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3[[folder:Alfred Frufrock "Alfie" Wickers]]
4->Actor: Jack Whitehall
523 years old, Alfie is basically a teenager in an adult body. He may lack in actually teaching his kids but he loves them and always has their backs.
8* BadassTeacher: Zigzagged. Alfie usually puts up a tough front, but once he realises the consequences of his actions, he tends to revert to a scared little boy. Key moments include resigning during a teacher's strike to save everyone else...only to beg for his job back - and engaging in swordplay with a BombThrowingAnarchist, only to assume the foetal position and cry when his opponent grabs out a battle-axe. His ability to put his pupils' talents to good use are quite impressive, though.
9* BrilliantButLazy: He's a smart guy and a competent teacher, but most of the time he's tired and/or just doesn't care.
10* ButtMonkey: Takes a considerable amount of abuse throughout the series, and even indecently exposes himself (unintentionally) twice in TheMovie.
11* CoolTeacher: He's popular and well liked by his pupils, though isn't particularly good at actually ''teaching'' them.
12* EnthusiasticNewbieTeacher: Alfie is determined to be the guy that revolutionises teaching so it's fun. His insistence on teaching history by having his pupils act it out is just one of several examples.
13* EstablishingCharacterMoment: He comes to school with a hangover, walks into the wrong classroom, shows no interest in teaching, unintentionally insults Jing and still manages to deliver a clapback when Mitchell gets haughty.
14* HiddenDepths: For all his incompetence, he genuinely cares about the pupils.
15* InnocentlyInsensitive: Has a tendency to insult other cultures, although it seems he doesn't mean to.
16* OneOfTheKids: Definitely. He's even forced to sit an exam with them in a third series episode.
17* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy: His attempt at a Cornish accent veers head-first into a Jamaican one.
18* SomethingElseAlsoRises: In two episodes: after finding out [[spoiler: Rosie is in a relationship with a woman]] and after taking an overdose of Viagra (which he mistook for steroids).
19* StrangelyArousing: Both jealous of and aroused by [[spoiler: Rosie’s relationship with Alex]].
20* UnexpectedVirgin: The first series episode "Sex Education" reveals that he's never had sex.
21* UpperClassTwit: Smart, rich posh guy, but still slightly incompetent.
22* WillTheyOrWontThey: With Rosie. [[spoiler: They Do.]]
25[[folder:Shaquille Banter "Simon" Fraser]]
26->Actor: Creator/MathewHorne
27Abbey Grove's headmaster; a young, hip (or so he likes to think) and eccentric fellow who's usually too busy with his own outrageous actions to notice whatever mayhem may be around him. In Series 4, after the governors attempted to force him out of the job, he's taken a job swap that "no sane person would ever accept" to become the school cook.
30* CloudCuckoolander: Where to start?
31* CordonBleughChef: Once he becomes the school cook.
32* CringeComedy: To the point where Alfie tries to use Fraser's banter as an example of an unsexy thought.
33* LastNameBasis: Usually referred to by his surname.
34* PointyHairedBoss: It explains why Alfie has ultimate job security.
35* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy: Oh lord... Deconstructed when he tries to scramble for NWordPrivileges.
36* TotallyRadical: Again, his banter.
40[[folder:Isobel Pickwell]]
41->Actor: Creator/MichelleGomez
42(Series 1–2) The deputy headmistress of Abbey Grove; a fierce, intimidating woman who frequently butts heads with Alfie and schemes for higher power.
45* AmbiguousGender: There are hints she may have male genitalia. When she brags about having bigger balls than Alfie, he asks her if she's being literal and she doesn't clear it up. The sight of her in a swimsuit is also off-putting to many.
46* AmbiguouslyBi: When Isobel find out that Rosie is bisexual, she tries to flirt with her and she often hints to her having previous lesbian relationships with women.
47* [[spoiler: BackForTheFinale]]: [[spoiler: at the very end and stinger of Season 2.]]
48* BrutalHonesty: Often gives it to people.
49* CoveredInGunge: In one episode as a prank by Alfie and his class.
50* [[spoiler: DrivenToSuicide]]: [[spoiler: Except she isn't...]]
51* {{Dominatrix}}: heavily implied in the series 2 finale... [[spoiler: with Alfie]].
52* EvilLuddite: During class elections, she demands the students not talk about global warming.
53* FauxAffablyEvil: Despite presenting herself as an ideal headmistress, she is a very strict, self-serving, and greedy person.
54* HemoErotic: “and biting. Lots of biting.”
55* MakeUpIsEvil: Wears a lot of lipstick and eyeliner in contrast to Rosie.
56* [[spoiler: RunForTheBorder]]: [[spoiler: As of half-way through Season 2]].
57* SadistTeacher: Though she's more interested in tormenting Alfie than the kids.
58* SitcomArchnemesis: Exists to kill any sense of joy the rest of the faculty may feel. Even Rosie feels the sting on occasion.
62[[folder:Rosie Gulliver]]
63->Actor: Sarah Solemani
64The biology teacher and former interim deputy headteacher following Pickwell's departure. She is very kind and loves teaching. She is revealed to be bisexual at the start of Series 2.
67* AgeGapRomance: Several. Aside from her flings with Alfie, she's had it off with her professor, a blind date Alfie's age and a former pupil. The few times we see her interact with men her own age, it never leads to any sparks.
68* BelligerentSexualTension: With Alfie.
69* BerserkButton: Don't ever try to dig up her deceased brother Freddie's memorial garden.
70* TheHeart: To Alfie, and in general of the main cast.
71* MisplacedKindergartenTeacher: She's a very sweet and caring person, and this is shown by the way she treats her homeroom kids. She is even berated multiple times by Isobel for being "too nice" to her students.
72* NiceGirl: Open-minded, knows how to make education applicable to kids and understands Alfie means well in spite of himself.
73* OnlySaneWoman: She's the most normal and sensible of all the teachers.
74* WillTheyOrWontThey: With Alfie.
77[[folder:Professor Celia Green]]
78->Actor: Samantha Spiro
81* BitchInSheepsClothing: Initially presents herself in a friendly manner but soon shows her true colors as an obnoxious, sadistic tyrant.
82* ContrastingSequelAntagonist: She's bright and cheerful in stark contrast to the dark and stern Isobel Pickwell, but Green manages to be just as authoritarian and perverted.
83* {{Expy}}: Her saccharine exterior and micromanaging bring to mind [[Literature/HarryPotter Dolores Umbridge]].
84* [[IBangedYourMom I Banged Your Dad]]: ''Loves'' to disgust Alfie by bringing up how she’s sleeping with his dad. She even has an explicit slide show running on a TV in her office, featuring nude photos of the two of them in sexual poses. He often walks in to the two having sex (one in his flat with Rosie and Joe, another with Martin in his desk with Celia underneath it, and the last at a bouncy castle during the fundraiser)
85* ItsAllAboutMe: When the school was on the verge of bankruptcy, she was unwilling to adjust her salary as she was saving up for a presumed vacation with Martin, and instead looked for other methods to get Abbey Grove back in the black by selling books, food and even Alfie's classroom TV, to name a few, much to the dismay of the staff.
86* [[spoiler: PutOnABus]]: [[spoiler:In the third series premiere, it is revealed that she took all of Martin's money and took off.]]
87* TooMuchInformation: Often likes to gross Alfie out by detailing her sexual exploits with his dad.
90[[folder:Preet van der Plessis]]
91-->Actor: Harry Peacock
92A South African gym rat, later physical education teacher at Abbey Grove.
95* AmoralAfrikaner: Embodies every stereotype. He mentions segregating changing rooms, but not by gender. He uses actual weapons during a self-defense exercise and he confesses his attraction to Alfie in the creepiest manner possible (showing his sketches of him sexually assaulting Alfie, both naked).
96* BilingualBonus: his dialogue is peppered with Afrikaans words. Alfie is a "moffie" - a CampGay and Rosie/Chantelle are both called "stukkie", a slang word for a girl/woman who is sexually attractive or somebody's girlfriend.
97* EmbarrassingMiddleName: one of his middle names is "Hoitetoit" - Afrikaans for "Hottentot" - a member of the black Khoikoi tribe. "Hottentot" is the older name imposed on them by Afrikaaners and is now thought to be something of an NWord.
98* ManlyGay: After beating the absolute shit out of Alfie and getting sent to prison, he concludes that he's sexually attracted to him.
99* OverlyLongName: Preet Cornelius Hennihenwig Hoitetoit Goosenhuissen Tabactablanche Vestavasen Voota van der Plessis
100* PrisonRape: his cellmate ended up with Alfie's face tattooed on his back.
101* SadistTeacher: formerly with the South African Defence forces, he teaches PE.
104[[folder:Martin Wickers]]
105->Actor: Harry Enfield
108* AmazinglyEmbarrassingParents: Often unintentionally embarrasses Alfie in front of his co-workers and pupils. At one point, he chases Alfie down to loudly give him his lunchbox in front of the new headteacher.
109* DirtyOldMan: He's way too open with his sex life for Alfie to handle.
110* TooMuchInformation: Frequently, much to Alfie’s discomfort.
114[[folder:Olive Mollinson]]
115->Actor: Leila Hoffman
118* DemotedToExtra: Not that she was ever really given much screentime; but she became this following series 2.
122[[folder:Stephen Carmichael]]
123->Actor: Layton Williams
124Form K's resident drama queen and aspiring dramatic actor. In Series 4, he returns to Abbey Grove as the drama teacher.
127* TheAce: He's shown to be talented at many things throughout the series, such as singing, dancing, sports, and even fighting.
128* AlwaysCamp: Managed to make Robocop fabulous.
129* CampGay: Best seen during the sack race, where he turns his sack into a stylish dress and walks down the track like he’s on a catwalk.
130* HiddenDepths: Despite his campy mannerisms, he’s a good fighter and a talented footballer.
131* WholesomeCrossdresser: Goes to the school dance dressed as a woman called ‘Stephanie’.
134[[folder:Mitchell Harper]]
135->Actor: Charlie Wernham
136The tough guy of Form K; he's from a lower-class upbringing, which is a target of jokes when he starts something. In Series 4, he returns to Abbey Grove after talking himself into getting a job as the PE teacher.
139* BelligerentSexualTension: [[spoiler:In series 3, with Cleo.]]
140* TheCracker: Surprisingly good at computers, and often uses his skills to illegally hack into websites.
141-->'''Mitchell:''' See? Told you the FBI website was piss easy to hack, man.
142* DeadpanSnarker: Usually along the lines of "Wotta penis!".
143* HiddenDepths: Shows a thoughtful and in-depth approach to human sexuality:
144-->'''Mitchell:''' Sir, so what if Gulliver's exploring her boundaries? Sexuality ain't a rigid set of definitions. It's a spectrum, and we're all fluctuating between its many polarities. ''(everyone stares in disbelief)'' [[ComicallyMissingThePoint Plus, yat on yat is fit, innit?]]
145* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Acts like a delinquent most of the time, but during his farewell, he admits that he genuinely likes Alfie and his classmates.
146** As a teacher, in "Whodunnit", he's the one who tells Hoburn about Stephen's plan to take Class K on a trip to his audition, because he's seen the kids worrying about their schoolwork and wants to get them some time to get their grades up.
147* LovableRogue: Unlike Grayson, Mitchell isn't a ''complete'' jerkass.
148* LowerClassLout: Lives in a caravan. His dad also has an unintelligible accent.
149* PutOnABus: Transfers out of Abbey Grove early in series 3 but is seen a few episodes later in juvie. He returns as a student in the movie.
150* StudentAndMasterTeam: Sometimes forms one with Blessing, who is both his pupil and his successor as Class K's resident hustler.
151* VitriolicBestBuds: Has a lot of banter with Rem Dogg.
155[[folder:Bernadette Hoburn]]
156->Actor: Vicki Pepperdine
157Abbey Grove's new, strict, headmistress in Season 4.
160* ContrastingReplacementCharacter: To her predecessor, Fraser - she's a strict, conservative disciplinarian in contrast to his TotallyRadical CloudCuckoolander qualities.
161* SexForServices: In "Whodunnit", [[spoiler:she offers to perform a sex act on Fraser's newly hired assistant, who she believes to be an Ofsted inspector in exchange for keeping the school out of special measures. He accepts, not realising that she doesn't understand who he is.]]
164!Mr. Wickers' Pupils
165[[folder:Chantelle Parsons]]
166->Actor: Nikki Runeckles
167A flirty and fashionable Form K girl who pursues Alfie.
170* HotForTeacher: Never goes a single episode without Chantelle making a pass at Alfie.
171* ShamelessFanserviceGirl: Auditioned for the school play with ''that'' scene from ''Film/BasicInstinct''. Alfie knew to cover his eyes.
175[[folder:Jing Chow]]
176->Actor: Kae Alexander
177A Chinese girl who is easily the most responsible and academically involved of Form K.
180* AsianAndNerdy: Throughout the first two seasons. In Season 3, however, the smart Jing has the desire to go down her own pathway in life (going on to a creative writing course in Paris).
181* CuteBookworm
182* DeliberateUnderPerformance: In the penultimate episode of Season 3, she is pressured by her parents to excel in her biology exam so that they can send her to their choice of private university. As she wanted her parents to love her for who she is, she deliberately sabotages her exam, writing "the worst paper anyone have ever seen, literally ungradable". After the exam papers were destroyed by Grayson in the skip fire, they retook it one week later; with Alfie filling in Jing's paper with poor and random answers, whilst Jing fills in Alfie's with the correct answers.
183* InterchangeableAsianCultures: Not her, but Alfie treats her in this way when he casts her as a Japanese [[note]]which her actress is in real life [[/note]] and then Korean when she's actually Chinese (whether he means to or not is a different question).
184* {{Jerkass}}: Was rather insulting against Alfie in series 1, using her foreign language to openly criticise him.
185* JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Despite how she views Alfie most of the time, she does come to his aid more often in later seasons and genuinely cares about him.
186* TookALevelInKindness: Evolved season by season, as she grew to understand Alfie's racial insensitivity wasn't deliberate.
187* WiseBeyondHerYears: Set up as an obvious foil to Alfie.
190[[folder:Joe Poulter]]
191->Actor: Ethan Lawrence
192A plus-sized boy often subject to Mr Wickers taking advantage of him.
195* ButtMonkey: He's bullied by students and teachers alike.
196* OnlySaneMan: On occasion, such as when Alfie wants to release a pig to impress Rosie. Joe tells him that it's a bad idea and asks why he doesn't just tell Rosie how he feels, but gets ignored.
197* TraumaticHaircut: In the second series premiere, he arrives with a bowl cut. At the beginning of series 3, he wears a beanie hat in most scenes after he got nits and his mother shaved his head.
198* TeachersPet: Alfie often favours him, trusts him the most and is the first person he goes to for favours.
201[[folder:Leslie "Rem Dogg" Remington]]
202->Actor: Jack Binstead
203A paraplegic student in Form K; he sits in the back of the room and often has back and forth with his best friend Mitchell, often with YourMom jokes.
206* EmoTeen: Throughout series 3, although he seems to have passed this phase some time before the events of the movie.
207* HeterosexualLifePartners: With Mitchell. Rem Dogg even breaks his silence to admit he loves him.
208* TheQuietOne: Becomes this in his EmoTeen phase; he rarely speaks throughout the season.
209* VitriolicBestBuds: With Mitchell.
212[[folder:Francis "Frank" Grayson]]
213->Actor: Jack Beance
214Abbey Grove's resident [[TheBully school bully]].
217* AntagonistInMourning: Despite all the crap he gives his teacher, Grayson genuinely misses Alfie because he lacks the self-esteem compared to Rosie.
218-->'''Grayson''': Turns out I need that bumbling, toffee-nosed wank stain like day needs night.
219* [[spoiler: ArmouredClosetGay]]: From the Christmas Special to [[spoiler: the Season 3 finale, becoming the Prom King with fellow Queen 'Stephanie']].
220* TheBully: Bullies everyone but his favourite target is ''Alfie''.
221* CharacterDevelopment: Receives a great deal towards the end of series 2 and throughout 3.
222* FreudianExcuse: Ventures from TheBully into the WellDoneSonGuy in the penultimate episode; Grayson's mother puts her chihuahua [[PreciousPuppies Coco]] on a pedestal, while she treats her son like crap, explaining his attitude with most of the students and Alfie. This would lead to him [[TookALevelInKindness seeing Alfie in a slightly better light]] and buy him, along with his teacher and class, some time in [[ItMakesSenseInContext switching out the plain tissue box out for the one with notes]].
223* HeldBackInSchool: A third series episode has Miss Gulliver mention that Frank's been held back ''five years''.
224* JerkJock: One of the nastier kids in the series.
225* PetTheDog: Shows signs of bonding with Alfie near the end of the series.
228[[folder:Cleopatra "Cleo" Ofoedo]]
229->Actor: Weruche Opia
230(Series 3) An aggressive transfer student to Abbey Grove after expulsion from ''twelve'' prior schools.
233* BelligerentSexualTension: [[spoiler:With Mitchell.]]
234* EverythingIsRacist: While some of Alfie's comments do have stereotypical racial undertones, there are times when Cleo points it out when there actually is none.
237!Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Harper's Pupils
239->Actor: Francesca Amewudah-Rivers
240A money-oriented girl who is always hustling and running scams which sometimes gets her into trouble.
242* StudentAndMasterTeam: Sometimes forms one with Mitchell, who is both her teacher and her predecessor as Class K's resident hustler.
247->Actor: Bobby Johnson
248A dim-witted but very loyal member of Class K.
251* SuspiciouslySimilarSubstitute: To Joe, minus the TeachersPet qualities.
255->Actor: Anthony J. Abraham
256An aspiring rapper who puts on a front that he's cool.
259* HiddenDepths: He sings soprano in his church choir, which comes out in "School Play", where he plays ''Meghan Markle'' in its titular event.
263->Actor: Laura Marcus
264A socially-conscious member of the class.
267* PrettyFlyForAWhiteGuy: In "Whodunnit", she's shown joining in in a rap cypher with a group of otherwise entirely Black students.
268* SoapboxSadie: In general, but best-exemplified in "Trailblazer", where she and Stephen attempt to "decolonise the school kitchen" by removing all non-Anglo-Saxon ingredients, resulting in a meal of turnips in rainwater.
272->Actor: Asha Hassan
273Class K's glamorous, social media obsessed gossip.
279->Actor: Ali Hadji-Heshmati
280A smart, quiet member of Class K who mostly keeps to himself. While talented, he often neglects his studies in order to help in Stephen's latest efforts to become a star.
283* TeachersPet: Is to Stephen what Joe was to Alfie, with Stephen often enlisting him in helping him with his auditions. In "Trailblazer", he's the only member of Class K to remember Stephen's birthday, and gives him a present.
286!Film Characters
287[[folder:Pasco Trevelyan]]
288->Actor: Creator/IainGlen
289The main antagonist; the leader of a extremist terrorist group known as the Cornish Liberation Army.
292* AntiVillain: All he really wants is independence for Cornwall and to bring justice to a corrupt MP, but he's willing to resort to extremist measures to do so.
293* BadassLongcoat: His trademark.
294* BigBad: Provides the central conflict in the movie.
295* BombThrowingAnarchist: Blows up at least one mansion.
296* WellIntentionedExtremist: Alfie even admits that he agrees with Pasco's ideology.
300[[folder:Susan Poulter]]
301->Actor: Joanna Scanlan
302Joe's haughty and overbearing mother.
305* BigDamnHeroes: She organises the other mothers to rescue the kids right when the Cornish Liberation Army is putting them in harm's way.
306* InspectorJavert: Records every mistake Alfie makes over the course of the field trip.
307* MamaBear: It's little wonder Joe turned out the way he did.
308* WhatTheHellHero: At one point, Alfie points out that she'd rather humiliate him than actually protect her son.
312[[folder:Atticus Hoye]]
313->Actor: Creator/JeremyIrvine
314An old classmate of Alfie's.
317* TheGhost: Was this throughout the series, often a fond mention from Alfie and usually involved in some kind of homoerotic activity.
318* HateSink: Pasco and Susan are the main antagonists, but their motives are understandable. Atticus meanwhile is a plain old bully with no depth or reason to his cruelty.
319* SchoolyardBullyAllGrownUp: An over-privileged snot that forces Alfie into harmful situations for his own amusement.
324->Actor: Creator/TalulahRiley
325Atticus' girlfriend.
328* AlphaBitch: Is dating Atticus, but leads Alfie on because she likes the power it gives her.
329* RomanticFalseLead: Alfie briefly considers picking her over Rosie, but quickly realises she doesn't respect him.
