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Context Awesome / ForBetterOrForWorse

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1* Farley's HeroicSacrifice. An aging dog, risking his life (and dying) to save April is nothing short of amazing. Even better, it was his ''first'' instinct as soon as April fell in and went under the currents. He jumps in, grabs her hoodie, and keeps treading water to make sure they both can breathe.
2* The girls getting payback on Michael, Gordon, and Lawrence in the TV series segment "A Tent's Situation."
3* Edgar also gets one. He runs home, barking frantically at Elly and John, refusing to come inside until they follow him. If not for Edgar, April and Farley might have either drowned or succumbed to hypothermia.
4* For the strip itself, being willing to become the first to include a gay character.
5* Deanna FINALLY standing up to her mother, after months of Mira trying to live vicariously through her daughter by hijacking her wedding, when Mira takes issue with [[StraightGay Lawrence]] being in the wedding party.
6* Elizabeth's dumping of her boyfriend Eric deserves mention: For months, Eric had been cheating on Elizabeth with a woman named Tina who goes to their school and then emotionally manipulating her into feeling guilty for being at all suspicious. He then leaves for Hockey Practice, sans skates so Elizabeth runs them to him... and finds out he's not there and he's been bringing Tina to practice. She goes to Tina's apartment to confront them.. and it turns out Tina had no idea they were in a relationship, causing both to blow up at him:
7-->'''Eric:''' Tina, Elizabeth just calm down OK? You're accusing me of stuff and I need to get my head around it.
8-->'''Elizabeth:''' ''(while holding up an angry fist)'' [[ShutUpHannibal Get your head around this!]]
9-->'''Tina:''' Elizabeth called one night looking for you... and you told me to say you weren't home! [[MyGodWhatHaveIDone You had some stupid reason and like an idiot I believed you!]] You were cheating on her!
10-->'''Eric:''' What is this? Am I on trial here? Don't I get to say anything?
11-->'''Both Girls:''' [[BigYes Yes!!]] [[AnalogyBackfire Plead Guilty!]]
12** Finally, Eric locks himself in the bathroom for a while out of fear from the girls before coming out and giving a sniveling, manipulative apology... and promptly gets [[TalkToTheFist Socked by both of them.]] They then proceed to chase him out of the apartment, with Elizabeth getting one last parting shot in: She gave his brand new skates to the Salvation Army.
13* One for April and Moira; April finds out that the new employee Kortney is visiting adult chatrooms during work. When Kortney threatens to knock her teeth out, April tells Grandpa Jim and her mother, calling out the latter for being in denial. Moira takes April's side and warns Kortney that if she doesn't shape up, she'll be out of time soon. Kortney appropriately goes OhCrap.
14* A few months later, Moira doesn't believe Kortney when the latter claims that missing inventory was donated to a local church or sold. She teams up with April to verify the checks' authenticity and learns they were forged. The police also find out that Kortney allowed her boyfriend to steal model trains from the store. After this, Moira takes the initiative to fire Kortney on the grounds of fraud, theft, and lying while Elly is on vacation. April gives Elly a sad IToldYouSo about it.
15* Michael finally standing up to Mira, after the latter barges in on a romantic dinner between him and Deanna and wakes up Meredith.
16* Mira getting fed up with the Kelfrophs when they bang the ceiling (despite them making very little noise) by ''clanging pots and pans together and jumping up and down.''
17--> '''Mira:''' You want noise?! Here’s some noise!
18** Deanna FINALLY growing a spine and telling her mother to leave when the fighting scares Meredith.
19* For fans of April, seeing her earn an exciting career with the Calgary Stampede and meet a boyfriend who’s not Gerald or another childhood friend is this after getting dumped on practically her entire life.
20* In her biography, Cadence cutting ties with her mother for siding with her sexual predator boyfriend and staying away from Milborough is this. Especially since the strip’s message is sticking with your family and hometown at all costs.
21* Another Deanna moment where she GrewASpine: When Michael tries to use his writing to get out of eating dinner with her, the kids and her parents, she puts her foot down and ''demands'' he stop his work and join them. And he does. Granted, he’s visibly unhappy about it and she eventually lets him leave, but it’s better than her usual ExtremeDoormat behavior.
