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Seanette: Cut "* Subversion: Dexter's title character is a serial killer, but there are no notes, no police taunting. Because he works for the police. It's where he gets the people he ends up killing. " as a duplicate of another example.
ViEf Potential Serial Killer subtropes:
  • Variation of Acquitted Too Late : a suspect is arrested, and while he's in jail, the real killer kills again, and he's free
  • There's a serial killer in town. Do you want to kill someone? Emulate the serial killer and lay the blame on him. Then two things may happen:
    • You are not as good as the real killer, the cops will catch you soon, and they'll think YOU are the real serial killer: while you're in jail, the real killer kills again, the hunt for the real killer goes on (but this time you remain in jail)
    • You miss an important detail, e.g. a Calling Card, because the cops did not disclose it. The cops are not morons, they'll immediately understand there is an emulator and they'll catch you soon - the hunt for the real killer goes on.
  • The best variation. Do you want to kill someone? And there's no serial killer in town? Become the serial killer. Create it, complete with victimology, Calling Card, Along Came A Spider clues and so on. Kill your designated victim among other people. Of course, in the end you'll be caugth, but you'll give the cops a hard time. Examples: Agatha Christie's The ABC Murders, Ed Mc Bain's Mischief (87th Precinct series).
What do you think about all this stuff? (p.s. Note that I'm not talking about Jack the Ripoff , a different trope)
