattleCouple: With Lynessa.
106* BerserkButton: Anyone who threatens Lynessa or her children will soon feel [[UnstoppableRage the full fury of her magic powers]].
107* ChainmailBikini: A much different version. Underneath her clothes, she wears a corset made of stainless steel plated with silver. It also has grooves that can glow magically with different colors depending on the magic she's casting or her mood.
108* CharacterizationMarchesOn: In her introduction in ''The Sport of Ghost Wrestling'', she is not eating any sweet treats. Now she is rarely seen without them.
109* ChromeChampion: One of the new spells she gains in ''Literature/ADayOfNewLife'' allows her to temporarily turn her body into polished silver metal, increasing her defense and reflecting the power of her enemy's attacks back at them.
110* CoolBigSis: To Ruby.
111* FieryRedhead: Since she has strawberry blonde hair and fire magic is her favorite. Although she is a lot more easy-going than other characters of the trope; must be all that sugar she eats.
112* GoodParents: She becomes one to Tharelaer.
113* HappilyMarried: To Lynessa.
114* HighClassGloves: Like Lily, she has many pairs.
115* LipstickLesbian: For Lynessa.
116* MamaBear: Definitely one in ''A Day of New Life'', as Kurt finds out the hard way.
117* MaskOfPower: She gains the Mask of Vineta, a sorceress from the ancient days of Atlantis, in Volume V. [[AmplifierArtifact It greatly increases her magic power and even gives her some new spells]], [[BlindfoldedVision while also concealing her vision as she wears it]].
118* MsFanservice: She was a fashion model in her mortal life; [[JustifiedTrope being fanservice-y was pretty much her career]]. Especially since, as she described it in ''Dawn of a New Century'', when she had photo shoots with other models, she would either touch or kiss them.
119* MundaneUtility: She sometimes uses her fire magic to heat up her food.
120* {{Pegasus}}: Lynessa gives her one of the Stone Cutters' zebra-striped flying horses, whom she named Agustin.
121* PerpetualSmiler: She was used to smiling a lot during her modeling days. All that sugar she likes to eat probably helps too.
122* PlayingWithFire: While she is good at most types of magic, fire is her favorite.
123** ShockAndAwe, AnIcePerson, MakingASplash, & DishingOutDirt: When her fire spells can't work, her lightning, ice, water, and earth spells certainly make up for it. She also gains [[PureEnergy arcane magic]] in ''A Day of New Life''.
124* PowerGivesYouWings: She gains a pair of wings made of arcane magic when she awakens the unicorn.
125* SweetTooth: She liked sweet treats since she was a little girl. Much to her chagrin, though, she had to reduce her intake of them during her modeling days to maintain her eye-catching hourglass figure. [[JustifiedTrope Now that she's a ghost, she no longer has that limitation]]. To that end, she carries around all sorts of candy, snack cakes, and other such confections in her large but still fashionable purse.
126* VerbalTic: Since they rode on the Rovos Rail in ''From Oslo to Kinardas'', she and Lynessa have a tendency to speak in a [[UsefulNotes/VictorianBritain Victorian]]/Edwardian style, often switching between that style and modern-day.
127* WingedUnicorn: Just like Lily's phoenix and Ashur's wolf, she gains the ability to call forth a flying unicorn made of arcane power in ''A Day of New Life''.
130-->''Introduced in [[Literature/TheRiseOfAtlantisLightAndDarkness Volume III]]''
131* GentleGiant: While he is a fearsome fighter in his ''Allosaurus'' form, he cares a lot about Anne-Marie. As he says toward the end, “I always cry at weddings.”
132* [[RealMenEatMeat Real Dinosaurs Eat Meat]]: And a lot of it, thanks to his dinosaur form. [[LampshadeHanging Lampshaded]] by Ashur since adult green iguanas are mostly herbivores in RealLife.
134'''Bob [[spoiler:a.k.a. Luke, Sr.]]'''
135-->''Introduced in Volume I''
136* CarryABigStick: Shandara gave him a mace and shield for his weapon.
137* DeathIsCheap: [[spoiler:Being a ghost, he was sent to the Astral Realm. The good news is that he will come back one day. The bad news is that it'll take a while.]]
138* [[spoiler:KilledOffForReal]], but see above.
139* [[spoiler:LukeIAmYourFather: He was Demetrios's father.]]
140* TheMenInBlack: Only partially; he was a sheriff for the most part, and a paranormal investigator on the side.
141* SpiderSense: Coupled with his experience as a policeman, he can track down demonic threats. Though it does come with a drawback; if there's too much supernatural power, it causes him great pain, as seen when he enters Animus and Atrocitas's lairs.
143'''Jack Colmar'''
144-->''Introduced in Volume II''
145* BadassNormal: He may not be supernatural, but he is still a good fighter.
146* CoolSword: He is given a sword resembling the one George Washington had during the American Revolution, which he is honored to have.
147* [[spoiler:DyingMomentOfAwesome: Despite being killed by Berith, he still has enough strength left to slash him with his sword and shoot him before dying.]]
148* NailEm: His nailgun can shoot fiery nails.
151-->''Introduced in Volume II''
152* MindLinkMates: She and Max have become this, as she can sense what's happening to him in Astaroth's tournament.
153* PsychicPowers: She's from the Bronze Elephant Clan, which is culturally quite proficient with psychic powers.
154* TheRival: She considered Max to be this until they became good friends after World War III.
156'''Michael Hunter'''
157-->''Introduced in Volume II''
158* TheAtoner: Towards the end of Volume V, he seeks to make amends for fighting with the Illuminati [[spoiler:by marrying Kayla]].
159* BattleCouple: With Kayla.
160* BrainwashedAndCrazy: He is this during his time with the Illuminati.
161* CoolSword: While fighting with the Illuminati, he abandons his signature guns for [[Myth/NorseMythology the legendary sword Gram]], which Max considers rather insulting.
162* TheCynic: For much of Volume II, Michael was very cynical and sarcastic. The sad part is his aforementioned cynicism and sarcasm wasn't funny like [[WesternAnimation/BeastWars Rattrap]] nor endearing like [[Series/StarTrekTheOriginalSeries Dr. McCoy]]. He was more like [[VideoGame/DragonAgeOrigins Morrigan]], only [[DistaffCounterpart with a Y chromosome]]. [[CharacterDevelopment He warmed up towards the end, though]], helped a lot by his four-legged friend Cliff.
163* DarkAndTroubledPast: The reason for Michael's dour disposition. When his mother was no longer around, his father was so [[DespairEventHorizon devastated by the loss]] that he [[DrowningMySorrows turned to alcohol in an attempt to fill the void]]. Unfortunately, he fell in too deep, and he started picking fights with Michael in his drunken haze. When Michael turned 17, having had enough, he ran away from home, lied about his age, and joined the Marines.
164* FaceHeelTurn: He joins the Illuminati in Volume V after Judith speaks some [[{{Brainwashed}} persuasive]] words to him. [[RoaringRampageOfRevenge Fortunately, Kayla]] [[ThePowerOfLove saves him]].
165* HappilyMarried: [[spoiler:[[EarnYourHappyEnding To Kayla]]]].
166* LightIsNotGood: The armor he wears while he's an Illuminati member is pure white in color. He gets confused by it when his brainwashing is cured.
167* SirSwearsALot: Anne-Marie reminds him to cut down on the swearing when Lily joins the party, which he replies with a dismissive "Yeah, yeah."
170-->''Introduced in Volume II''
171* BlindfoldedVision: After Michael's FaceHeelTurn, he asks Anne-Marie to make a blindfold for her to wear in battle so that she doesn't get brainwashed by the Illuminati's false light and made to fight against her big sister.
172* CastingAShadow: Thanks to one of Daniel's booby traps backfiring in his Nightmare Dungeon, she gains the ability to create [[DoppelgangerAttack a shadowy double of herself]].
173* HighlyVisibleNinja: She was only wearing workout clothes when the adventure begins, so the only ninja stuff she has is her katana and shuriken.
174* KatanasAreJustBetter: She has [[DualWielding two of them]] as well, and in keeping with her stealthy style of combat, [[BlackSwordsAreBetter they are completely black]].
175* KidHero: Ruby is the youngest member of the team, being 16 forever.
176* MeaningfulName: Her mother Alexis had a lot of good luck with the color red; thus, she wanted her daughter to have the same good luck.
177* SpyCatsuit: The Stone Cutters give her one during the Third War. She's a bit confused by it at first, but comes to like it. In Volume V, she puts on an all-black one.
179'''Ashur Younan'''
180-->''Introduced in Volume II''
181* BattleCouple: With Leah.
182* TheBeastmaster: He can summon all sorts of creatures to his side in battle. In order of strength, they are: [[PintSizedPowerhouse Badger]] → [[FullBoarAction Wild Boar]] → up to three Dire Wolves → either a [[GiantSpider Giant Black Widow Spider or Giant Tarantula]] → [[BearsAreBadNews Grizzly Bear]] → [[PantheraAwesome Bengal Tiger]] → [[LightningBruiser African Elephant]].
183* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: Sort of; he has dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
184* DareToBeBadass: His covert infiltration and especially his attempt to his escape with Leah from the Illuminati.
185* HappilyMarried: To Leah.
186* IWillFindYou: To his wife Leah.
187* MagicStaff
188* {{Mana}} / PureEnergy: In addition to his summoning magic, he can also cast arcane spells.
189* MeasuringTheMarigolds: In his life, Ashur was a practical man who didn't give much thought to supernatural stuff. Imagine his surprise when he became a ghost.
190* NobleWolf: He summons one in [[EleventhHourSuperpower his ultimate spell]].
191* PowerGivesYouWings: When he casts his ultimate spell, he gains the wings of a bald eagle.
192* ShockAndAwe: He gains a Lightning spell as well.
193* TeamDad: He's, in a manner of speaking, the oldest member of the team, and thus tries to be the most responsible.
196-->''Introduced in Volume III''
197* BadassAdorable: He spends a lot of the time as a cute white-tailed deer fawn. In times of battle, he can turn into the prehistoric deer ''Megaloceros''.
199'''Amare Toure'''
200-->''Introduced in Volume II''
201* TheAtoner: When he was only a teenager, Amare took up sales in the black market. When he got out after spending nine years in jail, he took up charity work. Now, as a ghost, he hopes to make his mark on the world a more honorable one.
202* DareToBeBadass: Even with the odds against him, he fights with Dorothy to protect Clara.
203* DatingCatwoman: He falls in love with the Illuminati warlock Clara Leccese. It seems a bit one-sided at first, but [[ThePowerOfLove his love for her is ultimately what saves her]].
204* IWillFindYou: He's so infatuated with Clara that he searches the Illuminati base camps to find her. Even though he got attacked in one of them.
205* ThrowDownTheBomblet: In Volume III, he is given a new weapon, the Razor of the South Wind. Not only is it incredibly sharp, it has a gemstone in its center that contains the power of a thunderstorm. When it is thrown correctly, the gemstone explodes, sending deadly shards everywhere among Amare's enemies. The gemstone can take a half-hour to recharge, however.
207'''Frederick Adler'''
208-->''Introduced in Volume II''
209* AlmostKiss: He has two with Felicia, before they finally have one at the end of the chapter.
210* BattleCouple: He becomes one with Felicia.
211* BlueBlood: He was once a Duke from Prussia when it was part of the UsefulNotes/HolyRomanEmpire.
212* CanonImmigrant: He first appeared as a prisoner in hell that Demetrios met in the story ''Prelude to a Legend''.
213* CurtainsMatchTheWindow: He has dirty brown hair and brown eyes.
214* HappilyMarried: To Felicia.
215* ThePaladin: [[MagicKnight He assists Lily in casting holy and healing spells, and he's very skilled with a sword]].
216* PapaWolf: He becomes one to Michelangelo.
217* SadisticChoice: [[spoiler:A cult murdered his entire family in front of him, and then the leader offered to make him a member so that he could use his ducal influence to further spread the cult's power. When Frederick [[ShutUpHannibal refused]], the cultists killed him and [[DisproportionateRetribution sent him to hell]].]]
218* UsefulNotes/TheTeutonicKnights: His new armor during the Third War resembles the one they wore.
221-->''Introduced in Literature/DawnOfANewCentury''
222* FunPersonified: For the party after the Third War, he dresses like [[Myth/ClassicalMythology Dionysus]].
223* GirlsHaveCooties: In ''Dawn of a New Century'', he has this reaction when Demetrios and Lily kiss.
226-->''Introduced in Dawn of a New Century''
227* MagicStaff: Imitating her mother, she has one.
230-->''Introduced in Dawn of a New Century''
231* BabiesEverAfter: Dante is the youngest of Demetrios and Lily's children.
232* TheDeterminator: He never gives up hope of saving Luke.
233* KnightInShiningArmor
234* PantheraAwesome: He rides a lion he named Hercules.
237-->''Introduced in Volume III''
238* CoolHorse: She rides a palomino Hanoverian stallion named Lancelot.
239* CoolMask: She wears [[ one]] in battle to protect her face, as well as being opposite of Kayla.
240* NeverSmileAtACrocodile: Her pet Nile crocodile Pharaoh, which she gets in Volume V.
241* PantheraAwesome: Her pet tiger Shadow Stalker
242* PimpedOutDress: The dress she wears for the party at the end. Adding to it, she wears silver makeup on her face in the style of a geisha.
243* ShoutOut: Michelle wears red and white armor, the colors being a reference to ''Literature/{{Twilight}}''. Her facial makeup could also be considered a reference to the vampires' shininess.
246-->''Introduced in Volume III''
247* BattleCouple: With Michael.
248* {{BFS}}: She has a Zweihänder
249* {{Determinator}}: She'll get Michael out of the Illuminati no matter what.
250* ElegantGothicLolita: The outfit she wears for the party at the end. [[spoiler:And also her wedding dress in Volume V]].
251* GiantFlyer: In keeping with her opposite-ness of Michelle, she rides a gryphon named Daredevil.
252* HappilyMarried: [[spoiler:To Michael]].
253* HelmetsAreHardlyHeroic: As she says, as a true warrior, she likes to invite her enemies to look upon the face of their destroyer. Thusly she also mocks Michelle for wearing her mask.
254* ProudWarriorRaceGirl: Considering she is from the Golden Lion clan.
255* TheRival: She and Michelle are this. It might be a bit one-sided, though, as Michelle wants nothing to do with her (at first, anyway).
256* RoaringRampageOfRevenge: When Michael [[Face Heel Turn joins the Illuminati]], she fights perhaps the hardest of the Champions of the Light to save him.
257* ShoutOut: In another case of opposite-ness with Michelle, she wears all-black armor, which is a reference to ''Film/Underworld2003''.
259'''Kago Cairnsmith'''
260-->''Introduced in Volume III''
261* DualWielding: He has a short sword and a dagger.
262* GiantFlyer: He rides a gryphon named Rabova.
265-->''Introduced in Volume III''
266* BigBrotherInstinct: His search to rescue Uridera from the Hands of Armageddon.
267* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight: He gives one to Uridera. And it works.
268* PantheraAwesome: Firar and Axiha, the jaguars he rides.
271-->''Introduced in Volume III''
272* AnIcePerson & CastingAShadow: She uses ice and shadow magic for attack.
273* CarryABigStick: She gets a mace in Volume IV.
274* HighHeelFaceTurn
275* MakingASplash: She uses water magic for healing.
276* MsFanservice: She dresses a bit revealingly.
277* ShoutOut: She’s based on the [[EliteMooks unique succubus]] with the same name from the first ''VideoGame/{{Diablo}}''. [[HighHeelFaceTurn Only with a happier ending]]. She also wears a rather fanservice-y outfit during her priestess duties like [[VideoGame/WorldOfWarcraft another video game character]].
278* [[GreenSkinnedSpaceBabe Silver-Skinned Elf Babe]]: While the other dark elves have skin ranging from ash grey to obsidian, Uridera has silver skin, an unusual occurrence amongst them, and thusly considered a blessing.
279* SinisterScythe: A non-sinister version.
282-->''Introduced in Volume III''
283* NeverSmileAtACrocodile: Not just any crocodile; she can turn into ''Deinosuchus''.
286-->''Introduced in Volume III''
287* BadassBookworm: He becomes determined to protect the new world he is fascinated to learn about.
288* BadassNormal: In Volume III, he was a capable fighter despite not having any powers.
289* BattleAura: After becoming a paladin, he gains one that even gives Bruce in his demon form pause.
290* CoolHorse
291* TheGreys: He started as a scout for the grey aliens living on Phobos and Deimos.
292* KnightInShiningArmor: His new paladin armor is gleaming white.
293* ThePaladin: In Volume IV, he becomes the first grey alien paladin thanks to the goddess the White Knight.
294* TakeUpMySword: The White Knight gives him [[CoolSword a sword]] as proof of his swearing allegiance to her.
297-->''Introduced in Volume III''
298* HeroesPreferSwords: That is, he prefers to use one during the daytime when he's in his human form. At night he uses his teeth and claws.
299* OurWerewolvesAreDifferent: He's one of the uncorrupted werewolves of the White Moon pack.
300* YouKilledMyFather: His determination to bring down the Illuminati.
303-->''Introduced in Volume III''
304* BattleCouple: With Hannah.
305* ForcedIntoEvil: He was forced to become a Dark Stone Cutter no thanks to the curse they used to control him.
306* ItsAllJunk: After using the armor and weapons he was forced to wield as a Dark Stone Cutter against his former masters, he tosses them all into the ocean.
307* TheDogBitesBack: After the Champions of the Light save him.
308* ThereIsAnother: He is the son Demetrios and Lily had when they were mortal.
309** CanonImmigrant: Demetrios and Lily [[BabiesEverAfter had him in the end]] of ''Prelude to a Legend''.
312-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
313* BigFriendlyDog: He acts like this when there are no demons around. It helps that he's the great ancestor of dogs.
314* FriendToAllLivingThings: Mostly by way of fighting demons and other threats.
315* NobleWolf: He is the ancestor of dogs, after all.
316* OurGhostsAreDifferent: He's a ghost wolf as well as a nature spirit.
317* TeamPet: During Volume V, [[NonHumanSidekick he permanently joins the Champions of the Light]].
319'''Leah Younan'''
320-->''Introduced in [[Literature/TheHeraldsOfFalseLight Volume V]]''
321* BlueIsHeroic: The armor she gets for the slave rebellion is midnight blue in color, to contrast with the Illuminati's white. She has blue-green eyes as well.
322* HeroesPreferSwords: Demetrios and company give her a mameluke sword.
323* HighClassGloves: She wears a pair during the party towards the end. Despite being a ghost, having been a slave of the Illuminati for so long, she's glad to have something soft and silky on her hands for a change.
324* HopeBringer: She serves as this for her fellow slaves.
325* HorseOfADifferentColor: She rides a [[MixAndMatchCritters zorse]].
326* RebelLeader: She becomes this during the Stone Cutters' siege of the Illuminati.
327* RebelliousSpirit: She was the most willful of the Illuminati's slaves, always stepping in for her fellow slaves when the drivers were going too far.
330-->''Introduced in Volume V''
331* TheDogBitesBack: It's thanks to his attack that Ercole's [[ImmortalityInducer ring]] [[NoImmortalInertia breaks]].
332* GentleGiant: He really is this, especially when he finds a new and free life with the Stone Cutters.
333* GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeDeath: During the slave rebellion, he shouts "No more slaves! Just free people!"
334* ImmortalityInducer: He's immortal thanks to the necklace the Illuminati gave him.
335* ItIsDehumanizing: The Illuminati slave drivers constantly called him "Dorpha," which in the Enochian language means "[[WhatMeasureIsANonHuman Almost]]," which he comes to dread.
336* LightningBruiser: As befitting a gorilla, he attacks his enemies with both speed and power.
337* MeaningfulRename: When Leah sees him upset at his miserable conditions, she gives him the heroic-sounding name Jason.
338* ScreamingWarrior: He fights the Illuminati like this, often without regard for his own safety.
340'''Clara Leccese'''
341-->''Mentioned in'' Literature/FromOsloToKinardas; ''introduced in Volume V''
342* BlackMage: She's a warlock.
343* BlitheSpirit: When meeting with Amare in private, she tries to convince him that the Illuminati is doing good for the world. Amare, however, insists on bringing her to the Stone Cutters to restore her.
344* CastingAShadow: Her specialty of magic.
345* DarkIsNotEvil: She becomes this after she gets saved. Beforehand, her having a {{familiar}} instead of a demonic minion was a sign that she still had good in her.
346* GloryDays: She was a beloved movie star when she was mortal.
347* GoodCostumeSwitch: When she comes with for the expedition to Lemuria, she switches from her Illuminati cultist robe to [[HotWitch a more elegant and ladylike dress]].
348* HighHeelFaceTurn
349* LoveRedeems: Amare's love for her cures her brainwashing from the Illuminati.
350* SuperMode: As befitting her being a warlock, she can turn into a demon.
351* TechnicolorEyes: Her eyes are teal.
352* ViolentlyProtectiveGirlfriend: [[spoiler:During Amare and Dorothy's fight, Clara hits Dorothy with a shadow spell and tells her to back off.]]
355-->''Introduced in Volume V''
356* CuteKitten: Her peacetime form is an Abyssinian cat.
357* {{Determinator}}: She'll do whatever it takes to get her friend Clara out of the Illuminati and back to her good self again.
358* IKnowYoureInThereSomewhereFight: She actually fights with Clara during the Stone Cutters' siege to help them save her from their brainwashing. A spellcaster and their familiar fighting each other is almost unheard of.
359* TheMole: She pretends to be evil so as to keep up appearances.
360* MoralityPet: She is this to Clara. As a matter of fact, her first act was to leap into the magic upwelling so that she appeared before Clara instead of the demon she was attempting to summon.
361* PantheraAwesome: Her battle form is a ''Smilodon''.
364-->''Introduced in Volume V''
365* {{BFS}}: Her weapon of choice, a saber, is an unusally large one.
366* CoolBigSis: Ironically, when they were mortal, Katie was Ruby's ''younger'' sister. Now she's an adult as an angel.
367* FamilyOfChoice: When her family took in Ruby after her mother's death.
368* ThePaladin
369* PlayingWithFire: Her aura is fiery.
370* EleventhHourRanger: She joins the Champions of the Light right before the duel with Lucas in Vgear ol Olpirt.
373-->''Introduced in [[Literature/BattleForTheAges Volume VI]]''
374* ActionMom
375* BackFromTheDead: She has become a ghost.
376* EleventhHourRanger: After being freed from Astaroth's dungeon, she joins in the fight against him and his demons.
377* FieryRedhead: When she's fighting the forces of evil.
378* GoodParents: Not only is she one herself, she is very thankful to King Zasedis and Queen Sastiana for all that they've done for Demetrios.
379* MamaBear: She very eagerly casts her strongest spells on Astaroth for his sick tournament.
380* MagicKnight: She's skilled with both magic and a sword.
381* NoodleIncident: No detail is given as to how she was captured and made to fight in Astaroth's tournament, but she says it wasn't her proudest moment.
382* SouthernBelle: She has the characteristics of one.
383* SupernaturallyYoungParent: Relatively speaking. Thanks to her being a ghost, she's eternally 39 years old.
386-->''Introduced in Volume V''
387* BlackMagicianGirl: She slowly becomes more confident in her spellcasting and helping her mothers in battle, as well as summoning her familiar.
388* PimpedOutDress: When she begins learning magic from Anne-Marie, she wears a green version of the female students’ dress uniforms in ''Manga/OuranHighSchoolHostClub'', saying it represents her being Anne-Marie’s student.
391-->''Introduced in'' Literature/ADayOfNewLife
392* DualWielding: When he [[KidHero joins in the battle toward the ending]], he has a broadsword in one hand and a dagger in the other.
393* PrecociousCrush: He has had one on Anna ever since he was old enough to find out he shares a birthday with a beautiful vampire lady.
395'''Queen Seldanna'''
396-->''Introduced in [[Literature/TheKingdomOfDreams Volume VII]]''
397* FieryRedhead: It takes her a while to develop the ‘fiery’ part, though.
398* TheHighQueen: She became one after the death of Hadrinar.
399* ThePaladin: She was very religiously dedicated before becoming a paladin. She took up the mantle during the battle with the demons.
400* StatuesqueStunner: She’s very tall even for a high elf.
401* YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: Despite being Queen, she is filled with self-doubt and uncertainty, which manifests in the nightmares that Mhithl’ithoth torments her with. When the worldwide invasion by the demons starts, however, she is the first to fight back against them to protect her city and her people.
404[[folder:The Stone Cutters]]
405'''Tropes describing the Stone Cutters in general'''
406* AliensNeverInventedDemocracy: Neither did angels apparently, seeing as they are ruled by the royal family of King Zasedis, Queen Sastiana, and Princess Lily.
407* AngelicBeauty: As befitting their angelic status, they are incredibly attractive.
408* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: King Zasedis, Queen Sastiana, and Princess Lily are more than willing to join in the fight against evil.
409* YouCantGoHomeAgain: Living on the Earth for long enough has disrupted their angelic powers, preventing them from being able to return to Heaven. Fortunately, they have done quite well for themselves on their new homeworld.
411'''King Zasedis'''
412-->''Introduced in Volume II''
413* BattleCouple: With Sastiana.
414* FlamingSword
415* GoodCounterpart: To William/Mephistopheles and to his fallen brother Zecadea, now known as Anturoc.
416* TheGoodKing
417* HappilyMarried
418* KnightInShiningArmor
419* SilverFox: His dark brown hair has gotten peppered with white.
421'''Queen Sastiana'''
422-->''Introduced in Volume II''
423* BattleCouple: With Zasedis.
424* HappilyMarried
425* TheHighQueen
426* MamaBear: She shows some of this in ''The Heralds of False Light'', when she challenges Dorothy to a fight herself.
427--> "[[ShutUpHannibal That's my son you're talking to]]."
428* {{Pegasus}}: She rides one of the Stone Cutters' gold flying horses.
431-->''Introduced in Dawn of a New Century''
432* BabiesEverAfter: [[spoiler:In the end of Act III of Volume V, she becomes pregnant with her and Anne-Marie's second child]].
433* BattleCouple: With Anne-Marie.
434* GoodParents: It is her idea to adopt Tharelaer, and she and Anne-Marie love her as their own.
435* HappilyMarried: She originally was to [[PosthumousCharacter Itakanar]]; now she is to Anne-Marie.
436* HighClassGloves: In ''Dawn of a New Century'', [[FashionableAsymmetry she wears one on her left arm, since her dress has a sleeve for the right arm]]. Later on she wears two.
437* KnightInShiningArmor: Metaphorically, since she's a paladin, and literally, since her armor is gold and silver.
438* LipstickLesbian: For Anne-Marie.
439* NiceToTheWaiter: She gave out generously large tips in Part II of ''From Oslo to Kinardas''.
440* {{Pegasus}}: She rides on the Stone Cutters' white flying horses, named Arenir.
441* VerbalTic: Which she shares with Anne-Marie.
444[[folder:The Red Knights]]
445A team of heroes based in Kingsport, Massachusetts. They were founded shortly after the restoration of their hometown by the archangel Raguel, and so named in honor of those who died during the Dark Stone Cutters' attack on their hometown during the Third War of the Stone Cutters. They come from all walks of life and seek to prevent another attack from the demons.
447'''Akihiko Himura'''
448-->''Introduced in [[Literature/ANewBeginning Volume IV]]''
449* {{BFS}}
450* TheLeader
451* LightEmUp: He fights with holy magic as well as his sword.
452* ThePaladin
454'''Aislin Moore'''
455-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
456* BattleCouple: With Jayden.
457* FunPersonified: She's very affable and fun-loving, and becomes friends with Anne-Marie, Lynessa, and Ruby very quickly.
458* HighClassGloves: She has two red pairs in Volume IV; silk ones for the adventure and a dark red leather pair for the party at the end.
459* MeaningfulName: The name "Aislin" means "dream" in Irish, since she is as beautiful as a dream. Thanks to her shapeshifting powers, she can change as quickly as one too.
460* ShoutOut: During the adventure in Volume V, she wears a dress that's similar in style to the one ComicBook/{{Catwoman}} wore when she debuted in the '40s.
461* SpyCatsuit: She wears a sleeveless black leather one during the adventure.
462* TechnicolorEyes: Her eyes are silver.
463* VoluntaryShapeshifting: Her main power, with which she can assume any form she wants as well as copy powers. She says it matches her career as a renowned stage actress.
465'''Jayden Moore'''
466-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
467* BattleCouple: With Aislin.
468* IKnowKarate: His main method of combat.
469* PowerGlows: After becoming an outsider, his eyes glow blue.
471'''Anzhelika Maksimov'''
472-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
473* PantheraAwesome: Her armor is inspired by the leopard.
475'''Allen Harris'''
476-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
477* AscendedFanboy: He greatly admires Anne-Marie, though his gushing can make her and Ruby a bit put off.
478* IOweYouMyLife: In a way. He's thankful to Anne-Marie for saving his cousin Mary, the little blonde girl Angel Killer was going to kill, during the Dark Stone Cutters' attack on Kingsport.
479* KidHero: He's the youngest of the human members of the Red Knights, being 19 years old.
480* PlayingWithFire: His specialty of magic, which he supplements with a crossbow.
481* ShoutOut: He dresses similarly to the Elementalists from ''VideoGame/GuildWars''.
484-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
485* ApologizesALot: He usually says or gives looks of sorrow whenever Allen's gushing gets the better of him.
486* LightningBruiser: His form of battle is a Columbian mammoth.
488'''Felicia Mason'''
489-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
490* BattleCouple: She becomes one with Frederick.
491* EmergencyWeapon: She carries a dagger with her just in case a demon tries to interrupt her playing.
492* HappilyMarried: To Frederick.
493* MagicMusic: The music she plays on her violin can produce all sorts of magic, from attacking her enemies with elemental magic to healing her friends.
494* MamaBear: She's very protective of her son Michelangelo.
495* PromotionToParent: She adopted Michelangelo thanks to his familiar Kroisus.
497'''Michelangelo "Mikey" Gagliardi'''
498-->''Introduced in Volume III''
499* {{Foreshadowing}}: He was the young boy that Angel Killer would have killed [[BigDamnHeroes Anne-Marie, Lynessa, and Zephorius not showed up in time]]. Sadly, he still died when Hellfire Reaver shot him in the back before he could escape Kingsport with the others.
500* KidHero: His being a ghost [[NotAllowedToGrowUp makes him 10 forever]]. Not that this bothers him.
501* ShockAndAwe: Lightning is his specialty of magic.
504-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
505* KnightInShiningArmor: In terms of personality, that is. He was originally vain and arrogant thanks to his ''T. rex'' form, but eventually became friendlier and nobler thanks to his time spent with Mikey and Felicia.
507'''Cameron White'''
508-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
509* DarkIsNotEvil: He uses his necromancer powers to prevent the chaos demons cause in their attacks.
510* {{Necromancer}}
511* PerpetualFrowner: He's usually stern and aloof, and rarely smiles.
512* RedRightHand: More like an "undead left hand." He hides his rotten hand with a medieval hunting glove, and in battle he uses it to paralyze his opponents.
513* SinisterScythe: Only Cameron is not sinister.
516-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
517* MorphicResonance: In his ''Titanoboa'' form, his olive green skin still has some blotches of the red, black, and yellow of his scarlet kingsnake form.
518* PerpetualSmiler: In contrast to Cameron's constant frowning, Usianisto is usually very humorous.
519* ReptilesAreAbhorrent: Not in this case. He's very friendly and quick with a joke.
521'''Sabrina Zhang'''
522-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
523* KnightInShiningArmor: Not only her silver and black armor, but she wears shimmering clothing in general, if the dress she wears for the party at the end is anything to go by.
524* LightEmUp: She uses the light of the Moon for attack and also defense.
525* MysticalWhiteHair: Her powers of moonlight have turned her previously black hair silver.
526* NotAMorningPerson: Thanks to her venerating of the Moon, she isn't much of a daytime person in general. During the day she's usually tired; when night comes she perks right up.
527* {{Pegasus}}: She rides upon him.
529'''Hannah Wright'''
530-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
531* BattleCouple: With Luke.
532* CoolSword
533* DoppelgangerAttack: She can cast three spectral copies of herself to aid in attack.
534* LargeHam: She speaks very theatrically, which Allisa often has to translate.
535* ShoutOut: She dresses quite like the Mesmers in ''VideoGame/GuildWars''.
538-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
539* BigSisterInstinct: She quite readily looks out for Hannah whenever there is danger.
540* BeigeProse: She often translates Hannah's Purple Prose into more understandable words.
542'''Carter Phillips'''
543-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
544* BreathWeapon: He fights with his lightning breath.
545* PowerGivesYouWings: As he was dying, he merged his soul with that of a dying bronze dragon, granting him the dragon's powers as well as his wings.
548-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
549* ColdSniper: She starts off as this before becoming a FriendlySniper.
550* HeelFaceTurn: She joins the Red Knights toward the end.
551* ItsAllMyFault: She at first blames herself and her quest for revenge for [[spoiler:Aristotle's death]].
552* PsychicPowers
553* RevengeBeforeReason: She plans on killing Demetrios to avenge her grandmother Marissa's broken heart, not knowing the whole story.
554* SpyCatsuit: She wears one during the adventure, thinking of nicknaming herself "the Viper."
556'''Maebh Moore'''
557-->''Introduced in Volume VII''
558* CheerfulChild: Until Mhithl’ithoth’s storm began draining her energy.
559* PrincessesPreferPink: She actually has pink hair.
560* YinYangBomb: She has opposite but effective specialties of magic: [[PlayingWithFire fire]] and [[MakingASplash water]].
561* YouAreBetterThanYouThinkYouAre: She admits she’s not much of a fighter because she’s mostly been using her magic for fun. However, thanks to some words of encouragement from Tioveius, she really comes through when they’re fighting the demonic bear from her nightmare.
563'''Alexandra “Alex” Moore'''
564-->''Introduced in Volume VII''
565* BareFistedMonk: She fights in much the same way that her father does.
566* {{Determinator}}: She won’t let the tiredness from being exposed to Mhithl’ithoth’s [[TheNightThatNeverEnds draining storm]] for so long stop her from becoming stronger.
567* KidHero: She’ll willingly fight demons many times her size to protect her sisters.
568* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname: She prefers to be called “Alex.”
569* {{Tomboy}}: The opposite of her sisters.
571'''Caoimhe Moore'''
572-->''Introduced in Volume VII''
573* CheerfulChild: She does her best to keep it up even with Mhithl’ithoth’s storm draining her spirit.
574* MagicMusic: It turns out that by singing, she can augment her family and friend’s fighting spirit and strength.
575* TrueBlueFemininity: She has teal hair that’s styled in the same way as [[Anime/PokemonMewtwoReturns Domino]].
578[[folder:Supporters and Other Allies]]
580-->''Introduced in Volume I''
581* BrainyBrunette: [[JustifiedTrope You'd pretty much have to be if you had psychic powers]].
582* GoodGuyBar: Her house serves as a hangout for the other characters.
583* HighClassGloves: She has a couple pairs of them.
584* MsFanservice: She makes her first appearance wearing a SpyCatsuit. What more proof do you need?
585* PsychicPowers: She has a few of them. Sadly, even they could not find where her sister Gloria had gone to.
587'''Gloria / [[spoiler:Nemesis]]'''
588-->''Introduced in Volume I''
589* DistressedDamsel
590* HairOfGoldHeartOfGold: blond, pretty and perpetually young [[spoiler:Gloria subverts this trope by being the Nemesis.]]
591* NotAllowedToGrowUp: [[spoiler:When kidnapped by William's, she was injected with a serum that would keep her a 13-year-old girl, thus [[MoralEventHorizon making her more susceptible to brainwashing and thinking she's William's daughter, thus severing the psychic link between her and Marissa]]. Fortunately, undoing the mutant transformation reverses this]].
594-->''Introduced in Volume I; mentioned in Volume II''
595* FigureItOutYourself: Not even people in the afterlife can explain how or why somebody becomes a ghost.
596* MacGuffinDeliveryService: He was waiting for the right time to give Dragon Claw back to Demetrios.
597* MrExposition: He explains how William turned crazy and founded the Brotherhood.
598* OurAngelsAreDifferent: He looks very much like he did when he was alive.
599* OverlordJr: Carter did what he could to prevent William from becoming a sinister cultist, but it was not enough.
602-->''Introduced in Volume III''
603* {{BFS}}
604* DragonRider: He rides upon a bronze dragon named Isreon.
605* EnemyMine: He is very mistrustful of the dark elves, but soon comes to realize their heroic spirits.
606* [[spoiler:KilledOffForReal: By Lucas]].
607* MagicKnight: The magic he uses is mostly to defend himself and others.
609'''Toras Thunder-Axe'''
610-->''Introduced in Volume III''
611%%* TheHighKing
612%%* MightyGlacier
615[[WMG:The Forces of Evil]]
616[[folder:The Brotherhood of Nullity / The Empire of Oblivion]]
617'''Tropes describing the Brotherhood in general'''
618* ArsonMurderAndJaywalking: When the other prisoners tell Demetrios of the terrible imprisonment and the important parts of their lives they missed out on during their time with the Brotherhood, one prisoner ends with something silly:
619-->"[[Film/HappyGilmore They make you do arts]] [[WesternAnimation/SouthPark and crafts for four hours]]."
620* {{Cult}} / KnightTemplar: They're the classic bad guys who think they're good guys.
621* TheEmpire: William's second attempt to take over the world, which he calls "[[NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast the Empire of Oblivion]]."
622* EvilCannotComprehendGood: William and Dorothy can't figure out why Demetrios is so opposed to living with the Brotherhood or why the other prisoners are [[StiffUpperLip secretly unhappy]].
623* [[GrimUpNorth Grim Down South]]: The Brotherhood's base of operations is on a subantarctic island covered with polar conifer forest. The Empire is situated on several tropical islands.
624* StrawNihilist: It's easy to tell with names like "the Brotherhood of '''Nullity'''" and "the Empire of '''Oblivion'''."
625* TheseAreThingsManWasNotMeantToKnow: According to William and Dorothy, [[UtopiaJustifiesTheMeans the Brotherhood is supposed to keep people from knowing about the supernatural because]], as they put it, [[Franchise/CthulhuMythos human knowledge was not meant to travel far]].
628-->''Introduced in Volume I''
629* AnimalMotifs: When alive again to become Mephistopheles, he becomes mixed with two animals he considers natural born leaders like himself: the [[PantheraAwesome lion]] and the gorilla.
630* BackFromTheDead: The first time after his Deal With The Devil, and during the last battle, he even comes back to life ''[[SerialEscalation four times]].''
631* BigBad: [[KnightTemplar Though he doesn't think of himself as such]].
632* BritishStuffiness
633* DealWithTheDevil: How he came back to life the first time.
634* EvilIsHammy: During his last fight with Demetrios and when he becomes a mutant does he start ChewingTheScenery.
635* EvilutionaryBiologist: How he plans to take over the world the second time around.
636* HonorBeforeReason: During his last fight with Demetrios (as a mortal), he switches his RPG for a pair of [[KatanasAreJustBetter samurai swords]]. It doesn't turn out very well.
637* MeaningfulName: Mephistopheles.
638* OneWingedAngel: As the fight with Demetrios and company continues, he steadily becomes more powerful until he reaches his final form.
639* ReallyGetsAround: A male example. Because of his [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity craziness]], William fancies himself as [[ThePoorMansSubstitute the mortal version]] of [[Myth/GreekMythology Zeus]]. Why else would he have all these kids who seek to follow in his footsteps?
640* RedEyesTakeWarning: When he becomes a mutant.
641* StarterVillain: William was this when he was human. His resurrection and subsequent transformation into Mephistopheles upgraded him to the BigBad.
642* SplitPersonality: It's split all right; in ''The Return of Mephistopheles'', he creates eight avatars from his own soul, each one based on parts of his personality.
643** '''Carnificinus''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's sadism and willingness to torment his prisoners. His name means “torture.”
644*** TheButcher: He even wears a bloody butcher's apron.
645*** MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: His teeth resemble those of the deep sea angler.
646*** NothingButSkulls: He wears a necklace of them.
647*** TailSlap: His tail looks like a whip, and instead of a left hand, from the elbow downward, he has chains ending in oversized barbed fish hooks
648** '''Umbra''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's preference to work – and strike – from the shadows. His name means “shadow.”
649*** DarkIsEvil: He's even made of the stuff.
650*** LivingShadow
651*** WingedHumanoid: He has the stealthy wings of an owl.
652** '''Ira''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's anger and hatred. His name means “wrath.”
653*** EnemyToAllLivingThings: Ira's anger and hatred is so intense that it causes pain among the people and wildlife of the region where he establishes his fortress. The animals become painfully lethargic, while the humans suffer from a crippling combination of the flu and pneumonia.
654*** GlassCannon: Despite his enormous strength, he can't take it as well as he can dish it out, a fact that he's well aware of and makes up for with the Zerg Rush mentioned below.
655*** OurMinotaursAreDifferent: He takes the form of a minotaur.
656*** UnstoppableRage: It's what he's named for.
657*** ZergRush: To make up for his surprisingly low defenses, he summons a great swarm of fiery invertebrates to his side.
658** '''Gelu''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's selfishness and inability to empathize with other people. Her name means “cold.”
659*** AnIcePerson
660*** BadassBoast: “[[EvilIsDeathlyCold Ice coating the heart of the Dark Emperor]], rise and crush the lapdogs of the Stone Cutters!”
661*** TheSmurfettePrinciple: Gelu is the only female avatar, resembling a succubus. Yeah, you read that right. William/Mephistopheles is ''so'' evil that even his proverbial feminine side is pretty unpleasant.
662*** VocalDissonance: When first encountered, she talks like a snooty upper-crust rich girl, but when the fights begins, she starts talking like [[VideoGame/WorldOfWarcraft Sindragosa]].
663** '''Animus''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's desire – in this case, his desire to control everything. His name means “spirit.”
664*** MultiArmedAndDangerous: He has six arms, symbolizing his ability to reach out in all directions thanks to his reality warping.
665*** SquishyWizard: He looks like one because his head is grossly enlarged while the rest of his body is bone-thin.
666*** RealityWarper
667*** WickedCultured: He enjoys [[HumanChess chess]] and is seen sitting in a lotus position.
668** '''Atrocitas''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's fear – that is, the fear he inspires in other people. His name means “horror.”
669*** BadassBoast: In another homage to [[WesternAnimation/SleepingBeauty Maleficent]], Atrocitas makes a speech involving hell before transforming: “Great and mighty Dark Emperor, grant me [[OneWingedAngel the strength to annihilate your foes]]!”
670*** NightmareFuel: Invoked. As the embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's fear, Atrocitas ''is'' this trope. He even looks like [[Literature/ScaryStoriesToTellInTheDark a Stephen Gammell illustration come to life]].
671*** ScaledUp: You can tell you're in trouble when his dragon form looks like a combination of [[ this]] and [[ this]].
672** '''Insuadibilis''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's determination to see his goals are completed. His name means “adamant.”
673*** GiantFlyer
674*** ThePhoenix: This one is the only avatar that is not an anthropoid.
675*** PlayingWithFire: As befitting the form he takes, he's even made of the stuff.
676** '''Supremus''': The embodiment of William/Mephistopheles's pride and belief that what he is doing is right. His name is pretty self-explanatory.
677*** LightIsNotGood: He may look like a paladin, but he's just as evil as his demonic brethren.
678*** KnightInShiningArmor: A villainous version, and literally in this case; his armor looks like its made of solid gold.
679*** ManipulativeBastard: He tries to trick Demetrios and company out of fighting him by saying he'll ''forgive'' them for their sins. [[ShutUpHannibal It doesn't work]].
680*** [[HannibalLecture Strawman with a Point]]: What he likes to think he is.
681*** KnightTemplar: What he ''really'' is.
683'''Melissa / [[spoiler:Shadowbite]]'''
684-->''Introduced in Volume I''
685* AnimalMotifs: She gets turned into a half woman/half coral snake creature.
686* EvilRedhead
687* NonMammalianMammaries: Despite turning into a reptile, her chest becomes ''more'' prominent instead of less.
688* RedEyesTakeWarning: More like black and red, matching the coral snake she's turned into.
690'''Lucifer / [[spoiler:Blackstorm]]'''
691-->''Introduced in Volume I''
692* AnimalMotifs: He gets his DNA combined with that of a falcon.
693* TheDragon
694* ImAHumanitarian: While the possibility to actually eat a ghost is up for debate, he wants to kill Demetrios for food.
695* LightningBruiser: He's fast ''and'' packs a punch.
696* WingedHumanoid
699-->''Introduced in Volume I''
700* BackFromTheDead: He returns for another battle in ''A Day of New Life''
701* CastingAShadow: One of his specialties of attack in the above short story.
702* DefeatMeansFriendship: Well, they actually call it a draw.
703* FaceHeelTurn
704* FeatheredFiend: During his fight with Anne-Marie, he turns into a demonic owl/vulture-like creature.
705* {{Hellfire}}: His other method of attacking, including turning it into [[ElementalWeapon a whip]].
706* KnightOfCerebus: His [[Diabolus Ex Nihilo sudden appearance]] disrupts the Slice Of Life setting of the short story.
707* MindControl: [[spoiler:A mysterious presence seems to be controlling Kurt and compelling him to do evil deeds. Sadly, it succeeds]].
708* TheMole
709* OneWingedAngel: See Feathered Fiend above.
710* SlasherSmile: He wears one for a lot of ''A Day of New Life''.
711* TheStarscream / EvilPowerVacuum: [[spoiler:When Mephistopheles gets defeated for the last time, he betrays Demetrios again and tries to take over the world himself. Fortunately, Demetrios puts an end to that]].
712* WasItAllALie: His friendship with Demetrios.
713* WouldHurtAChild: His goal for returning in ''A Day of New Life'', until Anne-Marie intervenes.
716[[folder:The Empire of Pandemonium]]
718-->''Mentioned in Volume I; met with in Volume II''
719* BigRedDevil
720* GodEmperor
721* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: The Dark Emperor.
722* OrcusOnHisThrone: While the rest of his demonic minions do battle, he rarely joins in.
723* YouHaveFailedMe: While not entailing death, he always punishes those who fail his agenda. Rarely does he give second chances.
726-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
727* AristocratsAreEvil: He's one of the Spirits of the Goetia that is a duke.
728* {{BFS}}
729* BloodKnight: Not just in battle; his armor is red as well as per his traditional depiction.
730* EvilIsHammy: He makes a grand speech before he and his legions attack Kinardas City, and does this a lot in the final battle.
731* HumanAliens: He's one of the more anthropoid members of the Goetia.
732* MaliciousMisnaming: Which he does to Demetrios regularly.
733* PublicDomainCharacter: The 28th member of the [[Literature/ArsGoetia Spirits of the Goetia]].
736-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
737* EvilIsDeathlyCold: She establishes her base in Vinson Massif in Antarctica.
738* {{Goth}}: She dresses like a gothic queen when Demetrios and his friends encounter her.
739* PrincessesPreferPink: A villainous version; the succubus she turns into has hot pink-colored skin. Demetrios and his friends find it oddly amusing.
740* SuccubiAndIncubi: [[OneWingedAngel She turns into a succubus for her fight]].
741* WomanScorned: She seeks revenge on Demetrios for what she claims was breaking her heart when she was mortal.
744-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
745* TheBully: When she was mortal. [[CardCarryingVillain And proud of it]].
746* EvilWearsBlack: When she first appears in the swamp, she dresses "like a child-hating headmistress".
747* GoodThingYouCanHeal: She uses her ice powers to regenerate any damage she suffers.
748* AnIcePerson: Not only does she have ice powers, her mere presence causes the swamp of Louisiana to freeze over.
749* WouldHurtAChild: She nearly attacks Michelangelo, which Kroisus promptly intervenes.
752-->''Introduced in Volume IV; returns in Volume VII''
753* {{BFS}}: He fights with one.
754* Energy Absorption: In his scorpion form, he can absorb any kind of magic, [[GoodHurtsEvil even holy spells]], and reflect it back at his enemies, making him nearly invincible. [[spoiler:It's only when Lily, Ashur, Anne-Marie, and Clara [[AllYourPowersCombined use all four of their ultimate spells on him at once]] and Demetrios's Sword of Divine Might does he get defeated.]]
755* EntitledToHaveYou / StalkerWithACrush: He was incredibly obsessed with Lily when he was mortal despite her clearly being uninterested in him.
756* FlunkyBoss: He has two lesser soul killers named Lukathur and Yukikiren to fight alongside him.
757* LaughingMad: His speech descends more into maniacal laughter when Lillukisen and company call him out on his obsession with Lily.
758* RainbowPimpGear: When he turns into an incubus, his armor becomes tastelessly revealing and multicolored.
759* ScaryScorpions: [[OneWingedAngel He turns into a giant demonic one]] to fight with Lily and then the other Champions of the Light.
760* SuccubiAndIncubi: He turns into an incubus.
761* ThisIsUnforgivable: He considers [[OfficialCouple Demetrios earning Lily's love]] to be stealing her from him, which he considers horribly unforgivable. As such, he becomes [[UnstoppableRage completely enraged]] when Demetrios appears to fight alongside Lily in her nightmare.
763'''Daniel Adams'''
764-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
765* AnotherDimension: He's very proud of his "Nightmare Dungeon" that he uses as his base. Lynessa, on the other hand, [[WhoNamesTheirKidDude says it sounds like a carnival ride]].
766* EvilIsHammy: When Anne-Marie and her friends fight him, he makes a lot of grandiose statements.
767* TheHedonist: He lounges in the Nightmare Dungeon like it's the ultimate mansion.
768* OneWingedAngel: He has ''two'' of them. For the first, he turns into the same dragon Atrocitas turned into in ''The Return of Mephistopheles''. For the second, he turns into [[EldritchAbomination Cthulhu]].
769** Earlier, he once [[DealWithTheDevil turned himself into a computer virus]], which he used to cause cybernetic chaos and anarchy.
770* VillainWithGoodPublicity: He passed himself off as [[NobleProfession a great charity worker]], when in reality he was giving the donations he collected to crime gangs and cultists.
773-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
774* EvilSorcerer: Thanks to Berith.
775* EvilOldFolks: When Amare and his friends fight him, [[RapidAging he turns into this]]. Though he's no less powerful.
776* SquishyWizard: Averted. The shield he wields gives him an impressive and fearsome counterattack.
779-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
780* PlayingWithFire: One of his powers in his giant form is igniting his fists with {{hellfire}}.
781* RevengeByProxy: He relishes at the opportunity to kill Demetrios and Lily's four children.
782* SpikesOfVillainy: His giant form is adorned with these.
783* TinTyrant: [[OneWingedAngel He turns into a giant made of demonic metal]]. Thanks to this, he was [[OneManArmy even able to beat back the earth giants]].
786-->''Introduced in Volume IV''
787* AlwaysChaoticEvil: She considers all vampires to be this (which the vampire members of the Champions of the Light are offended by), and thanks to Berith, she sets out to make her warped vision a reality.
788* BigCreepyCrawlies: Both of her OneWingedAngel forms are based on insects. The first one in Volume IV is the [[MixAndMatchCritters leech-headed hornet]] described below, and in Volume VII, she turns into a [[GiantFlyer giant demonic]] [[KillerRabbit butterfly]].
789* CultureChopSuey: Her outfit is described as an odd combination of the classic Victorian era vampire look and a modern day biker punk.
790* EldritchAbomination: Besides Daniel turning into Cthulhu, Elizabeth's [[OneWingedAngel demon form]] is the least anthropoid of Demetrios's resurrected enemies, [[LovecraftianSuperpower being a giant hornet with the head of a leech]].
791* EvilutionaryBiologist: She plans on turning all vampires into demonically crazed monsters.
792* ItsPersonal: While she does seek to conquer and terrorize the entire world in the name of Pandemonium and her own agenda, she hates Michelle the most of all.
793* MeaningfulName: She's named after Countess Elizabeth Bathory.
794* OlderHeroVsYoungerVillain: The younger villain to Michelle's older hero.
795* WouldHurtAChild: She's very eager and willing to attack Jayden and Aislin's daughters; as a matter of fact, facing defeat from the heroes pushes her to it.
798-->''Cameo appearance in Volume IV; fully introduced in Volume VI''
799* BigBad: He's the main villain of Volume VI.
800* CoolSword: The blade of his sword looks like it was forged from a single jagged black diamond.
801* DivinelyAppearingDemons: He looks a lot like an angel, [[GoodColorsEvilColors only his wings are black instead of white]].
802* DoppelgangerAttack: He can create duplicates of himself with a sizeable portion of his powers to serve his needs elsewhere.
803* EvilHasABadSenseOfHumor: He's smug and makes Demetrios and Jason's cheesy opponents sound more fearsome than they really are. As the tournament goes on, the humor becomes replaced with cruelty.
804* LargeAndInCharge: He's described as being tall enough to overshadow a basketball player.
805* MagicKnight: He mostly uses his magic to fight, though he does carry a sword with him for emergencies.
806* NonHumanSidekick: He has two; a pet [[ReptilesAreAbhorrent demonic cobra named Corvaezar]] and [[HorseOfADifferentColor his mount Vuinohn]], which looks like a ''Hyaenodon'' [[MixAndMatchCritters with the wings of a dragon and the tail of a snake]]. They share both his arrogant enthusiasm and demonic anger at the events of the tournament.
807* RedAndBlackAndEvilAllOver: He wears a black wizard-style robe decorated with moons and stars that glow an eerie red.
808* ScaledUp: During his final battle at Kinardas City, he transforms into a dragon.
809* SmugSnake: Very much so, as this exchange shows:
810-->'''Demetrios''': ''(upon seeing that his opponent is an underwhelming imp)'' Are you kidding me? Look at that guy. I don’t have to fight him; I can just wring his neck.\
811'''Astaroth''': What’s the matter? Is my choice of the challenger not suitable for the Stone Cutters’ stalwart paladin who saved the planet Earth many times over?
814-->''Introduced in Volume VII''
815* TheDragon: He describes himself as the Herald of Mhithl’ithoth.
816* MixAndMatchCritters: He has elements of ''other'' Mix-and-Match Critters. His head is like a combination of a barracuda and a venomous snake, like [[Literature/TheShadowOverInnsmouth Father Dagon]] and he has primitive dragon wings like [[Literature/TheCallOfCthulhu Cthulhu]]. In addition, his almost lion-like body has sickly greenish-grey flesh instead of golden-brown fur, he has CreepyLongFingers on the ends of his paws, his mane is made up of parasitic worms, and his tail is more whiplike and armed with sharp blades.
817* SealedEvilInATeddyBear: For most of the story, he goes around in the form of a man wearing a lion costume (the main giveaway being his [[RedEyesTakeWarning blood red eyes]]. [[OneWingedAngel He reveals his true form during the final confrontation with Demetrios.]]
820-->''Introduced in Volume VII''
821* CreepyLongFingers: The only parts of his body that can be seen are his hands, which have these and dangerously sharp claws.
822* FisherKing: Not only does he cause a storm of darkness and GrayRainOfDepression to envelop the entire planet Earth, his taking the throne of the Dream World causes it to turn into a dreary and unsettling wind-swept wasteland.
823* NothingIsScarier: He actually has this as a power. He is constantly shrouded in darkness, so only his eyes and hands are visible, and nobody knows just what - if anything - he actually looks like. His form underneath the shroud is said to be ''incredibly'' horrifying.
826[[folder:The Dark Stone Cutters]]
827'''Tropes describing the Dark Stone Cutters in general'''
828* FallenAngel: [[KnightOfCerebus And how]].
829* EvilCounterpart: To their former brethren the Stone Cutters.
830* EvilIsDeathlyCold: They froze Atlantis and turned into their new homeland of Acheron.
832'''King Anturoc'''
833-->''Introduced in Volume III''
834* EvilCounterpart: To his brother King Zasedis.
835* EvilOverlord
836* OneWingedAngel: [[Literature/TheBible The seven-headed 10-horned dragon]].
838'''Venom Shadow'''
839-->''Introduced in Volume III''
840* HorsemenOfTheApocalypse: He’s the Dark Stone Cutters’ stand-in for Famine.
841* SinisterScythe
843'''Hellfire Reaver'''
844-->''Introduced in Volume III''
845* HorsemenOfTheApocalypse: He’s the Dark Stone Cutter’s stand-in for Conquest.
846* WouldHurtAChild: He was the one that killed Michelangelo before he could escape Kingsport during the Dark Stone Cutters' attack.
848'''Angel Killer'''
849-->''Introduced in Volume III''
850* BloodKnight: He’s the most violent of the Dark Stone Cutters’ elite knights.
851* EyeScream: Zephorius bites out his right eye, which sends him into an UnstoppableRage.
852* HorsemenOfTheApocalypse: He’s the Dark Stone Cutters’ stand-in for War.
853* WouldHurtAChild: Or would ''have'', had [[PowerTrio Anne-Marie, Lynessa, and Zephorius]] [[BigDamnHeroes not stopped him]].
855'''Demon Fang'''
856-->''Introduced in Volume III''
857* {{BFS}}: His sword, Destroyer’s Talon
858* HorsemenOfTheApocalypse: He’s the Dark Stone Cutters’ stand-in for Death.
861[[folder:The Illuminati]]
862Perhaps the only non-demonic threat that the Stone Cutters and the Red Knights have faced. The Illuminati are a city-cized cult determined to unite the world in the Realm of Light. They claim it'll bring peace to the world... while at the same time, they torment and terrorize their slaves into becoming members. They have become more militarily active in recent years, so their goals may be coming to fruition...
863'''Tropes describing the Illuminati in general'''
864* AncientConspiracy: Well, ancient by the time the story takes place (1776 - 2140).
865* FantasticRacism: They put werewolves in the same category as dogs: as their enemies.
866* HegemonicEmpire: They persuade people that they want to be part of the Illuminati. If not, they'll quickly destroy them.
867* KnightTemplar: At their worst.
868* LanguageOfMagic: They speak Enochian.
869* LightIsNotGood: They, however, believe that they are.
872-->''Introduced in Volume V''
873* AffablyEvil: To better persuade people to join the Illuminati.
874* BigBad: [[TotalitarianUtilitarian He doesn't see himself as one, though]].
875* {{BFS}}: His sword Olpirt Iolci, which means "Lightbringer."
876* DragonRider: He rides a white dragon named "Luciftianvpaah," which means "Bright Wing."
877* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: His father, the previous Grandmaster Ignatius, whom he holds in high regard.
878* EvenEvilHasStandards: At one point, he stops Ercole from going overboard in his beating of Jason.
879* EvilCounterpart: To Demetrios.
880* TheGeneralissimo: Despite being only 19 years old, he's the Grandmaster of the Illuminati.
881* LightIsNotGood: He's the only evil paladin seen so far; his aura is the blood red of fanaticism.
882* WhiteHairBlackHeart
885-->''Introduced in Volume I''
886* BloodKnight: She seems very eager to kill Demetrios, even after it was only his second escape. When she joins the Illuminati, the "knight" part becomes a bit more literal, as she styles herself "the Valkyrie."
887* EvilIsHammy
888* GodSaveUsFromTheQueen: Well, she's not really a queen, but you get the idea.
889* GreenEyedMonster: Has a shade of this when she first sees Lily: "How dare you be hotter than me!"
890* KnightTemplar: A combination of conquering the world for the Illuminati and revenge on Demetrios.
891* {{Pegasus}}: She rides a flying horse appropriately named Ares.
892* TookALevelInBadass: Since joining the Illuminati, she's become very proficient in combat with a sword and a spear. [[LampshadeHanging Lampshaded]] by Demetrios: "Geez, I think I liked her better when she was mortal."
893* WhyDontYaJustShootHim: She almost tries this with Demetrios.
894* WickedCultured: She uses an appropriate line from Shakespeare to describe her dislike of Demetrios: "[[Theatre/{{Macbeth}} The Devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon]]."
895* YouAreWhatYouHate: She has become a ghost as well. [[TheUnfettered It doesn't do much to stop her, though]].
897'''Ercole "Caligula" Fontana'''
898-->''Introduced in Volume V''
899* CanonImmigrant: Demetrios and Lily once fought him when they were mortal in ''Prelude to a Legend''.
900* DragonAscendant: In ''Prelude to a Legend'', he was one of the members of the Outer Circle in the Esoteric Order of the Dark Sunrise. In this story, he's one of the higher-ranking members of the Seekers of Enlightenment, [[RankScalesWithAsskicking as well as a deadly warrior]].
901* DragonRider: He rides a dragon named White Fang.
902* ImmortalityInducer: He has a diamond ring that makes him immortal. [[spoiler:When the ring breaks, [[NoImmortalInertia so does his life force]]]].
903* ImprobableWeaponUser: For his fights with Demetrios and Lily, he uses a sword made entirely of lead, [[RuleOfSymbolism the metal of death]].
904* TheSocialDarwinist: His time spent with the Illuminati has only worsened his attitude; he considers everyone who is not Illuminati to be lower than dirt.
