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1Characters introduced or appearing prominently in Joe Abercrombie's ''The Heroes'', a standalone sequel to Literature/TheFirstLaw trilogy.
5[[folder: Point of View Characters]]
6!Curnden Craw
7Leader of a crew of Named Men, known to all as a real straight edge.
8* CatchPhrase: "Those are the times."
9* AFatherToHisMen
10* SadisticChoice: Faced with one when [[spoiler:his old friend and former chief's son Calder attempts to turn him against his new chief]].
11** NotQuiteTheRightThing: How he views his choice.
12* UndyingLoyalty: Famed for it.
14!Prince Calder
15Bethod's ''younger'' son, a charmer and schemer among the straightforward warriors of the North.
16* AwLookTheyReallyDoLoveEachOther: With his wife Sef, and occasionally comes through in interactions with his older brother [[TheBrute Scale]]. In the end, [[spoiler:played straight as he gives Scale rulership of the North.]]
17* TheCasanova: His love for his wife is enough to make him swear off other women. Well, almost enough.
18* DirtyCoward: By his own admission.
19* HotGuyUglyWife: Not ''ugly'' per se, but Sef's most mentioned physical trait is her pig nose.
20* [[spoiler:TheManBehindTheMan: Ends up as this to Scale.]]
21* ManipulativeBastard: Dead set on reclaiming his father's throne from Black Dow.
22* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast: Doesn't start with one, since he's never earned it. [[spoiler:Then after he defeats Black Dow in the circle (with a little help), people start calling him Black Calder.]]
23* RageBreakingPoint: After [[spoiler:Scale's apparent death]], Calder's response is uncharacteristically hot-headed.
24* RedOniBlueOni: With Scale. Calder's blue.
25* ShutUpHannibal / ShutUpKirk: Depending on your perspective, delivers a pretty awesome one to [[spoiler:Black Dow, so much so that many of the people there to watch Dow butcher him start laughing]].
26* SmugSmiler: Wears his smirk like armor.
27* SmugSnake: Actually somewhat averted. Calder has many of the traits, but he's aware of his own overconfidence and tries to curb it. He's also pretty likable when he tries.
28** Zig-zagged throughout ''The Heroes''. He repeatedly schemes himself into a corner and wriggles out in unexpected ways, until [[spoiler:Bayaz finally traps him. And then he escapes ''that'' through brotherly love]].
30!Bremer dan Gorst
31King Jezal's disgraced former bodyguard, now a special observer on the war from the Closed Council of the Union.
32* TheBrute
33* CannotSpitItOut: In love with Finree for years. [[spoiler:When he finally does tell her, it goes disastrously.]]
34* MasterSwordsman: Screwed out of a championship by [[spoiler:Bayaz]], and now possibly the best fighter on either side.
35* StoicWoobie: Tremendously depressed over his disgrace, but mostly just stands around silently until it's time to put on his armor and kill dozens of people. [[spoiler: Subverted; almost everything wrong in his life is his own fault.]]
37!Finree dan Brock
38A Union noblewoman with ambitious plans.
39* DamselOutOfDistress: Doesn't do any actual fighting, but [[spoiler:negotiates her own release and that of a number of other prisoners. From [[AxCrazy Black Dow]]]].
40* GoldDigger: Averted. She married her husband ''after'' his father's disgrace, and seeks success for both of them.
41* {{Manipulative B|astard}}itch
42* SurroundedByIdiots
43* YouJustHadToSayIt: Despite her intelligence and charm, Finree can't stop herself from sassing some people when it's not socially appropriate.
45!Corporal Tunny
46Standard-bearer of the First, a veteran Union soldier.
47* DirtyCoward: [[spoiler:Subverted. He's suicidally brave when his adrenaline's going, and spends the battle trying to repress it.]]
48* GlorySeeker: Averted. All Tunny wants to do is live through the next battle and make a profit reselling loot. [[spoiler:Even after he gets his blood up and does crazy things, he doesn't like hearing about them.]]
49* GoodLookingPrivates: averted to hell and back.
50* OldSoldier: Not that old, but definitely has this attitude.
51* RedShirtArmy: He's in one.
54A Northern lad of seventeen, whose father was a famous champion.
55* Jerkass: Well, he is seventeen.
56* [[spoiler:ScrewThisImOuttaHere: At the end of the battle, having seen enough of his father's lifestyle.]]
57* SmallNameBigEgo: His ''father'' was Shama Heartless
61[[folder: Northmen]]
64Craw's second-in-command.
65* ActionGirl
66* CombatPragmatist
67* DeadpanSnarker
68* HappilyMarried: Has a husband and kids back at home, who she visits between jobs.
69** [[spoiler:They packed up and left years ago, and she couldn't bear to tell anyone.]]
70* TheLadette
71* TheLancer: To Craw. [[spoiler:Later to Dow, when she takes command of his Carls.]]
73!Whirrun of Bligh
74A hero from the High Places, and a member of Craw's dozen.
75* BFS: The Father of Swords, an impossibly large two-hander.
76* CharacterDevelopment: In "The Fool Jobs," a story concerning Craw's crew several years before ''The Heroes'', Whirrun is new to the band and is a humorless, self-important, stoic hero. By the time of ''The Heroes'', he's lightened up a great deal.
77* TheChosenOne: The witch Shoglig told him to seek his destiny on the battlefield, and told him the day and manner of his death.
78** [[spoiler:Subverted: he's killed by a random spear, and admits as he's dying that Shoglig had no idea what she was talking about.]]
79* CrouchingMoronHiddenBadass: Acts like a weird goofball most of the time.
80* FamedInStory: Other Northmen spend the time between battles talking about his ridiculous list of accomplishments.
81* ImplausibleFencingPowers: Due to the nature of the Father of Swords.
82* WalkingShirtlessScene: Has less clothes on every time he fights.
85Bethod's older son and one of Black Dow's five War Chiefs.
86* BigBrotherMentor: Tries to be this to Calder, but Calder's twice as smart as he is. His presence does dissuade people from just killing Calder, though.
87* TheBigGuy / TheBrute
88* DualWielding: Sword and mace combo.
89* DumbMuscle: Played so very straight.
90* [[spoiler:NotQuiteDead: Loses his hand and is captured by the Union, but Bayaz returns him to Calder at the end.]]
91* RedOniBlueOni: Red to Calder's blue.
92* [[spoiler:PuppetKing: Implied to end up as this.]]
93* YouShallNotPass: does this at the old bridge. [[spoiler:It doesn't work.]]
95!The War Chiefs
96Black Dow's five generals, all leaders in their own right with a claim to the North. Consists of [[DumbMuscle Scale]] (see above), [[ArrogantKungFuGuy Glama Golden]], [[TheStoic Cairm Ironhead]], [[CoolOldGuy Caul Reachey]], and [[YesMan Brodd Tenways]].
97* Main/Gonk: Brodd Tenways, "ugly as incest."
98* HeroicBuild: Glama Golden, who plays it up.
99* QuirkyMinibossSquad: For Dow.
100* TheRival: Golden & Ironhead.
103A towering savage who brings his Northmen to Dow's cause.
104* BloodKnight: Specifically joins Dow's army because he wants a good fight. He repeatedly asks about fighting his own allies, like Whirrun or Dow himself.
105* [[spoiler:TheMole: One of Bayaz's pawns.]]
