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History Fridge / PokemonGoldFanmade

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** It gets worse when Silver ''[[FaceHeelTurn joins Team Rocket]]'' as the one reason he would have cared is ''gone''.


** It gets worse when Silver ''[[FaceHeelTurn joins Team Rocket]]'' as the one reason he would have cared is ''gone''.''gone''.
* The preview for Episode 28 shows that Archer managed to get a Lugia. Pokemon corrupted by Team Rocket’s radio waves are established to have [[RedEyesTakeWarning red eyes]]. Thing is, as some fans pointed out, [[VideoGame/PokemonXDGaleOfDarkness there was a game with a red-eyed Lugia]]. This implies that Archer is creating Shadow Pokemon. Which begs the question: is he doing it really only out of morbid curiosity? Or did he team up with Cipher? If the latter, why did he do it? It doesn't help that May, who Jasmine consistently mentioned throughout the series, debuted in the same generation as Cipher in canon. Nor that [[VideoGame/PokemonGo a version of Team Rocket]] also uses Shadow Pokemon.
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* In episode 20, Silver believes that sick Pokemon are useless, and when he says "Just let sick Pokemon go", he makes a gesture that implies that, if not for the fact [[BerserkButton Team Rocket was responsible for all the Pokemon getting sick]], Silver ''was perfectly willing to [[MurderByInaction let the sick Pokemon die]]''.


* In episode 20, Silver believes that sick Pokemon are useless, and when he says "Just let sick Pokemon go", he makes a gesture that implies that, if not for the fact [[BerserkButton Team Rocket was responsible for all the Pokemon getting sick]], Silver ''was perfectly willing to [[MurderByInaction let the sick Pokemon die]]''.die]]''.
** It gets worse when Silver ''[[FaceHeelTurn joins Team Rocket]]'' as the one reason he would have cared is ''gone''.
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* A lot of people think Lance is a cheating bastard because he has several underleveled Dragonites. Thing is, it may not be his fault: Archer tried to make it impossible for the Gym Leaders and Elite Four to stop him, yet Lance and his Pokémon fought through Archer's radio waves anyway. This couldn't have happened without consequences, so it's really Archer's fault that Lance has underleveled Pokémon.


* A lot of people think Lance is a cheating bastard because he has several underleveled Dragonites. Thing is, it may not be his fault: Archer tried to make stated he made sure he made it impossible for the Gym Leaders and Elite Four to stop him, yet it's a ForegoneConclusion Lance and his Pokémon fought through Archer's radio waves will come to stop him anyway. This couldn't have happened without consequences, so it's really Archer's fault that Lance has underleveled Pokémon.
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* A lot of people think Lance is a cheating bastard because he has several underleveled Dragonites. Thing is, it may not be his fault: Archer tried to make it impossible for the Gym Leaders and Elite Four to stop him, yet Lance and his Pokémon fought through Archer's radio waves anyway. This couldn't have happened without consequences, so it's really Archer's fault that Lance has underleveled Pokémon.
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'''Warning! As per policy, Fridge Subpages are Administrivia/SpoilersOff. Administrivia/YouHaveBeenWarned.'''

!! FridgeBrilliance:
* While it may seem odd that Whitney has so many Miltank, it is actually a case of RealityIsUnrealistic. U.S Dairy Farms average [[ 135 Cows per farm]] and she owns a dairy farm.
* Despite the fact Jasmine and May are friends is unexpected, it isn't impossible. The PlayerCharacter of ''VideoGame/PokemonRubyAndSapphire'' was born in Olivine City, so they could have known Jasmine from prior to moving to Hoenn.

!! FridgeHorror:
* As an animation Pedro made celebrating Ash Ketchum's retirement shows, [[Fanfic/EasterEggSnowOnMtSilver there's snow on Mt. Silver, and Red is paler than he was in his series]]. While we know both Red and Gold are alive and well after ''Sun and Moon'', there's a chance that, when Gold will encounter Red, ''the latter and his Pokémon will be on the verge of dying from frostbite''. It gets worse when you consider the appearance Misty, Red's LoveInterest, had this far. It's shown that [[TheFirstCutIsTheDeepest even after going on multiple dates, she never managed to move on from Red]]. She loved Red with all her heart, he returned her feelings, and what did he do? [[TooDumbToLive Run away and go into hiding on a freezing mountain top.]] [[YouFool What a fool you were, Red:]] [[WhatTheHellHero taking the feelings of the woman you loved and you knew she loved you for granted, all because you hated fame.]] The ''Pokemon Red Tales'' video gives further fuel to the horror: the animation is monochrome and titled "LOST CHAMPION". The creepypasta where Red dies to frostbite is commonly considered a prequel to another creepypasta featuring Gold, namely ''Fanfic/PokemonLostSilver'', which is featured in ''VideoGame/FridayNightFunkinLullaby'' via a song titled "Monochrome". ''Lost Silver's'' main theme is that everyone's achievements will be lost to time... and Red's line in "LOST CHAMPION" shows that Red ''wants'' his achievements to be forgotten.
* In episode 20, Silver believes that sick Pokemon are useless, and when he says "Just let sick Pokemon go", he makes a gesture that implies that, if not for the fact [[BerserkButton Team Rocket was responsible for all the Pokemon getting sick]], Silver ''was perfectly willing to [[MurderByInaction let the sick Pokemon die]]''.
