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Context Characters / MassEffectAndromedaTheAngara

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1[[WMG:[[center:[-''Franchise/MassEffect'' '''[[Characters/MassEffect Main Character Index]]'''\
2'''VideoGame/MassEffect1:''' [[Characters/MassEffectCommanderShepard Commander Shepard]] | [[Characters/MassEffect1PartyMembers Party Members]] ([[Characters/MassEffectKaidanAlenko Kaidan Alenko]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAshleyWilliams Ashley Williams]] | [[Characters/MassEffectGarrusVakarian Garrus Vakarian]] | [[Characters/MassEffectLiaraTSoni Liara T'Soni]] | [[Characters/MassEffectTaliZorah Tali'Zorah]] | [[Characters/MassEffectUrdnotWrex Urdnot Wrex]]) | [[Characters/MassEffect1Antagonists Antagonists]] | [[Characters/MassEffect1Npcs NPCs]]\
3'''VideoGame/MassEffect2:''' [[Characters/MassEffect2EarlyPartyMembers Early Party Members]] ([[Characters/MassEffectMirandaLawson Miranda Lawson]] | [[Characters/MassEffectJack Jack]]) | [[Characters/MassEffect2LatePartyMembers Late Party Members]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2SecretPartyMembers Secret Party Members]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2MainAntagonists Main Antagonists]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2SecondaryAntagonists Secondary Antagonists]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2NormandyCrew Normandy Crew]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2CouncilSpaceNPCs Council Space NPCs]] | [[Characters/MassEffect2NonCouncilSpaceNPCs Non-Council Space NPCs]]\
4'''VideoGame/MassEffect3:''' [[Characters/MassEffect3PartyMembers Party Members]] | [[Characters/MassEffect3AntagonistsAndNpcs Antagonists and NPCs]] | [[Characters/MassEffect3MultiplayerCharacters Multiplayer Characters]]\
5'''VideoGame/MassEffectAndromeda:''' [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaPathfinderRyder Pathfinder Ryder]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaPartyMembers Party Members]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaCrewOfTheTempest Crew of the Tempest]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaTheAndromedaInitiative The Andromeda Initiative]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaTheKett The Kett]] | '''The Angara''' | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaOtherCharacters Other Characters]] | [[Characters/MassEffectAndromedaMultiplayerCharacters Multiplayer Characters]]-]]]]]
7This page is for listing the tropes related to characters from the native angara race in ''VideoGame/MassEffectAndromeda''.
9For tropes relating to the angara race as a whole, see the [[Characters/MassEffectRaceTropesNativeAndromedaRaces Andromeda Race Tropes page]].
13!!Angara Leadership
15[[folder:Moshae Sjefa]]
16!!Moshae Sjefa
17-> '''Voiced by:''' Creator/IndiraVarma
19 [[caption-width-right:250:''"Stars and skies light our way!"'']]
20The angara's foremost expert on the Remnant and Jaal's mentor.
22* {{Ambadassador}}: [[spoiler:She's one of the choices for ambassador after the credits. Of course, she's not exactly ''happy'' over being chosen without anyone asking her first. But she'll grumble if she's not chosen either. Damned if you do, damned if you don't...]]
23* BarrierWarrior: The applications of the angara ability to discharge the electrostatic energy within their bodies overlap with biotics, so she [[spoiler:creates and maintains an impressively large shield dome for the final battle after her rescue from Voeld's kett exaltation facility]]. She's later seen doing it [[spoiler:alongside Pathfinder Raeka/Hayjer during the assault on Meridian]].
24* BlueAndOrangeMorality: She views [[spoiler: not destroying the kett facility]] as not only awful, but claims that doing so shows Ryder doesn't think much of angara society. Though she drops the matter as soon as she gets safely back to Aya so she may have just been in shock.
25* CoolOldLady: She is 115 years old and one of the few angara to personally remember FirstContact with the kett. It was largely her guidance that allowed the angara to last as long as they did.
26* TheCavalry: She shows up in full armor alongside [[spoiler:Pathfinder Raeka/Hayjer]] when [[spoiler:assaulting Meridian]].
27* {{Foil}}: An obvious one to the kett leader, The Archon. Moshae Sjefa is treated as the BigGood of the angara while The Archon is the BigBad of the game. Sjefa is one of the most unambiguously good characters in the game while The Archon is a HateSink. Where Sjefa is a HumbleHero, The Archon is a SmugSnake; Sjefa even dislikes being referred to by her title while The Archon refuses to be known as anything else (the lore implies kett do have individual names apart from their titles, but none are shown). They both have scientific knowledge, but with Sjefa applies it directly, The Archon often lets his underlings handle that side of things. She's also willing to give her life to help save the angara while The Archon [[spoiler: betrays the kett and their cause for selfish reasons]].
28* TheGadfly: Claims Jaal talks in his sleep, just to see the look on Ryder's face.
29* HumbleHero: She's one of the most unambiguously good persons in Heleus, an accomplished scientist and a revered paragon for her entire race, but she's personable, down-to-earth, has an endearing sense of humor and a noted tendency to downplay both her accomplishments and her importance to her people.
30* TheMentor: Jaal studied under her and holds her in exceedingly high regard. The same is true for [[APupilOfMineUntilHeTurnedToEvil Akksul]]. Her title and backstory heavily suggest that she's a mentor figure for ''the entire angaran race'' by virtue of making scientific breakthroughs that kept them all alive through the initial kett onslaught. Without her guidance, the angara probably wouldn't have existed anymore by the time the Andromeda Initiative arrived in Heleus.
31* NamedByDemocracy: She really doesn't like being called Moshae, but after several decades there's not much she can do about it. Except grumble.
32-->'''Sjefa:''' I don't recall who first called me Moshae, but I do recall telling him to shut up.
33* NeverMessWithGranny: Despite her age, [[spoiler:she shows up for the final battle.]]
34* PassingTheTorch: She's strongly considering it, with Avela being the receiver.
35* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Realizing that Ryder has a lot of experience with the Remnant, she goes to the vault with them after they are safe. At the end of the main story, [[spoiler:she can become the authority for all of Heleus.]]
36* SpellMyNameWithAThe: Moshae has long become her title, but it was originally an ancient angara term meaning something akin to 'a great scholar'. There were other Moshae in the past. Thus, others will refer to her as ''the'' Moshae. She doesn't much like it.
37* TheNeedsOfTheMany: She will disapprove of Ryder [[spoiler:saving the angara at the kett facility instead of destroying it]] because she believes the latter course will save more angara in the long run.
38* UniversallyBelovedLeader: The angara ''love'' her. Only one angara is shown decrying her, [[spoiler:and he's the one who sold her out to the kett, for which Sloane Kelly plans to give him the "head, spike, wall" treatment, because even the angara on Kadara, who couldn't give a rat's ass about the war with the kett, still love her.]]
41[[folder:Paaran Shie]]
42!!Governor Paaran Shie
43-> '''Voiced by:''' Creator/CindyRobinson
45 [[caption-width-right:250:''"We've been alone against the kett for too long. You've proven it doesn't have to be that way."'']]
46The governor of Aya.
48* TheBabyOfTheBunch: It's not specifically mentioned what order she was born in, but she was treated as the youngest and no one ever listened to her. Paaran remarks that her mother said Paaran only became a governor so other people would listen to her.
49--> '''Ryder''': Is she right?
50--> '''Paaran''': Always.
51* MarriedToTheJob: A Ryder of any gender can ask if she has time for romance with her job as governor, but she answers flatly that she does not.
52* MassiveNumberedSiblings: She has eight sisters and ten brothers, which she describes as average. When Ryder says that they only have one sibling, Shie asks what happened to the rest of them.
53* ReasonableAuthorityFigure: Despite Evfra's misgivings, she decides to trust Ryder and the Initiative as allies, and even gets a embassy from the Initiative opened on Aya following the Moshae's rescue.
54* WhatTheHellHero: [[spoiler:Gives a subdued one if Ryder shoots Akksul, noting it'll make things between the Initiative and the angara more tense.]]
55* {{Workaholic}}: She finds productivity the best form of relaxation.
56* WorthyOpponent: Despite her frequent disagreements with Evfra, he respects Shie for being one of the few people capable of holding her own against him.
57* YouDidntAsk: If Ryder asks why she didn't tell them about Kadara when they first met on Aya, Paaran says it's because she assumed they already knew. She didn't know that the Outlaws and Exiles were different from the Initiative.
60!!The Resistance
62[[folder:Evfra de Tershaav]]
63!!Commander Evfra de Tershaav
64-> '''Voiced by:''' Creator/RayChase
66 [[caption-width-right:250:''"Your war is different from ours."'' ]]
67The leader of the Angaran Resistance.
69* AliensOfLondon: He sounds like a spit and polish British soldier.
70* TheChainsOfCommanding: Since he's the one in charge of the Resistance, he's suffering from it badly.
71-->'''Evfra:''' I wake up every morning to fight a war. I send people to kill and die. [[AFatherToHisMen If I'm lucky, there are more dead kett than Resistance when I go to sleep]].
72* ControlFreak: Paaran Shie strongly suggests he's one.
73* TheCynic: Openly admits to Ryder he thinks the Initiative are invading the same way as the kett (pretending to be friendly before stabbing them in the back), even after Ryder helps out.
74* AFatherToHisMen: Goes with aforementioned Chains of Commanding. If Vehn Terev is executed, he notes he'll at least notify what's left of the guy's squad that the Moshae's capture wasn't their fault. An overheard conversation with one of his troops has him calling off an attack because one of his codebreakers thinks it's a trap, and neither want to risk springing it.
75* GoodIsNotNice: Evfra is a rather stern and brusque individual, especially towards other races, but he is carrying the weight of his entire species on his shoulders and has only their well-being in mind.
76* HiddenDepths: You wouldn't think that this solitary, grim, and remarkably stoic individual who has a no-nonsense attitude would also be a fan of karaoke, but sure enough he is according to Liam. How Liam found that out is anyone's guess.
77* ItsPersonal:
78** Evfra claims he was motivated to form the Resistance because of sheer irritation at the other angara. Actually, it's because his family were killed by the kett.
79** Why Evfra's so against the Roekaar. His last mother was a sweet, loving individual... until the kett killed the rest of Evfra's family. She lived, but the Roekaar got their hooks into her. The last time she and Evfra ran into one another, she actually shot him.
80* NotSoAboveItAll: Evfra's usual attitude is one of stony indifference and[=/=]or annoyance. [[spoiler:After defeating the Archon, Jaal will mention he actually said the angara and the Initiative were better off together.]]
81* PetTheDog: If Ryder destroys the ancient angaran A.I., Evfra sends a e-mail congratulating them (and also noting they saved a prisoner with a family), adding that he'd have done the exact same thing. This is notably one of the very few times that Evfra directly expresses approval of Ryder's actions.
82* PragmaticHero: Mentioned by many, including Jaal, that Evfra is a results-driven man and cares more for those than ideals. Shows up if the player [[spoiler:shoots Akksul. Evfra's not bothered about the fact he's dead, just the fact Ryder did it so ''violently''.]]
83* RebelLeader: Became the leader of the Resistance five years prior to the start of the game, transforming the once scattered and divided group into an effective guerilla organization.
84* SourSupporter: He is very hostile towards Ryder upon their first meeting but, knowing how bad things are against the kett, gives them a chance to prove themselves. After Ryder delivers on a number of occasions, Evfra accidentally makes a backhanded compliment toward them. Ryder is surprised, but says they'll take it.
85* TeethClenchedTeamwork: He doesn't like the idea of relying on aliens, because he believes the angara should handle their own problems. However, he prefers results, and is willing to send Jaal and Ryder off on missions he cannot spare resources for. He comes around when Ryder brings back good news.
86* WhatTheHellHero:
87** If Ryder spares the [[spoiler:ancient AI but takes it to the Nexus, rather than giving it to the angara like Evfra wants]], he sends them a grumbly email, the general gist of which is "how could you be so stupid?"
88** Is angry if Ryder lets Sloane execute Vehn Terev, because he wanted to question the guy.
89** [[spoiler:If Ryder trusts Jaal during his loyalty mission and lets him deal with Akksul, Evfra will read them the riot act for letting a terrorist point and fire a gun at Jaal.]]
90--->'''Evfra:''' [[AndThenWhat What was your plan if Akksul killed my best soldier?]]
91--->'''Ryder:''' [[AndThisIsFor I wouldn't have let Jaal die alone]].
92--->'''Evfra:''' [[NotHelpingYourCase Lucky it didn't come to that]].
98Jaal's true (meaning biological) mother and a member of the Resistance. She appears to be very affectionate towards her son and is very happy to meet Ryder.
100* ActionMom: Implied. She is a member of the Resistance and probably encouraged her children towards a similar path. Then there's Jaal's statement that the mother should always be given a gun...
101* AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents: Towards Jaal. When Ryder meets her, she'll immediately start gushing about how Jaal is "her favorite" and listing off his many virtues until an embarrassed Jaal asks her to stop.
102* IWantGrandkids: If Ryder romances Jaal, Sahuna asks for information about the human reproduction "for the obvious reason." She does this even if Ryder is male. Since Ryder appears to be the first human Sahuna has met, she may not know what Ryder's gender is at first.
103* ParentalFavoritism: Played with. She claims Jaal is her favorite child, but Jaal tells Ryder that she considers all her children "the favorite." It's more likely she said this as a way to make Jaal look good in front of Ryder.
104* ShipperOnDeck: For Jaal and Ryder if they have a romance. She immediately takes a liking to Ryder, brags about Jaal to them, and will send all kinds of intrusive emails afterwards asking details about human biology and Ryder's likes/dislikes. It's safe to say she basically considers them a member of the family from the first meeting.
109[[folder:The Roekaar]]
110!!The Roekaar
112A group of angaran anti-alien fanatics, formed by Akksul. Named after a legendary set of angaran warriors, they're determined to do anything to drive those filthy aliens from their shores.
114* ApeShallNeverKillApe: Under Akksul's instruction they are ''supposed'' to keep to this, only killing aliens not their own (with he exception of shooting at Jaal when Ryder's squad engages them but self defence is presumably an acceptable exception). Some Roekaar not directly working for Akksul ignore this and kill Angarans who get on with aliens. [[spoiler: Akksul eventually fails this himself, attempting to kill an unarmed Jaal, provoking a MyGodWhatHaveIDone from him and a BrokenPedestal reaction from his followers.]]
115* CategoryTraitor: Their opinion of anyone who likes or supports aliens, like Jaal or Paaran Shie. Only Akksul's word keeps them from trying to kill other angara.
116* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: On some missions, it's possible to find datapads or terminals from the footsoldiers friends and family, asking what the hell's gotten into them, and why they've run off from the Resistance.
117* FacelessMooks: The rank-n-file Roekaar. Named members go without, as do a small crowd of Roekaar present at the end of Jaal's loyalty mission.
118* FalseFlagOperation: During Jaal's loyalty mission, the Roekaar plan to blow up the Forge, a site of significant historical importance to the angaran, and make it look like the Initiative did it.
119* FantasticRacism: They despise any and all aliens, even ones who haven't done anything to them.
120* MoralMyopia: From their point of view, they're defending their home. Apparently trying to murder pregnant women and children, using violently ill women as weapons, or utterly poisoning the biospheres of entire planets counts as "defense".
121* ANaziByAnyOtherName: Aside from their general racism and "Heleus for angara only" mindset, the generic troopers have outfits with their insignia on the left arm.
122* UngratefulBastard: No matter what Ryder does to help the angara, the Roekaar continue to want to murder all the Milky Way species.
123* WouldHurtAChild: A group of them try to kill Dr. Zoe Kennedy, and her unborn child, to make an example of them.
124* YourTerroristsAreOurFreedomFighters: Some angaran see Akksul and his followers as heroic freedom fighters, battling the evil alien oppressors, as they plan to blow up the Forge, which the angara consider an important historical site.
131 [[caption-width-right:250:''"I speak for our people! And I say you're done in Heleus."'']]
132The founder of the Roekaar who believes the Milky Way aliens will weaken and crush the angara, seeking to turn opinion against them.
134* AbsoluteXenophobe: The founder and leader of an entire organization of them.
135* ArcVillain: Of Jaal's loyalty mission.
136* ArmorPiercingResponse: At one point, shuts down Ryder's attempt to make peace with him by pointing out the Milky Way species can treat each other like crap, citing the example of the krogan. Ryder can't respond to that one, and Akksul walks off before they recover.
137* BeingTorturedMakesYouEvil: He was once considered to be among the best of angara, but being imprisoned and tortured by the kett turned him into a genocidal fanatic who wants to wipe out all aliens, not just the kett, to keep his people safe from invaders.
138* BlackAndWhiteInsanity: In his mind, all aliens are evil and no matter what they claim eventually they will turn on the angara.
139* TheCorruptor: Manages to sway a good deal of angara to his side, including Jaal's siblings, with the implication he went after them ''specifically'' to get at Jaal.
140* DebtDetester: Some of his canned orders in Jaal's loyalty mission have him give this as a reason for attacking the Initiative - given the amount Ryder has done, is doing and probably will do for the angara, how much would it cost the angara to repay that debt? Of course, this is running on the refusal to acknowledge Ryder wouldn't ever call in those debts. (And it's just an excuse for Akksul's vendetta.)
141* DontCreateAMartyr: At the end of Jaal's loyalty mission, Ryder has him at gunpoint. Whether they shoot is up to the player, but it's made clear that if they do, Akksul will be a martyr for the Roekaar. [[spoiler:If they do shoot, near everyone scolds Ryder for it.]]
142* EvenEvilHasLovedOnes: He clearly cares about his old teacher, Moshae Sjefa, and frets over her once she's rescued from the kett.
143* EvenEvilHasStandards: Refuses to kill fellow angara, even those who aid the Initiative. [[spoiler:Attempting to cross this line is what causes many of his followers to abandon him]].
144* EvilCounterpart: To Evfra. Both are charismatic but grouchy angara who were badly hurt by the kett, and began recruiting many like-minded angara to their cause, but while Evfra is willing, however begrudgingly, to work with aliens, Akksul is utterly incapable of seeing them as anything but utter evil.
145* EvilSoundsDeep: His voice is as deep as Jaal's, and he's not a nice guy.
146* {{Expy}}: Of Ka'hairal Balak from the original trilogy: An AbsoluteXenophobe whose hatred drives him to commit terrorist acts with VERY high amounts of CollateralDamage. He alienates some of his followers when they realize just how mean spirited he really is. You can shoot him, ending his threat but martyring him in the eyes of his "revolution", or spare him, leaving him still at large but his operations considerably set back. If spared, he proves possible to reason with, thought it is unlikely that he can truly let go of his hatred.
147* FalseFlagOperation: [[spoiler: Launches one during Jaal's loyalty mission. Using stolen Initiative munitions, he plans on blowing up the Forge, a sacred cultural site said to the birthplace of the angara, in the hopes of turning his people against the Milky Way races. Fortunately, Ryder and Jaal are able to intervene in time.]]
148* FantasticRacism: Against all aliens.
149* HazyFeelTurn: [[spoiler:Should he survive Jaal's loyalty mission, he sends Ryder an e-mail saying that while he probably isn't going to get over his FantasticRacism any time soon, he might at least try.]]
150* HeWhoFightsMonsters: His hatred of the kett blinds him to the fact that he has become just as monstrous as them, with plans for the extermination of all members of the Initiative. His plan for triggering a war even involves [[spoiler:blowing up the Forge, one of the angarans' most sacred and ancient sites that they believe was the birthplace of their civilization. He also has the same master plan as The Archon; render planets uninhabitable to kill their enemies and anyone who gets in their way]].
151* HoistByHisOwnPetard: [[spoiler:He attempts to provoke Ryder into killing him, [[MyDeathIsOnlyTheBeginning thus making him a martyr and strengthening the Roekaar]]. Jaal ''immediately'' turns the situation around on Akksul and, depending on player choices, [[KillMeNowOrForeverStayYourHand allows Akksul to shoot him to weaken the Roekaar instead]].]]
152* {{Hypocrite}}: During Jaal's loyalty mission, Akksul can be heard declaring the Initiative doesn't want to share worlds. This would be the leader of an anti-alien hate group who would do anything, even attempt to destroy the ecosystems of the planets they've settled on, to get rid of them.
153* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: [[spoiler:After shooting and nearly killing Jaal, he seems in shock at the lines he's willing to cross.]]
154* NotSoWellIntentionedExtremist: While he claims that what they do is to protect the angara, it becomes clear from their actions ([[WithUsOrAgainstUs murdering angaran Milky Way sympathizers]], attempting to destroy entire biospheres and trying to [[spoiler:blow up an angaran holy place [[FalseFlagOperation with stolen Initiative tech]]]]) that he's motivated purely by a hatred of aliens and only use angaran safety as a cheap excuse.
155* TheParagonAlwaysRebels: Many angarans, including Jaal and the Moshae, remember Akksul as one of the brightest and best of them. Then a year of imprisonment and forced labor at the hands of the kett, with the Resistance completely helpless to do anything to save him and his fellow prisoners, turned Akksul into a vengeance fueled monster who used his popularity and charisma to convince hundreds of angarans that only the extermination of all alien life in the Heleus Cluster would free them.
156* APupilOfMineUntilHeTurnedToEvil: He was once the Moshae's best student, filled with curiosity and intellectual drive. Then he was a prisoner of the kett for over a year, turning him into a bitter, angry, and hate-filled shell of his former self.
157* SanitySlippage: His obsession causes him to become more and more unstable, until he's willing to kill other angara for his cause.
158* ShooTheDog: Mixed with kicking it at the same time, no less. He abducts all the scientists and pilgrims at the Forge, using violent means when they resist, but he has them shoved onto a shuttle rather than leaving them around for when [[spoiler:he tries to blow it up.]]
159* ShutUpKirk: To Ryder.
160-->'''Ryder:''' I want to be allies. ''Equal'' allies.
161-->'''Akksul:''' You don't even treat your own equally. [[ArmorPiercingQuestion Isn't that why the krogan left?]]
162* SmugSnake: Jaal even calls him the Angaran word for "someone who is pleased with their own shit".
163-->'''Peebee:''' Guy loves the sound of his voice, huh?
164-->'''Jaal:''' You have no idea...
165* UniversallyBelovedLeader: As a survivor of the kett and a venerated military hero, Akksul commands considerable sway among the angara. This leads to the Roekaar being fanatically loyal to him and willing to accept his AbsoluteXenophobe mentality. [[spoiler:By the time of Jaal's loyalty mission, this has started to wane among the rank and file and shatters entirely when the Roekaar see that not only is Akksul willing to destroy an unfathomably important cultural relic but also kill ''[[MotiveDecay other angara]]'' to prevent dissent against his genocidal campaign.]]
166* VillainousBreakdown: [[spoiler:During his confrontation with Jaal, Akksul's argument quickly breaks down when Jaal points out all the things Ryder has done up to that point, including saving the Moshae. Akksul has no argument against that, and quickly resorts to pointing a gun at him.]]
167-->'''Jaal:''' I've seen Ryder make worlds habitable!\
168'''Akksul:''' Exactly. And they'll never let us forget it--\
169'''Jaal:''' He/She rescued our beloved Moshae!\
170'''Akksul:''' I know...\
171'''Jaal:''' [[PunctuatedForEmphasis Saved... her... life.]]\
172'''Akksul:''' I ''know!'' [[LameComeback Stop defending them!]]
173* VillainousBSOD: [[spoiler: If Ryder doesn't shoot him to try and save Jaal, Akksul spends much of the rest of the cutscene standing in mute horror at the line he had nearly just crossed.]]
174-->'''Jaal:''' The alien is not the monster here.\
175'''Akksul (as if in denial to what he just did):''' [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone ...I love my people.]]
176* YouWouldntShootMe: He subjects Ryder to this during the end of Jaal's loyalty mission under the argument that if they do he'd become a martyr for the Roekaar. [[spoiler: Jaal subjects him to a silent one in the same cutscene, which he both does and doesn't take. Does in that he takes the shot and doesn't in that due to his shaking hand, possibly out of unconscious recognition of what he's doing, he misses.]]
182A Roekaar on Havarl, who Ryder encounters in their quest to save the planet's ecosystem.
186* FaceDeathWithDignity: Assuming Ryder has come to kill him, and given by the time they meet face-to-face Ryder has killed all his troops (in self-defense, admittedly, since the Roekaar attacked without provocation), he's calmly accepting of the situation.
187* HeelFaceTurn: He agrees to help Ryder restart the monoliths. Seeing Zorai's memories give him pause, and makes him quit the Roekaar once everything's over.
188* LivingMacguffin: Ryder needs to find Taavos because he's the last known descendant of Zorai, the last person who knew where the third of Havarl's monoliths are. The Ryder Luck rearing it's head when the person they need to find is a terrorist.
189* MookLieutenant: While the Roekaar hierarchy isn't explored, he's in direct communication with Akksul, having received several e-mails from the guy before Ryder shows up, suggesting he's up there.
190* {{Reincarnation}}: Believed by the Sages of Mithrava to be one of Zorai, who's been dead for several hundred years. Whether he is or isn't, he definitely responds to her gauntlet, [[MaybeMagicMaybeMundane but that may just be because he's also her direct biological descendant]].
194[[folder:Farah Noskos]]
195!!Farah Noskos
197 [[caption-width-right:250:''"Invaders and sympathizers are not innocent. I will protect my home."'']]
199A Roekaar leader on Kadara.
201* FantasticRacism: Like all Roekaar, she despises aliens and sees them all as invaders.
202* FinalSolution: Her ultimate endgame is to kill every Milky Way alien in Heleus, despite Ryder pointing out this is impractical and unlikely.
203-->'''Ryder:''' You can't kill all of us.
204-->'''Farah:''' I can try!
205* JustBetweenYouAndMe: If Ryder tries to ask some questions, she immediately shoots them down with a perfunctory "no". You ain't getting a motive rant out of this one.
206* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: A gruesome example, but she and her cell managed to overpower an armed, armored and [[SuperStrength experienced krogan warrior]], then killed him by [[CruelAndUnusualDeath prying off his headplate with a knife]]. Ryder's team seems equal parts impressed and disturbed when they investigate the grisly aftermath.
207* PsychoKnifeNut: She is very fond of knives, using one to murder multiple people across Kadara and attacking Ryder with it.
208* SerialKiller: Killed several aliens and angarans who she viewed as sympathizers and left their bodies in public as messages.
211!!Other Angara
216A merchant on the planet Elaaden, and the only person who can reliably sell water, making her de facto ruler of the planet.
218* TheCavalry: [[spoiler:Assuming you don't reveal her water supply to the rest of Elaaden, she'll join in the battle against the Archon.]]
219* CharacterDeath: [[spoiler:If she loses her sole access the Elaaden's water, Annea will try to have Ryder killed. Eventually, she can be found and confronted in a makeshift camp, where she'll respond with violence once again and die for it.]]
220* DramaticallyMissingThePoint: [[spoiler:One of the datapads found by her hired thugs if she tries to assassinate Ryder proclaims "no more lives will be lost to this meddling outsider." Apparently the notion that people would stop dying if she stopped trying to ''kill'' Ryder isn't sinking in for her.]]
221* EvilWearsBlack: [[spoiler:If Ryder confronts her at her secret base, she's decked out in black armor.]]
222* GuideDangIt: Her character arc seems to fizzle out if she and Ryder end up as enemies. There's no indication in-game that she's still around afterwards, beyond random attacks from mercenaries, and can be interacted with, and her location is both unmarked and out of the way, so even if you know she's still out there, you probably won't find her without a guide unless you happen upon her by accident.
223* IOwnThisTown: She makes absolutely no secret of how much she enjoys the near-absolute power she wields over Elaaden's population just because she's their only source of water. Notably, this dependency extends to the krogan colony as well. [[spoiler:No wonder she's royally pissed if Ryder finds her source and chooses to make it public.]]
224* ItsAllAboutMe: [[spoiler:If Ryder reveals her water source to all Elaaden, Annea will try to have them murdered, and if confronted rails about how awful humans are and how Ryder has ruined her life.]]
225* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: Both her underlings and Jaal (if he's in the party) will comment on how utterly unlike her it is to give Ryder access to her water reserves, free of charge.
226* VillainExitStageLeft: If Ryder decides to hand over the source of water to the Initiative, Annea [[ShockAndAwe shocks]] Ryder and orders her {{Mooks}} to attack, giving her enough time to make a clean getaway. You can encounter her again later on, when she won't be so lucky.
227* WantsAPrizeForBasicDecency: When arguing with Ryder about whether she should have shared the water, she declares she ''allowed'' the krogan to set up a colony. Ryder shoots back that it shouldn't be up to her.
228* YouKilledMyFather: Why she's reluctant to share her water source. Back when the Outcasts first showed up, her brother gave them shelter out of kindness. [[TheFarmerAndTheViper They killed him.]]
231[[folder:Avela Kjar]]
232-> '''Voiced by:''' Kate Kennedy
235An angaran archivist. She is a romance option for a male Ryder.
237* ChekhovsGunman
238** Avela makes several educated guesses about the relationship between the Scourge and the Remnant. [[spoiler:First and foremost, she notices that the Scourge targeted not just the ship of an ancient angaran, but the angaran's helmet too. She reaches the conclusion that this means the Scourge didn't just attack the ship, but the pilot as well, and Ryder makes the logical leap that the pilot could have had Remnant tech inside them. At the end of the game, you learn that the angara and Remnant are both creations of the Jardaan, and the Scourge was a weapon design to target ''all'' of Jardaan's work.]]
239** One that hasn't been fired yet is the early period angara statue that Ryder finds, which Ryder and Avela discuss the possibility of being a depiction of a deity due to its deviations from angara appearances. [[spoiler: Considering the origins of the angara, if their hypothesis is correct then that statue is the only known visual representation of a Jardaan.]]
240* CuteBookworm: She's more of a historian with artifacts than books, but she is romanceable, and has a cute, excitable voice.
241* HeroicBSOD: [[spoiler:Once the news about the angara's origin comes out, she apparently becomes incredibly quiet.]] Not that you'd know from speaking to her, though.
242* LovedINotHonorMore: She sees her relationship to a romanced Ryder as secondary to his important work as a Pathfinder. As such, she's willing to accept that his life in space is separate from his life with her.
243* LoveInterest: She can be romanced by a male Ryder.
244* MarriedToTheJob: A datapad found at the repository has her assuring her mother that her recent break-up with her boyfriend is no biggie, since she's quite happy with her work. Of course, doesn't apply if she gets into a relationship with Scott.
245* MassiveNumberedSiblings: She's one of fourteen, by Angaran standards this is considered a small family and even describes her childhood as lonely with so few siblings, when Ryder says they have one sibling she offers Ryder her sympathy, as she assumes something terrible must have happened.
246* NiceGirl: Among Aya's citizens she's far and away the most open to the Initiative newcomers, going so far as to scold other angara for their open hostility when Ryder is escorted through the city during the Nexus' first contact. Afterwards she can be found and talked to at the docks, exuding nothing but friendly, excited curiosity. Her attitude is most likely fueled by her scientific interest, but that doesn't diminish it.
247* NightmareFetishist: She can get pretty excited about items that have been damaged and tainted by the Scourge -- but that's because it provides valuable insight into what the early days of contact with it was like.
248* RedheadInGreen: Angara don't have hair, but Avela's pink skin combined with her green clothes creates a similar striking effect.
249* TwiceShy: Background chatter on Aya reveals that Avela and Jaal were mutually interested in each other at some point, but both were too nervous to make a move.
252[[folder:Calot Gurting]]
253!!Calot Gurting
256The angara leader of a raider band of slavers and scavengers. He kidnapped one of Liam's friends.
258* ArcVillain: For Liam's loyalty mission.
259* AttentionWhore: He gets very angry when people ignore him.
260* AwesomeYetImpractical: His salvaged kett ship is massive and destroyed several of his rivals. However, it's in such bad shape that he needs to keep salvaging and kidnap people for menial labor in order to keep it functioning.
261* BadBoss: He pistol-whips an underling for objecting to Calot's order to space Ryder's squad. Several audio logs found about the ship suggests he's in the habit of murdering underlings for not doing what he wants, even as they're trying to point out what he wants isn't going to work.
262* BerserkButton: Being ignored.
263* CutLexLuthorACheck: Liam notes that Calot must be an incredibly skilled mechanic to restore a derelict kett ship. Despite this, Calot insists on using his skills to raid and enslave. Even when he kidnaps Liam's contacts, it's not because of their valuable intel, but so they can work on his ship. Even the ship itself is a remarkable find - [[spoiler:it's analogous to an ark, making it clear the kett are not native to Heleus]] - but Calot either doesn't know or doesn't care.
264* TheDogBitesBack: Less sympathetic than the usual trope, as Calot was always a raider. However, he was looked down upon by other raiders, and now, after repairing a kett ship, he's out to destroy any who ignored or wronged him.
265* DisproportionateRetribution: He tries to space Ryder's squad because Ryder and Liam keep disconnecting Calot when he tries to talk to them.
266* FlunkyBoss: During his boss fight, Calot hides behind a shield while his minions fight you. The minions respawn infinitely until you bring down the shield.
267* InsaneTrollLogic: On finding out about Ryder and their team, he declares that by setting foot on his ship they've become his property.
268* ItsAllAboutMe: And he'll kill anyone who says or implies otherwise. Even as Ryder and co. are bearing down on him, ready to kill, he's ''still'' ranting and raving about how he doesn't deserve what's coming to him.
269-->'''Calot:''' I don't deserve this! I'm better than all of you!
270* LargeHam: One of the largest in the whole game, surpassed only by the Archon and his Ascendants. He's [[ChewingTheScenery devouring so much scenery]] it's a wonder his ship is still space-worthy by the time you encounter him in person.
271* PyrrhicVictory: A hypothetical one since he doesn't survive his fight against Ryder's team, but even if he had come out on top, the shield generator he rigged up for the battle exposed him to so much radiation in just a few minutes that his remaining time would've been measured in days at most.
272* SmallNameBigEgo: He is not nearly as big a deal as he thinks he is.
273* VillainousBreakdown: This is more or less his default mode from the moment Ryder's team sets foot on his ship, and it just keeps escalating the closer they get to his position. He then spends the entirety of his BossBattle throwing an epic hissy fit about the perceived injustice done to him - see ItsAllAboutMe above.
274* WhosLaughingNow: Calot was once the laughing stock of the raider world. Then he got his hands on a derelict kett ship and has devoted his life to getting revenge on everyone who has ever looked own on him. And he still remains the laughing stock of the raiding world because, while intimidating, his ship is too damaged to be practical and he's still an incompetent leader.
277[[folder:Keema Dohrgun]]
278!!Keema Dohrgun
281An angaran living on Kadara, Keema is a longtime acquaintance of Reyes Vidal (known to the Resistance as the informant Shena), and is implied to be the primary go between between him and Evfra. [[spoiler: In secret, she is a high ranking member of the Collective, serving as a legitimate front for the organization while its true leader rules from the shadows.]]
283* AliensOfLondon: As with many angarans, she speaks with a British accent.
284* TheDragon: [[spoiler: To the Charlatan.]]
285* MeetTheNewBoss: [[spoiler: If Ryder helps the Charlatan overthrow Sloane Kelly, then Keema becomes the new administrator of Kadara Port while the Charlatan [[TheManBehindTheMan runs things from behind the scenes]]. Things aren't that much better than they were under Sloane's leadership, as any non-angaran who isn't affiliated with the Collective is effectively given the boot. Although Keema attempts to justify this by saying that supporters of the previous regime could not be fully trusted, there is the hint that something far more sinister is going on.]]
286* MouthOfSauron: [[spoiler: She is one for the Collective, though moreso if they gain control of Kadara Port.]]
287* NotInThisForYourRevolution: Like most of the angara on Kadara, she doesn't care about the war or the Resistance, preferring to focus on Kadara's problems first and foremost. She does feed Evfra intel on Kadara when doing so benefits the Collective.
288* PetTheDog: [[spoiler: If Keema is running Kadara, she doesn't extort the Ditaeon Outpost for protection money like Sloane Kelly does.]]
289* VillainWithGoodPublicity: Sloane apparently thought Keema was just an ordinary socialite with no criminal ties, and she was trusted enough to be a high profile guest at the mixer Sloane throws during Reyes' loyalty mission. [[spoiler: And if the Collective takes over Kadara Port, then Keema is initially seen as a fairly progressive figure who might be able to enact some positive change on the station... until Ryder starts seeing subtle signs that indicate otherwise.]]
