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Context Awesome / PlanetOfTheApes

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1* The first ''Film/PlanetOfTheApes1968'' film had one for Charlton Heston's character. After recovering from being shot in the throat, the intrepid space captain escapes into the city, where he's subsequently caught in a large net, in town square. The first words the apes ever hear from a human throat? "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty APE!"
2** The ending certainly has to count as one, as it's perhaps the most famous DownerEnding for a Hollywood blockbuster. And Heston plays it for all its worth: "Oh my God... we finally, really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"
3* In ''Escape from...'', Doctor Zira easily solved the intelligence test set for her by the human scientists, then refused to eat the reward which supposedly motivated her: "Because I loathe bananas."
4** Which are (chronologically speaking) the first words humans ever hear from an ''ape'' throat.
5** Even better, rather than using the blocks to build a tower and then climbing it (what the scientists expected her to do), she uses them to ''build a staircase'', and then calmly walks up it.
6* The entire creation of the planet of the apes in ''Conquest'', ending with a plea from Caesar that they prove themselves better than their human oppressors, and "We who are not human can be humane."
7* in ''Battle:''
8** Mandemus isn't afraid to defy the powerful (both physically and in terms of supporters) Aldo.
9--> '''Mandemus:''' There is a law that weapons from this armory may only be issued under direct orders from Caesar, and not under threats from one of his ''thicker-headed'' subordinates for whom war means only personal glory.
10** Caesar's routing of Kolp and his army is quite impressive, given how it involves dozens of people PlayingPossum before they take out the mutants with guns, clubs, and nets.
