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Context Awesome / ThisWarOfMine

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1* Despite the cruel and oppressive tones, the game is made to practically engineer moments like this, as instead of just scrounging around trying to survive, you can engage in [[BigDamnHeroes Big Damn Rescues]] and lethal raids on heinous raiders and soldiers in order to get access to their valuable goodies. Pat yourself on the back extra if you manage to get through these operations unscratched.
2** Special mention goes to the soldier encounter at the grocery store. The game gives you plenty of time to sneak forward and listen to the conversation, where the soldier offers to feed a poor hungry woman in exchange for a [[RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil “favor”.]] When she refuses, he threatens her with his gun and starts to lead her to the back of the store. [[VideoGameCrueltyPotential This allows you to sneak through and loot the grocery store without any problem]]…and also provides a deliciously ripe opportunity to sneak up from behind and ''gore the bastard'' using whatever tool you have at hand (backstabs with a knife or axe with most characters will nearly kill the soldier and it’s merely a matter of attacking the soldier again to finish them off). Success results in a major mood boost to whoever did the deed, the girl’s gratitude, the entire stock of the grocery store, and the gear from the soldier (Which usually includes the ''[[InfinityMinusOneSword almighty shotgun.]]'')
3** There is also a pair of soldiers at the construction site. It's implied they're taking shots at civilians, and reveling in the carnage. Use the site’s levels and nooks to your advantage, and you can take them out from the shadows, stealing their ill gotten loot for your own, which includes the [[InfinityPlusOneSword Scoped Assault Rifle]], far and away one of the best weapons in the game.
4* Surviving the war with [[NintendoHard just Marko]]. By far the hardest starting scenario in the game.
5* Taking out the military base. The military base contains exactly one entrance and exit, which is constantly guarded (you’re only allowed to approach because one of the soldiers is open for trade.) and contains no less than '''8''' soldiers, all armed to the teeth with bullet proof vests, assault rifles and pistols. You can either strike from the shadows, or go in guns blazing. Either way, taking out every soldier results in being able to take directly from their stockpiles, which contains food, medicine, and enough bullets and guns to fuel an army.
6* Upgrading every station, fortifying all defenses, and having enough supplies and valuables to make you rich, all without doing any sort of crime against the innocent survivors. Managing to pull that off feels good.
7* One for the developers is Update 1.3, which added two new levels, a scenario editor (where one can pick one's starting survivors and fixed locations), and a custom survivor tool. Kudos to 11 Bit Studios for releasing this for free, because they care.
