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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Reverse Eigen Plot: From YKTTW

Hit-and-Run Removed this comment to the example of Cypher in "The New Mutants".

"** He's actually somewhat of a subversion. When the character was first introduced (the early nineties), his powers might have fit into this trope. But consider that he can instantly and perfectly master any computer language. Today, even in the real world, he would be one of the most powerful people on the planet."

I am not familiar with this character, but if his power works as described, then no, it wouldn't make him "one of the most powerful people on the planet". You see, there are already literally millions of people out there who've learned those languages the normal way. Programming isn't a special power, it's just a job. If it's instant code-breaking he can do, that's different– (though I'm really not sure how much language-learning abilities would help with that anyway). From what's said there, though, it sounds as if his power is "knowing C++".

If I'm mistaken here, and you want to restore it, be my guest– however, I think a bit more explanation is needed.
