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3!The Voltron Coalition
6* [[Characters/CodeGeassPaladinsOfVoltronVoltronAndAllies Voltron and Allies]]
9!Galra Empire
10* [[Characters/CodeGeassPaladinsOfVoltronTheGalraEmpire The Galra Empire]]
13!The Holy Britannian Empire
14* [[Characters/CodeGeassPaladinsOfVoltronTheHolyBritannianEmpire The Holy Britannian Empire]]
18!Ashford Academy
20!!Nunnally vi Britannia
22-->''"I'm not a Paladin... I don't have a Geass or any kind of special power... But I know I can do something other than just sit and be safe!"''
23Lelouch's little sister. [[spoiler: Later she ends up joining the Blade of Marmora after her legs become better.]]
25* ActualPacifist: Nunnally really dislikes violence. [[spoiler:Charles exploits this by having her give a speech asking Voltron to surrender to Britannia, knowing he only needs to allow her to speak and she will try to persuade the Paladins to stand down to avoid further (supposedly) needless violence. She starts moving past this into a MartialPacifist and joins the Blade of Marmora due to realizing that Zarkon cannot be defeated through diplomatic means.]]
26* AdaptationalBadass: [[spoiler:She ends up joining the Blade of Marmora, after getting combat lessons from Tohdoh.]]
27* BarrierWarrior: [[spoiler:Somehow manifests a shield during the battle on the Astral Plane. She later shows she can manifest it in the real world as well.]]
28* BreakTheCutie: {{Downplayed|Trope}}, but [[spoiler:witnessing the SAZ Massacre does a number on her]].
29* CoolChair: [[spoiler:After being taken aboard the Castle of Lions, she gets to use the hoverchair Allura used in Chapters 14 and 15 to get around while relearning how to walk.]]
30* DamselInDistress: She's captured by Britannia and used to lure Voltron into the open.
31* InnocenceLost: Mixed in with BreakTheCutie, but [[spoiler:Nunnally is reduced to tears after the SAZ Massacre]].
32* TheLoad: [[spoiler:Eventually admits she sees herself as this, and hates herself for it. She tries to avert this by joining the Blade of Marmora.]]
33* MartialPacifist: [[spoiler:Moves toward this after the Galra invasion of Earth, recognizing that trying to seek peace with the evil space lich that is Zarkon is not possible and that people will ''need'' to fight him to stop the Galra]].
34* OOCIsSeriousBusiness: If Lelouch is on serious danger and Nunnally is in a position to act, she will try to help him, consequences be damned. [[spoiler:She's the first person to try to aid him during Chapter 40, and shuts down everyone else's concerns because Lelouch is her brother and she is not abandoning him]].
35* PropagandaMachine: [[spoiler:Charles finds her and has her give a speech to convince Voltron to submit to Britannia. Chapter 26, however, reveals that Nunnally didn't need any prodding to give the speech, as she doesn't want people to fight needlessly.]]
36* RoyalRapier: [[spoiler:Her Luxite Blade takes the form of a rapier once she awakens it.]]
37* SecretSecretKeeper: [[spoiler:She figured out that Lelouch was Zero on her own after hearing his voice, but refused to believe it until Lelouch confessed it himself.]]
38* SilkHidingSteel: A sweet ActualPacifist girl, but not to be underestimated. As she points out [[spoiler:after somehow [[BarrierWarrior generating a barrier against Zarkon's attack]] in ''Battle on the Astral Plane'']], she ''is'' Zero's sister, after all.
39* ShipperOnDeck: She's aware and approving of Lelouch's feelings for Kallen. [[spoiler:She even asks Kallen about it following a sparring match in ''For Those We Love'' and makes it clear she is fine with Kallen becoming her sister-in-law]].
40* ThrowingOffTheDisability: [[spoiler:The healing pods on the Castle of Lions successfully restore her legs and eyesight, though after years of disuse, she needs physical therapy to be able to properly walk again.]]
41* TookALevelInBadass: Starts gaining several [[spoiler:after regaining use of her legs; learning to fight from Tohdoh, gaining a magical forcefield, joining the Blade of Marmora, sparring with Kallen...]]
42* UnevenHybrid: [[spoiler:Just like Lelouch, she is one-quarter Galra through her maternal grandmother.]]
46!!Sayoko Shinozaki
49Lelouch and Nunnally's loyal maid.
51* AdaptationalBadass: [[spoiler:''She'' is the Guren's pilot this time around.]]
52* TheConfidant: For Lelouch - she's the only person outside his family that Lelouch trusts completely, [[spoiler:and is the one in possession of the knife that belonged to Marianne's mother.]]
53* {{Foil}}: To Coran. Both are the loyal servants of royalty and are {{ace pilot}}s, but while Coran is generally a NonActionGuy who can fight when he wants to by using the Castle of Lions, Sayoko is a NinjaMaid who fights upfront with [[spoiler:the Guren.]] Also, while Sayoko is generally stoic, Coran is... not.
54* [[LikeASonToMe Like A Son And Daughter To Me]]: Tells Lelouch that she considers him and Nunnally her own. This earns her a hug.
55* NinjaMaid: Is still this, though she hasn't yet had much of a chance to show off her skills.
56* ParentalSubstitute: She's the closest thing that the exiled siblings have to a maternal figure, and Lelouch makes it clear that he will ''not'' be happy if something happens to her when [[spoiler:she's testing the space upgrades for the Guren.]]
57* PreMortemOneLiner: Delivers one to Branko just before incinerating him with the Guren's Radiant Wave Surger.
58-->'''Sayako:''' "Hello... And goodbye!"
59* UndyingLoyalty: To Lelouch. When he disappears, she carries out his orders to take Nunnally to a location where the girl will be safe from the more unscrupulous members of their family.
60* TheWorfEffect: [[spoiler:Is nearly killed fighting Zarkon, further proving how tough the Emperor of the Galra is]].
64!!Nina Einstein
67A member of the Ashford Student Council, and the only full member to not be a Paladin of Voltron.
69* ChekhovMIA: [[spoiler:Milly reveals that she went to pick Nina up alongside her grandfather just prior to the Black Rebellion, but she couldn't find Nina anywhere. She reappears in Chapter 44, A Place to Belong, where it's revealed that she hid where Milly couldn't find her.]]
70* DramaticIrony:
71** Is outright terrified of Voltron, unaware its pilots are her friends.
72** [[spoiler:She holes up in Ashford Academy, hacking the Galra Sentries and jury rigging the technology into Knightmares to avenge Euphemia’s death. She’s completely unaware that Euphemia is alive and well.]]
73* FantasticRacism: She really ''does not'' like Japanese people, though this is a result of fear and bad experiences than hatred. [[spoiler:Later develops this for the Galra, following the seeming death of Euphemia]].
74* GadgeteerGenius: [[spoiler:She not only reprogrammed Galra sentries to defend Ashford for her, she even managed to integrate it into Knightmare technology.]]
75* MissedTheCall:
76** Due to having other plans, she declined to join the student council at Lake Kawaguchi, and thus was left behind when they went to the Castle of Lions. [[WhatCouldHaveBeen She was originally supposed to be part of the team, but due to her divisive reputation in the fandom, she was replaced with Rai]].
77** She wanted to rejoin her friends at the SAZ, [[spoiler:but the Galra’s arrival, and Euphemia’s seemingly death put a stop to that, and she went into hiding instead.]]
78* OffscreenMomentOfAwesome: [[spoiler:In the time between the Battle of Tokyo and Lotor's arrival on Earth, she had managed to turn Ashford into a fortress, destroying several Galra patrols and utilizing the reprogrammed drones as guards.]]
83!Other Allies
85!! Euro-Britannia
86[[folder: Grand Duke Velaines]]
87!! Augusta Henry Highland / Grand Duke Velaines
90A Britannian Noble that oversees Euro-Britannia. He went missing following the Galra Invasion.
92* UncertainDoom: Ashley mentions that he, along with the Grandmasters Andrea Farnese, Gaudefroy du Villon, and Raymond du Saint-Gilles have gone missing, and he doesn’t know if they’re alive or not.
95[[folder: Ashley]]
96!! Ashley Ashra
99A Knightmare Pilot who leads the Asura Strike Force. Formerly part of the Order of St. Micheal, he went rogue as he refused to work with the Galra.
101* BornLucky: He demonstrates his luck to Akito and Leila when he empties his gun with all but one bullet, puts it up to his head, and pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. He also believes that luck is what determines whether you live or die on the battlefield.
102* DefectorFromDecadence: He went rogue when Shin become the Grandmaster of the Order of St. Micheal, and announced his intention to ally with the Galra.
103* EnemyMine: He joins forces with the W-ZERO unit after destroying a Britannia/Galra convoy.
104* FantasticRacism: He flat out despises the Galra, calling them ‘purple bastards’ after he went rogue.
107!!European Union (EU)
109!!Leila Malcal
112The commander of the [=EU’s=] wZERO squad, and one of the few officers still opposing the Galra invasion.
114* ShipTease: There are some hints she might carry a torch for Akito (holding her breath until it was confirmed he survived an engagement, for example).
115* YouAreInCommandNow: As she is one of the few officers of the European Union that survived the Galra invasion, this makes her the highest ranking officer of the wZERO unit.
116* YoungAndInCharge: She isn’t much older than her soldiers, yet she’s their commander due to being one of the few European Union officers that survived the invasion.
120!!Akito Hyuga
123A soldier of the wZERO unit.
125* TheBerserker: Due to the influence of his brother’s Geass, whenever he finds himself in a life or death situation, he goes berserk on his enemies.
126* OneManArmy: He has cut down a swath of enemies ever since the Galra invaded Earth.
127* RedBaron: He is known as 'The Ghost of Hannibal' on the battlefield, as shown when he manages to hold his own against the Glinda Knights.
131!!Ryo Sayama
137!!Yukiya Naruse
143!!Ayano Kosaka
153A young Balmeran slave of the Galra empire, Shay and her family were forced to help mine useful crystals from the creature, even as it began to die from over-exploitation. She and her brother Rax encounter Shirley, C.C., and Coran when they arrive to acquire a battleship crystal, and while Rax was cautious about them, she decided to help the three strangers.
155* BornIntoSlavery: So much so that she literally has to be taught what the word freedom means.
156* DishingOutDirt: All Balmerans are symbiotically linked to the Balmera, and Shay uses this connection to help Coran, C.C., and Shirley escape by triggering a small cave-in.
157* {{Foil}}: To Nunnally. Both girls share a close bond with their older brother. They also both wish for a more peaceful, gentler world and universe.
158* IAteWhat: Amusingly, their food is apparently quite delicious, though Shirley and Coran react negatively upon finding out what's in it. C.C. is more neutral as she apparently has been forced to eat worse in the past.
159* NiceGirl: Unlike Rax, Shay is friendly and welcoming to Shirley, C.C., and Coran from the start.
160* SiblingYinYang: Rax is suspicious, grumpy, and willing to sell out Shirley, C.C., and Coran to protect his family. Shay is more welcoming, less-suspicious, and risks her own life to save the Paladins in the hope they will return and free them.
161* SuperStrength: Apparently normal for Balmerans. Shay and her brother Rax move a small spaceship at least as readily as a pair of well-conditioned humans move a couch.
162* TheSymbiote: The natural relationship of both the Balmerans to the Balmera and the Balmera to the visitors who come for crystals. In Shay's case, she can use the Balmera to send messages to her fellows or to manipulate its physical structure in a limited way.
163* TertiarySexualCharacteristics: While the Balmerans don't have NonMammalianMammaries, Shay's "ears" have a number of growths that resemble earrings that her brother lacks.
164* WhatIsThisFeeling: Shirley helps her rediscover the idea of freedom after generations of slavery to the Galra.
171Another young Balmeran slave and Shay's brother. Initially very distrusting of the Defenders for fear of retribution by the Galra for helping them.
173* DishingOutDirt: All Balmerans are symbiotically linked to the Balmera. Rax and his family use this connection to help free the Paladins and Shay.
174* {{Foil}}: To Lelouch. Both, above all else, want to keep their family safe. Rax also mirrors Lelouch's earlier mistrust issues, but both have slowly grown out of it and learned to trust others outside their immediate family.
175* HeelFaceTurn: He eventually turns against the Galra when he realizes that the Defenders were right all along.
176* TheMole: Sells out Shirley, C.C., and Coran out to the Galra in an attempt to protect his family.
177* SiblingYinYang: Rax is the more suspicious, grumpy sibling. He was also willing to sell out Shirley, C.C., and Coran to protect his family unlike his sister Shay, who is more welcoming.
185An Olkari scientist who aided the Paladins in freeing her home from the Galra.
187* BrokenPedestal: Like the rest of her people, she idolized her king Lubos. Finding out he'd sold out to the Galra willingly was a huge blow for her.
191!The Blade of Marmora
192[[folder:In General]]
193An ancient order of Galra who are opposed to Zarkon and the Empire.
195* HonorBeforeReason: [[AvertedTrope They do not think highly of this mindset]]. [[spoiler:Their initiation trial is meant to break recruits away from the Galra's "Victory or Death" mindset, by presenting the recruit with an unwinnable battle. The only way to pass is to willingly admit defeat and surrender]].
196* LaResistance: The goal of the organization is to destroy the Galra Empire and bring freedom to the galaxy.
197* TheOrder: An order dedicated to undermining the Galra Empire and freeing the universe of their tyranny.
204The leader of the Blade of Marmora.
206* GoodIsNotSoft: Puts Nunnally through a vicious combat test to show her [[spoiler:that surrendering is preferable to pointlessly dying in a unwinnable fight]].
213A member of the Blade of Marmora.
215* TheBigGuy: One of the most physically imposing members of the Blade.
222A member of the Blade of Marmora who freed Rai from captivity.
224* CombatParkour: Shown to be able to out-maneuver the Paladins with impressive gymnastics and without even drawing his sword.
225* GoodIsNotNice: Ulaz is definitely against Zarkon and is the one who freed Rai, but he also straight-up tells Allura that he doesn't care whether or not she trusts him and that he could've easily killed the Paladins if he felt like it.
226* HeroicSacrifice: Destroys the Prorok Robeast by activating the space pocket inside of it, killing both him and the disgraced Galra commander.
233!!Sophronia zar Britannia
235Rai's younger sister, abducted the same night he was.
237* TheCameo: [[spoiler:Briefly shows up in Chapter 14's ending, watching Zero's broadcast.]]
238* CompositeCharacter: Has Matt Holt's backstory of being a Galra prisoner who was freed by a resistance group.
239* DamselInDistress: Was captured alongside Rai and their mother sometime before the start of the story. [[spoiler:She was freed by a resistance group between then and Zero's broadcast to the Galra.]]
240* SparedByTheAdaptation: [[spoiler:Didn't die before the start of the story, and as of Chapter 14 is still alive.]]
243[[folder:Rolo's Gang]]
244!!Rolo, Nyma, and Beezer
246 [[caption-width-right:350:From left to right: Nyma, Rolo, and Beezer]]
247A group of rebel fighters who manage to hail down the castle ship and warm-up to the paladins in order to steal one of the lions for a pardon.
249* BountyHunter: The main reason they even interact with the Paladins is in order to steal a Lion get a bounty and a pardon.
250* GetOutOfJailFreeCard: Rolo's gang was promised a full pardon and a reward bounty for stealing from Zarkon if they delivered them one of the Voltron Lions.
251* HeWhoFightsMonsters: Rolo laments that the reason he's become self-serving and opportunistic is due to a lifetime of fighting the Galra.
252* HoneyTrap: Nyma is this to Rivalz, tricking him to get his Lion.
253* OneSteveLimit: Averted- There's a second character named Rolo, agent of the Geass Directive.
256[[folder:Diethard Reid]]
257!!Diethard Reid
260A Britannian news producer with a mad obsession for Zero. Being unable to join the Black Knights, he settles for continuing to film his exploits.
262* DemotedToExtra: Between not joining the Black Knights and the first half of the story not being on Earth, Diethard doesn't appear much in this story. [[spoiler:He ''is'' part of the post-SAZ crowd that Zero speaks to though, and ''For Those We Love'' confirms that he was one of the humans evacuated aboard the Castle of Lions]].
263* PsychoSupporter: Even without joining him, he remains fanatical in his loyalty to Zero. The appearance of giant mechanical lions that completely trump anything Britannia can throw out just adds to the matter.
269A mysterious man who has a connection with C.C.
271* AchillesHeel: Mao's power allows him to read the mind of anyone within five hundred meters of him, but there are some caveats - normally, he hears ''all of them at the same time'', and while he can focus said power down to one individual, the tradeoff is that he sacrifices its full range while doing so. [[spoiler:It also only works on organic life.]]
272* AdaptationalBadass: [[spoiler:When he agrees to work with Haggar at the end of ''Cheering Mao'', she grants him a new ''BLACK'' Geass. He seems to lose it after becoming a Robeast though.]]
273* AdaptationalVillainy: Mao comes off as this compared to canon due to the differences behind his {{Breaking Speech}}es to the Paladins. In particular, the one he directs at Shirley is ''incredibly'' mean spirited, where he openly mocks how her parents might be executed if Charles found out she was one of the Paladins. Overall, this story emphasizes his PsychopathicManchild side over his TragicVillain side. [[spoiler:It's telling his apparent death in ''Castle Held Hostage'' is tragic because Shirley was the one to kill him rather than tragic because he had an AlasPoorVillain moment.]] WordOfGod confirms that it's because [[CreatorsPest she really hates Mao]].
274* AdaptationalWimp: Slightly - here, Mao can't effectively use his Geass when he's unfocused, though it is always active. In canon, he's still able to use it effectively even while he's enraged over being {{Outgambitted}} by Lelouch and Suzaku. [[spoiler:Later {{Subverted|Trope}} when he does indeed read Suzaku's mind under similar circumstances to canon.]]
275* AxCrazy: Most definitely. Mao revels in the suffering he causes others.
276* BadassLongcoat: He wears a white greatcoat, studded with black belts and blue trim.
277* BatmanGambit: His tactics focus on getting inside the target's head, getting to know them, and then concocting a plan built to take advantage of their weaknesses.
278* BewareTheMindReader: His Geass lets him read minds. [[PowerIncontinence Which he can't control]], driving him to madness and being a dangerous PsychopathicManchild. [[spoiler:His upgraded Black Geass allows Mao to see his target's worse fears and bring them to life before their eyes.]]
279* DeathByIrony: [[spoiler:Both of his deaths are caused by Shirley, the one person he tormented most both in canon and in this story, and both are entirely due to him underestimating her will to fight.]]
280* DidntSeeThatComing:
281** [[spoiler:Mao's plan to try and get the Paladins to take him to the Castle of Lions runs into a few problems: first, that Suzaku would know how to focus himself enough to straight out nullify his powers, second, that the Paladins had Rover on standby to mimic C.C. (who as a robot [[ManOfKryptonite cannot have its mind read, thus allowing it to fool Mao with a hologram]]), and third, that Lelouch had also brought Sayoko with him, who knew the same technique as Suzaku to silence her thoughts.]]
282** [[spoiler:In ''Cheering Mao'', he wasn't expecting Lelouch and Rai to show up at Clovisland in Zerith, nor did he know that said lion could turn invisible.]]
283** [[spoiler:In ''Castle Held Hostage'', despite his upgraded Black Geass, he was killed off, [[BewareTheNiceOnes of all people, by Shirley]].]]
284* DidntThinkThisThrough: Faces this in addition to the above in ''Cheering Mao'', as [[spoiler:he didn't consider that the Paladins would use Rover to once again impersonate someone to distract him (Lelouch, in this case), nor did he consider that the Paladins will all work together to outsmart him.]]
285* DrunkWithPower: [[spoiler:Haggar believes that this was why he snuck onboard the Castle of Lions relatively shortly after gaining an upgrade to his Geass - he enjoyed the power-high too much to restrain himself.]]
286* EntertaininglyWrong: Mao notes Rai might have injured his sister badly enough that she may have been useless to the Galra as a labor slave and thus indirectly sent her to one death while trying to save her from another. While this isn't an unreasonable assumption, [[spoiler:''Rebirth'' revealed that she is still alive and has already been rescued by a resistance group.]]
287* EvilCannotComprehendGood: Implicitly his FatalFlaw -- Mao cannot understand that the Paladins have absolute trust in one another and would be willing to work together to take him down. [[spoiler:This results in him being OutGambitted in both ''Cheering Mao'' and ''Castle Held Hostage'', with the latter ending in him being shot by Shirley because [[BewareTheNiceOnes she seemed too harmless for him to try reading her mind when he was about to kill Lelouch]].]]
288* IKnowWhatYouFear: If he can see someone's face, his upgraded Geass [[spoiler:allows him to see their worst fears and bring them to life before their eyes]].
289* KilledOffForReal: [[spoiler:His {{Robeast}} form is destroyed during the Black Rebellion, definitively killing him off.]]
290* NiceJobFixingItVillain: [[spoiler:His mocking Allura for being no different from Charles or Zarkon and wishing to wipe out the Galra is part of what gets her to start working on moving past her prejudices, reacting much better to the possibility of Lelouch being part-Galra than she did with Keith in canon.]]
291* NotQuiteDead: [[spoiler:Mao somehow survives being shot by Shirley, with Haggar managing to recover the pod his 'corpse' was shot into. She later turns it into a {{Robeast}}.]]
292* TheReasonYouSuckSpeech: Gives one to each member of Team Voltron that's tailored to them, the only exception being Suzaku [[SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome who found a way to shut Mao up]].
293** First Allura, who he calls no different from both Zarkon and Charles. She denies this, of course, but Mao then says that she absolutely despises Zarkon and the Galra, so much so she wants to kill all of them just like how he killed all of her people. [[spoiler:Considering that, in an alternate reality, Allura ''did'' do just that and founded an empire that's enslaving the cosmos, [[VillainHasAPoint Mao has a point]].]]
294** For Milly, he calls her out on how she and her family only took Lelouch and Nunnally in if they were found by the Emperor and told that the Ashfords cared for the two, the family might regain their lost status.
295** For Rivalz, he mocks the boy's [[BystanderSyndrome total unwillingness to do anything to help others despite regularly driving past the ghettoes with Lelouch]].
296** For Kallen, Mao throws out the fact that Kallen hates her mother for bearing so much abuse from Ms. Stadfelt and being imprisoned ([[BerserkButton though this only serves to piss her off]]).
297** Shirley, meanwhile, has to put up with Mao noting that the Emperor might have her parents either taken hostage or assassinated if he found out she was a Paladin. Mao also mocks her for crushing hard on Lelouch despite his more negative traits, and for the fact that she now has feelings for Rai as well.
298** Speaking of Rai, he has to deal with Mao berating him over how severely he hurt his sister in his effort to keep her away from the gladiator matches. Additionally, Mao notes that Rai is still trying to regain his memories...[[IHatePastMe but isn't sure that he wants to get them back]].
299** Lelouch arguably gets it the worst - while the prince makes an effort to shoot down all of Mao's criticisms, he finally cracks when the Chinese Boy asks him if he really thinks he'll be able to bond with the Black Lion, or if [[NotSoDifferentRemark he is any different from Zarkon]].
300** [[spoiler:He eventually gives ones to Suzaku as well, mocking him over his {{Patricide}} and the DeathSeeker tendencies that followed, and revealing that he thinks Suzaku isn't so different from Zarkon and the Galra]].
301* ReforgedIntoAMinion: [[spoiler:It's implied that Haggar is going to turn him into a {{Robeast}} after his second defeat by Team Voltron, since he's near death and useless to her in any other capacity. This comes to pass in ''Battle for Home''.]]
302* {{Robeast}}: [[spoiler:Mao is turned into one of these by Hagar after taking an arrow to the chest. He acts as the ClimaxBoss for the Paladins during ''Battle for Home''.]]
303* VillainTeamUp: [[spoiler:Is recruited by Haggar by the end of ''Cheering Mao''.]]
304* WrongGenreSavvy: Given his past experiences with people ([[AllThereInTheManual which were detailed in non-video format]]), it's implied that Mao thought he might be able to beat the Paladins by revealing their secrets to each other, as whenever he did this previously, his enemies would devolve into infighting (he once wiped out an ''entire village'' this way). Thus, [[spoiler:he never considers the possibility that the Paladins would work together to overcome him, leading to his defeat in Chapter 28.]]
305* XenomorphXerox: [[spoiler:His {{Robeast}} form looks vaguely like a Xenomorph based on its description. [[AllThereInTheManual The end of chapter notes for ''Battle for Home'' state that it was based off of a]] [[Creator/DCComics White Martian]], which is another XenomorphXerox, so this isn’t too much of a surprise.]]
308[[folder:Atsushi Sawasaki]]
309!!Atsushi Sawasaki
311Former Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Kururugi Administration. He later tries to revive Japan with the backing of the Chinese Federation.
313* AdaptationalEarlyAppearance: He shows up here several months before he did in ''Code Geass''. {{Justified|Trope}} because he's an OpportunisticBastard and likely saw Voltron's devastation of Area Eleven (up to and including [[spoiler:capturing Cornelia]]) to be a perfect opening to make his move.
314* DidntSeeThatComing: As in canon, he was surprised by the Black Knights (specifically Voltron itself in this story) intervening in the Battle of Kyushu on ''Britannia'''s side.
315* DirtyCoward: Hell yes! While his strategy of seeking asylum with the Chinese Federation until an opening to retake Japan comes isn't wrong, he undermines it by refusing to share the details of his plan with anyone, and refuses to try and coordinate with other resistance groups (like the Black Knights) when he makes his return, likely so that [[PuppetKing he can rule (on China's behalf) once the dust settles]].
316* FlawExploitation: Deliberately talks to Suzaku about his past and, more specifically, his father in order to keep him from focusing on the battle, knowing that Suzaku will not try to tune him out.
317* OpportunisticBastard: Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords indicate that he is one. His decision to try and revive Japan as a puppet state of the Chinese Federation after Cornelia is captured (and with himself in charge) reinforces this.
318* PuppetKing: An intentional example - it's indicated that he's having the Chinese Federation back his claim to Japan because he offered to let them rule Japan through him.
319* SecretSecretKeeper: It's implied, but not confirmed, that he knows what happened regarding Suzaku and his father Genbu.
