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Archived Discussion Main / TrialOfTheMysticalJury

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Trial of the Mystical Jury: From YKTTW

Meta4: I'm removing the Gunnerkrigg Court example, because the accusers in question are the main villains as far as we can tell, and because the portion of the meeting that could be called a trial lasts less than a page before getting completely derailed. Ysengrin doesn't even finish accusing Antimony:

  • In Gunnerkrigg Court, one chapter involves Antimony on trial by a bunch of animal gods because she accidentally left a destroyed robot parrot in their mystical land - and these animals *hate* technology. The chapter deals with her realizing what happened, being scared about what might happen to her, and having to be rescued.

Master_Prichter: Passepartout (sp?) in Verne's "around [...] 80 days" entered some sort of temple with shoes on. Among the oldest ones.

Meta4: That would go on the main page, then, rather than here. Examples should only be listed on the discussion page if they're being disputed.

Unknown Troper: Here's something I can't figure out. Remember when all the animals put Dot on trial in Dot and the Kangaroo? Well, would that count as this trope, Joker Jury, Kangaroo Court (it fits a description, but ironically the kangaroo is the only one that isn't in on it), or Humanity on Trial? Honestly (in the novella at least), it seems to be a blend of all of these.

Big T: The only two tropes that could even be considered mutually exclusive are Joker Jury and Trial of the Mystical Jury, and the difference between these two can be subjective. Is the trial-starter a villain or not?
