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Context Characters / ElfenHigh2

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3[[folder: Students]]
4!! Damien Seward
5* BadassFamily: Most of Damien's family line is made up of monster hunters. It all started with John Seward, one of the protagonists of Dracula, which makes it even more badass.
6* BadassNormal: He's one of the few normal humans at the school that can hold out his own against probably everyone else, though time may vary upon who it is he is fighting.
7* CoolSword: The broadsword Damien owns.
8** It was previously his uncle Owen's sword.
9* HiddenHeartOfGold: Damien shoots James Callahan when the latter smacks Sarina.
10** He promises to actually kill James off if anything like that happens again.
11* InTheBlood: Damien has his family skill of monster hunting.
12* HunterOfMonsters: While he runs the family business on the side, Damien is a professional at his family's occupation of monster hunting.
13* TurnOutLikeHisFather: After his monster-killing father died, Damien became a monster hunter as well.
14* ZeppelinsFromAnotherWorld: Damien gets one some time after Arc 2.
16!! EVE (and SAM-E)
17* RobotGirl: Self-explanatory.
18* MoralityDial: Whenever SAM-E, takes over control, she makes a drastic [[SplitPersonality change in personalty]].
19** AIIsACrapshoot: SAM-E
21!!Ivy Green
22* SquishyWizard
23* GreenThumb
24* TrickedOutGloves: Ivy's "Plant Gauntlet".
25* CharacterDevelopment: Got hell of a one after being in Heavensgate.
28* CreepyChild
29* EeriePaleSkinnedBrunette
30* EmotionlessGirl: After a month at the school, who would not be?
31* EncyclopaedicKnowledge
32* ImpossibleGenius
33* OnlyOneName
34* SuperIntelligence
35* TheSnarkKnight: Eventually.
37!!"The Great and Mighty" Lazrian.
38* BewareTheSillyOnes: He may sound like all bluster and ego, but he's over five centuries old, with a short fuse, and an encyclopedia of ways to end your existence as painfully as he can.
39* BornLucky: How he survived the frequent suicide missions his fellow hellspawn sent him on, resulting in his enormous ego.
40* DumbMuscle
41* ExtremeOmnivore: If it can fit in his gaping maw, he can eat it.
42* IronButtmonkey
43* JabbaTableManners: As befitting a 9 and half foot tall hellspawn, his table manners leave something to be desired.
44* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Pompous, self obsessed, ridiculously self serving...but he's got a heart buried in there somewhere.
45* PetTheDog: Decides to take Maria under his wing, and boost her confidence. He even hugs her.
46* SmallNameBIGEgo: Basically thinks of himself as the greatest thing since sliced bread. In reality, he's a virtual nobody.
47* UnskilledButStrong: Isn't really trained in any form of fighting, but makes up for it by being a total wrecking machine.
49!!Eric Manischewitz
50* BrilliantButLazy
51* HormoneAddledTeenager
52* ImaginationBasedSuperpower: His sound manipulation powers tend to work along these lines.
53* JewishAndNerdy
54* NonActionSnarker
55* OffWithHisHead: He dies when a demon chops off his head during a fight.
57!!Maria Lucinda
58* BewareTheNiceOnes: After putting up with several years of abuse and neglect Maria snapped and leveled half a city block. When she was nine.
59* BringMyBrownPants: She has the tendency to wet herself and faint when scared.
60* CowardlyLion
61* DesperatelyCravesAffection
62* EvilLaugh
63* GuiltComplex
64* SuperStrength
65* TheWoobie: And how...
68* BadassAdorable
69* BerserkerTears: When she thought Rayne was dead and slaughtered waves of demons, crying the entire time.
70* BookDumb
71* BewareTheNiceOnes=BewareTheSillyOnes: She's got one ''hell'' of a temper.
72* CatGirl
73* CuteBruiser: Despite being a small catgirl, she's one of the most physically powerful of all the characters.
74* EveryoneCallsHimBarkeep: Completely subverted. She always introduces herself as "Hello. My name is Sarina, but you can call me Sari-chan. Everyone does." Not a single person ever has.
75** Once, Rayne was about to, but actually corrected herself midway through.
76*** Except after some time, she totally does call Sarina "Sari-chan."
77* GenkiGirl
78* {{Hammerspace}}: Her one and only power.
79* OnlyOneName: Sarina. Just Sarina.
80* PintSizedPowerhouse
81* SuperStrength
86[[folder: Staff]]
88!! James Callahan
89* ButtMonkey: His name is synonymous with doing something [[TooDumbToLive horrendously stupid]].
90* CombatPragmatist: Despite including parkour and professional wrestling moves in his fighting style, is still not afraid to hit people [[GroinAttack in the balls]] when necessary, as well as bring weapons into fistfights or find ways to make his opponent back off.
91* DualWielding: For most of the Arc 1 school attack, James dual wields a [[KatanasAreJustBetter katana]] and a [[AceCustom customized]] [[RoyalRapier rapier]].
92* {{Fanservice}}: All of his clothes, [[GogglesDoSomethingUnusual save his]] [[CoolShades Aviators]] [[LampshadeHanging for some reason]], get burned off when his pyrokinesis activates.
93* JerkWithAHeartofGold: Apparently in Arc 1. Definitely not in Arc 2
94* KatanasAreJustBetter: Wields one during the Arc 1 school attack, and makes good use of it.
95* LeParkour: Is an amateur practitioner, and incorporates it into his fighting style.
96* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Show-off, has an ego, pervert, quick to anger, [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking Canadian]], but still more than willing to put his life on the line instead of his fellow students, and even some teachers. [[spoiler: [[TookALevelInJerkass Lost this]] between Arcs 1 and 2.]]
97* PlayingWithFire: Is a pyrokinetic, but until recently was unable to use it.
98* PowerupLetdown: His [[PlayingWithFire pyrokinesis]]. Activates right before Loki is going to kill him, puts him magically on par with Loki... But still leaves him as physically weak as a human, allowing Loki to break his arm with one hand. Then [[NiceJobBreakingItHero his powers get accidentally drained by Allen due to his physical contact with Loki, Allan's true target]].
99* ReallyGetsAround: Not as bad as [[Creator/AleisterCrowley some others]], but still has that element.
100* RedEyesTakeWarning: His eyes [[LawOfChromaticSuperiority turned red]] when his powers awakened.
101* RoyalRapier: Wields a [[AceCustom customized]] one during the Arc 1 school attack, and makes good use of it.
102* TooDumbToLive: So infamous for this it has gone meta, with "Jamesing" now being shorthand for doing something really, really stupid.
103** His [[OnceDoneNeverForgotten jumping into a lightning bolt]], however, is generally seen as the exact opposite, at least in the OOC.
104* TookALevelInBadass
105* TookALevelInJerkass
106* WeakButSkilled: When unable to utilize his pyrokinesis, James relies on his agility, [[LeParkour parkour training]], and martial arts abilities to fight, and is quite skilled with it.
107* WrestlerInAllOfUs: Incorporates some of the more practical moves, such as dropkicks, into his fighting style, although rarely utilizes them. He did, however, use a standing dropkick to help take out War-Bot during the first Gladiator Games, and later a snap suplex on Zacheriah in Atlantis.
109!!Allan Ramius
111* RetiredBadass: Used to work for some sort of supernatural version of TheMenInBlack.
112* DangerousForbiddenTechnique: Use of Time Accel inflicts a significant strain on Allan's heart, allowing him only to reach a triple [[BulletTime acceleration]]. Anything more would likely kill him. Coupled with .
113* CoolOldGuy
114* WeakButSkilled: Allan is a [[TheGunslinger marksman]], with a [[ImprobableAimingSkills pinpoint aim]]
115* TheUnfettered: Well, yeah. Sometimes.
116* AlwaysNeedWhatYouGaveUp: Gave up a lot of his powers, rendering him WillfullyWeak.
117* MortonsFork: Allan's [[DepletedPhlebotinumShells Origin Ammo]]. Heavy caliber round capable of inflicting severe damage, especially to a magic user. When using magic at the point of impact, the mage will suffer from significant internal damage and permanently-severed Magic Circuits, reducing their magical prowess. The damage is proportional to the mage's power, so being weak might actually pay off.
119!!Pierre Steinmann
120* DirtyCoward: Pierre's defining trait, essentially.
121* [[spoiler: FaceHeelTurn: Joins the Fae out of cowardice. Dies fighting Lewis.]]
122* HeterosexualLifePartners: Him and Laz are best friends.
123* ImprovisedWeaponUser: At one point, he tears a rib out of a giant and uses it as a dagger.
124* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Pierre and Laz aren't really heroes, but they care for each other.
125* [[spoiler: NeckSnap]]
126* NeutralEvil: Technically, Pierre is on the side of the heros. Emphasis on "technically".
127* SuperToughness: Pierre's main power is basically the ability to soak up incredible amounts of damage. That's pretty much it.
128* SuperStrength
129* TheCynic
130* TokenEvilTeammate: Not really "evil". More of "asshole".
131* TookALevelInJerkass: A major one in Arc 2. Does this several times, actually.
133!! Edward Alexander Crowley
134* Creator/AleisterCrowley
135* BadassInANiceSuit
136* BadassTeacher
137* EvilBrit: Not evil. Just a jerkass.
138* JerkAss
139* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: This is a stretch.
140** [[spoiler: Lampshaded by Lewis after he saves Ivy. His heart is getting more obvious as things go on.]]
141* TheHero: [[ According to Nat.]]
142* WhamLine: [[spoiler: He isn't the real Crowley.]]
144!! Lewis Jameson
145* CloudCuckoolander: To a lesser extent than most, but yeah. He calls computers "witchboxes" and destroys them, for example.
146* [[spoiler: DealWithTheDevil: Sells his second into servitude to Set to get his son back. See PregnantBadass.]]
147** [[spoiler: When he is hit by a soul-destroying bullet, he manages to find a loophole and scam Set.]]
148* DeathSeeker: To a mild extent. He has considerable fears of death at first, but eventually resolves not to worry about it. [[spoiler: He willingly dies to save Rosalind and foil Set.]]
149** FishOutOfWater: The source of most it.
150* FatherToHisMen: After producing a family of his own, he mellows considerably and attempts to become this. Some resent it.
151* [[spoiler: HeroicSacrifice: To save his daughter, he takes a soul-destroying bullet.]]
152** OnlySaneMan: When paired with most of the rest of the cast.
153* FourStarBadass: [[spoiler: As the Bear King, a role akin to the President of the United States.]] Prefers fighting to commanding, however, and leaves that to his subordinates.
154* MountainMan
155* NatureHero: Though, rather than be friendly to nature, it obeys him because of fear.
156** His favorite hobby is attacking bears.
157* Really700YearsOld: Was born in the 1790's and looks about 45 in 2018.
158* RedBaron: The Red Menace, amongst several other names.
159* TheDreaded: Amongst the bears.
160* UglyGuyHotWife: To Megan.
162!! [[spoiler: Lewis Jameson]]
163[[spoiler: * AlternateUniverse: He's the original Lewis, pre-reboot.]]
165[[spoiler: * CanonImmigrant: From the original Roleplay/ElfenHigh.]]
167[[spoiler: * WalkingSpoiler: Lewis lives. Sort of.]]
170[[folder: Other]]
