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History Trivia / WhosThatKnockingAtMyDoor

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* BillingDisplacement: Zina Bethune was actually somewhat well-known at the time, having been a child actress in TheFifties and the star of a Creator/{{CBS}} MedicalDrama called ''The Nurses'' that ran for a years in TheSixties, so she's billed ahead of then-newcomer Creator/HarveyKeitel.


* BillingDisplacement: Zina Bethune was actually somewhat well-known at the time, having been a child actress in TheFifties and the star of a Creator/{{CBS}} MedicalDrama called ''The Nurses'' that ran for a years year in TheSixties, so she's billed ahead of then-newcomer Creator/HarveyKeitel.
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* BillingDisplacement: Zina Bethune had been a child actress and had done some TV work around the time of the film, so she's billed ahead of then-newcomer Creator/HarveyKeitel.


* BillingDisplacement: Zina Bethune had was actually somewhat well-known at the time, having been a child actress in TheFifties and had done some TV work around the time star of the film, a Creator/{{CBS}} MedicalDrama called ''The Nurses'' that ran for a years in TheSixties, so she's billed ahead of then-newcomer Creator/HarveyKeitel.
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* NoBudget: It was filmed over a period of about three years, on a budget of $75,000 (about half a million in today's money).
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* BillingDisplacement: Zina Bethune had been a child actress and had done some TV work around the time of the film, so she's billed ahead of then-newcomer Creator/HarveyKeitel.
* ProductionPosse: The posse of Creator/MartinScorsese began forming with this film, since he worked with Creator/HarveyKeitel, editor Thelma Schoonmaker and frequent collaborator Mardik Martin.
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* WorkingTitle: The initial student film version was called ''Bring on the Dancing Girls''. The full-length version was first released as ''I Call First'' (from a TitleDrop in the scene where J.R. and his buddies try to figure who'll get to be next to make out with the girl at the party). The version with the added sex scene became ''Who's That Knocking at My Door'', then a 1970 re-release changed the title to ''J.R.'', before it reverted back to its current title.


* WorkingTitle: The initial student film version was called ''Bring on the Dancing Girls''. The full-length version was first released as ''I Call First'' (from a TitleDrop in the scene where J.R. and his buddies try to figure who'll get to be next to make out with the girl at the party). The version with the added sex scene became ''Who's That Knocking at My Door'', then a 1970 re-release changed the title to ''J.R.'', before it reverted back to its current title.title.

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* WorkingTitle: The movie was originally titled ''I Call First''.


* RealLifeRelative: Creator/MartinScorsese's mother Catherine plays J.R.'s mother in the opening scene, marking the first of many cameos by Scorsese's parents in his movies.
* WorkingTitle: The movie initial student film version was originally titled called ''Bring on the Dancing Girls''. The full-length version was first released as ''I Call First''.First'' (from a TitleDrop in the scene where J.R. and his buddies try to figure who'll get to be next to make out with the girl at the party). The version with the added sex scene became ''Who's That Knocking at My Door'', then a 1970 re-release changed the title to ''J.R.'', before it reverted back to its current title.
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* WorkingTitle: The movie was originally titled "I Call First".


* WorkingTitle: The movie was originally titled "I ''I Call First".First''.
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* WorkingTitle: The movie was originally titled "I Call First".
