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3This page is part of the character sheet for ''TabletopGame/{{Starfinder}}'', covering '''Magical Beast''' creatures.
5Magical beasts are for the most part wild animals of various sorts, but have some sort of unusual characteristics that set them apart from regular wildlife -- greater intelligence, [[MixAndMatchCritters chimeric body plans]], magical powers and so on. In a sense, they could be thought of as being to animals what monstrous humanoids are to humanoids.
7For tropes pertaining to beasts in ''TabletopGame/{{Pathfinder}}'', see Characters/PathfinderBeasts.
12->'''Role:''' Combatant
13->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticEvil
14->'''Size:''' Colossal
16* OneSteveLimit: These creatures are called colossi or kaiju, but are completely different from ''TabletopGame/{{Pathfinder}}'''s colossi (which are colossal mythic constructs), and similar to but still distinct from ''Pathfinder'' kaiju. While both Golarion's kaiju and Daimalko's colossi share their titanic size and destructive tendencies, the latter are smaller, weaker, actively evil, and consist of whole species (in contrast, every individual kaiju is unique, and most are ChaoticNeutral).[[invoked]]
17* RentAZilla: Colossi are gargantuan, horrific beasts that have been rampaging across the surface of Daimalko since the Awakening.
20->'''Challenge Rating:''' 17
22* AcidAttack: The xaxmellia has an acidic breath weapon, and when it is bleeding or dropped under half Hit Points, acidic blood will start pouring from its body.
23* GiantFlyer: The xaxmellia is a flying colossus that averages 70 feet tall.
24* WindFromBeneathMyWings: A xaxmellia can flap its wings to stir up a debris-filled wind.
27->'''Challenge Rating:''' 18
29* AmphibianAtLarge: The ghigorda is a species of toad-like colossus.
30* HungryMenace: Ghigordas are so violently hungry that they attempt to consume any living creatures they come across and often are even willing to fight other colossi for food.
31* TooManyMouths: Each of a ghigorda's feeding tongues is tipped with a biting maw.
34->'''Challenge Rating:''' 20
35One of the most common forms of colossi that continually lay waste to civilization on Daimalko. Capable of sensing population centers, kyokors are capable of entrancing entire crowds at once as they decimate cities and crowds.
37* InLoveWithYourCarnage: Played with. They have the power to mentally enthrall those who witness their rampages, causing crowds to become entranced with their destruction. More often than not, this leads to the kyokor slaughtering the enthralled masses.
38* ItCanThink: Despite appearances, it is fully sentient and even capable of speech, but it never bothers to try communicating.
41[[folder:Necrosaturated Creature]]
42->'''Role:''' Combatant
43->'''Alignment:''' Evil
45* LastChanceHitPoint: When a necrosaturated creature would be reduced to 0 Hit Points, it can use its reaction to remain at 1 Hit Point instead.
48!!CR 1/3
49[[folder:Drift Leech]]
50->'''Challenge Rating:''' 1/3
51->'''Role:''' Combatant
52->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
53->'''Size:''' Small
55* HealThyself: Once per day, a drift leech can expend energy it has siphoned from technology to heal itself.
56* WalkingTechbane: Drift leeches have a negative effect on technology in close proximity to them.
60->'''Challenge Rating:''' 1/3
61->'''Role:''' Expert
62->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
63->'''Size:''' Tiny
65Pests native to the misty forests of Nakondis that have adapted to survive in the electrified clouds.
67* MischiefMakingMonkey: They're basically the space substitute for monkeys.
68* NoSell: They're immune to electricity.
69* ShockAndAwe: They store residual electrical energy in their fur to discharge at threats, though they loose this ability when not on their homeworld.
72!!CR 1
75->'''Challenge Rating:''' 1
76->'''Role:''' Combatant
77->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
78->'''Size:''' Medium
80* BewareMyStingerTail: Many of the kaukariki's favourite foods are toxic, and their digestive systems separate and store the poisons within a small sac near the tip of the tail.
81* ManiacMonkeys: Kaukariki are a species of annoying monkey-like pests, especially in the famed fruit orchards of Asana.
82* ZergRush: Troops of kaukariki often rally to one another's defense to mob assailants.
86->'''Challenge Rating:''' 1
87->'''Role:''' Combatant
88->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
89->'''Size:''' Small
91* {{Mutants}}: Thastertoads are descended from tailless lizards mutated by thasteron.
92* NonIndicativeName: The thastertoad is actually a species of lizard. This name was coined by goblins, who care little about taxonomy.
95!!CR 2
97->'''Challenge Rating:''' 2
98->'''Role:''' Expert
99->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
100->'''Size:''' Medium
102* BackFromTheBrink: Electrovores were on the brink of extinction due to the decline of their food source when explorers came to their home planet of Verlorr 2 on massive ships coursing with their nourishment. Since then, they have quickly spread and formed colonies on multiple planets.
103* BewareMyStingerTail: An electrovore prefers to slap and sting with its barbed tail when on the hunt.
104* BizarreAlienBiology: An electrovore feeds on electrical currents and has no stomach, intestines nor liver. Instead, every cell acts as a battery; in essence, an electrovore is composed almost entirely of a nervous system.
105* PsychoElectricEel: Not them so much as their nearly extinct natural prey.
110->'''Challenge Rating:''' 2 (normal), 6 (feral)
111->'''Role:''' Combatant
112->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
113->'''Size:''' Large
115Telepathic reptiles from Castrovel.
117* BondCreatures: Lashunta, and other telepathic races with a penalty, can form telepathic bonds with shotalashu mounts.
118* HorseOfADifferentColor: For as long as lashuntas have been among the dominant species on Castrovel, shotalashus have served as their mounts.
121!!CR 3
124->'''Challenge Rating:''' 3
125->'''Role:''' Combatant
126->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
127->'''Size:''' Medium
129Pack hunters from Castrovel with phosphorescent fur and the ability to fire lasers.
131* LightEmUp: A tashtari can unleash a focused ray of light from its mouth that can burn a target like the beam of a laser pistol.
136->'''Challenge Rating:''' 3 (normal), 7 (alpha)
137->'''Role:''' Combatant
138->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
139->'''Size:''' Large
141Silicon-based creatures that feed on heavy minerals.
143* BizarreAlienSenses: Blind and deaf, but capable of sensing heat and movement. Also, they somehow have darkvision and lol-light vision despite not having eyes in the first place.
144* BreathWeapon: They can spray chunks of their own molten core.
145* ClarkesThirdLaw: Biological version. Though it's theorized that thermatrods are in some way connected to the Elemental Planes of Fire and Earth, they're biologically sound with no magic required to function the way they do.
146* EatDirtCheap: A thermatrod's diet consists of loose stones and metals.
147* FastTunneling: They have the earth glide ability, allowing them to move easily through soil and loose dirt.
148* LogicalWeakness: Made largely of molten materials, so naturally they have a weakness to cold damage.
149* MagmaMan: Their bodies are made of molten stone and metal, possibly due to ancestral ties to the Plane of Fire. In game this means their melee attacks deal fire damage and everything around them takes fire damage over time from the sheer heat of their bodies.
150* NoSell: To fire, what with them being made of rock and also already at much higher temperatures anyways.
151* RockMonster: Albeit a pretty molten one.
152* SiliconBasedLife: A vaguely scientific version. Scientists aren't sure how their silicon cores can maintain the heat of their bodies and its mentioned that they weren't able to develop sensory organs due to their silicon base.
155!!CR 4
157->'''Challenge Rating:''' 4
158->'''Role:''' Combatant
159->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
160->'''Size:''' Large
162* AngryGuardDog: Crest-eaters are about as trainable as dogs, leading to many wealthy people buying them as guards.
163* TheDreaded: Ancient kasathas viewed crest-eaters as terrifying messengers of death.
164* PickyPeopleEater: Crest-eaters are specialized in eating bones. When hunting kasathas, they usually only eat the bony crest and leave the rest of the body intact. Justified, in that most of their nutrients come from the photosynthesis frills they use the bones to grow; it's actually more resource-intensive to eat the whole kasatha.
165* PredatorsAreMean: Averted. Crest-eaters are actually highly sociable and tame creatures it's easy enough to tame. They eat kasathas when they're desperate and don't develop a taste for sentient flesh.
168[[folder:Entropy Slug]]
170->'''Challenge Rating:''' 4
171->'''Role:''' Combatant
172->'''Alignment:''' NeutralEvil
173->'''Size:''' Medium
175Terrestrial mollusks from Great Shadar that embody the entropic forces of their homeworld.
177* AcidAttack: They can spit acid to attack at range and are immune to acid damage themselves.
178* MooksAteMyEquipment: Their slam attacks and slime trails drain batteries, while a critical hit damages all equipment in a target's possession.
179* NoSell: They're immune to acid.
180* WeaksauceWeakness: Salt deals damage to them, just like an ordinary slug.
183[[folder:Glitch Dog]]
184->'''Challenge Rating:''' 4
185->'''Role:''' Combatant
186->'''Alignment:''' LawfulNeutral
187->'''Size:''' Medium
189* CanineCompanion: Some crusading counter-hackers and technomancers enjoy the companionship of a glitch dog whose trust they've gained.
190* {{Teleportation}}: While within digital telepathy range of an active computer system, a glitch dog can move through the network as a standard action to transfer itself to any other location within 100 feet.
191* UndergroundMonkey: Glitch dogs are evolved from blink dogs who entered the artificial reality of digital space and became transient beings of virtual spaces dedicated to eliminating digital recreations of phase spiders, as well as corrupted code of all types.
195->'''Challenge Rating:''' 4
196->'''Role:''' Combatant
197->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
198->'''Size:''' Large
200* BlindedByTheLight: When a holofang is hit with a laser weapon while its maw is open, it is blinded.
201* ChestMonster: To lure prey toward its jaws, a holofang projects illusions of drowning creatures or partially buried treasure near the water's surface while it lurks silently underneath.
204!!CR 5
205[[folder:Glass Serpent]]
207->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5
208->'''Role:''' Combatant
209->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
210->'''Size:''' Gargantuan
212Ambush predators that can warp light around themselves.
214* FedToTheBeast: Execution by glass serpent is an ancient practice that still continues.
215* InvisibleMonsters: The glass serpent's scales are smooth crystalline structures that warp and wrap light, turning the glass serpent invisible. This invisibility isn't entirely voluntary and requires enough energy that it can only be activated when the glass serpent is hungry and hunting.
216* InvisibleStomachVisibleFood: Pieces of food are visible as they pass through the glass serpent's translucent digestive system.
220->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5 (burrower), 11 (mason)
221->'''Role:''' Combatant
222->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
223->'''Size:''' Large
225* BreathWeapon: An ignurso can forcefully exhale a cloud of choking smoke.
226* {{Cyclops}}: An ignurso only has a single cyclopean eye.
227* StrongerWithAge: Ignursos in the last decade of life develop exceptional cunning and resilience.
231->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5
232->'''Role:''' Combatant
233->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
234->'''Size:''' Small
236* ChameleonCamouflage: A jakkerant that remains still can change its internal chromatophores and skin texture so that its colouration and texture matches its surroundings.
237* TerrestrialSeaLife: Jakkerants can breathe air and move awkwardly on land by perching themselves upright on several of their tentacles.
238* TooManyMouths: Each of a jakkerant's tentacle has a tiny lamprey-like mouth.
242->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5
243->'''Role:''' Combatant
244->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
245->'''Size:''' Large
247* MagnetismManipulation: A kunnid can emit a crushing magnetic beam.
248* OurCryptidsAreMoreMysterious: Other species very rarely see a kunnid, but only their odd, cloven-hooved tracks marching in straight lines around settlements, which are often attributed to cryptids. With few hard facts about how or why they appear, kunnids have fuelled many conspiracy theories.
252->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5
253->'''Role:''' Combatant
254->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
255->'''Size:''' Large
257* MetalMuncher: The stomakera's entire diet consists of liquid mercury.
262->'''Challenge Rating:''' 5
263->'''Role:''' Combatant
264->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
265->'''Size:''' Medium
267A predator race from the binary star system of Arybus.
269* AlwaysABiggerFish: Easily conquered their home star system, but found themselves outmatched by the Veskarium and Azlanti Star Empire as soon as they ventured farther afield.
270* BizarreAlienSexes: They have only one gender and find gender differentiations to be a strange curiosity.
271* CategoryTraitor: The "unspoken" xaarb are those that feel xaarb society is insufficient and seek to assimilate into other empires. They're generally considered the most reasonable faction, though they have problems when their need to assert dominance rears its head on occasion.
272* PrimalStance: They switch easily between a humanoid stance and walking on all fours.
273* TheQuisling: The "lesser" xaarb faction accepts that the vesk and azlanti are stronger and dutifully serve them.
274* TheSocialDarwinist: Xaarb society is based entirely on physical dominance. Having to bargain or pay for something rather than just taking it is actually considered an incredible shame.
275* StarfishLanguage: Their biology makes spoken languages impossible for them, with their own consisting of hand gestures and silent jaw movements. When they need to communicate with others, they usually rely on sign language or text-to-speech devices.
276* TheStarscream: The "greater" xaarb faction musters its forces and resources in hopes of one day conquering other empires and exerting xaarb authority over everything.
277* ZergRush: They can attacks in groups up to thirty strong.
280!!CR 6
282->'''Challenge Rating:''' 6
283->'''Role:''' Combatant
284->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
285->'''Size:''' Large
287* TheSymbiote: It's been speculated that the caypin is actually the result of symbiosis between its body (which can digest food but not collect it) and its facial tentacles (which have mouths and can also be detached from the body to hunt independently).
288* TooManyMouths: Dozens of mouths, one per facial tentacle.
291[[folder:Dust Manta]]
292->'''Challenge Rating:''' 6
293->'''Role:''' Combatant
294->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
295->'''Size:''' Large
297Ray-like creatures found in sand dunes and deserts.
299* BewareMyStingerTail: The dust manta's tail is capable of injecting a horrific toxin.
300* DishingOutDirt: Dust manta monarchs can create magical dust storms that choke and blind creatures unlucky enough to be caught within.
301* MultipleTailedBeast: Dust manta monarchs grow two additional tails.
302* TerrestrialSeaLife: Dust mantas closely resemble giant versions of common rays, and make their home in the deserts of Verces' Fullbright hemisphere.
306->'''Challenge Rating:''' 6
307->'''Role:''' Combatant
308->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
309->'''Size:''' Large
311Creatures from Verces's Darkside with a venom that turns victims into living production factories of a narcotic substance. Their stats can be found in ''Signal of Screams: The Penumbra Protocol'' or online [[ here]].
313* EyelessFace: Instead of eyes, a niaq has a mane of cilia that sense minute variations in temperature, allowing it to distinguish heat signatures of prey and the nearby topography.
314* FantasticDrug: The feeding lance and quills can infect prey with a virus that lives symbiotically within the niaq, causing bizarre hallucinations and intense euphoria. The nature of the infections also gives the blood of the infected similar properties, allowing others to use the infected as production hosts. The drug refined from the blood is known as niaqui, with quality product being purified to prevent it from infecting the imbiber.
315* HumanResources: A niaq is immune to the hallucinogenic effects of the virus in its own system, but genetic differences between them and their prey allow a niaq to experience the euphoria the drug produces in prey when they feed on their virus-laced blood. A niaq therefore carries prey back to its lair, usually a cave or hollow in the Darkside’s ice and snow, keeping them alive and immobilized to sip the drug-laced blood from their victims’ bloodstream.
316* InSeriesNickname: They're known to natives of Darkside as "sippers" for their method of feeding.
317* LampreyMouth: A variation. For a mouth, niaqs have a feeding lance, which is a tight cylinder of long, hollow quills they use to drink blood.
318* SpikeShooter: Each of a niaq’s wings has a fringe of short quills that the creature can launch as projectiles with a flick of a wing.
323->'''Challenge Rating:''' 6
324->'''Role:''' Combatant
325->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticEvil
326->'''Size:''' Medium
328Reptilian creatures with a resemblance to the prehistoric megafauna of many planets.
330* BasiliskAndCockatrice: Veolisks are monitor lizard-like magical beasts whose signature attack is a DeadlyGaze, and which are speculated to be descended from basilisk ancestors.
331* CainAndAbel: In most broods, the first veolisks to hatch tend to eat their unhatched siblings as their first meals.
332* DeadlyGaze: A veolisk can project a sliver of the dark, maddening void into its enemies with its mere gaze.
333* InSeriesNickname: Those well-versed in Golarion folklore call them 'void basilisks'.
334* TheNeedless: Scientists are puzzled about their ability to survive off very little food. One hypothesis is that they subsist off background radiation or arcane energy the way trees do sunlight.
335* PrehistoricMonster: Veolisks are often compared to many planets' prehistoric megafauna.
336* RightHandAttackDog: They have seen popularity among Devourer cultists as pets and guard animals.
339!!CR 7
341->'''Challenge Rating:''' 7
342->'''Role:''' Combatant
343->'''Alignment:''' NeutralEvil
344->'''Size:''' Huge
346* ApeShallNeverKillApe: Even during lean times, bloodbrothers never prey on others of their kind.
347* CreepyCentipedes: Bloodbrothers resemble a myriapod with a humanoid torso and arms.
348* ItCanThink: Their intelligence is often overlooked due to a lack of tool use and communication with other races.
349* NoBiologicalSex: Bloodbrothers, despite their name, are sexless and reproduce asexually.
350* OurVampiresAreDifferent: Bloodbrothers use prey as an auxiliary heart, absorbing blood-borne nutrients and using the prey’s metabolism to help it heat and feed itself. Prey can be kept alive in this way for months, until all its stored energy has been used up.
354->'''Challenge Rating:''' 7
355->'''Role:''' Combatant
356->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
357->'''Size:''' Small
359Creatures resulting from old sarcesian attempts at magical terraforming.
361* BatmanCanBreatheInSpace: They enable it, automatically providing themselves and any other creature within 1,200 feet with a protective layer of breathable atmosphere that also shields them from temperature extremities. They themselves make the most of it, with a swim and a fly speed to allow them to live in any environment regardless of whether or not there's land.
362* BlueAndOrangeMorality: Despite their hard-coded desire to kill any sentient creature they find and the cunning efficiency with which they do so, they're not considered evil or even chaotic.
363* SpikeShooter: They fire the spines on their tails as a weapon.
364* {{Telepathy}}: They can sense thoughts, which makes it harder to take advantage of their life-support without being found out.
365* TurnedAgainstTheirMasters: If a reklan knows there's a sentient creature nearby, it won't stop until either they kill it or are themselves killed.
368!!CR 8
370->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
371->'''Role:''' Combatant
372->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
373->'''Size:''' Large
375* FusionDance: A hive of at least 32 chomurks can meld their bodies together, merging their limbs and creating a pyramidal mound of bodies that acts as a single huge thruster capable of altering the orbit of a small astronomical object.
378[[folder:Diaspora Wyrm]]
380->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8 (diaspora wyrm), 17 (sage)
381->'''Role:''' Combatant
382->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
383->'''Size:''' Large
385* EyelessFace: Instead of eyes, a diaspora wyrm has frills sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
386* StarfishLanguage: Diaspora wyrms communicate by shaping and reading electromagnetic fields. Because these are often undetectable without proper sensors, diaspora wyrms are popularly depicted as beasts, despite being sapient.
389[[folder:Dragon Ray]]
390->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
391->'''Role:''' Combatant
392->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
393->'''Size:''' Huge
395* BewareMyStingerTail: In self-defence, a threatened dragon ray can fling hundreds of reticulated barbs or inject a lethal venom through its tail.
396* FantasticDrug: In tiny amounts, dragon ray venom can be taken as a recreational drug. Partygoers have learned to dilute and distil the poison into a (mostly) safe mind-altering substance, which causes feelings of euphoria, a sensation of flying and vivid hallucinations, with minor sensorimotor side effects.
397* FlyingSeafoodSpecial: Dragon rays are amphibious and can glide above the ocean.
401->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
402->'''Role:''' Combatant
403->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
404->'''Size:''' Large
406* GiantEnemyCrab: The gammenore is a crustacean approximately 8 feet wide, and weighs between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds.
409[[folder:Shadow Hopper]]
410->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
411->'''Role:''' Combatant
412->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
413->'''Size:''' Medium
415* {{Animorphism}}: A shadow hopper can assume the appearance of a harmless-looking creature, usually a cute rabbit. In this form, some shadow hoppers allow people to adopt them as pets.
416* TheTrickster: Shadow hoppers enjoy playing pranks and causing mischief: moving objects while no one is looking, taking small bites out of food, telepathically whispering secrets to others, and occasionally sabotaging electronic devices. Their shenanigans are not typically meant to cause harm, but an overexcited shadow hopper can easily get carried away.
421->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
422->'''Role:''' Combatant
423->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticEvil
424->'''Size:''' Huge
426Bizarre creatures resembling a cross between a reptile and a bird that are capable of flying through space.
428* HorseOfADifferentColor: Travelling atop a shantak's back remains the preferred (and perhaps only viable) option for those who avoid starships.
429* ShiplessFasterThanLightTravel: Shantaks can travel the gulf of space, and were employed by some species as a rare and dangerous method of travelling among the stars before the spread of Drift travel. Nevertheless, shantaks are generally quite reluctant to seek out new worlds on their own unless faced with no other option, for they know well that an attempt to fly to an unknown world could easily result in being lost forever in the depths of space.
433->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
434->'''Role:''' Combatant
435->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
436->'''Size:''' Medium
438* BizarreAlienSenses: A stralithid can use its blindsight to perceive targets of its kinetic entanglement and telekinetic trap abilities, even if the creature is motionless.
439* MindOverMatter: Stralithids can launch telekinetic lances and create nearly invisible traps of shifting kinetic energy to stun prey.
440* TrapMaster: A stralithid can infuse a sphere with an intricate pattern of invisible kinetic energy that staggers prey. When hunting, they goad prey into these traps to drain them dry, then lay eggs in the corpses.
444->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
445->'''Role:''' Combatant
446->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
447->'''Size:''' Large
449* EnemyMine: Maraquoi used to be stroxhas' prey, but have begun defending the increasingly rare predators. As stroxhas became targeted by poachers, they came to recognise the protection the maraquoi have afforded them. An alliance now exists between the two species to protect their mutual home world.
450* MixAndMatchCritters: Stroxhas combine feline and reptilian traits.
454->'''Challenge Rating:''' 8
455->'''Role:''' Expert
456->'''Alignment:''' LawfulNeutral
457->'''Size:''' Huge
459* EgomaniacHunter: Valnarums enjoy the thrill of tracking down a creature they've never hunted before, but still try to respect the laws and customs wherever they land.
462!!CR 9
465->'''Challenge Rating:''' 9
466->'''Role:''' Combatant
467->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
468->'''Size:''' Gargantuan
470* TheDreaded: Ellicoths' ability to completely devour an opponent's life force doubles as a useful psychological weapon.
471* ElephantGraveyard: A dying ellicoth instinctively leaves its herd, heads for the most powerful source of radiation in the area and proceeds to lie down and sing its dirges loudly and continually until it expires.
472* FoodChainOfEvil: Most of their diet consists of ghosts, zombies and other spontaneously generated undead in Eox.
473* GeneticMemory: Ellicoths maintain a racial memory of the time before Eox's destruction, describing a sadness at the way things are and a longing for a time of green fields and tall trees, which no living ellicoth has ever known.
474* ItCanThink: They're significantly smarter than most give them credit for.
475* LifeDrain: Ellicoths feed by siphoning vital energy directly from other creatures.
476* WarElephants: Several bone sages employ fearsome ellicoth cavalry in their militias.
479!!CR 10
480[[folder:Crimson Helminth]]
481->'''Challenge Rating:''' 10
482->'''Role:''' Combatant
483->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
484->'''Size:''' Huge
486* FastTunnelling: A crimson helminth moves through glass or similar substances by melting the material in a small area.
487* FlechetteStorm: When it senses living prey, a crimson helminth bursts to the surface in a spray of molten glass.
488* FlowerMouth: A head of six crystal-tipped tentacles radiate around the helminth's mouth of inward-pointing teeth.
493->'''Challenge Rating:''' 10
494->'''Role:''' Expert
495->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
496->'''Size:''' Huge
498* ExtraEyes: A kothama has four glassy eyes.
499* GentleGiant: Kothamas are massive, peaceful creatures that tend to rely on their calming aura to keep things pleasant, resorting to violence only in rare instances of self-defence or incidentally.
500* NoBiologicalSex: Kothamas are sexless; any given pair can fertilise each other.
504->'''Challenge Rating:''' 10
505->'''Role:''' Combatant
506->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
507->'''Size:''' Large
509* InconvenientSummons: Random creatures and other arrivals are occasionally torn from astral space into the omduvengs' reach, and help sustain their species.
510* MultiArmedAndDangerous: An omduveng has four muscular arms.
511* {{Teleportation}}: Omduvengs metaphysically bend space to pull teleporting creatures or objects to themselves. They can focus this aura to teleport familiar items into their hands, and passively attract errant objects and creatures. Sometimes, this works in reverse, transporting a small population to a distant world.
515->'''Challenge Rating:''' 10
516->'''Role:''' Combatant
517->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
518->'''Size:''' Huge
520* BigCreepyCrawlies: These praying mantis-like creatures stretch 20 feet in length and stand as tall as 25 feet.
521* BigEater: Ursikkas are endlessly hungry creatures that view all smaller creatures as food.
524!!CR 11
526->'''Challenge Rating:''' 11
527->'''Role:''' Spellcaster
528->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
529->'''Size:''' Large
531* MagicEater: In addition to conventional food, muneens can also subsist on magical energy from Chonax's divination or enchantment loci.
536->'''Challenge Rating:''' 4 (juvenile), 11 (adult)
537->'''Role:''' Combatant
538->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
539->'''Size:''' Large (juvenile), Huge (adult)
541Saurian creatures from Castrovel that feature prominently in the mythology of all its native species.
543* ExtraEyes: Eight beady eyes run in two vertical rows along the bridge of the nyssholora's nose.
544* MightyRoar: The nyssholora releases its low, resonant roar with such force that it can weaken the structural integrity of buildings and concuss the bodies of other creatures.
545* TRexpy: The nyssholora resembles a tyrannosaur, and is among the most feared and deadly apex predators on Castrovel.
546* {{Vibroweapon}}: The nyssholora's phasic claws are sharp and vibrate at ultrasonic speeds, creating a blade of concentrated sound waves that can cut through even extremely dense materials.
550->'''Challenge Rating:''' 11
551->'''Role:''' Combatant
552->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
553->'''Size:''' Colossal
555* RentAZilla: Though most grow no larger than a cargo container or small home, vascrivoreis in particularly blasted regions can be as large as starships.
558!!CR 12
559[[folder:Deadfall Stalker]]
560->'''Challenge Rating:''' 12
561->'''Role:''' Combatant
562->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
563->'''Size:''' Large
565* UnrealisticBlackHole: A deadfall stalker's body hosts a black hole singularity it uses to capture, crush and digest prey. The singularity and the organ that shelters it occupy roughly half the stalker's abdomen, and in addition to creating the gravity fields that circulate blood, the singularity acts as a powerful gizzard that pulverises virtually anything the deadfall stalker swallows.
568!!CR 13
570->'''Challenge Rating:''' 13
571->'''Role:''' Combatant
572->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
573->'''Size:''' Gargantuan
575* ImmuneToFire: Immolsivixes do not take damage from fire.
576* MadeOfIncendium: The fungus on an immolsivix's back is highly flammable. When caught alight, it can fertilise acres of territory at a time and ignite vast stretches of accumulated biomass, converting it into nutritious ash.
577* TheSymbiote: Fast-growing symbiotic moulds grow on an immolsivix's shell, absorbing and processing minerals wherever it roams.
578* WreathedInFlames: When the immolsivix would take fire damage when covered in fungi, it instead loses its fungal armour and burns, immolating nearby creatures.
583->'''Challenge Rating:''' 13
584->'''Role:''' Combatant
585->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
586->'''Size:''' Huge
588* GiantSpider: Skaraks are massive, eight-legged predators that resemble horned arachnids with 16-foot leg spans and weigh 3 tons.
589* IntroducedSpeciesCalamity: Sometime during the Gap, the research company Homeworld Biotech apparently began an amoral and ill-advised genetic manipulation of skaraks to transform them into docile livestock able to survive in nearly any environment. As the Gap ended and garbled untold decades of records from the program, initial tests suggested the skaraks were suitable for export. Hundreds were sold and shipped at least a dozen planets before it was reported once outside the labs, the skaraks turned on their herders and escaped. While Homeworld Biotech dissolved, the skaraks survive as invasive species on an untold number of worlds.
590* YouWillNotEvadeMe: Their magically attuned cerebral lobes allow skaraks to sense magical pathways between their own position and their webs, and teleport a web-ensnared target into their mouth.
593!!CR 14
596->'''Challenge Rating:''' 14
597->'''Role:''' Combatant
598->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
599->'''Size:''' Large
601* DeadlyGaze: A plasmalisk's vibrantly glowing eyes can cause viewers' bodily fluids to rapidly ionise and burn their bodies from the inside.
602* ImAHumanitarian: Half of the eggs in a plasmalisk clutch always hatch early, and these first hatchlings quickly eat one of their less-developed clutch mates. This practice is essential to young plasmalisks' survival, as hatchlings lack both the nutrients and activation energy to properly develop their ion cores.
606->'''Challenge Rating:''' 14
607->'''Role:''' Expert
608->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
609->'''Size:''' Huge
611* SeekerArchetype: Xanthoi seek to understand and document all current events, from political upheavals and interstellar wars to fashion trends and technological advances.
614!!CR 15
616->'''Challenge Rating:''' 15
617->'''Role:''' Combatant
618->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
619->'''Size:''' Gargantuan
621* ShockAndAwe: Statiketes drain electricity and use it to fire powerful shock blasts at foes.
624!!CR 16
625[[folder:Fire Whale]]
626->'''Challenge Rating:''' 16
627->'''Starship Tier:''' 1/4
628->'''Role:''' Combatant
629->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
630->'''Size:''' Colossal, Small [starship]
632* EatDirtCheap: Fire whales feed off bits of metal and mineral.
633* MagmaMan: Native to the Elemental Plane of Fire, the fire whale has molten-hot flesh which generates incredible heat, and can spew a burst of magma and scalding ash from its blowhole.
636[[folder:Meteorite Drake]]
637->'''Challenge Rating:''' 16
638->'''Role:''' Combatant
639->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
640->'''Size:''' Small
642* CastFromHitPoints: A meteorite drake can rip off and hurl a piece of its stony hide, dealing damage to both itself and the target.
643* GoombaStomp: A meteorite drake can fly up to twice its speed and slam into a hard surface, carrying off its prey in the ensuing confusion.
644* NonIndicativeName: Despite their name, meteorite drakes are only superficially similar to dragons and not related to them.
645* PintsizedPowerhouse: A meteorite drake is extremely strong for its size and can carry things much heavier than itself.
650->'''Challenge Rating:''' 16
651->'''Role:''' Expert
652->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
653->'''Size:''' Colossal
655* GentleGiant: Oma are docile and have a benevolent streak, sometimes herding disabled starships back to civilisation.
656* LivingShip: Barathus once used oma as living starships, telepathically directing them from within their surprisingly habitable stomachs.
657* MagnetismManipulation: Oma project electromagnetic fields around themselves.
658* SpaceWhale: Oma are vast, whale-like space dwellers which feed by extracting energy and nutrients with their baleen, live in pods and have their own form of whale song.
659* SwallowedWhole: Oma are capable of swallowing small starships whole; some do it accidentally, but most only when provoked.
662[[folder:Tapestry Moth]]
663->'''Challenge Rating:''' 16
664->'''Role:''' Expert
665->'''Alignment:''' NeutralEvil
666->'''Size:''' Medium
668* ChestBurster: A tapestry moth can implant one of its eggs into an adjacent helpless or paralysed living creature. After five days, a miniature tapestry moth kills the host and cuts itself free of its body.
669* PoisonousPerson: A tapestry moth can spit tapestry toxin as a ranged attack.
672!!CR 20
673[[folder:Brood Sovereign]]
674->'''Challenge Rating:''' 20
675->'''Role:''' Spellcaster
676->'''Alignment:''' NeutralEvil
677->'''Size:''' Gargantuan
679* SeaMonster: Brood sovereigns are titanic slug-like creatures that dwell amid coral reefs of polar oceans, and are endowed with true, malign intelligence.
683[[folder:Celestaur Bull]]
684->'''Starship Tier:''' 15
685->'''Role:''' Combatant
686->'''Alignment:''' LawfulGood
687->'''Size:''' Medium
689* BeastOfBattle: Some celestaur bulls are taken from the herd and reared by barachius angels to hunt fiends large enough to threaten starships. They are only slightly smarter than a clever animal and can be easily outwitted without an angel to shepherd them.
690* GentleGiant: These starship-sized creatures have a temperament that usually ranges from friendly curiosity to outright playfulness.
691* UnusualWeaponMounting: Barachius angels sometimes shear off the horns of bull celestaurs and replace them with starship-scale cannons. Additional weapons are affixed to their flanks by a comfortable, sturdy titanium harness.
695->'''Starship Tier:''' 13
696->'''Role:''' Combatant
697->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
698->'''Size:''' Medium
700* GiantSpider: These massive, spacefaring arachnids prey upon passing ships caught in their steel-like webs.
701* ShockAndAwe: The fangs of the fetelam are capable of rending flesh and metals alike while sending electrical pulses throughout its prey.
702* ThatsNoMoon: Fetelams hunt by dazzling passing vessels, presenting themselves as star-studded areas of space. When a ship draws closer, it enters a sticky, inescapable trap.
705[[folder:Giant Space Tardigrade]]
706->'''Starship Tier:''' 4
707->'''Role:''' Combatant
708->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
709->'''Size:''' Medium
711* ExtremophileLifeforms: Giant space tardigrades can survive the most extreme conditions. Explorers have spotted them drifting through radioactive nebulae, the crushing atmospheres of gas giants, and intense solar flares without sustaining any harm.
712* HealingFactor: A badly wounded giant space tardigrade can completely recover in only a few days.
713* MadeOfIron: Giant space tardigrades are among the most durable creatures in existence.
716[[folder:Shard Diver]]
717->'''Starship Tier:''' 1/2
718->'''Role:''' Combatant
719->'''Alignment:''' ChaoticNeutral
720->'''Size:''' Small
722* MetalMuncher: Shard divers feed upon starmetals and precious minerals ejected from gas giants' cores.
726->'''Starship Tier:''' 2 (swarming), 10 (blinking)
727->'''Role:''' Combatant
728->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
729->'''Size:''' Small
731* DefeatEqualsExplosion: A killed telelith explodes as if it activated a self-destruct system.
732* MetalMuncher: Teleliths feed on metal and are particularly drawn to dense or highly refined materials, such as those found in space stations and starships.
733* {{Teleportation}}: Blinking teleliths develop peculiar organs that contract in a metaphysical fashion to create a bizarre temporary wormhole that allows the telelith to blink across space, ambushing prey or evading danger.
738->'''Starship Tier:''' 9
739->'''Role:''' Combatant
740->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
741->'''Size:''' Huge
743Growing slowly but constantly, vermeliths live thousands of years, taking centuries to mature into the ship-eating titans they're known as.
745* GeniusLoci: The cavernous innards of an adult vermelith can enclose an entire ecosystem, including diverse lifeforms.
746* SiliconBasedLife: Vermeliths are silicon-based worms that feed on minerals.
750->'''Starship Tier:''' 1/2
751->'''Role:''' Combatant
752->'''Alignment:''' TrueNeutral
753->'''Size:''' Small
755* GentleGiant: Despite their size, most voraijas are docile and don't attack starships without provocation.
756* SpaceWhale: Voraijas are gregarious, cetacean-like creatures that live in space.
757* TailSlap: The voraija's tail can inflict terrible bludgeoning blows.
