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Archived Discussion Main / SheFu

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

anon: Sorry...

Looney Toons: Anon, stop moving comments off the discussion pages and into the main pages.
// um... Buffy was the embodiment of the Extraordinarily Empowered Girl. Most of her fights were loaded with She-Fu, resulting in wildly unrealistic action sequences. - anon
Da_Nuke: Sorry for screwing up the page. My connection was lagging and the whole post didn't made it to the server. I already fixed it all.

Lale: You must go to my college.

Morgan Wick: "Why did she have to be a cheerleader? If she was on the debate team I would've vaporized her by now!" I feel like adding "(never mind that if she was on the debate team he probably wouldn't have to deal with her in the first place)" but that would probably come off as inappropriate discussion.
Rogue 7: I thought Ty Lee was just a crazy circus girl with a big family- I'm too lazy to go back and watch "The Beach" again, but is she really fire nation nobility?

Duckluck: Similarly, in what universe does Avatar have a "strong sense of realism?" I mean, even if you ignore all the benders, there's still all the crazy kung fu flips, four foot vertical leaps, and Sokka's magic boomerang. Seems like flimsy justification for some editor's Epileptic Trees.

Biffbiffley: AS to aeon flux.. with the art style totally disregarding things like.. Oh.. proportion, it's HIGHLY likely there's some extra vertabrae in there somewhere... I hope.
