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Archived Discussion VisualNovel / KatawaShoujo

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Rogue 7: I'm scared to admit how much I enjoyed this. Crap, I'm a full-blown Moe fanboy, aren't I? Ah well, so long as I'm aware of it, I'll turn out OK, I think. But seriously, this seems really well-done. I'm just disappointed that the full version isn't going to be out for a long time. Hanako's route cut off so damn suddenly!

Killersquid: Don't worry Rogue. It scared me too. It softens this old Grimdark lover's heart.

Latw PIAT: Yay, free stuff! An awful amount of text though... I guess that's why they call them Light Novels. On a related subject, did anyone notice the passage where the blind Misha was about to talk but stopped because Shizune looked like she was about to burst out a long triade of conversation?

Rogue 7: Light Novels are something different, mate. This is a Visual Novel. And Lilly's the blind one. Misha'd have a very hard time interpreting for Shizune if she was blind. But I don't recall that during their little spat.

Latw PIAT: Beh, fuzzy pseudoforeign terms I am missapplying, never will use and get the wrong emytology of. Yeah, I meant Lilly. Either way, it's just something I noticed. All this focus on disabilities and suddenly something that doesn't make sense. If I'm being nice I might tell them about it. Though I'm not working my way through that much text again just to give them a "bug" report.

Rogue 7: In the "extras" bit there's a chance to view the scenes individually.

Action Zero: Oh god why is this so well made? My mind is BAFFLED.

Shockz: To the guy who put in the Crossing the Line Twice entry I deleted, a little further explanation: KS would be Crossing the Line Twice if instead of avoiding the various disability cliches, it played them so dead straight that it went right past offensiveness and into "good" territory. This is obviously not the case. KS avoids being offensive (at least, to those who don't find the concept of eroges in general offensive) by making the characters well-rounded and at least semi-realistic instead of defining them by their disability. (Hopefully the devs manage to keep this up by the time they get to the H-scenes.)

Also, someone start up a character sheet plzkthx.

Killersquid: A character sheet needs us to know the characters. We have only seen Act 1, and who knows when the full game will come out with the rest of the acts.

Doppler: Here's me putting a tinfoil hat on. Could it be that Kenji may have been put in the same position Hisao is in a few years back. His dialogue with Hisao on the roof seems to hint that he was in a situation similar to a VN earlier when he had a girlfriend. His actions are because he got seated with a bad end of his own. On a somewhat related note, perhaps his ex-girlfriend was Lilly. In one scene he explicitly refers to her as "That blind broad" which contains more animosity than any of the other women he refers to. Anybody think I have something here?

InspectorIncognito: I downloaded this expecting some horribly Rule34-ish tripe, but I must confess I was hooked until I read every possible path in the demo. Everything's handled so tactfully and done so well (the writing has that wonderful trace of Anon in it) that I will be highly recommending it to my VN-obsessed friend back home.

INUH: This is the definitive example of Better Than It Sounds.

Darth l33t: I really prefer the old pic. Yes, there's more than one character in the game, but that's what a character sheet is for, and the new pic tells us absolutely nothing about the characters. The Rin pic instantly communicates exactly what the game is about, which is pretty much the point of the title pic.

  • Radical Taoist: I disagree; it puts this off from a lot of similar works pages where multiple members of the cast are visible, and we've got way too much focus on Rin in the quotes page already. That said, some sort of compromise can probably be reached if a character page is started and we have to decide what images to use there. (there's also images like this and this to work with) EDIT: WAIT! THIS!

LO Rd: Yeah this game is REALLY REALLY GOOD. I've been entry pimping this to hell and back because it's got so many tropes wonderfully executed. The designs for the characters seem to clash once in a while, but at least on average the graphics are prettier than, say, some of the stuff by TYPE-MOON.

BrightBlueInk: I've never played a Visual Novel before. Just finished playing Hanako's route on the demo. I LOVE this game. Can't wait to get 100% on the demo, and for the full game to come out. I'm seriously impressed with how this is turning out.

kosherbacon: I've noticed that there's a lot of artwork by both staff and fan artists in the KS's shimmie gallery involving characters yet to be introduced in the game(or even confirmed to be a Katawa Shoujo character), including ones that ship various ones together. Even the ones by staff artists aren't supposed to be canon, so would that be an example of Fan Wank and Ship Teasing?
