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Context Characters / NextAvengersHeroesOfTomorrow

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3!Next Avengers
4[[folder:In General]]
6%%[[caption-width-right:350:some caption text]]
8The children of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who have been kept hidden by Tony Stark until Ultron finds them.
10* CanonForeigner: All the Next Avengers except for Pym are this.
11* DarkAndTroubledPast: All of them have this: James, Azari and Pym were left orphans when Ultron killed their parents, Torunn suffers from ParentalAbandonment and Francis was raised by his father until he was killed by Ultron which left him as the leader of the Scavengers.
12* KidHero: The characters range from 12 like Pym to possibly 17 like James and Torunn. [[spoiler:It's deconstructed however since while determined to help and their training meaning they aren't completely helpless, there is no way they can beat someone like Ultron. As a result they are forced to ask the Hulk for help, who does end up defeating Ultron so that Torunn can then dispose of his body in space.]]
13* LikeBrotherAndSister: This obviously doesn't include Francis, but the Next Avengers view each other as siblings.
14* RagtagBunchOfMisfits: Less so than their parents, since except for Francis they were raised together. But the team includes: a JerkWithAHeartOfGold MagneticHero, a ShockAndAwe LittleMissBadass, a MotorMouth SizeShifter, an [[OnlySaneMan Only Sane]] ElectricBlackGuy, and a SixthRanger with ImprobableAimingSkills.
15* SpinOffspring: They are the children of the Avengers and the main characters of the film.
16* WellTrainedButInexperienced: [[spoiler: Despite having been training their entire lives, the Next Avengers struggle when faced with real combat through most of the film and it's made clear that they don't stand a chance against Ultron. Meanwhile the BadassNormal Francis, who has spent his entire life actually fighting against Ultron in the real world, is shown to be better in combat than the other kids.]]
17* VagueAge: Their ages aren't clearly established, but since they are described as children and the TimeSkip after the opening is confirmed as twelve years, they can roughly be assumed to be between 12 and 17. Pym was shown to be a baby in the opening, making him 12 or 13 at the youngest, while both James and Torunn were the oldest which likely makes them 17, with Azari likely being around 15 and Francis was portrayed as being closer in age to James and Torunn.
20[[folder:James Rogers]]
21!!James Rogers
23[[caption-width-right:350:''"Avengers, assemble!"'']]
24!!!'''Species:''' Mutate
25!!!'''Voiced By:''' Noah C. Crawford
27James is the son of Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanova. Appears to posses the same abilities as his father, including his indestructible shield.
29* AllergicToRoutine: Routine doesn't agree with James, and he actively hates having to do something over and over. Near the beginning of the film, we see that just sitting still for a few hours annoys him more than anything, leading him to sneak off, then [[NiceJobBreakingItHero find and activate the robot Avengers]].
30* AmbiguousSituation: It's unclear whether James has any actual powers. On the one hand he shows a level of physical skill well beyond his years that imply he inherited the super solder serum from his father. On the other hand, Pym outright tells Ultron that James doesn't have any powers, though he might have been referring to powers similar to his own and the other kids.
31* CharacterDevelopment: He grows from a JerkWithAHeartOfGold who's issues with routine make him unlikeable and angry, to a [[MagneticHero Magnetic]] NiceGuy and TheLeader of the Next Avengers.
32* DeadGuyJunior: While never stated outright, it's implied James was named after his father's late sidekick [[ComicBook/BuckyBarnes James "Bucky" Barnes]].
33* DeadlyDisc: His energy shield can slice up object just as well as the original wielded by his father.
34* {{Determinator}}: Like father like son, don't ever expect him to give up.
35* FieryRedhead: Played with, he's certainly outspoken and occasionally a {{Jerkass}}, but he's too level-headed and calm to fully fit the trope.
36* IconicItem: His wrist device created a hard light copy of his father's shield. [[spoiler:He eventually comes into possession of the actual shield]].
37* ImpossiblyCoolWeapon: Once again, his shield.
38* InnocentBlueEyes: Averted, he's quite easily the most jaded and cynical of the children at first, but his mood improves over the course of the movie.
39* ItsAllMyFault: Blames himself heavily for activating the Iron Avengers which lead Ultron to their home and got Tony captured.
40* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He can be immature and quite a {{Jerkass}} at times, but if people's lives are on the line, he'll jump right in to save them.
41* TheLeader: Much like his father.
42* LikeFatherLikeSon: James shares many similarities to his father, such as his inability to do nothing, his sense of justice, ability to inspire others and natural leadership. He also sports a costume similar to Bucky’s and he seems to have inherited Nat’s hair color.
43* LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe: Wouldn't be the son of Captain America without this trope.
44* MagneticHero: Much like how his father was able to inspire the Avengers, James was able to inspire his adoptive siblings and Francis to fight against Ultron. Ultron identifies this as the quality which made Captain America the most dangerous of the Avengers and declares his intent to kill James first so he won't inspire others.
45* MySisterIsOffLimits: Has this mindset with Torunn:
46-->'''Francis:''' Besides, anything to impress a girl right?\
47'''James:''' Girl? Wait, you mean Torunn? Dude, she's like my sister!\
48'''Francis:''' So, she's available then?\
49'''James:''' No, she's not!
50* NiceGuy: Despite shades of {{Jerkass}}ness early on, James is as noble a hero as his father, and is always there for his siblings.
51* RedOniBlueOni: The blue to Hawkeye's red.
52* ShieldBash: Again, given who his father is, what else did you expect him to use?
53* ThrowingYourShieldAlwaysWorks: Come on, it's gotta run in the family!
54* WhiteMaleLead: While being about all of them, James arguably get's the most focus as he develops into TheLeader of the Next Avengers.
55* WreckedWeapon: His energy shield. [[spoiler:Later it's replaced by the original and promptly gets a re-baptism of fire when it's used to fight Ultron]].
59!!Torunn Thorsdottir
61[[caption-width-right:350:''"Have at thee!"'']]
62!!!'''Species:''' Asgardian
63!!!'''Voiced By:''' Brenna O'Brien
65Daughter of the Avenger Thor, and the Asgardian Sif. She is aided by an enchanted sword, similar to her father's mighty hammer {{Mjolnir}}.
67* BadassBoast: Like father like daughter.
68--> "[[MythologyGag Ultron! We would have words with thee!]]"
69* BadassCape: After [[spoiler: her talk with Thor, she returns to earth with a new outfit. Including a rather magnificent red cape]].
70* BattleCry: "For Asgard!"
71* TheBigGuy: An unusual female variety.
72* BoisterousBruiser: Enjoys fighting just like her father, but unlike most examples has never been in actual fight. This means that her first fight ends with her being beaten quickly and she becomes depressed over her failure.
73* CharacterDevelopment: Starts out as a cocky BoisterousBruiser, but becomes a more thoughtful individual after being humbled by her defeat at the hands of the Iron Avengers and being saved by Hawkeye.
74* DisneyDeath: [[spoiler: In that she nearly suffocates when disposing of Ultron's remains. It turns out that this act was all Thor needed to save her life and bring her to the safety of Asgard.]]
75* ElementalAbsorption: Can do this to Azari when he tries to intimidate them with his electric powers.
76* FlyingBrick: Has {{Flight}}, SuperStrength, and NighInvulnerability. She later appears to have acquired WeatherManipulation[=/=]ShockAndAwe by the end of the film.
77* {{Foil}}: To Azari as both are technically royalty and have electric powers, but she is a BoisterousBruiser who see combat as the best way to solve a problem.
78* IChooseToStay: Turns down her father's offer to return to Asgard, in favor of remaining with her family on Earth. Thor accepts her decision and reminds her that if she chooses to return, the doors to Asgard will be open to her.
79* LargeHam: She shouts boasts whenever in combat, and aside from Pym, is usually the [[NoIndoorVoice loudest member of the team]].
80* LightningBruiser: She can fly to space with amazing speed, and is probably the physically strongest among her siblings.
81* LittleMissBadass: She's the daughter of Thor and Lady Sif. How could she not be one?
82* MythologyGag: While her father wears his classic costume, Torunn's is based on Thor's outfit from ''ComicBook/UltimateMarvel''.
83* NotSoStoic: After the failed attack on Ultra City, where she also lost her sword, Torunn suffers a HeroicBSOD and becomes sullen for some time.
84* ParentalAbandonment: Was abandoned on Earth as an infant when Thor left the Avengers to rule Asgard following her grandfather Odin's death, in a misguided attempt to teach her humility - something he himself did not learn until much later in his life.
85* ShockAndAwe: Ain't the daughter of "The Thunderer" for nothing.
86* TheSmurfettePrinciple: She's the only female member of the Next Avengers, and one of three female characters in the entire film, the others being Jocasta and Betty Ross.
87* ThrowingYourSwordAlwaysWorks: Her nameless sword is similar to {{Mjolnir}} in this regard, though it seems she's not yet skilled enough to call it to her from great distances on her own.
88* WellDoneDaughterGirl: She strives for Thor to even notice her, and perhaps take her back to Asgard. She finally does get noticed by the end of the film, though [[IChooseToStay chooses not to return to Asgard]].
89* TookALevelInBadass: Was very much a badass to begin with. [[spoiler:Near the end of the film she comes back from Asgard stronger than ever]].
92[[folder:Henry Pym Jr.]]
93!!Henry Pym Jr.
95[[caption-width-right:350:''"Hah! We showed him. We ''ARE'' dumb enough!"'']]
96!!!'''Species:''' Mutate
97!!!'''Voiced By:''' Aidan Drummond
99The young and innocent son of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne.
101* AttentionDeficitOohShiny: He's got a pretty short attention span.
102* AdaptationalNiceGuy: He was a brief villain in the comics before pulling a HeelFaceTurn, but this version is an InNameOnly adaption and is TheHeart of the Next Avengers.
103* AdaptationalRelationshipOverhaul: His comic self wasn't raised by Tony Stark after the deaths of his parents.
104* AdaptationalSuperpowerChange: In the comics Pym could only grow in size, while here he has his mother's power to shrink and grow wings. [[spoiler:Until the final fight with Iron Giant-Man, where he grows in size.]]
105* AgeLift: He's around 12 years old in this film, while his comic self was a grown man.
106* BadassAdorable: He is an adorable, funny little boy who can hold his own against an army of evil robots.
107* DeadGuyJunior: Named after his father.
108* TheHeart: To put it in perspective, he was the ''only one'' Hulk would listen to during the battle with Ultron.
109* TheGadfly: Likes to tease his friends every chance he gets.
110* InNameOnly: His comic self was a villain in ''[[ComicBook/MarvelComics2 A-Next]]'' who pulled a HeelFaceTurn, saving the new Avengers after seeing how vicious and sadistic his sister was in torturing the heroes. He switched sides and defeated his sister, eventually joining an anti-terrorist task force that also acts as a release program for supervillains. This version is a KidAppealCharacter with a MotorMouth and TheHeart of the Next Avengers while not having a biological sister. A massive change is that Pym went by the name Big Man since he could only grow in size, while here he mainly has his mother's powers [[spoiler:before growing to giant size to fight Iron Giant-Man]].
111* KidAppealCharacter: He fits into this by being youngest, dorkiest and friendliest member of the cast.
112* LastNameBasis: Everybody calls him Pym instead of Henry.
113* LetsGetDangerous: Do not mess with him [[spoiler: or he will grow giant sized and start smashing stuff up]].
114* MoralityPet: For the Hulk, when he's not stinging him in order to make him angry.
115* MotorMouth: The boy almost never shuts up.
116* OutOfFocus: Out of all the kids, except maybe Azari, he gets the least focus.
117* RaceLift: He's of Asian descent while his comic self was white.
118* RedOniBlueOni: The red to Azari's blue.
119* SizeShifter: [[spoiler: As shown when battling Iron Giant-Man, he can go big as well as play the IncredibleShrinkingMan, but he's not very skilled with the ability yet.]]
120* TheSmartGuy: Is described as the 'tech-head' as he knows a thing or two about technology which he presumably gets from his parents.
121* TeamMemberInTheAdaptation: He's part of the Avengers in this version, while in the comics he was only part of the Revengers.
122* WingedHumanoid: Of the "insect wings" variety.
125[[folder:Azari / Black Panther II]]
126!!Azari T'Challa T'Chacka Evan
128[[caption-width-right:350:''"This plan seemed a lot better when Torunn and the Hulk were involved.""'']]
129!!!'''Species:''' Mutant
130!!!'''Voiced By:''' Dempsey M. Pappion
132[[OverlyLongName Azari T'Challa T'Chacka Evan Duke of Wakanda]], is the son of Avenger Black Panther and mutant [[ComicBook/XMen Storm]].
134* AnimalMotifs: The panther.
135* CatFolk: Sort of, he has barely noticeable CuteLittleFangs.
136* CharlesAtlasSuperpower: Can jump several feet into the air and [[WallCrawl climb walls]] with ease.
137* DarkAndTroubledPast: Most of his family (T’Challa and Ororo notwithstanding) were murdered by Ultron.
138* DeadpanSnarker: Unlike T'Challa, who's often depicted as TheQuietOne, Azari is very vocal when something or someone annoys him.
139* ElectricBlackGuy: The TokenBlack and has minor electricity manipulation.
140* {{Foil}}: To Torunn as both are technically royalty and have electric powers, but he is far more practical and rule abiding.
141* TheLancer: Serves as a {{foil}} to James. He's humble, responsible, and (almost) always follows orders.
142* LastOfHisKind: By all accounts, he is presumably the only living heir to the throne of Wakanda.
143* LegacyCharacter: By the end of the film he declares himself as the real Black Panther and defeats Iron Black Panther.
144* LostOrphanedRoyalty: Thanks to Tony, he managed to survive Ultron’s massacre, which also intended to [[RulingFamilyMassacre end the Wakandan line forever]].
145* {{Mutant}}: Never stated but given his powers and who his mom was implied to be it’s pretty obvious.
146* {{Ninja}}: Well, sorta. His training while growing up seems to have focused on stealth, and sneaking up on his opponents. However, he's still excellent in physical combat and could defeat the robotic version of his father in a physical fight.
147* OnlySaneMan: Thinks he is compared to his HotBlooded, rule-breaking siblings. While he can be impulsive, he is far more calm and likely to follow the rules.
148* OutOfFocus: Arguably more so than Pym, in fact. As an example, he's the only one who doesn't have/isn't given a secondary subplot like his siblings and Francis did/were (even Pym is tasked with recruiting Hulk later on).
149* PantheraAwesome: He officially takes up the title Black Panther after defeating the robotic Black Panther by the end of the film.
150* ProperlyParanoid: His apprehension over investigating the secret passage under the Avengers monument, and later charging in to rescue Tony from Ultron without any real plan proved justified both times.
151* TheQuietOne: Averted; very vocal compared to his father.
152* TheReliableOne: Always follows Tony's instructions, unless pushed to do otherwise by his siblings.
153* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: Technically, being T'Challa's son makes him a prince though since Ultron has taken over there is unlikely to be anything left of Wakanda for him to rule.
154* ScaryBlackMan: Downplayed. First for being a kid, second for being a mostly personable guy who gets easily flustered by his less responsible siblings.
155* SoleSurvivor: Of the Wakandan Royal Family (presumably).
156* ShockAndAwe: Has the ability to manipulate electricity to a degree, often creating small lightning shields around his body to protect himself. He can later project an electric panther aura and generate powerful electric blasts.
157* TokenBlack: The only black hero on the team. He’s also the only mutant on the team making him a TwoferTokenMinority.
160[[folder:Francis Barton / Hawkeye II]]
161!!Franchis Barton
163[[caption-width-right:350:''"Scavengers, disappear!"'']]
164!!!'''Species:''' Human
165!!!'''Voiced By:''' Adrian Petrew
167Son of Clint Barton and Barbara "Bobbi" Morse.
169* AllMenArePerverts: Even though he's just a kid, he wastes no time in flirting with Torunn.
170* AntiHero: On account of his argumentative and stubborn attitude as a result of being told he was the sole remainder of the Avengers for years, not to mention nearly leaving the other children to be killed by Ultron's drone army.
171* BadassNormal: He's the only member of the Next Avengers to have no superpowers of any kind, but can still hold his own to their level and possibly beyond due to his fighting experience.
172* BigDamnHeroes: Pulls this off when Ultron is about to finish off the other young heroes in their attempt to rescue Tony.
173* ChangedMyMindKid: Initially he refuses to go to Ultron's citadel with the other children, but with some convincing from the Scavengers he changes his mind and goes to help save them from Ultron.
174* AChildShallLeadThem: Despite apparently only being 17 like James and Torunn, he's been the leader of the Scavengers since his father died.
175* DeadpanSnarker: The snarkiest of the Avengers children.
176--> '''Torunn''': Today we meet our destinies!
177--> '''Hawkeye''': She means that in a good way, right?
178* EmbarrassingFirstName: He's not too fond of being called 'Francis', as he hit Pym on the head with an arrow when he did, and prefers to be called 'Hawkeye' or 'Barton'.
179* ExperiencedProtagonist: Unlike the others who have had plenty of training, Francis is actually experienced in surviving and fighting against Ultron.
180* ImprobableAimingSkills: Just like his old man, he's just that good with a bow.
181* LegacyCharacter: Has been known as the second Hawkeye for some time before he's introduced.
182* TheResistance: He was the leader of the last known human remnant group known as the Scavengers and kept them safe after his father, who previously led the group, had been killed by Ultron.
183* SixthRanger: Despite being the fifth member of the team he fills this role joining them after they enter Ultron City.
184* ShipTease: With Torunn.
185* SmugSuper: Which is interesting as he's the only member of the team ''without'' powers, but to a degree, it makes some sense in context. While the other children had been training to fight Ultron since birth, he's been ''actually'' fighting Ultron's army in the real world for almost all of his life.
186* TrickArrow: One of his standard tricks, just like the original Hawkeye.
187* VitriolicBestBuds: With James, in the sense that the two argue frequently and rarely agree on anything, yet when push comes to shove the two will stand up for one another.
191[[folder:In General]]
193%%[[caption-width-right:350:some caption text]]
195Once Earth's Mightiest Heroes, after defeating many of their enemies the heroes settles down to live their own lives and have children. However Ultron ended up killing most of the Avengers, forcing Iron Man to hide the children in secrecy while Hawkeye survived with his own son.
197* DeathByAdaptation: As part of the film's premise, half of the Avengers are dead.
198* TheHeroDies: Captain America, Black Widow, the Wasp, Giant-Man and Black Panther were all killed by Ultron during the first battle, and Hawkeye was eventually killed as well. By the time of the film, the only survivors are Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, and the Vision.
199* HeroOfAnotherStory: They are the PrecursorHeroes to the Next Avengers and according to Tony fought Kang the Conqueror, alien invaders and the Masters of Evil.
200* OldSuperhero: Tony and Bruce are now in old age, but still capable of fighting. Thor and Vision avert this trope due to being a god and an ageless android respectively
201* PrecursorHeroes: The Next Avengers are their kids.
202* RaceLift: Like the version from ''ComicBook/TheUltimates'' and ''WesternAnimation/UltimateAvengers'' films, Wasp in this version appears to have been Asian.
203* RagtagBunchOfMisfits: At the start of the film, Tony describes the heroes as being: a soldier (Captain America), a god (Thor), a knight (Iron Man), a spy (Black Widow), a giant (Giant-Man), a king (Black Panther), a pixie (Wasp), a ghost (Vision), and an archer (Hawkeye). He leaves out any mention of the Hulk however.
204* TheRemnant: The only Avengers that are still alive are Iron Man, Vision, Thor and Hulk.
207[[folder:Tony Stark / Iron Man]]
208!!Anthony "Tony" Stark
209!!!'''Species:''' Human
210!!!'''Voiced By:''' Creator/TomKane
211Once the superhero Iron Man, he now raises the children somewhere safe while keeping an eye on what Ultron is doing to the world.
213* CompositeCharacter: The role of creating Ultron was given to him instead of Hank Pym.
214* CoolOldGuy: He’s become this by the time of the movie, having become an adoptive father to the children of his deceased teammates. He also dons the armor again and puts up quite a fight against Ultron.
215* HesBack: Dons the Iron Man armor once again to protect the kids from Ultron.
216* OldSuperhero: While an exact age isn't given, his hair has now turned grey and it's implied that like with the other Avengers the fact that they had grown older was the reason for their retirement meaning he must have been older than most depections of the character by the time the children were born.
217* PromotedToParent: Had the responsiblity of raising James, Pym, Azari and Torunn after their parents were killed by Ultron.
222!!!'''Species:''' Android
223!!!'''Voiced By:''' Shawn Macdonald
225Known as The Ghost in the stories told to the children, he has worked with Tony to keep an eye on what Ultron is doing.
227* AgeLift: If the order of events told in Tony's stories are how they played out in reality, then Vision existed before Ultron while in the comics the latter created Vison.
228* {{Intangibility}}: How he was able to survive as long as he did.
229* UnrelatedInTheAdaptation: There doesn't seem to be any connection between Vision and Ultron, unlike in the comics.
233!!Thor Odinson
234!!!'''Species:''' Asgardian
235!!!'''Voiced By:''' Creator/MichaelAdamthwaite
237The God of Thunder, he left Earth to rule Asgard but prior to Ultron killing the Avengers chose to leave Torunn on Earth.
239* TheChainsOfCommanding: The most plausible (ie. generous) explanation for Thor's absence during the Ultron crisis, who (according to Tony) stated that after Odin's death, ruling Asgard was his responsibility from then on, not Earth. Obviously, the harsh decisions that come with leadership can take quite a toll.
240* JerkassGod: The worst possible interpretation of his actions is that he just didn't care about Earth, the death of the Avengers or his daughter.
241* ParentalAbandonment: What he did to Torunn as a child, apparently under the belief that she needed to learn the same lesson in humility that he needed.
242* FairWeatherFriend: Likely not intentional, but the fact he never returned to Earth to help with Ultron suggests that he wasn't that close with the Avengers.
246!!Robert "Bruce" Banner
247!!!'''Species:''' Mutate
248!!!'''Voiced By:''' Ken Kramer (Bruce Banner) and Creator/FredTatasciore (Hulk)
250Having left the Avengers prior to Ultron taking over, Bruce has become a hermit to avoid unleashing the Hulk on anyone.
252* CoolOldGuy: Still able to give Ultron a thrashing.
253* HesBack: He eventually returns to aid the Next Avengers in the final battle against Ultron.
254* OldSuperhero: Bruce is an old man by this point with grey hair.
255* SuperStrength: Even in old age, he’s still got it.
256* UnPerson: Apparently Tony omitted him from all the stories he told the Avengers' kids about their parents and their adventures.
261!![[Characters/MarvelComicsUltron Ultron]]
262!!!'''Species:''' Android
263!!!'''Voiced By:''' Creator/TomKane
265A robot bent on world domination, he killed the majority of the Avengers thirteen year prior the start of the film.
267* AgeLift: Based on the order of events in Tony's story, it appears that Ultron was created after Vision.
268* AdaptationalBadass: [[ZigZaggingTrope Zig-Zagged]] as this version did succeed in killing the Avengers, many other heroes and conquering the world. However at the time neither Thor or Hulk were members of the Avengers, and as shown in the film Hulk was able to beat him in a fight while Torunn was able to dispose of him permanently by throwing him into space which means that if both of Hulk and Thor had been around they would likely have beaten Ultron.
269* BigBad: He is the ruler of the Earth in this BadFuture, and the one responsible for killing the Avengers.
270* HeroKiller: Killed Captain America, Black Widow, Black Panther, Giant-Man and the Wasp. Whether directly or indirectly he is also responsible for the deaths of Hawkeye and likely every other hero as Storm, and by extension the X-Men, are confirmed to exist. In fact, his massive trophy room implies he's killed almost every other Marvel hero the world had to offer.
271* RelatedDifferentlyInTheAdaptation: Ultron created Jocasta in the comics, but since they're both created by Tony Stark that would in a way make them siblings.
272* UnrelatedInTheAdaptation: In the comics, Ultron created Vision but this film removes that.
275[[folder:Iron Avengers]]
276!!Iron Avengers
277!!!'''Species:''' Robots
278Robot copies of Captain America, Black Widow, Giant-Man, Black Panther and the Wasp designed by Tony to fight Ultron.
280* RottenRoboticReplacement: Created by Iron Man to replace the Avengers and fight Ultron, but were easily defeated and reprogrammed by Ultron.
283[[folder:Betty Ross]]
284!!Betty Ross
285!!!'''Species:''' Human
286!!!'''Voiced By:''' Creator/NicoleOliver
288A human survivor who helps lead the Next Avengers to Bruce.
290* CoolOldLady: She is still Bruce’s MoralityPet.
291* MoralityPet: Both Bruce and the Hulk care about Betty, and without her would have likely left the Next Avengers the second they had the chance.
