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Context Characters / FinalFantasyXIDeitiesAvatarsAndOtherImmortalEntities

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1!![[center:'''Navigation''' [[Characters/FinalFantasyXITheAdventurer The Adventurer]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIRepublicOfBastok The Republic of Bastok]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIKingdomOfSanDoria The Kingdom of San d'Oria]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIFederationOfWindurst The Federation of Windurst]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIGrandDuchyOfJeuno The Grand Duchy of Jeuno]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIMarquisateOfTavnazia The Marquisate of Tavnazia]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIEmpireOfAhtUrhgan The Empire of Aht Urhgan]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXISacredCityOfAdoulin The Sacred City of Adoulin]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXITheUlbukaWilderness The Ulbuka Wilderness]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIOtherLocationsAndIndependentCharacters Other Locations and Independent Characters]] | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIBeastmen Beastmen]] | Deities, Avatars, and Immortal Entities | [[Characters/FinalFantasyXIJobs Jobs]]]]
8!The High Gods
9The highest, and most powerful gods in Vana'diel and the multiverse that surrounds it. Altana is viewed as the creator goddess of light who created the Zilart and the five races. Opposite to her is the twilight god, Promathia, and his multiple forms across the multiverse. Between the two of them, they keep Vana'diel in balance, which in turn keeps The Cloud of Darkness, the embodiment of the primordial chaos from which all universes are born, at bay
13->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathis, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
15The creator-goddess of Vana'diel. According to legend, she created a race called the Zilart, but after they destroyed themselves through their own hubris, she shed five tears that created the five Enlightened Races of Vana'diel.
17* BigGood: The most powerful, benevolent force in the Vana'diel multiverse.
18* CrystalDragonJesus: San d'Oria worship of her draws heavily on medieval christianity.
19* DestructiveRomance / WithFriendsLikeThese: ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel'' implies her relationship with Promathia was like this
20* DeusExMachina: Literally, at the end of ''Chains of Promathia,'' where [[spoiler:Altana intervenes to take out Promathia for good.]]
21* DivineIntervention: While Altana is usually pretty passive, she has intervened with the lives of mortals several times through out Vana'diels history.
22** Creating Cait Sith in order to change the outcome of The Crystal War
23** Sending Iroha into the past to save the Vana'diel from the Cloud of Darkness
24* {{Expy}}: In terms of design, resembles quite much ''Final Fantasy VI'''s Goddess.
25* GodOfGood
26* HotGod: See her picture
27* HugeGuyTinyGirl: While she is a giant compared to humans, she is completely dwarfed by Promathia.
28* PurpleIsPowerful: Her skin is purple, and she is second to only The Cloud of Darkness in terms of power
29* SwissArmyTears: According to legend, The Five Races where born from the tears Altana shed over the destruction of the Zilart and the Kuluu. [[spoiler:This turns out to be just a myth, as the Five Races there instead created to host the emptiness that threatened to consume Promathia]]
30** Cait Sith was born from the tears Altana shared over the Crystal War
31* TopGod: Altana is the strongest god in Vana'diel. To put things in perspective, just a small portion of her power is enough to get The Adventurer to fight evenly with a character above Promathia's ultimate form. The only thing stronger than her is The Cloud of Darkness.
32* TheUnseen: Despite being an incredibly important character, she is never seen face to face. At most she uses characters like Cait Sith and The Terrestrial Avatars to fulfill her will on the mortal plane. [[spoiler: This changes, fourteen years into the games lifespan. In the third chapter of ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, The Adventurer travels to the Astral Plane to meet her]]
37 [[quoteright:300:]]
40[[caption-width-right:300:[[labelnote:Spoilers: Click to see Promathia as Shinryu.]][[/labelnote]]]]
42->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathia, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
43'''Appears in Quests:''' Abyssea.
46The Dark God in opposition to Atlana. He seeks his resurrection in his Keeper of the Apocalypse form, which will then unleash the emptiness on Vana'diel and allow him to rule over it.
48* TheBadGuyWins: The Adventurer journeys to two universes where Promathia wins. [[spoiler: In Abyssea, Promathia absorbs The Adventurer and Selh'teus before unleashing waves of monsters, and Desuetia, where Promathia succeeds in unleashing the emptiness and rules in his ultimate form]]
49* BalanceOfGoodAndEvil: Altana goes out of her way to keep the Emptiness from consuming Promathia in order to keep this balance in check because...
50** LoadBearingBoss: without this balance the Cloud of Darkness threatens to consume the world. NiceJobBreakingItHero.
51* BarrierChangeBoss: One of the more notable ones in the game.
52* BlueAndOrangeMorality: He believes that the people of Vana'diel [[spoiler:want to die, or at least would be happier death.]]
53* TheCorrupter: As Prishe and co approach the Keeper of the Apocalypse, he begins tempting them to release him. [[spoiler:Tenzen has to knock most of the party out in order to prevent them from resurrecting him]]
54* DragonsAreDivine: [[spoiler: The Promathia in Abyssea transforms into the dragon god Shinryu after absorbing the player character and Selh'tues]]
55* TheDreaded: He is so greatly feared that according to some speaking his name is enough to bring ruination.
56* EvilIsBigger: Promathia is much bigger than his good counter part, Altana.
57* TheFaceless: In his base form. [[spoiler:It changes in his dragon forms.]]
58* FinalBoss: Of ''Chains of Promathia.''
59* GameplayAndStorySegregation: In ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel,'' its mentioned that [[spoiler:his Sempune form is his strongest form.]] Yet in ''Abyssea'' [[spoiler: his Shinryu form is stronger]]
60* GodOfEvil: According to legend. [[spoiler:Its a lot more complicated in real life.]]
61* PiecesOfGod: One of the big plot twists in ''Chains of Promathia'' is that [[spoiler: all of the five races contain Promathia's emptiness within them.]]
62* PowerFloats: He doesn't walk.
63* PurpleIsPowerful: As one of the most powerful gods in XI.
64* ScaledUp: [[spoiler:It happens to two alternative versions of Promathia in ''Abyssea'' and ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.'']]
65* SecretArt: The blue magic, Might Guard can only be learned from several of his different battles
66* ShroudedInMyth: Due to being TheDreaded, its difficult to tell what the truth about who he is, what he wants and what his relationship with both Altana and those on the mortal plane is.
67* SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum: His main goal.
72[[folder:Cloud of Darkness]]
74->'''Appears in Missions:''' Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
77A world devouring force that appears whenever there is an imbalance between light and darkness. It destroys BadFuture Vana'diel due to Promathia's death, prompting Iroha to travel to the past to try and avoid this fate.
79* AnimatedArmor: The form you fight it in.
80* AnthropomorphicPersonification: Of the void.
81* CosmicHorrorStory: The Cloud of Darkness's presence pushes the game in this direction.
82* DetachmentCombat: Its body is made out of several detached hovering around a floating mask. Its appendages detach from it during certain attacks
83* EldritchAbomination
84* EvilMask: It the final battle it manifests itself as a giant mask surrounded by a stone body.
85* FightingAShadow: The final boss of the game [[spoiler:isn't the Cloud of Darkness in its entirety, just a fragment of it that had corrupted the sixth mothercrystal]]
86* FinalBoss: Of ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel'', and since ''Rhapsodies'' is the final major content update, effectively the ultimate final boss for ''Final Fantasy XI'' as a whole.
87* LegacyCharacter: The Cloud of Darkness originally appeared in ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyIII'', and also appeared in ''VideoGame/FinalFantasyXIV'' prior to ''XI''.
88* PrimordialChaos: It is the void that all universes are born into
89* PowerOfTheVoid: Pretty much the void incarnate.
90* SentientCosmicForce: It is much a force of nature than a god.
91* SequelEscalation: As the last major story line boss, The Cloud of Darkness is easily the most formidable. Even gods like Promathia and Shinryu don't stand a chance against it.
92* SoundtrackDissonance: The soundtrack for the battle against the Cloud of Darkness is a rather melancholic melody for an EldritchAbomination.
96!The Celestial Avatars
97The eight gods that ruled over Vana'diel during the Age of Paradise. As paradise came to an end and The Mothercrystal split into five different pieces, they fell into a deep sleep, and have remained in that state ever since
99[[folder:The Sleeping Gods]]
100->'''Appears in Missions:''' Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, Voracious Resurgence.\
101'''Appears in Quests:''' Summoner.
104Six Celestial Avatars sleeping within crystals across Vana'diel, each one representing a different element. If they ever wake, they will wipe out humanity and return Vana'diel to the state it was in during the Age of the Gods.
106* AscendedExtra: This is Garuda's first appearance as a summon.
107* BlueAndOrangeMorality: They seem to believe that the current state of Vana'Diel is just a dream. [[spoiler: To them, destroying the current Vana'Diel to bring back paradise is just like waking up]]
108* DefeatEqualsFriendship: You have a chance to make a pact with the Avatars after you defeat them, which allows you to summon them during battle.[[spoiler: Carbuncle hopes that this relationship will run deeper, and the sleeping gods would have grown fond enough of humanity to spare them when they wake.]]
109* FantasticRacism: They look down on the Terrestrial Avatars, viewing them as false gods.
110* FightingAShadow: The battles you fight are just manifestations of the avatars. The true avatars remain asleep in the crystals.
111* NeutralNoLonger: After spending most of the game to sleep, the presence of The Cloud of Darkness finally gets them to aid Iroha and The Adventurer for the final battle.
112* ShroudedInMyth: The in universe stories about their origins directly contradict what we learn about them over the different stories.
113* TheOldGods: They are the old gods to the modern, terrestrial avatars.
114* TookALevelInBadass: Shiva, Ifrit and Ramuh are usually among the weakest summons in any FF game, with Titan not for ahead of them. In Vana'diel they are much stronger than the likes of Bahamut and Fenrir (lore wise at least)
120->'''Appears in Missions:''' Treasures of Aht Urghan, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
122The Celestial Avater of Light worshiped as a guardian deity that used to be worshipped by the former Alzadaal Empire. He has a grudge against Odin that lead to the destruction of the Alzadaal Empire when the two clashed in combat.
124* ArchEnemy: To Odin.
125** EnemyMine: [[spoiler:He teams up with Odin to restore power to Phoenix at the end of ''Rhapsodies'' in order to take down The Cloud of Darkness]]
126* DestructiveSaviour: [[spoiler:His battle with Odin centuries ago ended up wiping out the very civilizations that prayed to him to save them. It would have happened again if not for The Adventurer and Nashmeira.]]
127** [[spoiler:DestroyerDeity.]]
128* EndlessDaytime: The bright light he admitted from his fight with Odin let to night time in the Middle Lands being eradicated for an entire year. This event is used at the start of current calender.
129* FantasticNuke: His body he possess was designed to be this.
130* FightingAShadow: [[spoiler:You don't fight the true Alexander. Alexander just possesses the Iron Colossus]]
131* FinalBoss: Of ''Treasures of Aht Urhgan.''
132* FlunkyBoss: He summons smaller Alexander Images during his post story bosses
133* HolyHandGrenade: As per his history in the series.
134* HumongousMecha: His previous body was this.
135* LightIsNotGood: Despite being the Light Avatar, he can be just as destructive as Odin.
136* TookALevelInKindness: [[spoiler:In ''Rhapsodies'', he is a lot more kind towards the player than in ''Treasures'', going as far as to temporarily restore Phoenix's blessing on Iroha and pointing The Adventurer in the direction of Cait Sith.]]
137* StationaryBoss: He can't move during his boss fight.
138* StoneWall: Especially once he uses Perfect Defense.
139* ThatsNoMoon: The Alzadaal Undersea Ruins? They are actually the ruins of Alexander's previous body.
140* TheOldGods: Like The Sleeping Gods, Alexander predates the Terrestrial Avatars, but is usually asleep......Usually
146->'''Appears in Missions:''' Treasures of Aht Urghan, Wings of the Goddess, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
147'''Appears in Quests:''' Einherjar.
149The Celestial Avater of Darkness, also known as the Dark Deity among the beastment that worship him. His sleep is much shallower than the others, so he is much more active in active in Vana'diels affairs, often granting his followers immense strength.
151* ArchEnemy: To Alexander.
152** [[spoiler:EnemyMine: He teams up with Alexander to restore power to Phoenix at the end of ''Rhapsodies'' in order to take down The Cloud of Darkness]]
153* BlackKnight: He takes the appearance of a black knight.
154* CoolHorse
155* TheCorrupter: [[spoiler:Odin is the one responsible for Raogrimm's FaceHeelTurn into the Shadow Lord]].
156* DealWithTheDevil: He does this with Luzaf, [[spoiler: Raogrimm, Lady Lilth and The Adventurer.]]
157* DemonicPossession: [[spoiler:He does this to Luzaf]]
158** GrandTheftMe
159* FightingAShadow: Unlike the other Celestial Avatars, you actually come face to face with the actual Odin. You still don't fight him though.
160* OneHitKill: In keeping with Odin's history in the franchise.
161* PetTheDog: After you beat him his avatar over a dozen times after the ''Treasures'' story [[spoiler:he decides to release Luzaf's soul in the end]]
162* PhysicalGod: Unlike the other Celestial Avatars, the actual Odin appears in the mortal plane due to a rift between the mortal plane and the celestial plane.
163* RedBaron: The Dark Divinity.
164* TheOldGods: Along side The Sleeping Gods and Alexander. Unlike them, Odin is still incredibly active in the post paradise Vana'diel.
165* ThePowerOfHate: A common trait among his followers that he blesses with his power.
166* TheUnfought: Although we actually meet the real Odin in the mortal plane, The Adventurer never actually fights him.
167* VillainRespect: Fighting his avatar repeatedly earns him his respect.
171!The Terrestrial Avatars
172Five avatars that where transformed from common beasts sometime between The Age of Paradise and The Great Meltdown. They have been tasked with protecting Vana'diel, which led them to fighting against The Zilart after they tried to open the Gates to Paradise
177->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathia, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
178'''Appears in Quests:''' Summoner, Windurst [s].
180The Avatar of rainbows. Carbuncle guides potential summoners through their development.
182* BefriendingTheEnemy: [[spoiler:Carbuncle's end goal is for The Five Races to befriend the Celestial Avatars, hoping that the Avatars will spare them when they wake up]]
183* BadassAdorable: Naturally.
184* BewareTheNiceOnes: Despite being one of the nicest deities in the game, Carbuncle can put up an intense boss battle.
185* BestFriend: With Fenrir.
186* DoppelgangerAttack: As the fight goes on you end up fighting three versions of Carbuncle at once.
187* EverythingsBetterWithRainbows: Carbuncle is The Rainbow Avatar.
188* FantasticFoxes: Takes the form of a fox, and will [[spoiler:turn back into a regular fox if Vana'diel regressed into paradise]]
189* FantasticRacism: Carbuncle is the victim off this from The Sleeping Gods, who views her as a false god
190* KamehameHadoken: Some of Carbuncle's more powerful attacks look a lot like this.
191* KillerRabbit: Despite being so small, Carbuncle has one of the most difficult avatar battles in the game.
192* LightEmUp: Uses light based attacks.
193* PhysicalGod: As an avatar.
194* PowerFloats: Like most avatars.
195* RidiculouslyCuteCritter: It's kind of self evident.
196* SaveYourDeity: [[spoiler:At the end of the summoner questline]]
202->'''Appears in Missions:''' Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
203'''Appears in Quests:''' Windurst [s].
205The Wolf Avatar of both the moon and of divination. He lives in Full Moon Fountain, within the Horutoto Ruins, and is the source of the Star Sybil's premonitions.
207* {{Astrologer}}: Being a seer with an affiliation with the moon.
208* TheBerserker: He looses control of himself during his battle [[spoiler:against the Yagudo Theomiliatary towards the end of the ''Windurst'' [s].]]
209* BestFriend: With Carbuncle.
210* CurbStompBattle: Delivers one to an entire army during ''Wings of the Goddess.''
211* DarkIsNotEvil: For all of his dangerous appearance and dark coloring, he is at worst dangerous and is at best the BigGood of Windurst.
212* GodIsDead: [[spoiler:Fenrir dies at the end of The Crystal War after being summoned by Karaha-Baruha. The Windurst story revolves around bringing him back to life.]]
213* GeniusBruiser: As well as being almost as strong as Bahamut, he also has the ability to see in the futures which makes his insight treasured as much has his combat abilities.
214* GodzillaThreshold: This is why Karaha-Baruha [[spoiler:summons him during the end of The Crystal War.]]
215* NoSell: The Yagudo artillery does nothing to him.
216* NobleWolf: Despite his status as a berserk, he still a benevolent force for Vana'diel.
217* PhysicalGod: He makes an appearance in his true form at the end of ''Wings of the Goddess'' where he takes down an entire army by himself.
218* PowerFloats. Like Carbuncle, he has a tendency to walk on air.
219* SavageWolf: While still a force of good in Vana'diel, Fenerir is absolutely brutal on the battlefield and has a dismissive attitude towards the five races.
220* [[{{Seers}} Seer]]: As well as being tyhe source of the Star Sybil's premonitions, Fenrir himself as the ability to look into the future.
226->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathia, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
229The Dragon Avatar of the skies and the strongest of the Terrestrial Avatars. Ten thousand years ago he lead his army of dragons against the Zilart when they tried to open the gates to paradise. He reawakens at the begining of ''Chains of Promathia'' and begins gathering his army one more time...
231* BadassArmy: It's an army of dragons.
232* BreathWeapon: As per the course.
233* DefeatMeansRespect: [[spoiler:After the events of ''Chains of Promathia'', you finally get a chances to fight against Bahamut. After he looses to you, he admits that you would be more than capable to deal with The Keeper of The Apocalypse should he ever return]]
234* DragonsAreDivine: He dragon that has ascended into a god.
235* FlunkyBoss: He summons several dragons during one of his battle.
236* KillAllHumans: His plan for preventing Promathia's rebirth. [[spoiler:Kill all humans so the emptiness inside them doesn't spread.]]
237* OurDragonsAreDifferent: He is a deity tasked with the protection of Vana'diel, for which he uses his army of dragons to do so.
238* RedBaron: The Wyrmking.
239* WellIntentionedExtremist: While he does serve as an antagonist, he's genuinely attempting to help the wider world by preventing you from doing something he thinks is ''enormously'' stupid and [[spoiler:to stop the sentient races of Vana'diel from consigning the entire planet to the Void]].
245->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathia, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
246'''Appears in Quests:''' Dynamis.
248The Avatar of dreams and ruler of Dynamis.
250* AscendedExtra: His role in VideoGame/FinalFantasyXI is much more prominent than he was in VideoGame/FinalFantasyVIII
251* BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor: The Kuluu turned to him to remove The Emptiness inside them. [[spoiler: It resulted in them turning into Tornberries]]
252* BigRedDevil: Like his original appearance.
253* BlueAndOrangeMorality: He doesn't seem to understand why people are so hesitant to allow themselves to be swallowed into his dream world. [[spoiler: Or what was wrong with turning them into Tornberries]]
254* DarkIsNotEvil: He legitimately does want the best for humanity.
255* DarkWorld: Rules over the dreamworld of Dynamis
256* DreamWeaver: He rules over dreams.
257* DimensionLord: Of the dreamworld Dynamis.
258* MesACrowd: He has a tendency to manifest as multiple versions of himself when talking to The Adventurer.
259* NightmareFuelStationAttendant: His idea to save the five races from Promathia and Bahamut is to trap them in a dark world of eternal warfare and conflict.........Yeah
260* NotMeThisTime: When Selh'teus finds himself in a dream during the ''Rhapsodies'' story, he immediately assumes it was Diablos. [[spoiler: It was The Ambassador's]]
261* PurpleIsTheNewBlack: His darkness is very purple
262* WellIntentionedExtremist: He means to save humanity from Bahamut. [[spoiler:It's a pity his solution is hide everyone in his nightmare dimension of Dynamis.]]
263* TheVoice: This is how he manifests to [[spoiler:Raogrimm]] in the first Dyanmis story.
269->'''Appears in Missions:''' Chains of Promathia, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
271The Avatar or rebirth. Part of her resides in Tenzen's sword, where she guides him through the events of ''Chains of Pramathia.''
273* EmpathicWeapon: As a part of Tenzen's sword
274* HeroicSacrifice: [[spoiler:At the end of Chains of Promathia. She gets better sometime in the future though]]
275* HumanSacrifice: In order to keep Phoenix's alive, Tenzen has to kill people with his sword.
276* [[LastOfHisKind Last of Her Kind]]: In the BadFuture shown in ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel'', Phoenix is [[spoiler:one of the last life forms left after the Cloud of Darkness's attack on Vana'diel, and is the last of the Terrestrial Avatars left alive.]]
277* ThePhoenix. Obousily.
278* ResurrectiveImmortality: Her blessing allows Iroha to be constantly reborn after being killed. In ''Chains of Promathia,'' [[spoiler: she herself dies saving the party from Bahamut, only to be reborn sometime in the future to help Iroha travel back in time.]]
279* TheUnseen: She is not seen at all during the ''Chains of Promathia story'', only being manifesting itself through Tenzen's sword.
280* TheVoice: How she appears to Tenzen.
284!Other Avatars
286[[folder:Cait Sith]]
288[[caption-width-right:150:[[labelnote:Click to see brown Cait Sith]]]] [[/labelnote]]
289->'''Appears in Missions:''' Wings of the Goddess, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
290'''Appears in Quests:''' Windurst [s], Voidwatch.
292An avatar, or rather a group of Avatars, born from Altana's tears over The Crystal War. She is tasked with guiding Vana'diel towards victory over The Shadow Lord.
294A different colored Cait Sith from another dimension to appears to aid The Adventurer during the ''Voidwatch'' story.
296* AlasPoorVillain: [[spoiler:Despite his actions, Lady Lilith toying with Cait Sith Ceithir's affections just before she kills him seems pretty cruel.]]
297* ButNowIMustGo: [[spoiler:At the end of the ''Wings of the Goddess'' her purpose is fulfilled and she vanishes.]]
298** TheBusCameBack: Some time later [[spoiler:she returns to give you her summon, then latter helps in ''Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.]]
299* TheChessmaster: Cait Sith isn't as powerful as most of the other Avatars. Instead she uses knowledge of her The Crystal War, her invisibility and [[spoiler:the fact that there are multiple versions of her]] to fulfill her purposes.
300* DivineIntervention: The whole point to her existence is to change the result of The Crystal War
301* FusionDance: Part way through the story [[spoiler:the remaining Cait Sith fuse together to fight against a manifestation of Atomos.]]
302* GenderFlip: Unlike the Cait Sith in VideoGame/FinalFantasyVII, this one is a female.
303* GoodCounterpart: It appears that the Voidwatch version of [[spoiler:Cait Sith Ceithir is still on good terms with his female counterparts.]]
304* InvisibleToNormals: This helps her influence The Crystal War.
305* NiceJobBreakingItHero: [[spoiler:Waking up Atomos seemed like a good idea....until Lady Lilith was able to turn the tables, convincing Atomos to consume Lilisette's future]]
306* SwissArmyTears: She is the result of Altana's tears.
307* TrueCompanions: With Lilisette and The Adventurer.
308* UndyingLoyalty [[spoiler:Literally. She comes back after the end of the ''Goddess'' story just so she could lend her power to The Adventurer.]]
309* WomenAreWiser: [[spoiler:The one traitorous Cait Sith is also the only male one.]]
315->'''Appears in Missions:''' Wings of the Goddess, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
317The most bizarre of all avatars, Atomos is tasked to consume unwanted timelines. It manifests throughout Vana'diel as Cavernous Maws, which allows the player character to travel either through time or to a different dimension.
319* AboveGoodAndEvil: Atomos doesn't care whether he swallows a good future or a bad future. He will consume whatever future is weaker. Likewise, he wont eat the future Iroha comes from.
320* BigEater: Eats entire timelines
321* ClockRoaches: It consumes entire timelines.
322* EldritchLocation: It takes up a good chunk of the ceiling in threshold, a location outside of time
323* GreaterScopeVillain: While Lady Lilith is the main villain, Atomos is much more dangerous
324* IFightForTheStrongestSide: He will only eat what timeline is currently the weakest. [[spoiler:Until the end, when it tries to eat both]]
325* LovecraftLite: He is a monstrous avatar that can consume and entire timeline.
326* MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: Just look at the image.
327* TalkativeLoon: During the meeting between the avatars in ''Rhapsodies.'' Balamor has to translate what he's saying to the others
328* ThatsNoMoon: See that meteor in the sky? Thats not a meteor. [[spoiler:That's Atomos eating your timeline]]
334->'''Appears in Missions:''' Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.\
335'''Appears in Quests:''' Geomancer.
337The avatar of nature and guardian of spirit of The Ulbuka Wilderness. She is the higher power that the geomancers of Adoulin commune with during communion.
339* BrainwashedandCrazy: Falls pray to The Ambassador.
340* CharmPerson: She's called The Mistress of Seduction for a reason
341* CompellingVoice: She is a bard, and uses her voice to charm her opposition.
342* EarlyBirdCameo: She appears in a side quest in ''Seekers of Adoulin'' as [[spoiler:The Higher Power]]
343* HairWings: Being Siren
344* MotherNature: She's pretty much implied to be this
345* NatureIsNotNice: She can be very blunt, [[spoiler:especially during the the Geomancer storyline.]]
346* PutOnABus: She uses up all of her power trying to subdue Volto Oscuro, taking her out of the picture when the other Avatars appear at the end of the ''Rhapsodies Story.''
347** TheBusCameBack: She was made playable almost 5 years later, where Arciela and The Adventurer restore her to full strength.
348* TheVoice: [[spoiler: She is heavily implied to be the voice Geomancers commune with]]
356->'''Appears in Missions:''' The Voracious Resurgence.
358A former Terrestrial Avatar that waged war on all new things thousands of years ago. it was eventually killed by an alliance of beastmen armed with unique, prime weapons, but was able to scatter multiple eggs across Vana'diel before it died
360* AdaptationSpeciesChange: Throughout the rest of the series, Chaos appears as some kind of humanoid demon. Where as in Final Fantasy XI he appears as a a dragon.
361* TheDreaded: While most species have forgotten about him, he is still greatly feared among The Goblins.
362* FallenHero: He seemed to have initially been more benevolent before he started his war on new life. For example, he consumed crystals across Vana'diel that had made the central continents uninhabitable.
363* FinalBoss: Of ''The Voracious Resurgence.''
364* GoldColoredSuperiority: Chaos appears as a golden dragon with purple highlights, referencing Chaos' classic color scheme.
365* PaletteSwap: He's a reskinned Bahamut.
366* ResurrectiveImmortality: After he gained access to the Astral Plain.
369!Other Immortal Entities
372[[folder:The Ark Angels]]
374->'''Appears in Missions:''' Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, Chains of Promathia.\
377The Ark Angels, also known as the Crystal Warriors, are a group of five twisted, dark reflections of the five Enlightened Races. They are summoned by the two Zilart princes as their servants.
379* TheHeavy: The are the muscle for the Zilart princes.
380* GuardianEntity: They where meant to be guardians of the five mother crystals
381* LiterallyShatteredLives: This happens after you defeated them. [[AndYourRewardIsClothes And you can wear their ear as an earring.]]
382* OlderThanTheyLook: [[spoiler:They look like they where modeled after the five races. The Ark Angels in fact predate the birth of the five races, although they are born from the same mother crystals that the five races where born from]]
383* PerpetualSmiler: The Mithra always smiles, in contrast of the other Ark Angels' PerpetualFrowner. [[SlasherSmile And she always has it.]] She also never loses it, not even when she is shattered to pieces.
384* RedEyesTakeWarning: They all have red eyes.
388[[folder:The Seed Crystal]]
390->'''Appears in Missions:''' A Crystalline Prophecy
392A primordial, sentient crystal that appears in the sky above Vana'diel one day.
394* BrownNote: Its ultimate plan is to use the Memoria de la S^tona, a song said to be able to destroy Vana'diel
395* EvilCounterpart: To the Mothercrystal.
396* FinalBoss: Of ''A Crystalline Prophecy''
397* ForcedTransformation: Not itself, but it can transform players into Mandragoras.
398* GiantSpaceFleaFromNowhere: it barely has a back story and what back story it does have doesn't connect up with any of the games lore in any significant way.
399* LotusEaterMachine: It keeps Aldo jr and Emeline asleep in order to utilise the Memoria de la S^tona, which is been sung by Emeline's heart.
400* MirrorBoss: During its boss battle, it [[spoiler:summons a copy of one of the player characters]]
401* NoGender: As a floating crystal
402* PowerFloats: It floats above the ground.
403* OutsideContextProblem: It exists in a dimension outside of Vana'diel, and only comes to the world after hearing the Memoria de la S^tona.
404* PowerCrystal: A sentient one.
405* TimeAbyss: It is older than Vana'diel itself, making it one of the oldest characters in the game.
409[[folder:Provenance Watcher]]
411->'''Appears in Quests:''' Voidwatch.
413A giant dragon that acts as a guardian to The Mothercrystal before the birth of Vana'diel. It caused a disturbance that echoed through time, leading to an invasion of inter dimensional monsters into Vana'diel.
415* CompleteImmortality: Implied by Cait Sith. After the Provenance Watcher is beaten, she mentions that it is just sleeping and questions whether or not it could be killed.
416* {{Expy}}: Of [[VideoGame/PokemonDiamondAndPearl Dialga]]. Both are mineral infused (steel in Dialga's case, crystal in Provenance Watchers) long necked dragons with strong ties to time.
417* FinalBoss: Of the Voidwatch story.
418* GemTissue: It appears to be made out of crystal.
419* GuardianEntity: He is this to the orginal Mothercrystal.
420* LightIsNotGood: Literally. Since the events of Provenance happens before The Mothercrystal used its light to banish the darkness and create Vana'diel, the fact that you can see in Provenance means something has gone terribly wrong.
421* PowerGivesYouWings: As the battle goes on and it gains more abilities it opens its wings.
422* RedEyesTakeWarning: It's eyes start glowing red part way through the battle.
423* TimeyWimeyBall: Its actions lead to a swarm of monsters invading both the present time and during The Crystal War.
427[[folder:Absolute Virtue]]
428->'''Appears in Quests:''' Sea.
430A notorious superboss introduced in ''Chains of Promathia'' that for years was virtually impossible to defeat.
432* DragonKnight: His job is Dragoon, so he has that class' abilties.
433* HopelessBossFight: At least until the game made him beatable, though [[LordBritishPostulate some people exploited ways before]].
434* LightIsNotGood: The name and white color seem like a good guy, but he's clearly not.
435* LordBritishPostulate: The first successful attempts at defeating him made the game be patched so it wouldn't work again.
436* NighInvulnerability: Helps that he has both auto-Regen and a spell that heals his whole (enormous) health.
437* SnakeTalk: "At lassst the time has come... The ssscattered fragments of my thoughtsss once again mine. Long forgotten memoriesss filling me once more..."
438* SNKBoss: Absolute Virtue goes far beyond simply being ThatOneBoss. While his access to every 2-hour ability was bad enough on the whole, a poorly timed Benediction could effectively reset the fight, in one infamous instance after battling for '''30 hours'''. Not to mention that it isn't TheComputerIsACheatingBastard, it's the Developers that were Cheating Bastards. Whenever anybody found a strategy that would allow them to beat Absolute Virtue, the devs would patch the game to either buff AV against it or nerf the strategy altogether. The devs never allowed Absolute Virtue to finally go down until the level cap was raised past 75, several years after its release, at which point the level difference allowed players to simply muscle through it.
